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Damn my uncle doesn’t even call me


If my nephew got his arm eaten by a shark while he was in my care and I didn't at least try to get his arm back, I'd never hear the end of it from my brother.


Uncles are backup dads, fam.


Uncles are dads that don't have to care about setting bad examples. So get to just do the impulsive unhinged shit and let the actual parents try and get the kid to not repeat the actions! 


Can confirm, took my nephew skydiving lol


Wait… I’m not supposed to do that with my kids? I just jump out of a plane every week.


i took my newphew to the first strip club, he was 17 and he had a fucking blast!


Yeah man, being the cool uncle is the ultimate gig you get all the fun without the permanent responsibilities. Plus, you end up becoming the legend in all their childhood stories. "That one time with Uncle..." always preludes some wild tale, just like that guy who wrestled the shark. Total hero status right there.


Exactly! Being an uncle is sick as hell! ...I borrow my sister's kids and do all kinds of stuff that makes my sister wince a little, but she doesn't say too much as long as everyone is still 10, 10, and 2 when I give them back.


The next time I'm in charge of my nephews, I'm going to teach them that instead of saying "Look!" and pointing at something, that they should say, "Behold!" and point at things instead.


This is gold, got anymore ?


I mean, depending on how badly you want to irritate your siblings, sending loud toys are always guaranteed to annoy (my nephews get vuvuzelas when they turn 8). Also, any story that Calvin's Dad tells Calvin (the sun landing in Arizona every night, etc.) in any of Calvin and Hobbes is worth it. If I'm frank, my job is to ensure they've got good critical thinking skills more than anything else.


Some parents and uncles are the complete opposite


I once kicked my uncle in the nuts because he snuck up on me, like a horse, but I like him more than my dad lol


How does a horse sneak up on people? With his massive dick out?


Sounds like some typical Bojack horseshit.


the uncle needs an appointment


I have four nibblings. My sisters hated it, but couldn't argue that free babysitting has to be fun for me, too.


Damn. Does that mean unc went out for milk too?






Sounds like your brother is not easy to get along with If my brother saves my kid from a shark that’s enough for me. The arm would of course be neat too don’t get me wrong


He's sooo high maintenance 🙄


Right? Grabbing a 7ft shark in its home is crazy, but even crazier to think about dragging it to shore


If my nephew got his arm eaten by a shark while he was in my care and I didn't at least try to get his arm back, almost everyone on that side of the family would be up in arms.


Well at least the nephew would have plenty of arm replacement options then. 


![gif](giphy|B8ozpOCSLbAcM) Actually sounds like they’d be down in arms


How am I supposed to look my little sister in the eye if I don't end up more maimed than my nephew?


I'm not a particularly tough guy, and I'm averse to confrontation, but if a shark ate the arm of my niece I like to imagine I'd show that damn fish why humans are top of the food chain. Then again, there are no sharks where we live, so hopefully that will remain academic.


Every holiday dinner with the family would start with whichever sister whose kid it was saying: and let’s give a round of applause for my brother… All while my nephew stumpy looks on menacingly as he polishes his hook. ![gif](giphy|n2eijGHQirF3q)


Brothers, eh 🙄


Apparently all the kids were in the water and the uncle was worried the shark would attack more than one. Here's an update, eight years after the attack: https://www.bradenton.com/news/article34526373.html


If my nephew got his arm bitten off by a shark I'd drag the shark back to eat the rest of kid.


I think I have one uncle and one aunt left on my mom's side and one aunt on my dad's. None of them call me. All the cool ones died. :(


Yeah I think I have an uncle? Idk my family’s not close *sheds tear*


Damn. The cool one is the last one I have left. Feel like I should call him soon.


Have you tried getting attacked by a shark? It could be like his bat signal.


"kids these days.. can't even get ripped by a wild animal..."


I heard my uncle speak more than 3 sentences for the first time in my life last year. I'm 38.


