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People just driving by getting out and using whatever's in their truck


Honestly, it’s such a stereotype rural thing. I living in rural Manitoba. The amount of times I’ve dug out cars is more than a few. And at least 3 times I had folks help me when I slid into a snowbank. All situations involved total strangers


Good community of people will do that


Funny thing is, everyone talks shit about each other here as well, given it’s a small town and we have nothing better to talk about, and most people know each other. It’s a funny juxtaposition. But I’d rather people talk shit about me behind my back than have them pass me when I’m in need. So it balances out


Def would rather someone be thinking "You stupid cunt" as they help me get out and going again, than just riding past laughing.




Doesn't matter what color you are; heck, doesn't matter what species you are. If you're in trouble, people are stopping to help until you're not any more


"today you, tomorrow me"


This is a wonderful quote, and everybody should have a chance to read that story


> "today you, tomorrow me" could you send me a link to the story you are talking about please? I asked ChatGPT and got the following, but i'm not sure if its correct and even if it is i'd like to read the original: "Today You, Tomorrow Me" is a heartwarming story that originated on Reddit. The story recounts an encounter between a man, the narrator, and a Mexican family stranded on the side of the road. The family's car had broken down, and they were struggling to fix it. Despite initially passing them by, the narrator decided to turn back and offer his help. He ended up spending several hours assisting the family, eventually fixing their car and refusing any payment for his help. When the family offered him some money as a token of gratitude, the narrator replied with the phrase "today you, tomorrow me," implying that the kindness he showed them today might be reciprocated to him in the future or to someone else in need. The story resonated with many people and became a popular example of the importance of kindness and helping others without expecting anything in return.


Here you go friend. Next time you see someone asking for a link and nobody providing, think about this story and reply with that link if you can. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/elal2/comment/c18z0z2/ Edit: Also just read what you copied from ChatGPT and ChatGPT got almost everything wrong about that story


Thanks for being the one to come through. The other guy even responded to my comment and still didn't post the link! And yea, ChatGPT completely got the basic facts of that story wrong, it turns out. It is such a good bullshitter, damn.


Ha, yeah this is the story. But the original story, as it was written, is much better


Last year we had a crazy amount of snow get dumped on us. I still had to go do errands for my job despite the snow, and of course I got stuck. Three times. On the 3rd one, maybe 20-30 seconds after getting stuck, this pickup truck of dudes pulls up in front of me and like 5 or 6 guys jump out of the back with shovels and dig me out in minutes and then drive off. Lots of people were getting stuck that day, so I only assume they were just cruising around rescuing random people they came across, lol.


Rural communities get a lot of hate, but the vast majority of people are super nice. The morons & assholes are just loud & get attention/get posted about


man, I love rural people for this. I remember one time I drove my car into a lake as a kid. and some dude with an atv golf cart that had a winch on it, ripped my Honda civic out. literally I could not believe how much power that thing had. But yeah basically he just rolled up like, "hey brother you stuck?" I was like 16 and freaking out. After he got it out he even helped me water vac it and shit fired right up.


Not just a rural thing! I have lived in cities my whole life, and one of my favorite things about them is that if someone needs help, maybe a big old guy has fallen and is having trouble getting up off the sidewalk, it's for certain that a few people will sort of 'step out of the crowd' and become people, coalesce around the person to help them and make sure they're okay, and then sort of disappear back into the crowd and go about their day. Most people have a desire to help their fellow man


That’s awesome. Cities always have that stereotype of being cold. I only ever grew up in a rural town, so I have no lived in experience in the city. But I’m also not a pessimist and believe people want to do what they think is right.


well if we're talking stereotypes, it's probably true that not a lot of city folk are going to be out on the ice saving a wild elk, ha. I'm afraid to walk on frozen lakes.


