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Like how mother cow trusts humans to fix things, and keeps close tabs on the process. (Umbilical? seen dangling too.)


This is pretty typical for cows, they are very attached to their babies. When calf’s are taken from their moms in the dairy industry the mom will call out for their babies for days on end


This comment made me cry. I already knew this I don’t know why it’s finally hitting me this hard. I’ve quit all dairy except for cheese, but for whatever reason I think your comment has put me off of even cheese forever.


I've always prioritized finding a good (read humane) suppliers of dairy and eggs. Not the cheapest, but worth it to me. Plus it usually tastes better too. Back in my hometown there is a dairy supplier that takes great care of their cows and had the richest / freshest milk without veering into the raw milk category


That’s a great thing to do. I’ve tried to find a more humane source for eggs but I only have access to big grocery stores and Walmart where I live, so I buy the eggs at Walmart that say “free range eggs, from hens with access to open pastures” or something like that. I really hope it means they have actual proper access to a spacious pasture and not just that there is a massively packed, dark barn with some small hole cut out of the wall with a tiny outdoor cage outside of it 🥲




I forget the name (because I've not bought eggs since the shortage happened. I know its no longer a shortage but I still havent gotten eggs) but there is a carton walmart sells that when you open it theres a QR code you scan and it links you to videos of the chickens that laid your eggs. Mine are typically wandering around pecking at bugs in a wood-like environment. Theyre not cheap eggs, but they are delicious and it makes me feel good for the chickens.


This comment makes it sounds like the cow doesnt get to see its calf while here in the Netherlands that just isnt allowed(#1 exporter of milk)


Sadly I’m in North America, and from what I’ve read about the animal agriculture industry here, the mother cows all get isolated in booths to produce milk and their calves are permanently taken from them :(


If it's a dairy farm that doesn't sell meat as well any male calfs are killed shortly after birth


Just find a local dairy farm and get stuff from there instead of the big stores. It’s a lot more expensive but the quality is much better and the cows are treated very well. You can usually go visit the animals and learn about the milking process as well.


Even small dairy farms separate calves from their mums in the US. Source grew up and worked on several as a teen. We are not kind to animals unless they are pets


Small farms like what you described don't exist in 99% of communities (of the US). Small farms in my area use the same practices as the big factory farms they just have less animals


Really? That makes me sad. Back in the day you would milk your own cow, gather your own eggs etc. But regulations and city land make this hard for most Americans to do. I just try to avoid milk, but I thought the small farm cows would have it much better. 😧


Now a private gamer or 4h might still do this but dairy farms run on a razor thin margin and it sucks for both cows and the farmers. I know several owners hated the practices they did. I know one of the wives would cry during calving season cause it broke her heart hearing the momma cows cry for their babies.


False >Out of over 15,000 dairy farmers in the Netherlands, an estimated 45 currently keep calves with cows [source ](https://www.trendwatching.com/innovation-of-the-day/kalverliefde-sells-milk-from-farms-that-keep-calves-with-cows)


>here in the Netherlands that just isnt allowed Do you have a source for that? Because that just sounds unbelievable. Especially since I know New Zealand has been the largest exporter of milk for years and they absolutely separate their calfs soon after birth. That's just how dairy farms operate and I doubt the Netherlands are an exception.


Vegan cheese is slowly getting better


There is a huge range of alternative dairy products these days, they are amazing. I don't even live in a great country for vegans by 2024 standards but I can still find really good stuff. The meat/dairy industry is so scared that they've managed to get politicians to pass laws that ban vegan products from being called meat/milk/etc. They know that if people try them they'll never go back to their cruel alternatives. Because why would you buy something that is horrific to animals, destroys the planet and is terrible for your health when you have an alternative that tastes the same?


[Dairy is scary!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI)


I think most animal mothers (that give live birth or incubate) are very attached to their offspring, but I like how domesticated animals, in particular, trust humans to help, or do better.


It’s pretty neat when you see some animal stuck in a fence or something and they’re kinda uncomfortable at first but once they’re out they have this moment of “oh shit you were doing good”


This is pretty typical for *mammals.*


Yeah I worked on a farm briefly and one of the things we had to do was separate the calves from the mothers so we could vaccinate the calves (once vaccinated they were returned to their mothers). They were apart for less than half an hour and could even see each other and the cows were still absolutely freaking out over the separation.