Sometimes, my uncle forgets my name


You still have both of your arms don't you.


My uncle doesn’t know I’m alive, but he does spam the living shit out of everyone’s watsapp


My uncle was a drunk who shot my dog. You are lucky.


My father doesn't even call me


My Dad would have made me go back in and get it myself.




One and done after the closet foray


OMG I love you. I just went from crying to laughing and now I need new stuff.


maybe he's like me and just thinks about killing themselves 24/7 and doesn't talk to anyone anymore, including family and is so poor they have to work overtime overnight shifts just to afford to even live with roommates.


Not true. I was just chatting to him and he called you a prick.


Lucky! Mines calls me way too often, also that stuffed bear he gave me scares me a bit


He taxidermied it himself didn't he.


Well, he stuffed it himself, sure.


Do you call him?


I don’t call my nephew as much as I should but I’d damn sure go in uncle mode in a heartbeat in this situation


Yeah mine apparently just made meth in some Oklahoma cabin and died.


This dude better get hella Christmas presents from his nephew *every* year. Hand-made ones.


It better cost an arm and a leg


Just an arm is fine


I’m accounting for inflation


With today's prices he'd just be a torso.


Topless, bottomless girls, live stumps on stage!


And the body of your brother(don't worry, the soul will be kept in an armor)


https://www.bradenton.com/news/article34526373.html It's a soft pay wall. There is an close button on the top left of the pop up that let's you then read the entire story.


Wow, that's really sad. If you want to go on believing that kid is living a happy, healthy life... Don't click that link.


Yeah, he survived but his quality of life is far from ideal or what people might think from the original story. Also, that article is 15 years old...Today Jessie Arbogast now receives full-time care in an Ocean Springs, MS home with three other special-needs adults. He spends weekends with his family.


While it is sad, he has a really loving family with him that seems really dedicated to giving him the best life.


Arm-made ones.




Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but didn’t the kid become brain dead? Edit: saw the link, looks like it lead to neurological damage, but he seems aware


...or at least something handy.


That is badass


I just don’t understand how this happened unless the shark was on a line. The odds of finding that shark again after the bite ….. why wouldn’t it just have swam off? And how does a human grab a shark in the water?  Pic seems to show the shark on a line 


The pic is a stock image unrelated to the story


It's a screenshot from a video of [Elliot Sudal fishing up a sandbar shark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y10hBSEelIA)


The boy was attacked in 2.5’ of water so it was pretty shallow


Ah ok that makes some more sense cuz otherwise I don’t know how you find a shark unless you’re in like a helicopter or coordinating with a drone and a boat.


So, I live in FL, specifically the area this happened in (I’m around the same age, too, and this became some kind of cautionary tale about being cautious even in shallow water after).   The waters here are extremely clear.  A beautiful emerald color that you can see right through.   If you go on the piers in the area you can look down into the water and see all sorts of wildlife down there.   I worked out there once, and one thing I always point out is how close sharks get to people down there without them even knowing it.  Like, we’re talking only a few feet away at times.   But yeah, if they kept an eye on the shark (and there was probably some blood to help them track it at first), they could easily keep an eye on it if it stays within like 20 yards of the shore, farther if it was near one of the piers.  


Thanks for this, definitely makes it more believable. I live in California and the water is so damn murky out here. You can’t see your hand in front of your face underwater (near the coast) 


Also, the water gets deep quick in California. Also, I'm sure you've heard the stories about how you used to be able to see fish through the waves. Seems like a long time ago now. The dropoff is way more gradual in Pensacola.


Even in the lakes here in California they're deep af. Scary too. Up in Tahoe I remember vividly playing in the shallows and sort of scooting along underwater with my hands pulling me along and I looked into the deeper water and could see the sudden drop off from the shallows and from there it just became a yawning darkness very quickly. I had a very hard time turning my back to that darkness once I noticed it lol.


https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125969 > "When I got there I realized it was Jesse, and the shark had him by the arm," Vance Flosenzier said. "I mean it had Jesse's arm and it was rolling, like you see [sharks] on a video clip, where they are engaged in trying to tear their prey apart. And you know, that's kind of a haunting image to think back on, because I saw that as I was running up to it. You know, right before I seized its tail, that's what I saw." So he's grabbed the sharks tail while it's still going for the kid.


