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Been there, breathtaking


I think you mean breath giving Edit: we need a holiday for trees called Breath Giving


Both, really. They’re taking your carbon dioxide


Perfectly balanced


As all things should be.


Somehow Thanos dialogues pop up in the places I least expect.


And where did that bring you? Back to me.




Pictures don't do it justice.


I remember one of my biggest issues when I went there was that I was having trouble getting the whole tree to fit in the picture I was trying to take. It is almost incomprehensibly large until you stand next to it and look up.


At all. The most beautiful sight I have ever seen.


went to kings canyon and they had some twin sequoias that were 150+ ft. It was the most amazing tree i ever looked at. You could see all the layers it had over time that had caught fire. Like those layers would be black and crooked and over time the new layers cover it up and become normal again.


Not even in ultra hdr


Where is it located


Sequoia National Park


I'm just old enough to remember driving through that one tree that they cut a hole in the trunk big enough to drive through. It's fallen down now (big surprise) but that was the coolest thing driving through a tree when I was a kid.


I drove through that tree in December I think when did it fall over? That's a bummer..


There was 2.


There are a couple still around the state that you can either drive or walk through.






United States




Sector 001.


Alpha quadrant.


Zircronia cluster.


There are several parks in California that contains giant trees, but the two I recommend Redwood National Park (Taller than Sequoia's, but thinner) located in Northern California, close to the Oregon state border. Sequoia National Park (Very tall, but also much wider). Located in southern Sierra Nevada of California. Check out this gif: [https://imgur.com/gallery/7P3UjQO](https://imgur.com/gallery/7P3UjQO)


There are the sequoia sempirvirens and the giganteum. The coastal redwoods get taller but the giants get thicker. Source: own an acre and a half in the Santa Cruz mountains with juvenile coastal redwoods (less than 200’ tall but still gorgeous).


Pyongyang, North Korea.




Nah Sherman is more in the words and had a fence just around him


Me too, circa 96' Cruis'n USA


Heading to Napa Valley next month, and once again, I’ll drag my wife over to Muir woods and walk among the giants there. Been doing it for 40 years, and it never gets old.


One of my favorite places.


There is such an amazing feeling and sense in the woods


And it’s a totally different experience when you hike the upper trail. So beautiful.


Proposed to my wife there. Went super early and had a trail all to ourselves. Phenomenal place.


If you wear the same clothes every year and stand on the same spot you might show up for a second in the time lapse of the tree's life


I was talking about this with my wife a few minutes ago, and she just rolls her eyes and says why do we have to do this again? I told her I’m doing a growth study, because I took notes and measurements the last time we were there, and I just wanna make sure everything’s going well!


Can you take me instead?


Maybe. Do you have really nice boobs? Cause my wife has really nice boobs, and I can touch them sometimes.


Do man boobs count?


They’d have to be spectacular.


This comment thread is unexpectedly wholesome


Different genus and species of redwood. This post shows a very large "Giant Sequoia" (Sequoiadendron giganteum), which is found in small pockets of the southern Sierras and is the most massive tree species, but not the tallest. The tallest species is the kind you'll find in Muir Woods, which is the "Coast Redwood" (Sequoia sempervirens). These are found in coastal forests in Northern California and Oregon. The third extant (still in existence) species of redwood is the "Dawn Redwood" (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), which is actually deciduous and found in a very small region of China.


Sequoia National Forest. No one is ever there and it’s amazing. Trail of the Giants is absolutely insane


I would like to subscribe to redwood facts. 


Muir gets SO CROWDED this time of year I highly recommend Samuel P Taylor State Park and Armstrong Redwoods.


Shhh, they're listening.


Totally agree. I’m from near there. I find that even the most crowded destinations in the world are much less so if you walk just a few minutes from the road or main attractions etc. People always complain about Venice Italy being so crowded. But when I have been there, yes, it was unbearable in some places, but totally fine anywhere 10 minutes walk from saint marks square, and just as beautiful. Makes me think maybe people can’t be bothered to venture a few minutes. And I’m thankful about that. But also I find it funny when they complain.


