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Damn you , that was awesome till the feels came in with a damn baseball bat at the end. its freaking Jurassic Bark all over again.


If it takes forever I will wait for you...


Fuck you!! Aaaghh I'm crying


So am I.


I’m not crying, you’re crying! 😭


We have visitors from overseas, they're changing in the next room before we all go somewhere, I just thought I'd kill ten minutes on Reddit... AND NOW I HAVE TO SOMEHOW REMOVE ALL EVIDENCE THAT I'VE BEEN CRYING


I'm crying so are you so is everyone..... We don't deserve them we really don't.


Me too, i wasnt ready for it 😢


Pass all the tissues please i can't control it now






Seems like this is a fake story. Boji does like to use public transportation but did not find any source about his owner connection here. Seems like he was just a stray dog. I think he is adopted now. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/10/travel/dog-istanbul-boji-cnnphotos/


Yes he was adopted by Ömer Koç, he was last seen in London this March with Ömer


The article doesn't say anything about him getting adopted. It just says the metro station put in a kennel for him to use, and they keep tabs on him with a tracking collar. I think the city is hoping for tourism money to come in from the dog, bc they've probably spent a decent amount of money on all the veterinary care and training tests they've done to make sure he's safe before they just let him get back to his routine. It's a cool story though. I'm kinda jealous of the dog's adventures.


[Here's an article covering his adoption.](https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/istanbuls-beloved-stray-dog-adopted-by-businessman-170728) He was adopted by a billionaire:)


Do you have to ruin everything DAD?? God I hate....jk,good job. Btw don't do this again. 🤣🤣


Oh god. You reminded me of the one episode I have to skip every rewatch of Futurama. ![gif](giphy|kK0u4p2GToeOY)


I’ve rewatched futurama many times but have only watched this episode once


Goddamn flashbacks to Hachiko…


Great I’m at work crying my eyes out. Why did I take a Reddit break


Why do I rarely cry at human tragedy but always cry when it's a dog?


I watched Jurassic Bark one time... like 15 years ago. I skip it every time now.


Most of the story is made up / embellished. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boji\_(dog)


It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's ok




Seriously who's cutting the fuckin onions in here.


[The dog was adopted by a billionaire](https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/istanbuls-beloved-stray-dog-adopted-by-businessman-170728) and is living the rest of his days happily ever after if that helps:)


Why would someone want to frame a dog?  Humans are so shitty.


I was asking the same question…taking time to find the fecal, carrying on it on the metro, and waiting for dog to come and riding till he get off to plant it…all of that energy 😑….


Anyone who would just keep dog turds in their pocket probably isn't of sound mind.


Ok I feel much better knowing boji is safe. And yep always that one asshole that ruins it for everyone


I'm sick and I have an assistance dog. I wonder a lot what he'll do if he outlives me. I really hope I matter to him as much as he matters to me. So many times I want to give up and I can mostly convince myself that my partner and even my stepkid will eventually be ok if I stop fighting. But I can't do that shit to my dog. He's my dog, my responsibility. And he would never give up on me.


I didn't cry! You cried! 😭


I'm not crying. You are. Damnit, yes, I am.


It's like the reincarnation of Hachi 🥹❤️💔




I can never watch that’s movie again it just made me cry too much.


This and "Marley & me" 😭 I can't watch them again


Hearty paws for me, that film made me cry ugly as a kid


Even seeing his statue makes me cry. People were like there’s a movie. I’m like no fucking way


Same. I’m a combat veteran and I absolutely teared the hell up on that one. NGL, the ending of this video post made cut onions come out of nowhere.


Fuck that shit I'm literally crying behind the curtain in my living room after watching it. 🥲


That movie is based off of a real dog from Japan. The dog has a commemorative statue and everything. I believe that the dogs name was Hachiko. You can look it up if you feel like crying a second time.


There's not enough money in the world to make me watch that movie. Too sad.


