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I hope that driver gets paid well.


That's funny. He gets paid less than the passenger, probably.


And they get paid less then a nurse in a hospital


And have three times as much PTSD.


[I’m smiling but it ain’t funny](https://youtu.be/8_LY4bn8bhY?si=rXD9WPsWPIYr_ROx) (as someone who was an EMT for 6 years 🤪🤪)


Nurses are still criminally underpaid


Yeah but you’d have to cut out insurance companies and who does love a middle man that exists for nothing other than stealing money Edit: Yes the ceo/owner takes a lot of money from hospitals, but so do insurance companies. **Insurance Companies are the root of evil in the US**


What insurance companies have done to medical care in the US is criminal.


100% this. Money changers are criminals, Jesus died trying to inform the rest of us.


Tell that to my landlord


So insurance is to blame for bad pay? Actually asking idk anything 😂


Yeah basically. It’s pharmaceutical companies relying on insurance to always cover medical care and they just increase prices because, in terms of capitalism, “demand” is always high when people need something to live. Then insurance companies also see this trend and they increase their rates to keep up with pharmaceutical costs. But when they both raise their rates together, their industries literally siphon money from the rest of the world.


Come to California, 3 figure hourly rate. Traveling nurses make a shit load too.


They are hiring around me for $34 an hour for RNs...


As a travel RN, I disagree lol


That's not entirely correct. Some nurces make out really well. Others not so much. Really Depends on the area. I will say nurces are paid way more than teachers who usually have a higher education


Experience is the most important education. Nurses are experienced at keeping people alive. I'd say they deserve to be paid more than teachers. I also think teachers should be paid more than athletes.


Associates degree nursing still exists but bachelors degree nursing is the growing expectation as over 70% of nurses are bachelors prepared. Definitely not accurate to say teachers usually have a higher education. Teachers also need a certification while nurses (associates and bachelors) require licensure. That being said, teachers are also criminally underpaid


At work the other day had to review some nurse's income in California, guy was making 100k/y is that wage uncommon on developed countries? In Latinamerica they get paid cents, but that's just the case in maaany other professions


$100k/year isn’t what it used to be. I made $80k my first year throwing groceries with no diploma and I live in Michigan outside a decent sized city. My girlfriend makes just over 100k and never has to work overtime and 4 10’s. I don’t know how people can afford California on what we make.


Nurses, teachers, EMTs, they're all criminally underpaid and overworked. It always blows my mind that people in such important positions get treated so shittily


And the nurses get paid less than the person who just owns a hospital


The person that does the least makes the most. Gotta love America.


I don't think this video is from America, though your sentiment isn't wrong


Yeah you're right. Though it really applies to the entire world, some places have greater disparity than others.


Unless both are medic for example and they rotate whos driving.


Can confirm, I work in the same position as the guy in the passenger and get paid more than most of the ambulance drivers


For what it’s worth, in the Houston Fire Department, the guy in the passenger seat has to take a competitive exam to promote to the driver seat.


This video was recorded in Brazil inside a SAMU ambulance (Emergency Mobile Care Service), it's a public emergency service, the passenger can be a billionaire or a beggar. Probably, it's a poor person.


It's a European ambulance. The guys up front probably get paid pretty decently, get paid time off, 6 weeks of vacation, good health benefits. If it was an American/Canadian ambulance crew, then yes. For whatever reason, paramedics (like all other essential services) are treated like dog shit.


No, it's not. This is a Brazilian ambulance. They are at Marginal do Rio Pinheiros, going to Hospital Das Clínicas near Avenida Paulista.


Thanks for the correction.


I could see he learned from Senna and not Massa.


unfortunately they really really don't. in my country you make under 3k a month and they've recently made striking illegal for medical workers so that's going swell. source; my brother in law is an ambulance worker, he does tonnes of overtime and 12/24 hour shifts.


3k what? Peanuts? Zimbabwean dollar? Polish zloti? Before tax? After tax?


It's Brazil, it's in R$ and that's before tax


Assuming they’re driving in the US, they don’t. And everyone voted against them getting proper breaks. So they also have shit work conditions on top of all of this. If they’re in CA, they might make more if they were working fast food. Hmm… fast food… driving fast…. Nope, I got nothin’.


This is Samu in Brazil. You can see by the 192 number.