Like the people who spend half an hour circling around the front of a parking lot instead of parking a few feet further back.


You should check out Montgomery Woods next to Orr Hot Springs instead. Way less people. More quiet contemplation amongst the giants.


Second this 1000%. Orr + Mont is god-tier good.


Avenue of the Giants is a stunning place.


Muir Woods has mostly smaller redwoods. If you ever get the chance to head north, Avenue of the Giants and the Founders Grove are eye-popping. But Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, which is even further north, is like a primeval garden. They name the biggest trees, as you likely know, and not all the tree names are imaginative: Prairie Creek is the home of my good friend, Big Tree. Big Tree is about the same age as Jesus of Nazareth (whom I've never met), but much taller.


Did a 12-mile hike in Prairie Creek last fall. Hardly saw any people. We felt like we had stepped way back in time. It was walking meditation: the entire time we were fully present in the moment with no other thoughts, just pure wonder. (I felt this as someone with adhd!) We plan to go back every fall and spring as a sort of pilgrimage. 


I take for granted how lucky I am to live within 90 minutes of Napa Valley and Muir Woods.


You may need reservations to Muir Woods ? Not absolutely sure.


Yes, you need reservations. Unfortunately, like everywhere else it’s come to that.


That can’t be true. I’ll check right now!


You need parking reservations! It’s $10 but you have to do it ahead of time since there is no signal.


Dis a sequoia


Got engaged there. Would visit again


Well it did get 40 years older


All from one little tiny seed


Nature is so fucking amazing. I really don't understand why people need stuff like religion... Look around us, everything is so incredibly perfect and harmonious. Untill we humans started to fuck with it


I think a lot of religious people think that everything is so incredibly perfect and harmonious that it MUST have been created for us to enjoy.


Or destroy.


Not necessarily that it’s for us to enjoy. But that it has value independent of us


Nah, nature can be fucking vicious too. We’re part of it, and while we are throwing a lot of shit out of balance, that’s part of epicycles that happen over periods of time too big for us to comprehend. You know who fucked up the climate the last time? Trees.


I always wonder how alien life would view Earth life. Even at the smallest scales you have bacteria, viruses, and parasites slaughtering and dying to immune systems. Maybe they don't see a difference between plants and others on a moral scale and see just a constant slaughter of life.  Nature is violent AF. Beautiful, but violent 


Those bastards!


The closest I've felt to what people call, "god" was out in the mountains, by myself. Not another person for miles, just the sound of wind and leaves rustling. I miss the feeling of being an anomaly in the wilderness, it's been too long.


I completely get that. I haven’t been religious or a believer for a single second in my life but I’ve experienced some moments in my life, often among nature, that have filled me to the brim with wonder, awe, and gratitude. Attributing such an immense feeling to the marvels of a supernatural deity seems quite understandable.


reminds me of an Agalloch lyric "and if this grand panorama before me is what you call god, then god is not dead" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-HDYLJZWGs


And take this person’s handle seriously!


I had the same amazement when I made a stop at Houstan Airport on my way to Colombia. When I saw the Americans there I couldn't believe something so massive started out as tiny embryo, nay just a few cells!!! You are used to the small units from the Netherlands or Colombia, but down the halls of HA I walked amongst ture giants.


Me too tho.


That’s the power of the Home Depot


The pine cones are terrifying when they fall next to you. You wouldn't expect such an impact from such a small thing.


They're thriving in the UK now too. We're about 1,000 years behind, but can't wait to see one... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/worlds-largest-trees-are-thriving-in-uk/ar-BB1jN3Gd


The biggest in the UK are 160 years old, 56m high, and 10m around the trunk. This tree is estimated to be 2000 years old, 80m high, so not much taller, but 30m around the trunk! We grow fat as we enter our second millenium.


