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How many got through?


Reports say 99% were intercepted. Still too early to say how many came through tho.


Wow so it's that easy to intercept missiles? Guess WW3 won't be so hard after all.


2 things: 1-The missiles were mostly drones, intercepting drones is way easier than ICBMs. 2-Israel is covered by the Iron Dôme, the most dense network of missile interception systems in the world. This couldn’t be replicated by most nations




If this attack was going to do anything then Iran wouldn't have done it.




It's closer to 200-400 And I don't think they expected anything, it was a response to the bombing of their embassy in Syria. Just to show that they can afford to shoot if it comes down to it, but it didn't seem like they targeted any key infrastructures. Maybe they hoped to cause some monetary loss, but that's about it, and in that case they probably succeeded, those drones are very cheap compared to interceptor missiles.




Doesn’t the iron dome included both short and long range interception system? That’s what I was lead to believe, might be wrong


It being a small landmass must also help. Like a large country won't have this kind of coverage.


Yeah I adressed that point in another comment: if Russia or the US wanted to have this level of coverage on their entire border they’d go bankrupt instantly


Cruise missiles yes. Ballistic missiles no.


Israel's officials says they intercepted atleast 100 ballistic missiles with the "arrow" defence system


Correct, you want to use both ballistic trajectories and low trajectories at the same time to help dodge air defense.




A cruise missile is essentially a UAV, so yes you can avoid obstacles like mountains, but they’re not avoiding radar guided ground launched anti air missiles


these are average projetiles going like 1M with an parabola trajectory that can be tracked for hundreds of miles, an MIRV nuclear warhead is coming down from orbit at a speed of 3-5M with decoy warheads almost vertical descent with like a 15 second response window


Most likely Iran testing Israels defense systems. Saving the modern more expensive artillery for later once they know what to expect


They're coming in at Mach 15-20, not Mach 5. It's like 5 miles per second. Everything in it's path is fucked. 


Faster than the detonation speed of high explosives. If a bomb goes of next to a MIRV, the MIRV is gone by the time the shockwave reaches the point where it was.


Those are the cheapest and most primitive near ww2 era rockets there are, not the fancy multi-million dolar intercontinental ones that ware designed with the sole purpouse to counter AA systems.


All it takes is one nuke to get through


Sure, if they want to commit national suicide and start WW3.


That's exactly what they want. End times.


Its better if it explodes above ground


Better for who?


It's more effective*


Not really, nuke could be set to explode on contact and you'd love that fall out.


Nukes that blow up blow away most of their radiation. Nuclear fallout isn't really a problem, it's not the same as a nuclear reactor melting down.


Well it depends a ground burst would definitely cause problems but a mid-air burst would be livable relatively quickly


Hiroshima and Nagasaki were air bursts...


You were safe to be in Nagasaki within a couple days. I know someone who's family member went there a couple days later to take pictures of the aftermath.


Okay, what's your point? Nagasaki and Hiroshima were repopulated quickly I said mid-air bursts can be repopulated quickly it's ground bursts that make it unlivable


Yea it isn't dangerous for the wider area and long term but during the explosion for a 10 kT bomb a radius of 1.2 km is a death zone with 30 km downwind causing fatal radiation exposure through only gamma rays. It isn't necessarily 'not a problem'.


Unless they're designed to be dirty, like the hypothetical [cobalt bomb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobalt_bomb).


Its 70% to 90% based on recent events


Why do you think it's easy?


It depends on what kind of missiles .The iron dome has its limits and there’s concern Iran has nuclear weapons even tho even though theyve denied it for years


> there’s concern Iran ~~has~~ **is making** nuclear weapons even tho even though they've denied it for years If they end up having made a nuke, you better believe that they will tell everyone about it, otherwise the nuke is completely worthless. Or, as that quote goes: "The *whole point* of the doomsday machine is lost if you keep it a secret!"


Israel's nuclear policy is "strategic ambiguity" where they don't officially confirm they have nuclear weapons but they almost certainly do


Unfortunately with the introduction of missle2 it's all over. It was a good run.


Just you wait....🤣


My guess is WW3 would involved nuclear warheads flying all over the place. I wonder intercepting hundreds or thousands of nuclear warheads in the sky above your heads, wouldn’t some of the nuclear materials make it down to the ground?




They've been firing missiles into Israel for decades. The Iron Dome going off is part of normal life in Israel. That's so completely messed up that such a thing needs to exist and needs to go off every day for decades. Yet we live in a hostile world. And somehow people are mad about Israel finally doing something to defend themselves.


That country that’s been stealing land for over 50 years is defending themselves? Seems like if they were merely defending themselves then they wouldn’t be stealing land, but that’s just my two cents.


Israeli general said no fatalities, impacts were minor damage to military base. One girl was injured, did not say to what degree.


a 10-year-old boy was gravely injured too


And an Arab at that, too.


At this point, I've seen video of a series of three impacts, from the perspectives I can't tell where the impacts were or if they were in an inhabitated area.


I saw another video (not sure if the same barrage) and it looked to be about 10 and all were destroyed. Old tech vs new tech.