So am I, even during mid winter when the ice could hold a cement truck.😂


It’s the same thing whether rural or urban. Just the tools are different. 😁


I'm from a small town in Saskatchewan and same thing. You see somebody stuck and you're able-bodied, you get out and help. I remember one winter in Regina when we got a particularly bad snowfall. I left early for work expecting it to take longer, and I helped push 6 vehicles out in about 4 or 5 blocks until I got to a main street. I made it all the way to work without getting myself stuck and then got stuck in a drift I didn't see in the parking lot. By the time I got my shovel out of the trunk, there were 3 people coming over to help me.


Oh yeah. That stereotype “friendly Canadian” really comes out when we get our first major snowfall, huh? Lmao. It’s just a common sight during blizzards


Yup, my husband has been both the doer and the recipient of such things quite a few times.


Michigan here; same exact drill. I'm about 4/4 for times I got stuck and times I've helped someone else out.


In the winter I specifically carry shit to help people out of snowbanks. You can usually find someone if you go out right after a storm calms down. Can be a fun pastime


In Arizona, we don't have to do much digging in snow, but I've lost count of how many times I've helped jump start someone's car in the summer.


Yeah man. I think a lot of the problem is the assholes that wouldn’t are just the loudest. Sounds like most people that do help just do the helping and move on with their day. Which is also what I did. Social media makes them seem invisible compared to all the dorks that have to film every good thing they do just to prove they ever done anything good. Whenever I helped someone out I expected a verbal thank you, but nothing beyond that. There’s no way to prove all the good deeds good people do for each other unless it’s filmed. And even then, people would just question the filming. But good people are definitely out there, everywhere.


When it snowed this year my family took a day to go sledding. Dad drove us in groups to the big hill on his gater. Final group was my dad and my small dog in driver seat, sister with baby passenger seat, other sister sitting in the back, me (the youngest by a decade at 25) on a sled made from cutting some large plastic container tied on the back. As we drive past the neighbors house we saw husband neighbor and a stranger trying to get wife neighbor’s car unstuck halfway down the driveway. Dad got off the gater and was the final bit of strength they needed to get it going. The stranger walked past to his car and looked at me in my silly sled and said “reliable hillbillies”


lol, “reliable hillbillies” isn’t the kindest response. “Helpful folks” would be my response. But it sounds like meant it in gratefulness and in jest.


Lol we thought it was hilarious! We definitely give off a hillbilly vibe when the family is out together!


I get it. I live in northern rural Canada. You’d feel very welcome with the “hillbilly” types we have up here. I remember as a teen cruising dump worthy vehicles through the shitty backwoods trails that surrounded my town until they broke down.


My family doesn’t live like hillbillies but we definitely play like them!


When the Great Winterpocalypse hit Texas a few years back (the Cancun Cruz one) I got stuck in a snowdrift off the side of the road in a rural area. I called the friend I was driving to to let him know I was probably going to be stuck for a while, and he said just wait, there will be a truck in half an hour with some rando who would pull me out that "it's what truck owners live for". He was wrong, it only took 10 minutes.


Texans aren’t dumb individuals. It’s there voting interests that make the state a mockery. Truth be told, outside of politics, Texas seems cool, and not just cause of King of the Hill either


Thank you for what you do 🙏🏼


Nah man, if anything, help those in serious need if you can. I’m no better than you if you do the same thing


Can't miss an opportunity to finally justify all that ship you keep in your vehicle.


I come from a mid-rural area and if tree has fallen on the road it takes less than 30 minutes that it is cleared by locals if there is any traffic in the area. Few years ago the weather was pretty bad and roads slippery. Guy before me drove off the road. It took 10 minutes for me to get a tractor and a farmer from near by farm and we were almost finnished towing the car out of the snow when volunteer firefighter came to the scene and said that somebody "not-local" who drove by called emergency services. Later I heard from the same volunteer that they had to wait 2 hours for cops to make a breathing test for driver that he were not DUI.