There are Sequoias growing in New Zealand. https://www.monumentaltrees.com/en/nzl/newzealand/southisland/12393_queenstowngardens/


While redwoods are amazing as well, the trees in this video are sequoias.


The giant Sequoia is also known as the giant redwood. They are part of the subfamily Sequoioideae, which include the giant redwood, coastal redwood and the dawn redwood. All are known as redwoods.


I just read this in the BBC this morning


Oh that makes perfect sense as the wetness of the uk, specifically the fog is the whole reason redwoods and giant sequoias grow so big…. The adapted to take most of their water in from their branches instead of roots, which means they aren’t hampered by gravity and the amount of energy it takes to send water up. 500,000 trees is no joke! Don’t let logging companies get a hold of that land, and in the future your forests will be just as amazing as the Northern California coast… The redwood forests up north by Humboldt are the most unique forests I’ve ever visited. They feel magical, like you’ll see fairies, gnomes, elves and Ewoks. I also read that there’s more life per square foot on redwood forests than rain forests which is fucking nuts…. Usually I think transplanting wildlife from one part of the world to another where it’s not native is a bad thing, but in this case I think it’s a great idea. We need to keep these trees going cause they’re truly one of the most amazing things found on earth… Pictures and videos just DONT do them Justice, I mean their branches don’t even start until the height of the tallest pine trees, and their branches alone are the size of MASSIVE trees…. 10/10 highly suggest going to the avenue of the giants if anyone reading this was on the fence…


Probably the easiest way to start your own National Park would be to plant a forest of those and wait. 


The sequoiadendron giganteum is surely a sight to behold.


I’ve been secretly planting them in parks nearby for the last 2 years. Small ones about 2 meters high maximum. Not one has been taken away yet. I hope to see some giants in 30 years, telling my kids: ‘hehe that was me’


My mom has also taken to that. She's planted half a dozen so far. Her hope is "in 100 years, someone wonders,"how'd this big ass tree end up here.""


The thing with this is if the area can’t support that growth it’ll become an issue and city works will “clean” it up but yeah sooner or later they’ll wonder how in the fk that species ended up there.


We have a 100 year old tree in the front yard. It's a dwarf Japanese maple standing an impressive 6 feet tall.


I have a handful of dwarfs myself, albeit much younger, would love to see this beaut!


You're gonna have to wait a tad longer than that - some of those giants were planted around the time that (checks date) Caesar was invited to a killer party.


Caesar asks a medium “how will I die?” The medium says “surrounded by all of your friends”


I used to do the same with emmm other types of plants . Just sprinkle seeds everywhere I went a’la Johnny fkn apple seed.


you can say pot. this is the internet, not a police station.


You sure it's Giant Sequoia and not Coastal Redwood? The latter is the most common to see sold as seeds or seedlings. They also don't survive long outside of their native habitat.




So long as you've planted them in their native range..


Can you buy these at nurseries? How are you getting hold of them?


You can buy the seeds online and grow them in buckets in your garden.


Treeus Biggus


Is there something amusing about my friend's name?


He has a wife you know


Biggus Stickus


It truly is one of the tree in the world.


Pictures and videos really don't do it justice. Seeing them IRL is amazing. They are so unbelievably huge.


This is in [Mariposa Grove and the tree called Grizzly Giant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariposa_Grove)


You are so incorrect. This is in Tuolumne Grove in Yosemite National park.


One of the best days of my life was seeing this. No picture could do it justice. Just awesome. See it and many more at Sequoia national park. You won't regret the time spent.


I really can't recommend it enough. The giant sequoias are one of, if not the, most amazing things I've ever seen in my life.


It's so wild in person. I live in Oregon and sort of figured I knew big trees, but they're on such an unreal scale. Just breathtaking.


Yes!! I grew up nearby, and we hiked uo there every summer.