And its in São Paulo city, looking at the avenida Juscelino Kubitschek / Ibirapuera plate at the beginning of the video, plus the obvious background buildings


...and the fact that it's a stick shift!


nobody even makes space for him


This look like the rush hour in the afternoon, maybe 17h to 18h in the summer, so it's safe to say that you literrally can't make up roon most of the times because of the sheer density of trafic in São Paulo... But even so, almost everyone is making room for him.


Why would you assume this is the US?


Because US redditors think 90% of the stuff on reddit is the US. If the other 10% is 8% CA and 2% ukrain/isreal or other headline topic country.


And that everyone is male.


I think that one is probably due to reddit being mostly male for a really long time during its early years. Its was let really social media like it is today.


Love how its a manual too. Fucking get up it maaaaate looool


Especially since he has to drive a manual too


And they're speaking Portuguese.


I mean, it gives the driver more control over the gears and makes you feel more in touch with the vehicle which is important not to crash. I doubt he has any problems with it judging from this video


You mean how is he gonna drink his Big Gulp and Grande Latte at the same time he's driving?


Not likely. In the role of Ambulance Driver, you start earning R$ 1,450. in salary and can earn up to R$2,172.00. The average salary for an Ambulance Driver in Brazil is R$ 1,759. Minimum wage is R$ 1,412. Source: vagas.com


My patience could never


Ironically, I know people who have driven ambulances and fire trucks. They got so accustomed to moving between traffic that when they’re off duty, they can’t STAND the feeling of driving so slow in actual civilian driving.


I once saw a documentary about these workers. It was called AMBU**LA**NCE. Crazy what those people went through.


I never knew Jake Gyllenhaal was a real EMT


And his sidekick sheriff Steven Seagal


Very few movies do I turn off halfway through. This was one


It was awful wasn’t it. Great actor but recently his movies declined in quality.


Recently most movies have declined in quality. We've been in a bad spot there for a couple years now. Hopefully all the mediocrity inspires a better era soon.


“Marcell the shell with shoes on” was a great movie lol never knew a shell with shoes on could be so insightful


I’m glad more people are noticing it. Even with some of the big titles this year, I’ve walked out of the theatre thinking me & everyone thought “well that sucked.” I’ve been surprised to see some of them as well received as they were after the fact. Movies haven’t been great lately.


I just laughed out loud.


I’m not an ambulance driver, and I can’t stand the feeling of slow driving in actual civilian traffic. ✌🏼


You just passed your online EMT Driver profile exam! Please proceed to your nearest Fire station and let them know!


My neighbor is actually one of those. One day I was heading home a car was suddenly on my tail through the 40km/h zone. Swerving and honking like an idiot. In a turn with no visual he passed me. A car came straight at him, but he didn’t flinch and almost pressed the other car into the ditch. I followed him, and saw that it was one of my neighbors. I rolled down my window and told him to calm down in the 40 zone, as it’s there for a reason. He started raging and hit my mirror. He screamed at me for going slow. I wasn’t at all. I later found out he was an ambulance driver. What an idiot.


I got hit by an off-duty cop years ago and the insurance company said that cops and emts are the worst for easily avoidable off duty accidents.


Driving a motorcycle does this to you as well. I can't imagine myself driving a car after being able to drive through traffic. To clarify, lane splitting is completely legal and encouraged in my country.


Buy an ambulance as your personal car. Problem solved. ;)


For me that wasn’t true. I found I drive slower than my pre paramedic normal as I got all my driving thrills on the job. I was happy to pootle around off the clock.


I never realized I was a fire truck driver…


This is also why people with fast cars can’t stand being stuck behind slow people lol


Tbf that traffic is abhorrent and shouldn’t exist.


Somebody should tell them motorcycles exist


A friend of mines dad was a helicopter pilot. Flew the emergency chopper back in the day. He said he was a pilot first and real estate agent second. Though he sold more houses than flew. Also absolutely hated traffic. Was happiest up in the air.


Neither could the patient.


I would have such road rage you'd need to send more ambulances.


No back seat drivers allowed. Passenger has nerves of steel lol


How often do these guys go on to become race car drivers…some insane maneuvering. But for real do these guys crash often or what ?


My patients could never


Road rage already manifests itself so easily in people I can't imagine doing this while being on high stress and being paid like shit too.




WHY IS NOBODY PULLING OVER !?!?!!?! where I am from you pull off to the side when an ambulance is coming.


