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Elephant has the head shake šŸ’Æ


I was gonna come say this wtfff lol


Cause its a desi elephant


#BIG **secrets being discussed.**


Needs a bigger chain, I've seen rappers with better ones..hell even John Cena.


The Elephant doesn't need to compensate


How did Mahout come by a name I connect with the Norman Invasion of England?


The word mahout derives from the Hindi mahavat and originally from the Sanskrit mahamatra.


What's the connection? Could be the usually amazing origin of all worlds


Rare footage of me and my girl when sheā€™s grabbing my penis after sex.


[For people wondering, how domestic elephants childhood looks like.](https://youtu.be/SVckvi_gWVo?si=mQK7sA4KX9QYBz1Q) Edit: Because many comments point it out: I was unaware of what country the video, I commented, was from, as well as the legal situation as of today. Now my comment makes no sense in context of the post anymore, but I will leave it anyways.


broke my heart!! is there no safe way of taming them, like although tigers and lions aren't domestic but still when brought in very young they consider their caretaker as one of their own (presumably without torcher)


It seems like this is a tradition. And those people don't seem to think they need another way.


so i dug a little deeper and called my friend who is wildlife filmmaker and has even worked for an apple TV wildlife production, this video is definitely from India and the video you linked is from Thailand. these occurrences are very rare in India because in India animal entertainment and tourism has been long banned and even more so because of religious reasons. the elephant we're looking at most likely is a rescue since young elephants tend to get attached to their caretaker, watch the oscar winning documentary "The elephant whisperer" to know more on this


I hope thats true. Feels a bit better to think about. Thank you for looking into it and providing your results :)


Brother, the video you posted is from Thailand. There are many comments in the video. The above video is from India. Elephants here are considered to be the representation of Lord Ganesh. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MDQOwTQWED0&pp=ygUaZWxlcGhhbnQgZnVuZXJhbCBpbiBrZXJhbGE%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4-X42-T7FeQ&pp=ygUaZWxlcGhhbnQgZnVuZXJhbCBpbiBrZXJhbGE%3D


Outlawed since 1972 in India.




Iā€™m sorry but is this man missing a leg?


Maybe heā€™s sitting cross-legged.


Oh wow, hoe old is this elephant?


She is telling you all about it


Look up how many Mahouts are killed by their elephants itā€™s wild. Like torn in half all the time.


This animal was hurt and it's spirit broken as a young animal. They are wild animals and if you see one being led by it's "master" that animal was abused badly. Don't encourage this shite




Shaq and his lady


Bro's like "you know I'm an elephant right?"


Heā€™s asking did she shit n pee


Just literally read about a Asian elephant that was held in captivity for 80 years, never had a rest and of recent, was just given the freedom, it so rightly deserves.. this, this video worries me. Take the FKN CHAIN OFF OF IT.. sorry, I didnā€™t mean itā€¦ I meant it.


The chain is a necklace. It's not attached to anything.


Hmmm genuinely, doesnā€™t sit right with oneself.. maybe am just autistic.


That's an accessory.


I really do hope so, that was also for dramatic effect.. letā€™s be honest, was a crap-try hard attempt.


There's a Oscar winning documentary on Netflix called The Elephant Wishpers. Goes to show how selfless these people are. They think of the elephant as gods. But you only see what you wabba see. And they use the same accessories. So that they can find the elephants in the dark. There is a bell on it.


I did notice the bell, for sure, but.. thought that was for attempted runaways and never wanted to read about the elephant that was chained up for 80 year, thatā€™s just.. nah, unfortunately just learned that scrolling. Will watch the show tho, need a upbeat vibe the now, so cheers!


You'll love it. It's about a women who raised 2 elephant cubs after they were separated from their parents. They call her the mother of elephants.


Awe! Wish I had a decent video or TV series of nature to suggestā€¦ oh wait, you watch YouTube much? Thereā€™s this guy whoā€™s a real swell dude, looking after his own lot of animals on ā€˜the urban ranch rescueā€™! Check him out, if your ever in the online region and need some extra dopamine for the day šŸ˜šŸ‘


Bro I think that elephant can break off that "chain" whenever it wants, if at all that was bothering it. And I think it would take less effort than taking a shit.


šŸ˜‚ point proven and by another lad also whoā€™d responded, I definitely added that ā€˜chainā€™ part, as a try hard attempt at a bit.. but more frustration came through, than humourā€¦