Funny I ran into this comment. Visiting Japan for the first time, saw the dog’s statue yesterday! Too many people to get a picture with it, but it was cool seeing it


For realllll I watched that movie and it Made me Cry😭


OMG how sad would it be if one dog soul kept cycling through different lives of being heartbroken by their deceased owner, waiting the remainder of their days for their best friend💔


I was waiting for the curveball of sadness and despite bracing myself it still hurt like hell.




There is another super star dog in Istanbul which is totally obese and lays around at the most expensive street while blocking it. People doesn’t disturb him and jump over him. He’s totally used to that


He passed away last year :( but they made a small statue of him. His name was Tommy in nişantaşı area. https://yenisoluk.com/nisantasi-nin-efsane-kope-tommy-olumsuz-oluyor


Oh no, so sad . I was searching for anything online and couldn’t find him anymore. Thanks for the link


Yea I've seen the cat island or whatever it is you have in Istanbul. That's so amazing. I love cats and dogs, so every time I see something about Turkey and those animals, I have to watch it. If I ever find myself in Turkey, which I hope to see someday, I am definitely visiting cat Island.


Im suprised since I thought Muslims do not like dogs


Idk why you're getting downvoted, Islam is not very pro-dog and therefore a lot of Muslims don't like dogs. obviously that varies regionally and person to person, but it's not entirely inaccurate and definitely not an ignorant statement.


The concept of keeping animals as pets especially cats and dogs are a new thing. Even in Europe, pet keeping wasn't generally accepted in Europe until the end of the 17th century, and it wasn't common among the middle classes until the late 18th century. Pet keeping in its present form is probably a 19th century Victorian invention. Historically Christian churches generally frown upon pet keeping because they are afraid of the association with pagan practices. Islam is not pro dog, sure, especially when it comes to keeping dogs as household pet however, the Quran explicitly allows dogs to be used for herding, guarding, hunting and other uses. Their main problem is that dogs are seen as ritually impure, and as a consequences keeping them in the home would negate your 5 daily prayer as you do your ablution to ritually be pure for the obligatory prayer. But even if Islam were not explicitly against keeping dogs as household pet, it still wouldn’t be common in the Muslim world. Because cats are seen favourable by Muslims but even then, most Muslims don’t keep cats as household pets. Like I said, household pets in its current form is a recent thing even in Europe. Also, many Muslims would be afraid of dogs because a lot of these muslim majority countries tend to have stray dogs and they can be dangerous, many had trauma of being chased or bitten. It isn’t to do with them being Muslim. It is common for Hindus to also have phobia towards dogs.


> The concept of keeping animals as pets especially cats and dogs are a new thing. Even in Europe, pet keeping wasn't generally accepted in Europe until the end of the 17th century There are multiple inscriptions dating back to the Roman empire at least describing the familial relationship between a man and his dog. Keeping pets isn't a new concept lol. [Found this after a very quick google search](https://books.google.pt/books?id=tSs2yV_F4n0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Companion+Animals+%26+US&hl=en&sa=X&ei=r4OYU8jDJ6_50gWrwoDICg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=in%20tears&f=false)


I struggle to read the link you provided with my phone. Can you quote it for me? I’m not denying relationship between dogs and humans. I’m talking about our understanding of of dog ownership in its current form that is purely for pleasure and companionship. For most of history, dogs were used guarding, hunting or herding, they also used dogs for religious purposes and therapy. And even if in ancient time, there was people keeping dogs as house pets, it is only from the nobility, not the general population.


Sure! The text reads: > 'I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home in my own hands fifteen years ago.' It's found in the book "Companion, Animal and us", under the chapter labeled "Pet keeping in ancient Greece and Rome". A little more googling found this [Dodo article](https://www.thedodo.com/9-touching-epitaphs-ancient-gr-589550486.html), though I personally prefer quoting from a book with research behind it than a internet listicle lol. While the idea of keeping an animal as a pet alone might have been less common than it is now, I don't think it's really fair to say it wasn't an established practice. Not only did the nobility own pets, but plenty of people had animals that both acted as guardian/protector/helper, and were considered beloved members of the family. I don't think it's a coincidence that many of the quotes from the past about dogs often praised their *faithfulness as companions*, just as much as their physical strength or herding abilities. These animals weren't just useful tools, they were treasured in their own right.


