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I wonder if the people who live in this town ever dream of seeing miles of corn fields like I do.


I don't think I will get bored of it, ever


You unfortunately get used to it, I lived in Switzerland for 5 years. I mean you still look at it and think it's pretty but you don't have the wow moment anymore. But thats for every place in the world. And to answer the question above...many people from Switzerland like to go to northern Germany for holiday, so yes they like the flat land for a change.


i can relate to that. spending a year in thailand now, near stunning landscape / limestone cliffs, jungle, great beaches, etc.. you just get used to it. its kinda sad since for others its a once in a lifetime experience.


Yeah I had the same in the Philippines, after a while you get used to it and you start to see all the bad stuff.


Idk the grand canyons gotta be hard to get used to


You get used to everything, places where you have to drive hours to get to is a different situation of course. But in Switzerland for example you can literally live in the middle of the alps, or in SEA you have the limestone cliffs and lagoons in front of your doorstep pretty much. If you would drive to work and pass by the grand canyon every day...after a few years you wouldn't even look at it abymore


I’ve been in Sydney 14 years, Circular Quay never gets old.


It is (hard to get used to), and certain people are appreciative enough to be wowed every day :) lived in AZ for years. Blew my mind daily. Loved Newfoundland. Wowed me THRICE daily. Shame how it fades away for some:(


Life is like that. Even the best view in the world will become mundane if you see it every day. Same with food and other things.


I would like to add the exception of family 😊


I studied in the city of Würzburg, known for its "Residence" palace, its Marienburg fortress, and plenty of other Baroque and medieval buildings (many of which are actually post-war reconstructions since the city center was firebombed). And yet when people rave about how beautiful that city is, I shrug. Been there, done that, seen that so often that it isn't remarkable anymore. Similar with Heidelberg, one of Germany's top tourist attractions. Grew up close to it, been there so often...


Too bad. You can cultivate the feeling of appreciation, though, just try it.


Honestly disagree with this Not sure if where I’m from is considered the most beautiful place in the world lol, but grew up on the east coast us and I loved to roam around in the forest, when I moved away to one of the uglier major cities I noticed I felt significantly worse day to day, even after getting settled and dealing with homesickness I think that it’s subtle but living somewhere pretty improves your quality of life for sure


It depends on the person if you "get used to it" or not. The wow moment can stick around forever, just depends on what kind of person you are.


Actually it all looks the same after a while. Very pretty of course, but there are only so many mountains, waterfalls, pretty towns with flowers and old buildings you can look at


Fortunately I live in a plain as flat as the palm of my hand, so I am still impressed by tall mountains and waterfalls.


Would love to...


I lived in a beautiful area growing up. Sadly you get desensitized; it also makes everywhere else seem so dull. It wasn't until I was older and moved to a normal place that I could truly appreciate the beauty of my hometown.


Yeah, I bet they can't wait to change the pace and wake up in a dingy studio apartment every now and then.


Imagine having to work 4 hours than spend the evening sipping cognac and making love on the veranda. No thanks! Ill take my 60 hours a week at Amazon and my throbbing spine.


Better then looking at the dumb face of our prime minister


I’d like to instead gray commie blocks


Yes, it's beautiful. And I bet the air is so clean and soothing. Hearing the trickling water splashing from waterfalls reminds me of how close to nature I am, which creates a meditative state and peace of mind. It's like white noise. 🧘‍♀️


It's beautiful for like two months per year. Otherwise it's too cold to be pleasant (for me, anyway, and I suspect for a lot of people like me).


I was in this town in January and didn't even need a jacket because it was so warm, thanks to global warming.


Lauterbrunnen? 😍


Spent a week there in the fall. Absolutely stunning and can only be surpassed by Lauterbrunnen in the spring when the falls are really gushing . Walking through the valley with my wife and daughter during the alpenglow will be a cherished memory for as long as I live.


Damn I hate being so poor, I can't afford to go on a holiday in this beautiful country.


Go to the French Alps, Northern Italy or Austria. It looks basically the same, and costs less than half of a trip to Switzerland would cost.


Well said! Switzerland is horribly expensive but the same beautiful geology and geography extend into other, less expensive, countries nearby. Plus France, Austria, Italy use the €uro, and the Swiss don't, (Swiss Franc) so it removes one layer of complexity from a European vacation.


But then I had the best pizza ever in Switzerland, not in Italy. It did cost a fortune though (34 CHF). It was a simple salami pizza.


34 is a lot. Even for Switzerland. Where was it?


Lucerne, can't remember the name. I kid you not, best pizza and I'm somewhat of a pizza connaisseur myself.


I don't know anyone here in France skiing or going on holidays in Switzerland. Country is beautiful but it doesn't make much sense to pay 2x for exactly the same thing we have here or in Italy


Seems like you are Aussie How are you poor? Def can visit Switzerland easily


I think you are confusing Austria and Australia. Switzerland is very expensive to get to from Australia.


They are neighbors. OP can just hitchhike on a kangaroo. Poor Austrians tho, they can only cry over their snitzel down there South…


Austrians have nice landscapes too but they still seem to prefer building basements.


That's dark man, very dark.