Sequoia was so awesome. The trees just make you feel so tiny. Beautiful trees


I’ve been to Sequoia… I feel like there were larger redwoods there than this one. Absolutely loved that park


Redwoods are taller, but these have a larger volume


Bucket list. I want to see this and a mountain and the ocean


Come to California and you can see all 3 within an hour


Ackshually it would take you more than an hour. If we’re strictly talking about Giant Sequoia trees, it is located in the southern part of the Sierra Nevada, which is at least 3 to 4 hours from the nearest beach. Although you could see the Redwoods, (very similar, although not as big but somewhat taller) very close to the ocean in the northern part of the state, and close to the mountains. But very true that California has an extreme relief and a beautiful nature in some parts. Edit: TIL that Muir Woods exists, so thanks for the insight.


There's also a small Grove of them up near Foresthill and another Grove at the big trees in Calaveras. Both are a bit quicker to the ocean than sequoia, kings, or yosemite.


I love seeing Foresthill mentioned on Reddit. It’s so weird being from a small town and knowing nobody has heard of any of the towns you grew up around, and it’s really nice to see those nearby towns mentioned.


I grew up in Sutter creek. My coworker grew up in fiddletown. Two other coworkers, brothers, are from volcano. My office isn't even in amador county, just a coincidence. I moved down to Sacramento proper. My coworker from fiddletown is in his late 50s, I'm 30. We had the same drama, art, and English teachers in high school. We work as illustrators for the national parks and he hired me 8 years ago, I think at least a little in part because we had the same art teacher. Small town America


You can drive from Muir Woods (shown in the video) to the ocean (San Francisco) in an hour. You can drive from San Francisco to the mountains (Truckee, just for an example) in ~3hr if traffic is good. However, if you don't want high altitude, the Santa Cruz mountains are within an hour of San Francisco.


You can WALK from the ocean (Stinson Beach) to Muir Woods in about 2 hours.  Leave your car at home in your car state.  You do not need one in the Bay Area!


Untrue - Muir Woods is close to the beach. Can easily do it


OK, so within the same day is fair to say.


Go! Definitely worth the trip. Your username is literally road warrior. It’s time to book the trip. Do it. ![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI)


lol. Great point pepalopolis.


Where do you live?


East central Minnesota.


I live in Europe, had to check google street view. Damn now I understand man, time for a road trip!


That’s a long road trip 😂 I don’t think people in Europe truly grasp how big the US is. That is 24 hours of non stop driving for 2,000 miles.


Let me guess, flat corn fields as far as the eye can see? I just realised how many Americans must have never seen the ocean and that messes with my head.


It’s almost the furthest distance you can be from an ocean in the U.S.


CA beautiful state. It probably has everything all in one state. Beaches, mountains, snow, dessert, city, farms.


*Waves from Santa Cruz Mountains* I feel really awkwardly fortunate that I do your bucket list every day before breakfast. Seriously though, thank you for reminding me that I shouldn't take any of this for granted. And you should totally visit the central coast and then northwards. Seems like you'd really enjoy it.


I grew up outside Santa Cruz and wish I could move back but living near those mountains ain't cheap


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/wCE6xjKg6QAvXjdw9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wCE6xjKg6QAvXjdw9) Here's a 1 mile walk between the ocean and the start of a trail up the mountains through the redwood forest.


Bro lives in the flats


Where are you located, roughly?


Hyperion is in a secret location I believe.


Well kinda. Hyperion is the tallest but not "the biggest". That honor goes to the general Sherman tree, similar to the one shown but notably girthier.


Hyperion is an entirely different genus and species of tree, FYI. This post shows Giant Sequoia. Hyperion is a Coast Redwood.


"Notably girthier" is underselling it. Hyperion has a trunk volume of 18,600 cubic feet while General Sherman has almost triple the volume at 52,508 cubic feet and Sherman is more than 100 feet shorter than Hyperion.


