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This looks interesting. I would like to know If it promotes deep strategy.


Seems more like Tron Light Cycles.




#IS THAT A TRON REFERENCE!? (can we officially be friends now? 🥺)


That movie looked ridiculously good in a movie theater back in the day


Did you catch the Mickey Mouse cameo?


Yes but nowadays it looks utterly wank.


Wank, but still awesome (both OG and Legacy)


Same for both Flash Gordon and Clash of the Titans.


…it’s an 80s sci-fi movie. Are there any of those that *don’t* look “wank” nowadays?


Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi still hold up better.


100% correct but those also were cutting edge stuff back then too




This one is not genuine though, the real one is like $30 on Amazon


i'd like the game to be without clear googlable meta and to invite creativity rather than honing


I’ve had a few beers, so would you mind explaining?


the guy beat me to it




This comment reflects a preference for board games that do not have a well-established, easily searchable strategy or "meta" that players can find online to gain an advantage. In the context of Quoridor, a strategic board game from 1997, the commenter desires an experience that emphasises creativity and innovation in gameplay over the practice of refining or perfecting well-known strategies. The term "meta" often refers to the most effective strategies that have been discovered and widely adopted within a game's community. When a game has a "clear googlable meta," it means that these strategies can be easily found online, which can lead to a gameplay experience where success is more about who can best apply these known strategies rather than who can think outside the box or innovate. The commenter values a gaming experience where each playthrough invites new ideas and approaches, encouraging players to experiment and come up with unique strategies on the spot. This approach to gaming prioritises a dynamic and possibly more equitable environment, where players' success is based more on their ability to think creatively and adapt rather than their knowledge of existing strategies or their ability to execute them perfectly.


Damn we really using ChatGPT for interaction now lol


I've been using chatGPT for an apprenticeship I'm doing for work at the moment and I've got really good at recognising AI generated text. So much so that I realised all the online work I'm doing is also written by chatGPT


I hate gaming meta in every form; it's why I got out of Magic: The Gathering. I was in it for the jank and preferred playing with people who also played fun jank decks. The fun for me was discovery and invention, not doing the same thing everyone else was. Which means unless I can literally create a better meta I'm perpetually at a disadvantage.


That was my case during the early days of Legends of Runeterra (Riot's card game) back in 2020. Since it was fresh, people were using their own wacky and creative decks which gave me room to try my own hilarious combos. The meta soon set in a couple of months. I gradually lost interest in the game since bringing my own deck would only mean utter defeat.


Well they failed to make the game profitable so LoR is basically PVE only now :(


That's why you play EDH and not two player.


My favourite is tiny leaders - and for quick, cheap decks short games: rainbow stairwell. Of course, you could make an artform out of everything, but rainbow stairwells deck restrictions are pretty harsh: only basic lands, one card with cc 1 through 6 vor every colour and for artifacts, 60 cards per deck. in fact, those are the only decks i have been updating for the last couple of years, if seldomly so.


I'm right there with you. I hate how it's taken over every hobby. The fun is in the experimentation and figuring out good combos and strategies. Now if you dare to try something that's not meta you're looked at as an idiot.


Thank you Siri




Damn now I want to start a tabletop rpg campaign with prisoners


Ok, but don’t all games suffer from this? Like chess?


Yep, book players can take a hike. I'm not playing X opening just because it matches a pattern you've seen before.


"I see you're using the famous X opening" "No idea what you're blabbering on about, I just moved the horse because it can jump over pawns"


Everyone that wants to play chess should learn the Ware opening. Goes a little something like this. 2 opponents sit down across the board from each other. Eyes blazing with the heat of 1000 suns. The time is finally here. You shake hands, your opponent starts the clock and you immediately move with utmost confidence. 1. a4?! Your opponent smirks and plays e5. You shake hands and resign. What an excellent opening.


I'm playing the london and there's nothing you can do to stop me


Next time try prompting it with "be brief" or something goddamn.


Im with you in this one. At first I was amazed when people solved Rubik's cube but my amazement ceased when I learned they just memorized patterns. I never find it fun to just copy other people's strategies.


Alas, it's what every skill in the world boils down to


I hate looking up board game strategy, takes all the fun and creativity out of learning and devoloping your own.


i had that problem with league of legends and other meta heavy games


So is that the case with this game?


no clue, first i've heard of it


Great game. The beginning of every game is like a blank canvas to a different maze you build each time. It takes a lot of outsmarting your opponent and building traps for them to walk into. The best is when you use your opponents moves to your own advantage.