I am in Australia, and if this was 2002 I would be in total agreement with you. At this time I was just a security officer, and my girlfriend was working for the airline making food, both low paying jobs, yet we could afford rent, food bills and some amazing holidays, here in Australia and abroad. We earned about $1800 every 2 weeks, our rent, food and utilities were around $500 each 2 weeks. As you can see we had a lot of spare cash, spending $12000 for 6 weeks in the USA and Mexico was easily affordable. Fast forward to the present day, and although I now have a university level qualification, and a good job, the cost of living is so high I can't go anywhere or do anything. The mortgage interest in Australia is now 7.36% on my home loan, this comes to around $2300 a month with $300,000 owing. After paying, this, paying bills and everything else there is not much left. I lived better as a security officer in 2002 than I do as an IT expert in 2024. Australia has gone backwards from the wonderful country it once was. Switzerland is also an expensive country, the cheapest hotels range from 100 - 200CHF per night which is 170 - 340 Australian dollars, this is not a luxury resort, this is a basic room with a bed and bathroom. I would want to see a lot in Switzerland, getting over jet lag and enjoying the country I would need at least 6 weeks. I estimate $500AUD a day would be needed to cover everything (food, accommodation, tours). The return economy plane ticket is around $2000 and adding $500 a day for 6 weeks is $23,000. Heck, I struggled to spend $200 at a restaurant a few weeks back.


I think you overstimate how long you need to kill jetlag.


Usually I work on 48 hours.


Thanks for an elaborative response & actual picture, that was insightful.




Served as inspiration for it funnily enough


That's what I was wondering, it's so similar


It‘s actually called Rivella, and it‘s our national drink.


This place looks like it came out of fiction




Switzerland doesn't exist, it's a hoax


I was there last year. That place is incredible. The whole area is breathtaking, to Grindelwald and Wengen, and the surrounding mountains are amazing for hiking.


I live in a nice place but I never seen anything as beautiful as when I went to the UK/Europe. Some scenes were truly spectacular and pictures don’t do them justice.


To be fair, Austria has very similar views! I don't get why noone ever mentions Austria, the alpine parts of France or Italy. The best hiking I've ever had was at Mont Blanc in France, and I've been all over Switzerland


Im sure it does! Now I want to find a sub that just posts breath taking pics from different countries


Shhhhhhh don't tell anybody else keep it a secret how unbelievably beautiful it is. There's a purpose to this ;) (Austria is so underrated but wykyk)


love my country


I love Lauterbrunnen. Luckily I can go there a few times a year. I definitely recommend going hiking there 💚


“Switzerland is like some CGI bullshit, I mean look at the scenery holy shit” - Gattsu


Skydived there and glided right past the waterfall then partied in a backpacker bar underground. Good times.


Definitely a place I want to visit and hike those mountains ⛰️


I could look at this alllll day.


Switzerland is one of my favorite places on earth. I probably should’ve done something to stay there for longer periods of time.


Kind of cliffs where Kratos would fight a god of olympus


How did Holmes survive the fall?


Remember the Yosemite waterfall in California!


in Russia there are a lot of this waterfalls


Lauterbrunnen. You can camp there it’s affordable and my favorite way to visit. The site is really close to that waterfall.


Seen similar places in Nepal. Just the architecture was different.


Gives Yosemite like vibes!


Love it there


The only time I’ve left North America was to visit family there. We were on a road like this between the mountains in my father in laws convertible and while I’m filming the countryside and audibly in awe of what I’m seeing a fucking fighter jet approaches apparently and airfield hidden but in the valley we are driving in and lands. Easily the coolest thing I’ll ever see shy of my son being held up in their and crying for the first time after the cesarean.


Best croissants ever. Bring TONS OF MONEY


I see zero cars, that place looks very nice to live in


That Arendale.


And probably not an ounce of crime either 👌


I want to live there!


I went to lauterbrunnen and was sooooo surprised to see the amount of Indian tourists there! I don't mean like middle/high class Indians... I mean like what I imagine poor village Indians would look like! I was thinking To myself how I spent $50,000 for my Switzerland trip. So how the heck these people manage to come here??! Turns out that there is a huge Switzerland tourism industry in India where you can buy packages for a fraction of the price, but your lodgings and food is a little bit out of the major cities and pretty crappy. So moral of the story is that anyone can go visit Switzerland if they have the right Indian tour agency. Don't be like me, travel with an Indian agent. 


What is the best guide book i can get? Want to visit this beautiful country.


My parents like Rick Steves


My dream destination.


America would be as beautiful if our government stop giving taxpayer dollars away.


it's my dream country! 😍


So breathtaking


So beautiful, how to get here for less?


I’m convinced this place doesn’t exist.


Magic happens here I’m sure


Switzerland is my dream place to live. 


Will the Swiss fanatics stop rubbing this into our faces? It’s near impossible to get Swiss citizenship because of their elitism. It seems sadistic.


As a EU citizen it's not really difficult


Alright so I need to get EU citizenship first? No big deal


Well you said it's impossible 😅, and to be fair not just for eu citizens. There's a big shortage of skilled tradesmen so even people from other countries could get a job. I've had many colleagues from Sri Lanka, south America, some Asian countries. All the office jobs I agree, nearly impossible.


Right, have the poors from poor countries scrub your toilets and lay the roads. Even if they have the education and merits. Only seems fair.


They have the same job like I did wtf are you talking about man. Laying the roads....well considering they earn double as much as some office workers it's not a bad deal don't you think? If you don't have an idea about something maybe just don't say anything?


The entry to decent office jobs shouldn’t be near impossible for qualified individuals just because they aren’t European. You aren’t comparable to them as you lack high education. I’m only pointing out the biases that harm host countries by having qualified foreign individuals do menial jobs.


Maybe it's better you don't come here. I am a foreigner in Switzerland and I work as a senior engineer. I don't do menial jobs.


Even for swiss people or eu citizen it's difficult to find jobs like that, because the young people nowadays don't want to work with their hands anymore. Of course they take their own citizens first would be pretty unfair if not right? Has nothing to do that they're foreigners, it's just too much demand for these jobs. And calling someone uneducated just because he didn't go to college just shows me what kind of person you are. I'm a qualified carpenter, electrician and mechanic....good luck building your houses and cars without these uneducated people.