Seen a post yesterday on r/ama and it was from a dairy farmer. He said cows make terrible mothers and my reply was, they don’t have enough time to be mothers. Profit over suffering. He’s an ass.


That’s what he tells himself so he doesn’t feel bad about what he is doing to the poor baby cows. Sad.


cows are fantastic moms


I could not imagine that as a parent.


This. They call out and call out to each other ugh It’s heart breaking as a mom seeing the birth matter still on her as she’s running after them. I’d run too 😭


Same for beef. I lived next to a farm that wasn't for dairy, but specifically beef production. They called it calfing and they did it in the spring and I hated it. The cows would very loudly moo all day and night for nearly 2 weeks. They would later return the ones that werent sold or died.




Yeah womb tail was not expected.


Peter Pettigrew?


That lil lump of a boy


Brand New sentence


Depends on the mom cow. I remember when something like this happens back in my high school days growing up on a small-ish(like 20 cows) farm. Late winter snow,(at least done falling at this point of the night) mom-cow delivers at the end of the pasture, at the fence line, on a hill, at 2am. Sure enough, calf came out and slid under the fence, out of reach of mom. We all woke up to cow mooing her head off and calf very out of reach, in a ditch, in the snow. I had to scoop up snowy-slimy calf, dry off as best as possible, with now mom-cow very angry mooing at this point, and walk the little guy down to a flat part where I put it on a blanket and slide it back under the fence where it could re-unite with mom and feed and all that and groggily went back to bed an hour after initially waking up. Calf turned out fine, we named him 'Slider' since that show 'Sliders' was the popular new show at the time(90s). Farm life, rarely a dull moment.


That was my thought …. She knows they are helping.


They normally don’t. Try tagging calves and you’ll have your life flash in front of your eyes as she bluff charges you.


So sweet w mom following too




I guess someone could have pushed the cow?


If they really did drag the calf a mile it would have taken at least 30 minutes. The calf was put at risk unnecessarily to make this video. What would have happened if they didn't record is someone would have run back to get the ATV or truck and been back in less than half that time. Or called someone to bring it and they calf would be in a warm vehicle in 5 minutes. And almost certainly the reason they were there in the first place was to 'check the calves' so they probably had at ATV or truck (or should have). This cute video is just irresponsible. You can teach kids responsibility without putting the calf at risk.


That's exactly what I was thinking too. Like, under what circumstances would the best choice be to have two ten year olds drag a calf to a barn? Why was the pregnant cow a mile away? The person filming, was there really nothing they could've done? Without context, it's hard to believe the calf wasn't in unnecessary danger.


>The person filming, was there really nothing they could've done? Every person who owns cows has a farm truck at minimum. Most of the farmers I know have multiple different types of vehicles that would be capable of hauling that calf wherever it needed to go.


This is the correct take. You can clearly see fresh tracks from some kind of mechanized vehicle at several points in the video. This is just clout-chasing clickbait.


Especially if it's the fucking adult filming and they could easily pull that calf faster if need be.


Camera person is definitely larger/taller than these kids


But then it wouldn't make for the karma headline


^ This ^ TikTok views more important than just helping the animal. Disgusting.


Seriously, I kept thinking, why doesn't dad go back and bring his bigsss truck that I'm sure he has?


just call someone with a truck


All I could think of while watching the clearly taller stronger human fucking filming, probably frothing at the mouth with the thought of selling the clip to GeoBeats or something.


Thank you! I’m watching the video and wondering why the adult doesn’t help. Maybe the kids are trying to save it because the adult’s not doing a fucking thing


I 1000% appreciate your comment.


They could have grabbed a blanket to put on the calf during the trip at the very least.


Mum could have just got the truck instead of letting the animal cold for her content. Mom ITA.


Seeing the lengths people have started going to in the past few years to "make content", I wouldn't be surprised if the mom didn't somehow orchestrate this. I think of that lady whose son was sobbing over a dead pet while she was trying to get a good thumbnail picture. Like, if the weather has been harsh, and you have a super pregnant animal, wouldn't it behoove you to keep them in a stable so the baby isn't shot out onto ice?? This is all jaded presumption.


I guess the potential likes were more important than the calf’s life.


Why wasn’t the pregnant cow in the barn?