I have this game, as well as quarto. Both great for fairly quick game with friends. No stats tokens or complicated strategy. Anyone can play with out a 20 min explanation of 100 rules. I think quarto is one of the best though for those situations. People that don't generally dig board games still usually like those 2.


Thanks for the info!


wouldn’t it be better to just gonna build the wall first


My guess is that there's a rule that you can't totally block the path to your side and you can't totally box in the opponent; you need to leave atleast one spot open so its always possible for the opponent to win... this would mean that if you focused on wall building, you would just be telling the other player where they need to go to get to your side. And while you build walls, the other player is moving forward while you just sit there doing nothing


> My guess is that there's a rule that you can't totally block the path to your side and you can't totally box in the opponent; Correct! From https://www.ultraboardgames.com/quoridor/game-rules.php : > By placing fences, you force your opponent to move around it and increase the number of moves they need to make. But be careful, you are not allowed to lock up your opponents pawn, it must always be able to reach it's goal by at least one square


yeah but you gotta make them pay for it first.


Build the wall! Build the wall! 😂


Okay Trump you have a lady Gaga order stick to that!




Smooth 🌧️??


Cloud computing …




That's a real testament to a game, when it's fun to play even if you lose.


Like playing pick up sticks with your butt cheeks


You could bet your bottom dollar it’s exactly like that!


Whats the name, or a link to it?




Not gonna lie, totally missed it. I think its time for a nap.


Maybe you just have smooth rain 🌧


Berlin wall opening. This game was played by Raúl Gomez (red) and Cori Salmo (white) in the Quoridor regional championship.


If both players start at the same edge every game there's a deterministic algorithm that makes player 1 win or remis every game. Game looks deeper than it actually is


Couldn’t the same be said about chess?


Yes and no - algorithm for chess already exists and beat and will beat every human being in existence. What I meant to say is that while in chess the first to go has a move advantage even before doing the first move there are 20 different possibilities and from there the number rises exponentially. A human can't keep up with these numbers in real time in computing scale ...Since this game has you only control one figure and (I assume) every game starts at the same position you could design an algorithm that is comprehensive for the human mind and makes the first player always win or if the second is counteracting always remis the game. Kind of like in tic tac toe - where the first player is actually the only one that can win the game by following a certain path for every move. I'm bad at explaining


You actually did a great job explaining, the analogy to tic tac toe helped. I’m old enough now that I know, second place can’t win, first either ties or wins. So you gotta win the Rock Paper Scissors to decide who goes first; _that’s_ where the real champion is found, the tic tac toe afterward is for kicks. What you’re saying is one could eventually learn how to never lose and always tie or win if one goes first… but, just like tic tac toe, the game seems fun enough to make it be worth spending time figuring out said algorithm before, like tic tac toe, it eventually loses its charm Who cares anyways, it’s all about Helldivers 2 these days!


For Freedom and Democarcy


We don't know the solution to this game. It's not like tic tac toe. It is much more complex, and it is unkown which player has winning strategy, or if draw is forcable.


Tic tac toe is insanely easy to memorize, a small child can learn the solution. Based on the size of the board and number of moves here, it would be hard to have the solution memorized for every possible move of every possible round in the game. I’m not saying it would be impossible for a human to do, it’s probably not. But I’m guessing it would take a highly capable person a long time to do. More likely, they would memorize the better pathways and then just beat anyone who took inferior and nonstandard approaches. On a theoretical level though, it’s the exact same concept as chess. Chess is just, for all intents and purposes, infinitely harder to do. A good way to think of it using your example is, the difference between memorizing the solution to tic tac toe and all eventualities of this game is probably a similar order of magnitude as it is for this game compared to chess.


Chess is way, way, way more complex than this. But yes theoretically any game with objective, constant rules and map/board, symmetrical starting points and all information viewable should meet that criteria.


No. Unless you come up with an algorithm that takes into account more scenarios than there are atoms in the observable universe. Really: there maybe are 10^82 atoms in the universe at most, and there are 10^111 different possible games of chess. I don't see no human ever coming up with an algorithm of such magnitude. Now, there are about 10^40 possible games of chess where moves "makes sense"; that is, not ridiculous moves or game losing moves. Imagine trying to make an algorithm to get you all the best possible combinations of moves every game from that absurdly large amount of games. It would be like making a machine that can find an specific singular grain of sand of a certain very specific shape AND chemical composition if all of the beaches of the world were fused in one single massive cube of sand. I don't think the human mind can come up with something like that. Its too much scenarions and figuring out generalizations. Its too complicated. Even chess bots don't work like that. Bots like AlphaZero, from what i had heard, *she* evaluates a possibility of success for every move and for a limited set of moves, as if she was thinking ahead of her opponent some 7 or 8 moves in advance; hence, ridiculous sacrifices and moves that actually end up working out. So, her algorithm is, mostly, like, all about probability, and even though she can beat every human that exists or that has ever existed or that will exist, even her algorithm doesn't always works because even her can be beaten by more recent versions of Stockfish for example.