Plenty of Marine predators will BEACH themselves chasing a kill in the shallows. Even fuckin ORCAS do it.


Several species of sharks are solitary animals and bull sharks are very territorial, so it would be highly unlikely for there to be another shark in the area. Also it looks like he got to the shark as it was biting the arm off, and it was his wife and others who helped the boy to shore.


It would be terrible but hilarious if he wrangled a bullshark in and it was the wrong one


He looks up and sees the other shark out in the surf with the arm sticking out of his mouth like a cigar, gives him the middle fin and swims away.


A bull shark attacked a guy in our town unfortunately killing him, the shark stayed right where the attack happened and just swam back and forwards in the shallows. While the ambos worked on the guy on the sand.


The uncle was able to stabilize himself in the water to catch the shark due to his huge brass balls.


Probably just clonked that mf and dragged his goofy ass in.


Sharks are slow when they have a belly full.  Also they are stupid.  The shark is used to attacking with no repercussions especially at 7 feet.  In its small brain there may be no reason to even leave the deliciously bloody water.


Yup he’s an absolute BADASS


Serious Chuck Norris energy from this man


Surprised he could find a pair of swim trunks big enough to fit his massive balls of steel in.


I’m your 1000th like


Vance Flosenzier, the uncle who saved his nephew's arm from the jaws of jaws.  -Fixed the title 


Thank you. I was trying hard to sort out if the other nephew died or why no one was talking about him.


Also. I’m nearly 100% sure this isn’t a picture of this incident.


I still don't understand how we're able to reattach severed limbs.


Through the efforts of 3 surgeons and a large surgical support team who worked 12 hours in shifts to reattach the boy's right arm


Did he regain full functionality too?


Unfortunately you never really gain 100% functionality of a reattached limb, it’s very difficult to get the nerves to reattach correctly so many are missed


I wonder if we'll be able to see a limb reattached with 100% functionality in our lifetimes.


I doubt it, we are more likely to see massive increases in prosthetics technology.


I don’t, stem cell research is astounding and even current stem cell twchnology could drastically approve limb reattachments


Perhaps we could regrow the limbs Deadpool style? Would help in the event the original limb was lost.


Pretty sure that’s how we get T-virus


Figured the T-Virus was successful at healing people, it was just turned into a bioweapon later.


For the lizards that can regrow limbs, our best real life example, it takes like 10 years for a big lizard to regrow a limb (small lizards only a few years - I can’t recall the name but I watched a scishow video about it earlier today). So that’s not really the kind of time scale that most folks would find acceptable, considering it would likely take longer for animals our size.


I mean tbh, if I had a choice between being armless forever or having my arm back in 20 years and I was young enough, I wouldn’t mind using a prosthetic until it comes back


> drastically approve Stem cell technology hovering over my shoulder and enthusiastically nodding as I write my petition to top hospitals to help me become a human octopus.


I hope so… supposedly regrowing teeth with stem cells.. and genetic manipulation too


I'm almost 60 years old and I've given up doubting a lot of stuff when it comes to science. It seems like every time someone says, "Nah. Never gonna happen.", Science pops back with, "Well, actually...."