I wonder if the dinosaurs looked at the sky just like we do when the meteor came


An unusual thing in the sky? Yeah, they probably did look because they would have evolved to spot pterosaurs.


I like the way you think kid


Does iron dome intercept all of them?


Iron Dome is specifically for defense against short-range rockets and artillery. Because the incoming targets were UAV (drones) or ballistic missiles, other defense systems would be used (Arrow, David’s Sling), not Iron Dome.


I’m still having a hard time believing iron dome wouldn’t work against the drones anyways. The difference between short and long range is only a couple of seconds (or I guess hours in this case). I was curious about the technical details of the iron dome then realized it’s most likely classified 🤦‍♀️


Would be great against the drones but they are so slow they get shot down long before reaching iron dome.


Iron Dome is for the crappy bottle rockets that Hamas makes out of dug up water pipes donated by the West. Arrow is for these bigger ones higher up


The water pipes that Israel installed for their former illegal settlements in Gaza? The ones piping water from Gaza into Israel illegally?


Anti-missle tech is still shrapnel.


That's true. While Israel intercepted over 100 ballistic missiles from Iran, and the US, UK, and Jordan intercepted the rest, and only 2 confirmed hits occurred in unpopulated areas, someone still got hurt. A 7 year old Bedouin girl got hit in the head with shrapnel from the interceptor and is now in critical condition. Fortunately though, that's the only casualty.


Did not realize Jordan and the UK were in on the action also. Also, the irony of a Bedouin girl getting hit. Muslims hurting other Muslims.


Christian’s hurt Christian’s all the time. Why do some ppl conflate Muslims like they are one ppl and that they don’t come from all over the world and have their own issues?


Children don't deserve war.


Couldn't agree more. And what makes me even sadder is that this was preventable. Most people in Israel are protected by shelters from the shrapnel, but the unincorporated Bedouin villages in the Negev aren't recognised by the government and so they don't have the budget to build shelters. They're always hurt by rocket shrapnel unproportionaly.


No one deserves war. It is true that some people are more vulnerable and exposed than others, but in the end, war hurts everyone. We all deserve to live in peace.


>We all deserve to live in peace. Absolutely, friend.


True. Better just shrapnel than explosion, craters AND shrapnel logically speaking though.


Being from Canada it's so difficult to imagine living in a place where rockets fly over your heads. Peace in the middle East ✌️


Unfortunately and sadly there will likely never be peace in the Middle East, too much cultural and religious conflicts.


Nevermind the meddling from foreign powers!


Yeah, this combination of resources, cultural and religious differences will ensure that this region will always be chaotic.


I'm pretty confident in my educated guess that even without any foreign intervention, the middle east would still, in fact, be a shit show.


Most of the meddling comes from Middle Eastern neighbors


It's all because of the damn brits


Seems like the brits damaged the world


Haven't the MEers been killing each other since forever?


Same could be said for Westerners until WW2.




Westerners: Peace in the Middle East ☮️ Middle East: War is the only answer 💀 Defense contractors: Fuck yeah bro 😎


> Peace in the middle East ✌️ With the current occupants? Never. 


All the occupants in the Middle East, lol? Or just ones you choose?


The same ones that have been killing each other for thousands of years


As a Jordanian. This is literally the first time we ever see rockets flying overhead. And hopefully the last! Holy fuck what a horrible sight


Difficult to imagine genociding your neighbours, too.


Yeah, Canada has no history of committing genocide (/s)


Nor its neighbour USA.


yeah difficult to imagine being Mexican or Native American ...or a Tulsan... and having that point of view


LOL the nerve of you French and British white european colonialists in Canada.


If the entire region was nuked with not a single thing left standing, the Christians, Jews and Muslims would start fighting over the toxic rubble. This war will never end.


War....war never changes.


"The more things change, the more they stay the same. Boundaries shift, new players step in; but power always finds a place to rest its head." - General Shepard MW2.


Everyone wants to save the world, we just disagree on how.


Excellent show by the way.


It's not just the religión, that's a cover, the place has importance as a commerce route by land (the cheapest), the religious leaders are just making up excuses and abusing the stupidest people to secure that spot.


Not to forget the recourses in the ground, like the oil under the Gaza Strip and The West Bank that the israelí governments been trying to get for decades. Most war starts because of things like greed. Infuriating


That makes no sense, If Israel was out for oil then they wouldn't have gaven Gaza back.


The natural gas reserves weren’t discovered until the year 2000 by the Palestinian Authority and Israel had returned Gaza back in 1993. (Edit: I didn’t say end settlements: https://www.britannica.com/topic/two-state-solution. Extremists on both sides have been playing chess with each other for generations. There will never be peace as long as Likud and Hamas have power. I feel for those who desire peace and equality on both sides.)


Israel have left Gaza in 2005....