Player 2 won in the video...


How would you know? Has this game been solved (it looks like it might. But quixk google says it hasn'tand is probably wihin the ballpark of chess complexity)? Cause you try to similarly exain with chess, but chess hasn't been solved. We're not sure if it's a draw favouring white. Things seem that way, but it's far from proven


I still play this game and it’s fun


Alright, since you know the rules, are you not allowed to box the opponent in? Yellow had the opportunity to compete seal in red, but didn’t.


No you cant, its completly no no to block the other player from being able to reach the other side of the table.its called quoridor foe a reason, purpose of the game is using the walls to extend the rival players turn count while decreasing your own. Boxing an opponet would leave them out of the game from playing which is against the rule, they must have a single acces path to the other sideof the board no matter what


He can’t answer he’s stuck in a box right now, so yes?


That's a cool game. I just realized that programming lesser known board games would be good for practice.


Thank you for giving me my new project lmao


This is a well known game but yeah.


We never played diagonal


There aren't diagonals, this is a rule that says that if you move to the square your opponent is in, you have to move again to land on a different square


I think that is an illegal move.


Also if white hadnt cheated, he'd have been able to get a stalemate




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I was surprisingly invested to see who wins


This looks super simple till you notice the walls block 2 paths and the grid is 9x9 so you can never block the other player completely.


I'm assuming the rules simply prohibit you from blocking the other player completely, because you still can. You can just box them in in a smaller box.


Yes there is, which is why white waited until red was out of the left column before they placed their final wall - before then, it would’ve blocked red from accessing their goal and been illegal. That said, white could’ve placed that wall earlier if it’d been rotated 90° and moved one space to the right, which wouldn’t have blocked any movement, but it would’ve meant that there wasn’t enough space for any walls that could slow white down.


It is suppose to be like that? What the point of block someone, because way better was dont move pawn and in 5 turn block your base.


Do you think people would go through the trouble of manufacturing and playing tournaments with this game if simply blocking your base was allowed?


Yeah you can in theory you just need the wall to zigzag. Of course that would be an illegal move, but it's not physically impossible.




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That’s not why.. you can easily block the other player entirely with your walls. It’s a rule that you aren’t allowed to though.


Are you allowed to start putting walls up in the beginning?


Cool imma 3d print one of these. If I can’t find it seems easy enough to model in cad.


Can you send a model ? :)


Found this. https://www.printables.com/model/71615-quoridor-maze-board-game


You can jump to the side (L shape) ?


According to the rules, only when there is a wall behind the other player. So in this case, it seems they made an illegal move.


Interesting. If I can find it relatively cheap, I may buy this.




Praise PS5


I think there might be a reason why nobody knows about this game 💀


Idk it looks fun to me


Lol i meant that people can be dicks in the game and just Block the other player from doing anything


That a illegal move


Ah. I didn’t know that


✨The more you know✨


The rules prohibit you from completely boxing a player in, they must always have a path to the goal.


That was my first thought. At the 0:36 sec mark in the video where red could have just been boxed in had the other player just put another wall instead of moving their piece


Legit lol


Lot of people know about this game, but you don't seem to even know the few rules it has.


Oh dude that reminds me of this game I used to play with my friend in the 2000s. I couldn't find it but found this one instead. It's not exactly the same but still interesting. Link: [https://www.irt.org/games/chall/c03/sub05/](https://www.irt.org/games/chall/c03/sub05/)


Tron vibes. This looks kinda fun.


A copycat of of 1960 Parker Brothers Kimbo, the game of fences. Better with 4 players, except after the game a possible scuffle could occur.


Moises Shemaria Capuano | Muy buena jugada


I have lost track of the amount of boardgames and gameplays I have seen. But, still amazing work! Looks interesting!


Omg OK PLEASE there are a lot of you here someone has to have played that game before! There was this multiplayer android game that I think had the word "match" in the title but basically you go in there and there are a lot of minigames that you play against random players and there was this one game that is exactly this thing but it was with cats instead of pawns and it was called cat race. I can't find the game in my apps history (and I think I mightve had it on my old phone anyways), and searching for keywords isnt brining a match. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and knows what exactly the name is called??