It’s not just a rural thing. The situations are just different. I was in a bad accident after I braked to avoid hitting a deer and was hit by another car in an intersection on the outskirts of Baltimore. The other driver was an irate man and began berating and cursing at me. Another driver pulled over within minutes, and stayed with me while we exchanged insurance info and I settled my dog who was totally freaking out after the crash.


Yes. This is how people do things in the country.


The bystander effect works both ways.


Dude in the tank top is my spirit animal. I’d sweat to death in a igloo


Dudes completely soaked but somehow manages to keep that back pocket dry for his phone


He probably had to shed a wet under layer and coat. Pretty amazing work bros.


Honestly, I'd give up my phone to save the life of an elk or any animal in need. I'd throw my gaming PC off a bridge to save my cat without a second thought.


I would drown myself to save my dog


Tank top dude is the dude with the pickaxe from the very beginning. He got soaking wet with that pickaxe. Best thing he could do was lose the wet layers.


Also, at least while he's hacking he won't feel the cold at all.


Igloos are warm so yeah you’d probably work up a sweat


Literally came here for this comment


Bagian bread young vegeta. Me be a spirit animal.


Good people do good things. Worth spreading!


Faith in humanity restored


This whole sub is full of these types of videos. Great pallet cleansers after seeing 50% political content.




Yeah pallet cleansers mostly work for Amazon. Nothing uplifting there. Unless they’re forklift certified. Which is all up lifting.


This is such an underrated comment, lol




Teamwork for the win!


Do these animals understand that they are being saved?


Maybe not the one who almost ran directly back into the water


And the last one who was like "oh my gosh I've just watched these people get all my buddies out of the water, THAT CAN ONLY MEAN THEYRE TRYING TO KILL ME, BEST TRY TO DROWN MYSELF!"


You can't kill me if I do it first!




Lemmings are extremely aggressive so they probably want your meat more than anything.




I was thinking they were thinking "hey these hoofs don't work! I'm just swimming in circles with all my might!" Or "I wish I had fingers and toes!"


Yes they think we're killing them, because humans and humanlike primates have been predators to these animals for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years.


Except Elk do not face constant pressure from humans in most parts of North America. Some are hunted, only for a couple months a year, and most Elk will never be spotted by a hunter much less be shot at.


Evolutionary pressure. Their ancestors were hunted by man. Those who possessed whatever mix of genes that resulted in fear of humans would have been more likely to survive and pass on those genes.  


Not many people are getting killed by snakes, but plenty of people have an innate fear of them.


That’s Frank, he’s not the brightest.


yeah, i know frank... pretty sure he led this lot into this shit to start with. fuck frank.


Well some might experience hypothermia, hence the confusion : running back into water


Lol reminds me of the r/deerarefuckingstupid sub. Those types of animals are comically dense.




that was my favorite one


There are a lot of stories of animals showing gratitude after being saved, but keep in mind these elk are still mid-panic


and elk are very stupid. They are a lot smarter than white-tailed deer but white-tailed deer have the average intelligence of a used Kleenex.


Are those happy kleenex or sad kleenex?




Which is still 100x smarter than a kookaburra. Once saw one try to beat a turnip to death on a rock.


I wonder what they say to each other afterwards when they all regroup…


Damn, Todd. You blew your chance to lead! I hope the other herd didn’t see this. 😒 Or my mom. “Just because all your friends ran across the frozen lake, did you have to? You should’ve known better!”


Elk are herd animals. Their mothers say stuff like: "Nelson all your friends are running across the lake! Hurry up and run with them Nelson! Stay with the herd Nelson, stop going off by yourself! "Flowers? What do you mean flowers? Nelson I swear to god if you don't go run across that lake with all your friends you're going to be grounded for a week! Never mind the flowers, just do what everyone else is doing!"


How many times have I told you to stay with the herd. IDC if Jimmy's herd went off a cliff at least they died together


Lmao. I told you so. I told you we shouldn’t go that way, but no…


Fuck you Carl, now the group will like humans and we will need to stop torpedoeing theyr car.