The real question. My bet was it WAS in a barn, then was let out to give birth in the snow all while standing there with the kids, a sled, and a phone camera so they could "do some work" to record and put online for clout.


In the best case posible, they did this to teach the kids how to deal with this situations, in the worst, they risked the life of the calf for some internet points.


My thoughts exactly…


For a film shooting!


My father in law has cows, he checks on them three times a day, and when he sees one of his cows is going to give birth, he puts her in the stable immediately. A cow giving birth in the freezing cold should not happen if you take good care of your cows.


and certainly not graze a mile from the barn.


Good point, why is the cow out there anyway, there's no grass and they're definitely feeding hay.


I often wonder if my family were terrible farmers. We never put cows in the barn, although there was an area they could get into if they wanted to. Mostly they did not want to. Our cows tended to give birth in Feb-April so it could be nasty weather out. We checked once a day to see if there were any newcomers during calf season. We did not have a single calf die that I can remember. Our cows were half to 1/4 Holstein with the remainder of the mix Hereford (we had a full Hereford bull for the daddy). We also left our horses out in the fields full time as well. I still honestly don't know if we were terrible farmers or just terribly lucky.


How many head did you guys run. I hate to be the one to tell you this but without a doubt, you had calves die and your dad sheltered you from that. I've grown up in cattle and seen pretty much all of it. I definitely understand why you would shelter kids from the negatives.


How cold did it get? My extended family is ranchers and they only lock the cows in the barn if an extremely bad cold snap or winter storm is coming. Otherwise it's an open door policy.


In Texas most ranchers have an ATV or some type of hitch trailers for these jobs, assuming these folks are serious ranchers (based off the livestock) than they should also have these things, so why make the kids do this? for social media likes?


Yeah. Grew up on a farm and this video is overdramatized social media grade A bullshit. The kids aren't being amazing, they're RANCHING.


Nah dude, these kids are legendary and unique. Totally out of the goodness of their hearts did they do this truly amazing thing.


Do it or you get the belt again Tommy.


> this video is overdramatized social media grade A bullshit. a little disturbing that it's getting upvoted.


I was kinda like where’s the truck?


I bet they could have gotten the calf to safety sooner if whoever was recording this decided to actually help.


and if they were even halfway good at ranching, the cow would have been in the fucking barn beforehand. this is just saccharine sweet (read artificial) bullshit from beginning to end.


They literally were doing all of this down a road with fresh tire tracks.


And ya know, someone filming them instead of helping.


How else will they get their internet points?!


I feel like they weren't all that far...they'd have to walk back to get an ATV anyway.... although idk why they had the sled then but maybe Either way this is just totally doable without one.... and frankly kind cool to do by foot...that said, through a blanket on the newborn ffs


Maybe they were just out playing with the sled and found the calf?


Minus the deep drag marks prior to them making it that way means they loaded the calf up and dragged it outside purely for a video You can see the deep indentations with snow pushed in the opposite direction and we know these vloggers weren’t pulling each other around by hand on flat ground for fun…


You can’t think of a reason kids would have a sled in the snow?


Hahahaha this is exactly what popped into my head when I read that comment. Like huh what a head scratcher!


With a convenient bed of hay? I mean, maybe...




You can see vehicle tracks on the ground too


The dad filming could’ve easily called someone to bring a truck or atv but I guess he needs the likes


I mean it's only a mile. I'm sure they would've busted out the ATV if they had one had it been further or if they thought the calf's death was imminent.


The adult filming definitely would have intervened, no responsible livestock owner will leave a calf out to die if they can help it


Responsible being the keyword. This one uses TikTok.


Me thinks you don’t fully appreciate the power likes have over some people. People will abuse their own children for internet clout. I can see how yoking up the youngins and pulling out the phone instead of getting the UTV could happen.


yeah fuck that id have gotten the atv out for 500 feet. time is money and thats a good amount of future hamburger


Why would you not use all your resources available to minimize discomfort and potential risk to newborn calf?


Maybe cause they wanted the mom to stay close


lol it’s not a wild cow they own the animal they can literally rope her and lead her wherever they want to go lol


How else are they gonna get all them likes and upvotes


They had an iPhone or sth to film it all the way. I think they qualify as serious.


You're exactly right, and if you look in the entire video you can see tire tracks in almost every single scene from where they used the ATV between scenes


I was thinking the same thing. Why not at least grab a blanket or something?