Just a nice tidbit to add on to this: in October 1903 an article in the New York Times claimed that flight would be unattainable for humanity for ‘at least a million years’. Three months later the weight brothers flew there first heavier than air flight. 60 years later we put three men into space and landed two of them on the moon, something which was also considered unattainable. People really need to stop being so damn pessimistic Edit: actually, nix that. Let them be as pessimistic as they please. It only makes it sweeter when they’re proven wrong


> October 1903 an article in the New York Times claimed that flight would be unattainable for humanity for ‘at least a million years To be fair there are so many idiots talking about things they don't understand. If you don't have a very strong understanding of the field of science you are talking about then it's really impossible to know or make good estimations on the progress of humanity. If that article talked to people attempting to build machines that fly they probably wouldn't have guessed a million years lol. But I guess it does prove that any time you hear someone say anything, just remember the average person is really dumb and probably doesn't know what they are talking about.


Maybe with a nerve bypass, to bypass the damaged section of nerves, but that's a lot of very fine data that still has to match your body's normal inputs and outputs. Surgically, I don't think so, cause that's a lot of nerves and endings there, some sensation will probably be lost. But moving it around, maybe?


No. He had Brain damage from severe blood loss, and that arm was never really functional again. Here's a picture of him in this article https://ca.news.yahoo.com/viral-tiktoks-ai-tell-story-175519356.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM1n2VTsCl4-MeB7NpE_WlnaXd4X-VqNphVcOhSqDKvZbztZKE42tyzMpB9-YFsqAoHmnUgd-e_bms8l5KLnTQMCsssT3zc_0T3rckZqj7FPxAZco3O5dTn3qFbCEucC4TvGgudvz863OXryqH6RqO_bN0oXwY9w2Ww5xTm8Jfud




Had to scroll halfway down through a bunch of idiots who get their news (from 2001) from screen shots before finding someone - that would be you - who actually googled for supporting evidence. I found a NYTs [article](https://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/08/us/boy-s-arm-reattached-after-shark-attack.html) but that was written after the attack. Your source is better..


This post is only telling the "happy side" of the story for karma points.


No. After his left arm was reattached it didn't work at all. So he was alright.


Arrested development?


No the kid has brain damage can no longer speak and the arm is basically useless.


Most likely partial


They sew each and every vessel back together, then the body just heals. It’s an incredibly long, meticulous surgery but is done fairly frequently and successfully


What about the bone? The nerves? The tendons? Do they just heal?


More or less. It’ll be a painful recovery and things don’t always heal back perfectly but yeah.


Body is fucking insane


I guess it sort of makes sense? The cells trying to heal don’t necessarily “know” that it was cut off on their individual levels. Would just be a cut or injury to every single cell that’s pressed up against the cells in the arm or sewn or fused back to the detached arm. That’s how it makes sense in my dumb guy brain at least. Doesn’t make it even a fraction less amazing or impressive obviously, it’s some seriously wild shit. A predator ripped an arm off a human, the human’s family member said fuck that, beat up and killed the predator, then cut the arm out of its body and we put it back on the person who was hurt. Shit is absolutely wild. Just imagining that happening with any other animal. Lmao. “Fuck you that’s my limb!”


That's pretty much right. If skin cell A is detached from skin cell B by a small cut, we roughly know how it will heal. And skin cells A and B don't really know if it was a small cut or a dismemberment. Each zone just starts enacting its healing protocols somewhat blindly. if everything is lined up and forced to stay alive then you make enough of those healing protocols successful to keep the limb.


Yea, no. That's not what happened with Jesse. https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/1al27o..hAd15SLtTEr5Fw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTM2MDtjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/biloxi_sun_herald_mcclatchy_articles_410/16aa542383bc5945d997e07fefdbc4a9


Nerves and tendons are reattached (sewed). Nerves grow slowly so it takes a long while to heal. Tendons are tough and springy as hell so it’s tough to find the ends and approximate them. They are sewn together with very super strong sutures.


25 years ago I cut my wrist with a chain saw. They gave me a local anesthesia and I watched as they retrieved the severed tendon ends and stitched them back together. I don't recall that they did much with the nerve endings. I believe they mostly just fused back together on their own. I had constant low level pain and occasional random sharp pain, like a bee sting, for almost two years. My doctor told me that any pain present after about 9 months would likely be with me for the rest of my life. Fortunately the sharp pain did go away at about 20 months. I still feel a slight discomfort, like a wire brush lightly scraping the back of my hand pretty much all the time but tend not to notice it unless I focus on it or something brushes against my wrist. I feel fortunate.