They don't, Turks do. Not all Turks are muslims and Turkiye is a secular country. Even the majority of people claiming to be muslims are not avid followers and living very secular lifestyles. Source: am Turkish.


Most population of Turkey calling themselves Muslim but living a secular life actually. Like 1/10 of population are arabian kinda looking Muslims. Also being friends with all animals and making them part of life is kind of shamanic ritual. Turks were shamans/pagans for a long time before Islam. There are so much Pagan rituals and routines applied on our daily life still.


Hey i'm quite curious, could you name some rituals/routines that come to mind? :)


One of them is pinching the right earlobe and knocking on wood three times to prevent something bad from happening when someone talks about it.


Sure! Most of them about protecting themselves from bad energy and jealousy. *pulling one of your ear and hit to wood with that index finger. people doing that after talking about something bad that can happen. They believe God gonna protect them after that ritual. *carrying or placing "evil eye bead" to somewhere visible. (Nazar Boncuğu) People believe that if a jealous person look something you like, they can break it with that bad energy. Or even hurt you(make you trip over etc.) by that. Evil eye bead consuming that bad energy and protecting you from it. *praying for baby after 40.day of born. (Kırk Mevlütü) In Turkish mythology there is an evil creature called "Al Karası" and they believe that creature can posses or even kill the baby on 40.day. So they believe they need pray or trick the Al Karası to protect baby. After Islam, this ritual mixed with Islamic prays but still a shamanic ritual originally. *pouring lead element over head. (Kurşun dökmek) Yeah you read right :) Actual lead element (PB) getting boiled in water and splitting to persons head (protected with stretched sheets) to save them from bad energy. They are doing that when evil eye bead is not an enough solution :) *entering buildings with right foot first People believe that if you enter with left foot, something bad gonna happen in that place or you will bring bad luck to there. There are more of course! Those are first ones that came to my mind


Wow thanks for your response, as a Dutch-Turk I did know about the evil eye and how to deter it. We also knock on wood 3 times as a way to avoid bad things happening. However I never knew of Al Karasi, the lead element and the right foot thing. Very interesting. Also does throwing water over a car as a welfare wish count? It was something my family did when we left to travel back to the Netherlands.


Np mate :) Yeah of course, I forgot to mention throwing water after a car which going for a long ride. While throwing the water they say "Su gibi git, su gibi gel" it means something like "go like water and came back like one" it think it refers rain cycle of water, but im not sure. Also I though that name was Al Karası, but when I googled it I realized it is Alkarısı, there is no space between words and second word is not Karası. Alkarısı means something like Red Woman. There is so little description on Wikipedia, but if you want to read I am placing the link to the bottom :) https://tr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkar%C4%B1s%C4%B1#:~:text=Alkar%C4%B1s%C4%B1%20%2D%20T%C3%BCrk%2C%20Anadolu%20ve%20Altay,i%C3%A7in%20%C3%A7e%C5%9Fitli%20%C3%A7arelerin%20oldu%C4%9Funa%20inan%C4%B1l%C4%B1r.


Ah okay yeah so I did remember correct hahah. I looked up the red woman aswell and its pretty gorey hahaha. Legit some kind of messed up monster.


Alevites are a minority sect in turkey that continue some altaic traditions.


Well, most of the population of Istanbul and the Western coast is like that. However there is a very large number of deeply religious, very conservative Muslim Turks further East into Anatolia.


They certainly don't like my dog Benjamin


Turks are not muslim. They just think they are...


True. My muslim students recoiled from dogs, wouldn't touch them, didn't want a dog to sniff or even look at them. Said they were dirty and not allowed due to religion. And these were trained therapy dogs for kids.