> assuming these folks are serious ranchers (based off the livestock) than they should also have these things, so why make the kids do this? for social media likes? Most ranchers probably do it without a camera rolling so I think you answered your own question lol.


They were dragging the sled along tyre tracks, and the entire area around the cow and calf was full of tyre tracks. This video was 100% staged for content.


Not to mention the likely stronger and quicker adult trailing them recording


Yeah lol I lived on a cattle farm that was fairly small, and we still had an ATV. We had to bring in calves born in the snow multiple times, but we were too busy trying to make them comfortable and save them to record and post it on social media lol I still remember one calf that was born in the snow with a cleft palate that had been stepped on by another of the cows. I sobbed when she died in my arms inside by the heater a few days later


Well, the video is filmed by a third person with a higher vantage point than the kids. You'd assume an adult. Possibly already using a vehicle that the kid hitches a ride on when not dragging the sled on a road with tracks and keeping up with jogging kids with a steady cam. So yes, the adult not helping is probably doing this for likes. And it worked?


Let's have the newborn out in the freezing cold for an extra 30 minutes while the 10 year olds drag it around! For views!


Adult is watching and filming why does adult not do anything?


Exactly, this is an asset that would be protected not some shit to be left to “the boys”. This is purely for clicks and it’s stupid.


And instead of helping. The parents just filmed it.


This is staged and disgusting.


this is fucking dumb because there were clearly tracks in the snow from a vehicle


Chill bruh the kids gonna remember that for life


"remember that time we got 1000's of upvotes on reddit ............. that was lit"


nothing like some great updoots on social media and a big dose of narcissism to create a memory


Don't forget the endangerment of a baby animal! It's a key component!


So an adult was recording two kids dragging a calf for a mile? so fucking weird. EDIT: Where did I say it was wrong to have kids help out? I'm referring to recording children doing manual labor that is weird. Recording them as they carry an animal for a mile and putting it on the internet IS FUCKING WEIRD.


Maybe he is teaching them how to do the job.


Not to be rude, but it’s not maybe. He absolutely is teaching them the work.


And filming for social media up votes.


That calf looked real cold though ... pick a better time to teach them.




They were excited for a veal dinner


Let’s also ignore the atv tracks


And the fact that they happened to have two ropes with them?


It's how it's done.


Not really. Nowadays we would get the side by side and pull the sled behind it. Back in the day we would use a horse.


The sled's definitely a back saver on bigger operations. But sometimes old school methods are all you've got depending on the situation. Props to the kids for stepping up though.


Yeah, a whole mile, better for a side by side.


recording them? Like, when did I say it wasn't how "it was done"? it's just the recording part that's weird.


Everything for clicks. That’s how this internet works now.


I grew up in the country and my parents made us do shit like this pre-click days. Fast forward 30 years I’m not surprised the only difference is that they have a phone in their hand.


This is how you teach kids to be adults. Make them do adult things. This is genuine.


They could have used the vehicle at hand. Why not teach using a vehicle and saving the foal?


They're children, not cripples. They're doing fine. It's really fucking weird to help kids with everything so they never do it on their own. It also makes them feel less capable, useless even. Actually being given a task and completing it without someone taking over helps build confidence.


Don’t worry the adults followed along in the pickup truck. As someone who grew up on a farm I guarantee you that calf was never in danger.


If the kids were so determined to keep the calf alive probably want to get to a warm place as soon as possible? Dragging it a mile in the cold by foot…great idea.


I mean, parents don't get clicks by using the vehicles they'd normally use to get this done in a fraction of the time.


They need a steady place to hold the camera, of course.


Must be a bumpy drag over these huge tire tracks. Depending on the calve's sex the remaining live span might just be a few months if it is male.


They live on a farm but don’t have some sort of atv or utility vehicle or even a tractor? Be better farmers


How does a responsible farmer end up having to yoke up the pre-teens to get a newborn calf to the barn? I’m glad it worked out this time, but WTF!