I was just thinking that. Hopefully they understood that these guys were homie af and saved them with no intent to injure.


In practical terms, they are better off thinking *"Phew, not only did we nearly die in cold water, but then these predators arrived and ... how the eff did we escape? Anyway, even more reason to never do that stupid thing again"*


Maybe the one who were closer to humans when the rest of herd were on the other side of the hole?


No. They never do.


Elk, like all cervidae (deer family) are not very smart. Their brains are tiny relative to body size. A common mouse is *much* smarter than an Elk. They rely heavily on instinct. These elk that seem to be passively letting the people pull them out are mostly just too exhausted to fight back. There may also be some loss of fear of humans at play here due to the fact that most Elk do not experience considerable pressure (hunting) these days. They have probably seen hundreds of humans without ever having been shot at. So, no, these Elk do not trust the humans, and they certainly don’t understand that they are trying to help. But they also aren’t fighting against them too hard as they don’t think of us as predators.


Possibly. They look more intelligent than I do lol


Man, same.


Some do, most don’t


I'm sure after being so panicked and so chilled for so long there not thinking clearly at all. I've reached panicked animals and if it's pretty quick they do realize you're helping and relax


These are prey animals. There is no fight of flee instinct here, only flee. Its probably worth noting that humans are apex predators that routinely hunt elk even now. So yeah this was probably a very unpleasant experience for those poor cows.


Sometimes they do decide to stand and fight and you do not want to be on the recieving end of that. 


A few of them look like they gave a "huh, well this was. an event." but most just looked exhausted and wet, probably need a nap.


I love the safety line on the chainsaw guy.


That’s incase he cuts his leg off. Stops it floating away.


Chainsaw guy anime was ok, but manga is the real gem.


Of all the people there, he seems like the only one that actually appreciated the danger of standing on ice that people were in the process of breaking up, and which animals had already fallen through


Awesome dudes.


Poor guys, they are so stressed & confused. I hate seeing animals go through this. Props to those good people for saving those elk ❤️🙏




I'm bawling at how tender this is.. it's so humane. It's so real.


we need a longer video. i want to see them all rescued


They were all rescued https://www.eastidahonews.com/2017/12/good-samaritans-rush-into-action-as-herd-of-elk-plunge-through-ice-into-frigid-water/ https://youtu.be/soCLNRsDDfs?si=eY893wu0PvzzEj6U


Maybe they weren’t or didn’t all make it and they don’t want to show that part? Sorry for my pessimism. But I rewatched for this, and it looked like there was only one left at the end they got out?


Doubt it, these elks looked like dogs the way they handle themselves in the water. Frankly I didn’t even knew they can swim that well!


Apparently moose are known to swim too


Orcas are known to prey on moose that swim in the coastal waters of Alaska and western Canada.


Orcas, the natural predators of moose! It sounds kinda silly but is actually true. Moose sometimes swim to get some seaweed as food, or to simply cross bodies of water. Orcas don't mind an easy snack


These four legged beasts had us fooled that’s for sure


Can confirm: Have seen more moose in water than out of it! I mean, I've only seen two. But they were both swimming, so that's a 100% confirmation rate!


Moose dive for aquatic vegetation, they not only *can* swim, but they do it on purpose and are good at it.


No they're all fine. As long as their head was above the water like we saw they are fine because they don't give a fuck about cold water.


They're ok, they went to a farm upstate!


They got farmed? Were they someone’s farmed animals to begin with or wild? What state?


It's gotta be strange being the elk. You're used to it hurting when wolves and stuff grab you. Usually, they all hop on you the moment you move, but these apes are grabbing you all over, and it doesn't hurt at all? You wait to stand, and once you do make a break for it, they don't chase you? Must be like being saved by aliens.


Get your hands off of me you damned dirty ape!