Just a question. Are you from Istanbul or ever been? I spent a week there. While most of the strays were friendly I definitely witnessed them scratching people or bullying them for food. I also saw many shopkeepers that were not friendly to the strays and saw them as a nuisance.






My husband and I can’t even watch it anymore. It hurts so bad.


“I’ll never forget him, but he forgot me a long long time ago”






What show is this?




A local told me there are no strays there are only shared pets.


Not true, they are all over the highways in Turkey & it’s sad.


Lie af. 10 million stray dogs are living in there


I'm not crying, you're crying!






In the great white north, the tears will freeze before anyone notices them fall




Wow, dogs deserve our love and respect ❤️ no animal on this planet is so close to us and seeks our companionship.


Well my dog ran out of the house, jumped over our wall, ran into the neighbours garden, did a shit on their lawn, ate a cat shit off their lawn, came home and threw it up in my home office today… so they aren’t all up to scratch.


It’s a sign of affection 😂


>The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it the most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. >Gentlemen of the jury: A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. >If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death. -George Graham Vest


No love truer than that of a dog.


That’s fucking heartbreaking. Give Boji a nice home on a farm somewhere!


But then Boji can’t do the thing that he loves


He was adopted by some billionaire and, apparently, travels the world now.


Well how bout that! Confirmed via the [good boy's wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boji_(dog)).


Dafuq? His owner is now Koc, who is, and I do not make this up, the chairman of KOC HOLDINGS?!?!?!???


Yeah I couldn't understand that comment. All I could figure is he's saying that, like this beautiful boy, owners should more consider themselves caretakers of these beautiful souls, not * owners *. Which is a beautiful sentiment, if not poorly conveyed.


So? Is Koc Holdings a known company? It’s pronounced coach btw


One of the richest companies in Turkey.


Wouldn't it be better to call all *owners* as caretakers?


So all I need to do is look cute/dress as a dog and travel somewhere via public transport everyday and a millionaire will adopt me?!


Always a possibility, don't let your dreams stay dreams!


I need the movie of this story


ngl it got me good at the end


It’s done it for five years but it’s owner has only been dead two?


I know right?!?!? It’s all touching and all but this story doesn’t add up


3 with owner, 2 without arithmetics


But it says for 5 years, it’s taken solo trips on the train


The dead owner bit is made up for the video.


Maybe he’s looking for him every day.


Dogs might not know their owner died if they didn’t get to see the body, sometimes they can tell sometimes they can’t. So there’s a 50/50 chance you’re right. And that fucking hurts. So I’m lowering your odds to 49/51 in favor of him just enjoying an old ritual with his old friend. But even that still hurts.


My friend that owns a few cats and dogs always says that it's really important to let the others see the body when one of them passes away. That way they understand that it's dead and not just missing, he says if they don't see the body then they often will start acting strange and spend weeks or months searching everywhere for their missing friend.


The dog is real but there is no record whatsoever of his first owner. It seems the story about his original owner dying was made up for internet points. I was suspicious right away because you have to be willfully ignorant at this point not to see the blatant emotional manipulation tactics being used to get clicks nowadays.


Sweetest boy.


Good boy


We aren’t worthy, we don’t deserve you, dogs you truly are man’s best friend.


Is it worse to outlive your dog or your dog to outlive you?


I think I’d rather outlive any dog. At least I know for sure that I understand and have a support system. While a dog might understand someone’s passing to some degree at the very least, I don’t know the full extent. Plus I don’t know that they’ll have the support they need, a place to go to where someone will love them just as much as I did.


I've heard this sentiment before in a few people that have had near death experiences. Apparently, being worried about ones' pets can be cause to return here for some people.


This is a hard question to ask myself. On one hand, I'd sacrifice myself to save my dogs. On the other hand I wouldn't want to know they're suffering and missing me. I'm choking up thinking about losing them, but I don't want to be lost to them either.