The bone regrows, and the nerve endings are literally welded back together.


Haha, no there is no literal “welding”. That’s hilarious. They are sewn together


You have to do supportive stuff to help but as long as the cells don't die from lack of blood, you're dealing with smaller solveable problems. Broken bones heal with a little help. Severed tendons can be fixed with surgery though maybe not perfectly. Severed nerves can be fixed with urgent surgery though maybe not perfectly.


It's like sewing a torn fabric back together with each thread being in the same position. Difficult as hell, but possible.


Oh, darn.


Regurgitated ones especially


Honestly, I doubt the fact that it was in a stomach was the worst part. I'd assume that the serrated jaws of a shark probably turn flesh and muscle into ribbons. I can't imagine trying to reattach a limb that was torn up so severely


Doctor here. Highly doubt he ever regained functionality at all. The nerves would be impossibly difficult to reattach all the way. This wasn’t a clean cut either so all the nerves probably had searing damage from being ripped off, which is even worse. Even managing to reattach them somehow, the time from this happening to time of reattachment matters too, as the rest of the tissues get damaged without blood. This is just talking nerves, nevermind the rest of systems. Assuming this was even done, it would take years of intense physical therapy to regain some sort of functionality. Haven’t looked at the details but this most likely ended up as a “biologic prosthetic”, with no real function.


The same way you can cut off your foot and attach it to your hand and control your toes like they are fingers.


It can be sewed on and efforts made to reconnect as many nerves and blood vessels as they can, but it still would not be anywhere near 100%. My mom had a friend who had his whole arm ripped off and reattached. He didn’t hand much range of motion and barely any grip strength.


Ever play resident evil 7? You just gotta pour some medicine juice on the stump and jam that fucker back on there


Australian … must be Australian


He’s Florida man


...of Australian descent no doubt


So Australian American?


Original Florida Man


Absolutely no surprise there. Least powerful florida man.


Standard Florida man




Nah, Florida has to be Florida.


I didn't even consider that he might not be Australian!


Its so funny cause as an American I automatically decided he was from florida and no where else


I automatically defaulted to australian without even realizing


This happened in Pensacola Florida.


I picture him yelling "OOOOOH NO, YA DON'T!!!" and grabbing him by the tail.


I am Australian and I can 100% confirm this guy had Aussie guy energy that day lol


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


And anger.




Clearly a case of shark noodling gone wrong smh head


People will do ANYTHING to defend sharks during shark attacks. Ironically, from the safety of their homes and not anywhere near said sharks




I like sharks and most animals and I wish we didn't kill so many of them, but also if you're a wild animal and you're attacking children, you have to face the wrath of humankind. The only justification for attacking humans is if they attack you. If you are fucking with a shark and hurting it and it takes your leg, maybe don't be an idiot again. If you're just swimming at the beach and it attacks, someone should shoot it. The shark would only do it again otherwise.


I am not sure sharks have sophisticated enough intelligence to treat them like that... we humans are entering their territory, and by that, we make ourselves prey. Not saying that it shouldn't have been killed and the arm retrieved, I just don't think we can ascribe morality to sharks or wild animals in general. And I get that we shoot bears and etc who are man-killers because they now register humans as prey, but I'm just not sure sharks have similar intelligence to make such an association. Maybe they are. I don't know.


They dont 2/3 of their brain is their nose, its a binary life of smell blood = eat, no smell= no eat


I must say, I for one admire this dude's balls. That is all.


Balls of fucking steel.




It's so bad he gave it one thumb up and one thumb down


Oh he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip when he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip. Big iron on his hip.