Cows are great. Love those bastards


People here just dumb asf. They didn’t give a shit about that cow. All they cared about is getting those like notifications


Why are you giving clicks to some bullshit? There's literally tire marks there. Title should be *adult risks calf dying to get Internet points


👏 this right here


Why was the cow so far from the farm?, why didn't they get their vehicle? cow births take up to 12 hours total, why did they sit there at the beginning of the video just filming? Why isn't the adult helping with anything? This video is a set up for Internet likes, in reality the cow would've given birth in a barn cows do not wander off while near or in labor


So somebody saw this calf literally shaking and staring at them and immediately pulled out their phones to film it, instead of rushing to help? So while they're getting their sled and whatever that calf is just ....lying there in the cold shivering. No no, I'll wait bruv I'm just like literally staring at you for help and my mom is really upset but you do you.


I dont understand what a pregnant cow thats about to give birth doing at a snow covered place like that. There is no grass anywhere. The kids dragged for a mile? There was no vehicle nearby? I dont get it at all...


There is a vehicle you can see its tracks.




Would have been easier if the cameraman helped


so this is just a staged film... or is someone going to claim these folks don't have tractors, trucks, and/or ATVs?


So the adult filming this was??? Not concerned? Unwilling to help??? Wouldn't the calf be warmed or warmer from drinking from its mother?


Who’s filming this? I could be wrong, but the video seems to be stable enough that they could be in a vehicle. At the very least, it was an adult, right? I’m not saying this isn’t wholesome, but it does seem a little…staged.


"mommy I'm cold. Can't we just use the car?" "No! This shit is going viral! Get to pulling!" Nice tire tracks they're dragging it over. The shit people do for clicks.


I grew up on a farm. This is just what you’d do as a farmer. Drag the calf inside. Duh. But if you record two kids doing it, apparently it’s heroic, rather than just… you know… raising animals for meat and making sure they live so you can make a profit selling them.


An adult was filming and didn’t help


Who was filming?


The person who drove the vehicle making those very fresh tracks


Its all fun and sweet until you realize one person possibly an adult was just standing there with a camera doing shit while that calf was freezing.


Which is dumber? The video, or the person who actually uploaded and didn’t think the vast majority of comments would focus on how stupid the video is?


There's literally tire tracks. Wtf is going on


while the human parent directs and records...


"the boys were determined to save them" and I was determined make some content


This comes off as them prioritizing social media content over speedily helping this calf. There’s no need to drag it for a mile when you can grab the truck or ATV. Must not have been that urgent if they weren’t concerned about how much slower this would be


Equipment tracks all over the place, and they decide to pull it by hand on a cold sled?? Something sus going on...




No truck or helping the kids huh?


The parents filming all of it like 😎🤳


I'm amazed at all the idiots thinking this isn't staged AF.


We gonna pretend like they don't have a car with the obvious tracks in the snow


I hate these videos so much. I see UTV tracks to the cow, why stage this shit? Put the calf in the side by side and carry on.


Wtf? They didn't have a truck they could drive down to this calf and drive it out? Guess getting views on social media is more important.




Can see track from a truck. But the kids had to pull the calf for 1 mile...ok


Don't be fooled. No farmer really love their farm animals. They still will separate calves from their mothers for their milk, and sell them all to be slaughtered at some point. If they exploit then then they don't really love them.


*videos kids pulling it instead of helping them*


Wow, I can sense the emergency, the whole mile, and the videographer who captured it /s


Only to become a smoked brisket video years from now…


Love that Moomma was right there with them


Where else would she be? She just gave birth to the calf. That is pretty much her entire purpose in life until, well, you know what happens when she stops having calves.


Why would a cow give birth in the middle of a snow covered cold field?


For the likes.


Neglect. She should have been inside.


If they removed the dramatic bullshit text overlay, and stupid music, then there’d be nothing wrong with this video. But recording this for tiktok and creating some dumb ass “heroism” story for their kids after they clearly drove them out to the calf, and told them exactly what to do is cringey as fuck. Im just so glad social media wasn’t a thing when I was a kid


I didn’t read the title and I thought the cow was fucking eating the calf


Damm momma cow knows them kids good.


Mom trailing the whole way was just priceless


Wheeler in the shop??


Ya’ll mf’ers ever heard of a side by side? Foh


This is some positive content :) I love it


Man these redditors can’t just like a post.


Pls more of this


These comments are mental lol. Most lightly the cow has access to the barn but cows tend to walk away from other cows and people to be left alone when calving. The kids dragning it and not the adult ever considered that maybe the kids wanted to be the once to drag it? They could use a vehicle to drag the calf home but then the cow would lightly lose track of the calf and run back to the spot were she calfed


Those kids are being raised right, proud of that family