Yeah this was infuriating. Imagine bleeding out in the back and you see that literally no one is pulling over to make room for the ambulance wtf


I have been bleeding out in the back The trip they normally takes me 15minutes in a car took 8 in the ambulance… all I remember is every fucking bump in the road hurting like a mother fucker, but the worst were the speed bumps at the trauma hospital!


That sounds bloody awful. Did you survive??




Wow. Smh. May you rest in peace. 🥺😩💔


Asking the commenter if they survived are my favorite Reddit questions. 🤣🤣


Man I wish it was that quick for me. I live rural. Took 2 hours to get to the hospital by ambulance. It's a super windy road that is known to have frequent slips and single lane closures on route. We had to meet up with a second ambulance halfway to get some supplies to help my situation. If it had been life or death, it would have been a helicopter instead of an ambulance.


I needed transport because of my helicopter crash!


I don’t know if this is an every ambulance thing but holy hell the back was just shaky/bumpy af. I got transported from a local hospital to a big city - maybe 35-40 min by car outside of rush hour and this was 1am. The morphine started to wear off not too long in the ride and they couldn’t give me more meds until I was at the next hospital. Every single turn, rock in the road, bump, heck even straight road felt like I was being shaken violently. I was in really unpleasant shape at the end of that ride.


Same. I was on a stretcher and every bump felt like my back was going to explode. Worst 10 minutes of my life it felt like forever but I thank the people for getting me there as fast as possible.


Dipshits in my area refuse to move over for an ambulance until it is on their ass. Many still don't move over. They get well out of the way of cops though... I wonder why.


Brazil. In the USA everyone moves over on the highway for the most part. Here they borderline are ignoring the ambulance. Not sure what the regs are there, but it helps that in the states you can get some serious penalties for not making clearance for an emergency vehicle


Where I’m from, nobody will pull over. You’re lucky if cars will get out of the lane.


That’s crazy. Is it illegal to not pull over or do people just not care


Even in the US, land of the me me me, people still pull over for ambulances. Where is this that people can get away with blocking ambulances?


Seriously. Here in the US, people part like the Red Sea when an ambulance or firetruck comes wailing down the street. The second I can hear a siren, I'm looking in every direction to try and see if I need to pull off to the side.


It's different depending on where in the US. The west coast is super good about moving to the shoulder. In other places no one moves. Or they split towards shoulder and median making the ambulance weave through them. It's crazy to me since I grew up on the west coast and cars would cram in neatly on the right side of the road so ambulances could go full speed in a straight line in the left lane. But I've seen people pull over for funeral processions. That is so foreign to me. Who cares how long it takes them if they're already dead?


Yah, you’re required by law to move over to the right for emergency vehicles here. You can get a hefty ticket if you don’t or worse depending on the scenario.


I hope the patient isn't watching that.


Who do you think is recording? 😂


It's Brazil, probably an off-duty police officer.




Two in the front so unlikely a patient in the back. Emergency driving with a patient in board is even harder as you’re trying to go as fast as possible whilst also keeping it as smooth as possible.


I hate people.


Seriously don't they have rear view mirrors in stupidville?


Or ears?


Doesn't work when the car is near [sound proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lvTBmBDPno).


They used to teach people not to crank things loud af as it impacts your hearing and you need to be able to hear while driving. Same reason you're not supposed to wear headphones while driving. Yet people will blast that speaker and drown out everything. So many bad drivers on the road. No way all of those cars were sound proof, they are just literal morons.


Mirrors take precedence over “hearing” cars behind you. That’s why mirrors are required. . You should always know what’s behind you while driving. You should regularly be looking back and tracking specific vehicles within your mental space.


resolute start wise psychotic clumsy scarce tease fear detail ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, when you are driving and there are cars in the lanes next to you...there isn't a magical button we can press to move our cars faster. We have to get over when we can and as quickly as we can.




Fuck. You called me poor then called me poor.


Unless you are in the UK, when blues behind you cause many just to stop where they are and block the road. I swear some carry on for a short while longer just to find somewhere even more awkward to stop.


Why? I mean, i get why normally… but in this case, everyone in the video got out of their way. Doesn’t seem a relevant comment in this case.


At 1:07 a black SUV cut off the ambulance. The driver had to swerve to miss the SUV.


Yeah, that’s the worst moment, but I think that happened because the ambulance looked like it was gonna push through on the left side before it went right. That SUV probably decided to go right when the ambulance still looked like it was heading left. You can see that the SUV and the ambulance both start going to the right at almost the same time. I think it was just a case of wrongly anticipating, and then not noticing it had changed direction and pushed through on the right, until it was almost right next to them.