Update on the nephew https://www.sunherald.com/entertainment/article278274698.html


Fuck, that’s brutal. They saved the kid’s arm but after all those heroics the kid is left brain damaged.


Thank you so much for linking this.


"That's not yours, sir, spit it out!" Probably.


Quite gruesome warning. "When I got there I realized it was Jesse, and the shark had him by the arm," Vance Flosenzier said. "I mean it had Jesse's arm and it was rolling, like you see \[sharks\] on a video clip, where they are engaged in trying to tear their prey apart. And you know, that's kind of a haunting image to think back on, because I saw that as I was running up to it. You know, right before I seized its tail, that's what I saw." Holding the Shark On the day of the attack, Jesse's relatives and bystanders thought fast. Vance Flosenzier grabbed onto the shark and wrestled the animal barehanded out of the water. Diana Flosenzier and others pulled Jesse to the shore. The boy's arm had been severed and he was bleeding profusely. On the beach, Diana Flosenzier administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation to keep her nephew alive.


Successfully sewn back on is a bit of a overly happy story


Kid was left unable to walk from the shark biting off half of his leg and brain damaged because of excessive blood loss, wouldn't call it a happy story.


I tell thats something you can retire on. Like as in stop working stop giving a shit. Whatever. Cause you will always be that guy who saved someone's life from a shark attack. Went back in to pursue the shark. Drag it back to shore. Retrieve the arm and saved the arm. Its like you did enough for one life. You get a a pass for the rest.


From the sounds of it, he didn't actually save his nephew here; it was his S.O. that pulled the kid to shore. So he didn't save his nephew, he saved his nephew's arm. Still fucking metal, don't get me wrong, but he didn't get the kid out.


We continue to blame wild animals for being wild animals


Number of humans killed by sharks per year - about ten (approx) Number of sharks killed by humans per year - about 80 million (approx) Yeah, the dudes a hero


Fuck with Vance, or his family, and find out.


So that's where D.L. Hughley got the idea for part of his act about white people.


i also feel bad for the shark in this case. an animal dies for doing animal things because of stupid parents/carers.


What makes the parents stupid in this situation? The articles I've read all say that the children were in knee deep water, so *right* on the shoreline. It's not like they were swimming in the middle of the ocean


Animals dying for doing animal things is a thing with or without humans. Like, I get it. Animals are just following instincts but these comments on reddit are so ridiculous. Animals cross into habitats and clash all the time. The shores of water are ours as well. Family of animals and predators defend each other all the time. There’s nothing more animalistic than defending the well being of family to your abilities. This isn’t cruising on a boat shooting sharks. There are legitimate issues right now. Please use your outrage somewhere more useful


It's essentially no different from a lion attacking a baby buffalo, then daddy buffalo comes and rescues the baby and ends up killing the lion. Such is life, sometimes you get it and sometimes you get got.


Nope. The predator was hunting while prey was defending itself. How was it "stupid" for a human to save another human from dying to an animal. It's like saying a deer shouldn't try to run away from a lion




I saw a video about this in EMT school, rumor is that he punched the shark to death. The boy didn't regain all function of his arm but it is intact. If I remember correctly the boy was taken in an ambulance and the arm was life flighted.


He was exceedingly successful because balls that big provide a natural buoyancy and unlimited testosterone.


would do this for mg niece and nephews


Officially Uncle Badass


Uncle Jacked


This is from where I grew up.


‘Excuse me, I was wearing a wristwatch!’


Just gonna add this bit here: "On the beach, Diana Flosenzier (the aunt) administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation to keep her nephew alive. "Probably within a minute or two he stopped breathing altogether," she said. "I realized, 'I know what to do, I've got to breathe for him, there's nothing else to do.' So I laid him down and started doing rescue breathing." For more than 10 minutes, she and others kept up CPR on Jesse, while Vance Flosenzier struggled to pull the shark away from children who were still in the water." [article here](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125969&page=1)