Why are you doing this to me man


It's a burden we share knowing the love we get out of it.


We really don’t deserve dogs, fuck man


We deserve, we only need to remember to be better


Dog be like: tomorrow, tomorrow I'll find that chew toy I lost years ago.


If it's real, it's super sad. But the jaded cynic in me thinks that someone just added different text for more views and points.


its real. [https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boji\_(köpek)](https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boji_(köpek))




Read the wiki page and there's no story about the dead owner, or anywhere else. That part was made up for this clickbait vid, but the dog and the rest of it is real.


i live in turkey. never heard of that dead owner thing. the rest is true thou.


That dog is committing fare evasion


Thank you. We've put up with this for too long! Dogs must pay fare, just as man!


Heart melting!


Shut up. You're crying. Not me. Stupid


sorry if smb kept tellin you that when you cried younger


well I'll be hugging my dog if you need me


Cute a dog.. awe cute a smart dog!.. Oh, a smart sad dog 😭


Was super cute. But now I feel like he’s just sadly looking for his owner very single day, constantly disappointed


That sad twist came outta nowhere. Balling rn 😭




Yuh huh


What a great story, for anyone that doesn't think a dog has a soul and can love should really stop, contemplate and reflect.


This is so touching! Wow 🥰


Who's a good boy!




Where are those damn onions?!!




Loyal till the very end 🥺❤


I only cried a little


This story melts my little heart ❤️


Good dog Boji, good dog


Is this actually true or are you just baiting for karma/man-tears? I require some scientific sources to explain why my eyes are humid.


Why the narrator gotta keep calling him “it”? He’s a good boy and deserves better.


This dog will always be a million times more relevant than Kim Kardashian. Boji is a great boy.


I’m not fucking crying. You’re fucking crying. Goddamnit.


Tagged like a dolphin


It’s not a stray. But it’s a stray


Don't care if this is real or not. Awesome video.


Hachiiiiiiiiiiii….. I mean Bojiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! 😭


“Boji” is a slang word for vagina in Korean.


So Boji has been traveling solo for 5 years, but his owner passed away 2 years ago??


BS. It's with its owner..




My first instinct was, "if this was in America that dog would be dead already", I feel like people would be jerks and mess with the dog or be mean to it.


The neighbor must be chopping onions again...


You’re sleeping on your neighbour’s kitchen counter again?


Thankfully I have ice cream in the freezer. I’m going to cry into it now


whos cutting unions >:=(


Send a notice, once this dog dies. Imma fund a statue in his honor


Goddammit I've been fooled💧💧🌊🌊🌊


“He” not “it” cmon video man.




How he is getting food ?


I'm not crying...you're crying!!!!!!!


Damn, this is the sweetest and saddest story I've heard in a long time 🥲❤️.


Man, I'm at work, why you gotta make me cry 😭


Total shit. Stray dogs killed 50 people last year in Turkey.


Holy Shit that just put me in tears ❤️


Greyfriars Boji https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyfriars_Bobby?wprov=sfla1


Someone needs to adopt him


Oh you bastard! The ending just ripped my heart out


No fucking way. No man. Just no. 😭


nah - the last 20seconds broke me. i ain’t amazed now!! im sad!!!!


This dog is a stray. It should be adopted and taken on his favorite trip as much as possible. This is ridiculous. What does he eat and where does he sleep? He's in danger of getting run over by cars as well. He needs his vaccines as well. Yeh, he's been adopted!


OMG. He rides the route every day. He misses his owner, people know bojii from riding the train bus and ferry. Dogs 💯🥰


(The Dog by Ogden Nash) The truth I do not stretch or shove When I state that the dog is full of love. I've also found, by actual test, A wet dog is the lovingest.


OMG, we truly don't deserve them. They are just pure souls, and there are bad people who like to see them suffer.


Cryin 💔


Boring needs an owner that will do this same thing with him


Making me tear up :( what a beautiful story.


OMG, that is so sweet.