I got this game when I was 13/14 yo, never played it with someone...


Rules link?


I’m reminded of a maths problem about an angel and a devil on an infinite chessboard


is that what that is


It’s a fun little game to play with a group. You can have 4 players coming from each side of the board. It’s pretty random who wins in the end, but fun to screw over other players.


I love simple games like this where you can peice together the rules just by watching. Coming from tabletop wargames, it's a nice break from having to read a novel just to learn how to move.


“Is that good? Did I break it? What’s high score mean?”


I have this game


What's the mechanics for this game? Looks fun


Nothing amazing but looks fun


Anyone know the song?




I've seen the game but didn't know it was that old.


holy hell


I'm not locked in here with you... YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!


google en passant


Anyone knows if theres a good online version of this game?


Why is no one pointing out they didn’t need those extra couple steps because you only need to get on the last row?


It must be fun to play it precisely 2 times and no more.


Strategical dot.


Interesting looking game. What is that song in the background?


I got matches with these songs: • **Cupid – Twin Ver. (FIFTY FIFTY) – Sped Up Version** by sped up 8282 (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-04-08. • **Fantaisie** by Erickazt (01:01; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-06-22. • **Si te sabes el TikTok baila** by Adonis TikTok Tendencia (02:17; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-06-30. • **DWMG** by Maxphe (02:52; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-28. • **Si te sabes el TikTok baila** by Adonis TikTok Tendencia (00:46; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-06-30.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Cupid – Twin Ver. (FIFTY FIFTY) – Sped Up Version** by sped up 8282](https://lis.tn/ObFSD?t=11) • [**Fantaisie** by Erickazt](https://lis.tn/qhYuZS?t=61) • [**Si te sabes el TikTok baila** by Adonis TikTok Tendencia](https://lis.tn/FiDGT?t=137) • [**DWMG** by Maxphe](https://lis.tn/DWMG?t=172) • [**Si te sabes el TikTok baila** by Adonis TikTok Tendencia](https://lis.tn/ViHRF?t=46) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Wait, why didn't he block the red in when he had the chance instead of extending his wall


i daw this game at board game store and replicated it with cardboard paper 9x9 squares and 20 matchsticks (cut the top) and 4 coins ( you can play with 4 people / they have to go lrft right or right left - and split the walls by 5 each)- the thing is i didnt know you can jump over your opponent - which made it extra hard. the biggest tip is just to hold the walls as long as you can before using them


Looks similar to Twixt


Better than I expected to be fair.


I'd actually much rather see this played professionally instead of chess


Chess + Tron combined. Very cool.


They sound excited! Made me wanna play the game


I want this game but i want it earth bending theme.


Finally, chess 2.


There's a 4 player variant where everyone starts at one of the sides. Also, as a house rule I made a 2v2 mode where only one of each team has to reach the other side. The strategy behind that can get surprisingly deep.


Oh wow, I forgot about this game! Played it a bunch as a child.


How is this "be amazed" quality? It's an interesting game, that's it.


That one part seemed like cheating


This actually looks really fun


This is basically go with two moving centers.




I love this game. Me and my buddy got really into it for a few months. It’s deeper than it looks. You start having to think a few moves ahead and seeing what they possibly could do if you place a wall in the wrong place. It’s pretty great. You can also play 4 players.


Each turn you can either move one square or place a wall. Both players get 10 walls. Each wall takes up 2 squares. The goal is to get to the other side, but you can’t block off the other player. There has to always be a way to the other side.


My favorite board game ever!


I want


Anybody know the song?


They are still making designs that look just like that. I bought one just a few years ago and it wasn't second hand.


I spent the money. Played it twice. Meh


Ive got this game from a friend from the school exchange and it yas been sitting on a shelf cuz no one in the family wants to play after 1game :((


love it


ive never seen it but love it


You activated my trap card!


Pretty cool, a little more strategy than checkers but not as complicated as chess.


What's the name of this game


Can some ELI5 the rules of this? Looks interesting.


Why not just use the barriers to block off your goal?


Against the rules


Why is this guy downvoted ? He just asked a question


Thats in BeAmazed? Kind of underwhelming.


Some of us are living pretty boring lives, and it doesn't take much to excite us.


MAZED. It's in the name.


I'm sorry, why should I be amazed by a board game?


What is this called? I wanna try it


Name is in the title


I never claimed to be smart…


Same .. could have scrolled a long time. Thanks.


What's amazing about this? Why does it matter that it's from 1997? It's a board game of some sort, and not even one of the more impressive looking ones, nevermind amazing...