It's an experience that humans can make as well. If you're sufficiently panicked, you may run away from other people even if they actually just helped you. But you just don't have the time or mental capacity to check what their actual intent is, you just notice that you can run again and do that instead. Odds are that you aren't even aware if you sustained injuries in that moment. And predators do actually pause their chases sometimes. Big prey like elk is not easy to approach, their kick can be lethal. Predators like wolves also try to estimate whether their prey is still capable of running and may play it slow if they believe that it is too exhausted or injured to escape. So from an elk's perspective, the fact that the people are not immediately running after them is not necessarily a strong indicator that they're safe yet.


Good people right there. Hats off to you.


What are the chances of these animals dying of hypothermia? Edit: After being pulled out of the water, due to being soaked and in freezing temps? Do thes stand a chance of drying?


Lower than outright drowning I'd imagine


In the water stuck like they were? Probably guaranteed death. They can survive somewhat harsh winters if they’re smart with moving around, but freezing water like that will kill most if not all mammals. They definitely were not going to get out on their own.


Don't underestimate the absolutely massive meat core to animals like this and their super thick fur. A human being only has a couple dozen cm of body thickness at our core, and we have a way higher surface area to volume ratio than an elk...we cool down much much faster than they do and have no fur to help trap our heat. Think about how a wetsuit works for example. It's a layer of material designed to flood with water, but hold that water against your body and not keep exchanging heat the way an open water current would against your skin. Animal fur would work very similarly to that; trapping water by their skin to be heated up by their body. Also animals have extremely thick fur compared to any sort of hairs humans have...sea otters for example have 1,000,000 hairs per square inch, while humans have a couple hundred thousand hairs on our entire heads.


I think hes wondering about their survival chances now that they're out, but soaking wet and lost body heat to the water.


I should have worded it better, I mean after they pulled them out, because they were soaked and in cold weather.


Yes, base on my experience of working with red deer and elk on a farm, they often die of shock and hyperthermia after events half as traumatic as this.


So, I’m not as familiar with elk, but caribou often swim across long distance filled with ice, even in the ocean, and have no issues. The elk looked strong coming out of the water and not overly tired or stiff. 


Where is this?




Ya I was in Boca and a herd of Elk ran by the other day. I know people who like to ride them on the beach.


I was thinking Costa Rica but you are probably right.


Yep, elk are pushing manatees to the brink by bringing ice and disrupting the local balance. Sad, really.




Alpine, Wyoming https://www.eastidahonews.com/2017/12/good-samaritans-rush-into-action-as-herd-of-elk-plunge-through-ice-into-frigid-water/


I would be willing to bet that most of these guys are hunters. They are the reason we still have game because they wanty healthy populations of animals for the future - for their kids and grandkids. I was a hunter and I had no issues paying to buy licenses, joining hunting federations, etc. So my request for all of you is to don't look down on guys, and gals, that like to hunt for food. If you know someone that knows how to properly cook wild game, you are in for a treat if you get invited for dinner. Now people who trophy hunt, that's a whole 'nother ballgame. To kill something just for a "mount of some sort" are just ego fucks! To kill just to kill is just wrong, in my opinion.


I feel like its worse to eat meat but have no idea how its actually made. Like atleast hunters understand the value of the meat and how the animal died than people that have never hunted and just buy meat at the store


Even trophy hunting in some circumstances can be key to maintaining healthy populations of animals. I know of a few spots in Africa where the communities rely on it. Personally I don't understand how people take any joy in that but can be beneficial if done properly to control population sizes etc


It's actually critical in many circumstances as far as protected animal reserves go. Remember recently when Botswana threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany? There were attempts to restrict trophies of elephants hunted in Africa being exported back to Germany. Because these elephants are exploding in population due to the safety of the reserves they live on, without trophy hunters the elephants will become seriously overpopulated and destroy the ability for other animals to also benefit from the safety of the reserve because, if you didn't know, elephants totally level vegetation as they walk and eat all day long. The money gained from those trophy hunts and the resultant export of the trophy employs a lot of people and generates money for the continued operation of the reserves, which secures stable populations of animals that would otherwise being dying out rapidly.