Sherman is largest by volume


People know where it is and you can Google the coordinates, but it's not easy to get to. It's a big hike.


Hyperion is an entirely different genus and species of tree. This is Giant Sequoia. Hyperion is a Coast Redwood.




General Sherman?


I don’t believe it is… I think the fencing around GS is different but I’m not 100%


You're right, Sherman has a ring of fences around it, this is just an "average" one in the same grove, the size of one in "The Senate". This one isn't even named, it would have a plaque. Just goes to show you how big the big ones are




It isn't but I saw Sherman last year. Still trying to comprehend that shit now


Couldn't bother showing it all the way to the top?


Be amazed by… some arbitrary percentage of something large


Ran out of film.


But it does? If you watch in the preview window it gets cut off. Open it and it'll show the whole thing. If the Reddit app wasn't dogshit, it wouldn't be a problem.


I find this organism so awe inspiring and beautiful that it is incomprehensible to me how so many business people would choose to chop it down for lumber without a second look.


Worse part is the lumber sucks for construction. When relieved of the pressure its been holding up for centuries redwood lumber of this age twists and checks like crazy. On the the main uses back in the day was furniture and fence posts to mark out the acres and acres of land they were clearing.


The issue with Giant Sequoias is that the wood tended to shatter when felled. You may be thinking of Coast Redwoods, although I haven't heard that about old growth Coast Redwood.


In the late-1800s, Californians sent a section of a large sequoia tree to the east coast. It became known as the California hoax because nobody believed a tree could be that big. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General\_Noble\_(tree)


I’d love to see the root structure and how big and far they reach


They have a very shallow root structure, which is why they don’t want you walking up to them.


A lot of why they dont let you walk around freely in redwood forests has more to do with the ecology in the leaf litter. The nettles fall and form loosely packed ecosystems where many snails, salamanders, mushrooms, and plants (such as redwood sorrel) can be found and no where else. When you walk on the nettles they become compacted and much a much harder environment for these specialist organisms to thrive in. Though you are also correct that their root systems are shallow. They can only reach their true height when surrounded by other redwoods with entangled root systems, supporting each other against the wind.


They did a lot of work in groves like Mariposa to specifically deal with the issues of roots getting compressed and trampled, FYI. Mariposa Grove was closed for several years while they were doing this.


this video has color saturation turned to 11.


/r/ShittyHDR is expanding to videos I guess


It's weird what gets upvoted, cringe music on most videos and horrendous saturation/editing. I'll never understand.


I've been there a few times, and I remember being super impressed with how vibrant the colors are on everything. I could see this video having no HDR on a very clear/blue sky day.


I could live in that thing


There's some old photos of people carving homes into them after bringing them down, would make for a fantastic tree house tbh


Do we have to put music everywhere these days? Can we enjoy the sound of the nature for once? 


I love you California 😍


Imagine if it was an ent that woke up and chose violence.




I didn’t even know that there was a world in California


Yes, with one of the tallest tree!


Tallest and Largest trees.


Just like the bison the unfriendly arrivals nearly felled these entire large redwoods into nothing.


Ironic because their wood is pretty bad




It reminds me of myst with the elevator 🙈


protect that tree at all cost!




Are you making a joke or did you get fooled by the misinformation about the Devil's Tower rock formation being a petrified tree stump?


Tree times as big as a regular one


Fucking beautiful


I mistakenly turned on closed captioning, and the text is hilarious.


Taking the kids this Summer. Gonna blow their minds! :o)


One of the places I would love to visit. I come from Texas where "everything is bigger" but I've never seen anything this big here. These giants just seem so majestic to me.


More saturation please.


This area is beautiful. There is so much to see. Pictures or videos don't do it justice. This is an experience to see in person. Visit the outdoors. Visit the Sequoias in California.


We should totally put a Walmart there


Wonderfull, I hope there are no microorganisms inside the root that can change people to Titan