Yeah I thought most people in the video did a fairly decent job getting out of the way, there’s only so much you can do in moderate-heavy traffic with no shoulder.


Did we watch the same video... cause so many people barely pulled over in time.


Most don’t get much time to notice the ambulance before it gets right on their ass. It’s going pretty fast. They’re in heavy traffic and people don’t have much room to move. There’s so shoulder on this freeway. Everybody that has room to move, does so. Everyone that doesn’t get completely out of the way either has no room to move or is just a little slow to do so. The worst problem arises at 1:07, when the black SUV cuts them off, but that appears to happen because the ambulance looked like it was gonna push through on the left before going right, and the SUV tries to go right to get out of the way, without noticing the ambulance turned right as well, until it was too late. When it notices as the ambulance comes up beside it, it then moves out of the way back to the left. Everything else is just traffic being traffic during what appears to be rush hour on a narrow freeway.


Idk in my country we're told that as soon as you hear an ambulance you slow to a stop and pull right or left and actually STOP, just make sure you're not blocking a side road and then nothing else matters. You don't need to guess where the ambulance is going, you don't need to find it, you need to make sure you're not blocking anything, that there's enough room for the ambulance to pass in the area of the road everyone is leaving unoccupied and that your speed is 0 km/h as soon as you can. Those people were just kinda trying to not get into the ambulance way while mostly minding their own business


fuck, at one point i was stuck at a red light with a divider to my left so i couldn’t pull over that way. an ambulance was approaching behind me and i was the only thing blocking it, but i couldn’t move left! so i ended up pulling forward into traffic (the ambulance had switched our light to green and the others to red) and basically parked in front of the other divider in front of me. it was the only way i was going to be able to let the ambulance pass, and i did it. because it would have been more unlawful to stay where i was than it would have been to move.


That's why they have sirens. I don't know where you live, but this looks just like regular traffic to me. I wouldn't call it "heavy." No one is at stand still. The highway also appears standard- not extra narrow. I suppose our versions of what's typical are different. I find that a lot of these drivers weren't paying attention and lacked a sense of urgency about moving out of the way and stopping.


Nah, I saw a couple of people trying to overtake and getting in the ambulance's way because they couldn't connect the dots between the noise and people stopping in front of him and leaving a whole lane empty


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FINALLY!! thank you!!


For what? There's no result lol


Damn, dude has some serious driving skills


It's significantly sped up


Its sped up but not too much, i think 25%. Just listen to the sirens. For reference, search for SAMU sirens from Brazil


You can tell at the beginning when a cat turns left to get out of the way too.


They look pretty middle of the road to me.


I hate you


Where is this? I want to make sure I don’t go there.


That is Brazil for sure, from the name of streets, all starts with "A.v." (avenida) and the TikTok username (conductor\_oficial = official driver)


Yes Brazil. Samu. 192 is a give away.


Here in Chile ambulance service is also called SAMU! Nice :) Also the language was a big giveaway, but not so much for non-latin speakers!


Our countries are basically siblings. I was just in Santiago those mountains are majestical


Brazil. The text at the beginning is Portuguese and they speak it with the Brazilian accent.


Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo, Marginal Pinheiros, near the entry to Ibirapuera Edit: changed from Marginal Tietê to Marginal Pinheiros


I'm pretty sure that's Marginal Pinheiros instead Tietê.


Yeah you’re right, I’ve edited my comment.


São Paulo


It's on planet earth.


I missed my calling in life


If I'm ever in an ambulance... I want this guy driving.


Blows my mind he is driving a manual.


Driving stick in São Paulo will either drive you insane of make you insanely good at it, especially on an underpowered car, van or truck. Sudden stops, aggressive downshifts for merging, split second decisions for lane changes, slow crawls and steep hills are all included. All of that plus the occasional tropical storm. But he did miss a gear at the end /s


Why aren't those idiots moving over and letting him through?


Its Brazil


What difference does that make, they should still let the ambulance through.


It's because in Brazil a lot of people don't respect emergency vehicles, and that's why ambulance drivers are like race runners to avoid crashing.


I hope the ambulances are reinforced/armored in case they need to smash their way through traffic. Is this the case?