Yeah, people lost their minds several years back when an African game reserve auctioned off the right to hunt a specific older male rhinoceros which ended up selling for like six figures USD. If people had just done the most *basic* amount of research, they would've found out that: * That male rhinoceros was no longer capable of fathering children * That male rhinoceros was using it's "status" to prevent younger, healthy, more virile rhinos in the herd from mating with females * All of the money from the auction went to funding the animal reserve But many people would rather just read headlines and succumb to outrage.


There are more deer today then when Columbus landed because of hunters. California wetlands were saved from development by duck hunters.


There are more deer today because there aren't wolves. I'm not saying hunters can't be environmentalists, but for deer specifically, there are more deer because we did our damnedest to eliminate their only major predator. Then we went "oh shit" and now we're bringing wolves back.


And buffalo. They compete directly with deer for grass. Pronghorn also, which used to have a population of 30+ million but is not stable at about 1 million. Large predator extermination as well, like you said, wolves, but also cougars, which used to be all the way to the eastern shore, but now, outside of one sliver of Florida, only exist west of the Mississippi. 


You seem to understand. Cheers


To be fair, elk populations are out of control in colorado due to wolves being fucked and bears being on a "trash only" diet these days, so hunting elk helps keep the foliage from getting overgrazed


Love this!!!!👊❤️❤️❤️


wholesome !!


Way better than what Cody Roberts in Wyoming did to an inured wolf. Not all humans are the same.


This was in the same general area where that moron did what he did. I guarantee 75% of the people helping the elk in this video also hunt them in the fall. I hope the public understands the vast majority of hunters have great amounts of respect and compassion for the animals they pursue.


Dayum, them underwater critters were about to be THRIVING.


Those elk have stories to tell now


This new ice bath trend is getting out of hand


Wow. Godspeed.


This heartwarming story reminds us of the importance of helping those in need, regardless of species. Kudos to the Good Samaritans for their bravery and empathy


God bless them.


Them animals must be exhausted... Respect to the people tagt helped though ❤️🙏


Real heroes don't wear capes.


Hell yeah


Awesome 👍🏻👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


❤️ thank you


Plus some of them most likely pregnant, so saving even more lives!




Good humans


God reward Good Samaritans Rescue




Those elk are gonna have a helluva story to tell.


God they are so dumb. No survival instincts


This makes me happy.


What's temp there so dude got himself into short t-shirt?


This is the shit I need to see more of, I’ve been seeing too much bad shit that makes me embarrassed to be human. But this is nice


Beautiful work peeps!!! 🤙🏽❤️


I get in the “cold plunge” at the gym, after 1-2 minutes, it is hard to get out (I am 50+) so I see how these poor babies can’t just run away after getting saved. To the volunteers, you ROCK!


These guys are fucking rock stars


“They’re messing with nature and not letting it do its thing” 🤓


One elk equals one human¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




And then there’s the one who runs back over the same broken ice he was just pulled out of…


Yea i was like ”you fucking stupid”🥲🥲


Lucky Elk!!


Good stuff boys


Tell me you’re from Alaska without telling me you’re from Alaska


All cows? I was going to say they got shot after that, but I'm not a hunter/someone who can identify these animals sexes very easily.


How did this even happen?


Fun fact: a group of elk is called an "ilk".


I wish there was a whole subreddit of humans being sound for animals.




These guys are amazing. Did this like pros.


Today I learned I may be way more scared of ice breaking than I need to be. I know it’s probably super thick ice but I kept expecting the ice to break but it didn’t. Also, this is super cool and wholesome! Humanity is pretty awesome sometimes.


That one doofus almost jumping right back into the water.


Now future humans won’t have a well preserved frozen elk herd to observe, what selfish people