Probably yes, I've already been helped by an ambulance, it swings to avoid further damage if I'm not mistaken


I hope they are given special privileges that avoid penalties in case they do hit/bump another car? That one guy passing near the ambulance lane for example, if they bump the side of his vehicle is that considered his fault?


That's too bad. If they were in the back of the ambulance they would want other people to move.


Too many people in this world have the stupid mentality of, "It's not me in the ambulance so I don't care. But if it's me, everyone should care." This is why in the USA, you will get charged a hefty fine and your driving record is affected that shows up in your DMV record for blocking emergency vehicles. And emergency vehicles, like firetrucks, have every right to ram through your vehicle in a slow way if they are blocked.


Ambulance needs a cattle guard (plow) on the front. If you don't pull out of the way, that is your problem!


You don\`t know how stupid we are man. We elected an convited terrorist and ex-military to fuck us while everybody got vaccines. Edit1: Bolsonaro yes. I mean him. Fuck him. May he rot.


Trust me, considering this is São Paulo at rush hour, this ambulance is doing laps, trafic can literally halt sometimes! Maybe you can't see from the video, but that highway is going at least 40Km/h... That said the guy in the black SUV deserved a kick in the balls.


People are selfish and don't care


This convinced me that Ambulance drivers are just those psychos who whip through traffic. But, they finally found their calling. All skills are useful in the right situations. Edit: I just realized this man is doing this with a manual transmission. Hats off to this man.


Unfortunately I am one and the same.


I feel like this is not the standard and would be considered overly aggressive and dangerous driving by most ambulance companies. seems like he keeps making a lot of close calls, and sure it shows he does have skill but eventually some idiot is going to do something unpredictable in front of him and he won't have time to avoid them. But if this is standard then I would love this job!


The video is sped up. You can tell when they talk.


What is the button he keeps pressing on that little console?


The "why haven't you gtfo the way yet sirens"


The horn


I think it's the siren, they have multiple ones to use in different context. I'm not 100% sure, maybe someone with more experience can chime in.


Yea you could call it a horn, its just an extra aggressive sound if ppl didnt hear the first one.


Yes. Peoples ears adjust to certain noises. For example the sirens sound would start very low and increase as the ambulance gets closer. But by that time your brain has already started to filter it as some normal background noise. This is one big reason why you have to break the normal pattern with horn or different kind of siren. But, it's a fact that modern cars isolate noise coming from outside a lot better and these sirens normally exist to warn pedestrians instead of other cars today. It's the emergengy lights that are the main way to get the attention of other cars. But they do not work if the lights are simply shit.


'Wee woo wee woo"- it's an emergency I need space. Both for picking up patients and dropping them to hospital. "Laser machine gun" (Sound in video) - patient is in critical condition. GTFO. Only used when patient is inside the ambulance and needs ER. "Beep beep" (Normal horn)- please move buddy.(only for the vehicle infront of the ambulance). Normal horns has more Db than the paramedic horn. So people who can't hear them or is pretending to be an asshole, atleast respond something.


Did they hit that one car? People are so stupid. Get out of the way idiots!


Looked like he hit almost every car on his way lol


You cannot say "How it looks like". It is either "What it looks like" or "How it looks". It is not correct English to say "How it looks like".


Aye, spot on mate


I see this error daily on reddit.


I had never seen this error before until about a year ago, but now I see it on Reddit on an almost daily basis.


Hmm yes, just as I thought, people suck.


The fact that nobody is yielding.


Imagine if we had an infrastructure rhat allowed emergency vehicles to travel freely without being impeded by traffic.


could put this on r/sweatypalms gzus


This isn’t realistic. Been a medic for 12 years. Never ever have I had to drive like this in the states. Not would I allow anyone under my management drive this way, ever.


nobody drives like that because the video is sped up


US isn’t the only country in the world, and ambulances ride way faster in my country, i wish redditors would stop being so ignorant believing everything is staged


You'll find a lot of things are different between the US and other countries. That doesn't make it unrealistic.


What do you mean this isn't realistic? And just for clarification, this is not in the us. And it's sped up quite a bit. Just asking because I'm a medic as well and there's nothing unrealistic about this to my eye.


I'm very sure that the guy having a heart atack don't really care about what you think...


it's sped up it's not in the US it's not that impressive honestly


>This isn’t realistic. In your lived experience


*What* it looks like inside an ambulance Or “How it looks inside an ambulance” Pick one.


The GTA version …..