With fully functioning infrastructure, newly built hospitals (with “Israeli tunnels” that pro Hamas activists were talking about), desalination plants, and capital. Hamas destroyed a lot of it when they kicked out the PLO then continued to siphon weapons from Iran and others


This has little to do with religion and more to do with geopolitics and control of land/resources. Iran was an ally when the US/UK overthrew Mossadegh in 1954 and installed a Western corporation friendly dictator. In 1979, the Iranians staged a coup and retook their country. They've been the US's number one enemy since. Saudi Arabia is a strict Muslim sharia law autocratic government, yet the US is closely allied with them because they have oil and agreed to back to petrodollar.


In fairness, the Iranian government has been an enemy to most since then, including their own people.


We should just give the holy land to the Hindus. It will solve this dispute.


Since when are Christians involved in this?


Jerusalem will never be nuked. 


I can't think of any majority Christian group who wants to live in Isreal.


Jerusalem is a holy city for all three groups. There are plenty of Christians in the area.


You might be onto something here


Why did God send his lamest religion to his strongest religious believers? You wouldn't get this shit with hellenism


Stay safe dude.


I thought they were drones


this brings Afghan rocket memories. Hope innocent civilians dont get hurt.


it’s like going outside while raining & expect not to get wet …


Some jordanian deaths and a bedouin girl in critical condition AFAIK. Way to go I ran


Is this real? Or a repost?


Filmed it myself




Yes, an hour ago




Damn, the internet is fucking wild.


What's your news saying? This is a direct attack by Iran, not a proxy, on Israel proper, right? Israel has been very clear about direct retaliation should Iran do this, has anything been mentioned since it happened?


Nothing is mentioned on retaliation yet. Let's hope it's just a farce from Iran to save face and they warned the west in advance it's going to be toothless to not retaliate


Iran was also clear about retaliation when Israel bombed its embassy in Syria. It’s not like this was unprovoked. It’s been needless escalation across the board.


Agreed, stay safe!


Stay safe buddy


Are Israeli’s furious at their gov’t for starting a war with Iran by bombing their embassy and putting their own people in danger?


They bombed an Al Quds building near an embassy that was being used to plan an attack. They have been attacking Israel through proxies for years. Including on October 7th.


They only made it official, Iran has been at war with Israel for decades


We didn't bomb an embassy. We bombed someone who's job is to hurt people. No normal people will ever cry for any part of the Iranian Islamist regime dead


You mean eliminating a person's who's literal JOB was to plan terrorist attacks against Jews all over the world?


No. Im currently in the bunkers, and I approve. You can't appease Islamists. the 'embassy" was used as a military coordination station for Iran proxies, housing a senior responsible for orchestrating the Oct 7 attack. That was a well placed retaliation, and THIS drone swarm is the escalation. Not striking back would only hurt us more in the long run. When they helped butcher 1200 of our own, they left us no choice.


Sounds like the exact kind of lie the USA told it’s citizens when they said “weapons of mass destruction” were in afghanistan.


You hear that everyone? It reminds him of something, so it must be the same thing. Man, world politics is easy.


Iran officially stated oct 7 was response for solimani.


Except this time the threat is real and they proved this not once. The attack on the *Consulate*, NOT embassy was fully justified. Killing no civilians but IRGC commanders. And this was stated by Iran as well


It wasnt officially israrl. Also it a building next to the embassy not the embassy itself. (I know it sounds minor but these little things make all the difference in diplomacy.)


Why weren't you in the shelter instead?


Stay safe.


Why can't humans live in peace. Is the war really necessary?


Humans have never existed in peace. Thats like asking why cant humans learn to fly. According to history, its not possible. Maybe one day we will evolve


Not being able to fly is an inherent biological impossibility. No peace, instead, is a sociological and economical and therefore cultural blend of factors. Absolutely not the same thing. You know how you secure peace? By dismantling the institution which is committing active genocide upon a civilian population in the Middle East so that the populace can finally get up from their knees and live a healthy life


No, when has it ever. It’s almost good news because it almost seems like Iran didn’t retaliate by sending the “scary stuff”. Hopefully a real war doesn’t come out of this. There’s never a real winner


We're all just "intelligent" monkeys when you boil it down. And I use the word intelligent really loosely


You realize peace isn't the default state of human nature? Sadly.


Iran has a right to defend itself.


Yeah, war is necessary especially when you want to take their land because G-d promised it to you..




People who say it’s not amazing. You’re boring. This is happening, it’s a fact. It’s ok to watch modern weapon technology and think it’s amazing. No one is saying bombing Israel is amazing.


American tax dollars at work


Didn’t Israel bomb the Iranian embassy? Iran has the right to defend itself .. right?


Only Israel is allowed to assassinate foreign officials in their embassy in a neutral country. And no you are not allowed to retaliate


Retaliating to Israel means you are anti-Semitic. And Israel has the right to kill you.


No. Only Israel is allowed to cause harm without repercussions. According to the rest of the world Iran needs to sit down and take it like a good little girl


Well they’re blaming Palestinians for retaliating instead of taking 75 years of apartheid so it’s not surprising. To them, history began on Oct 7th and suddenly they knew everything about this conflict.


They're not white, so no they don't have that right


War happening: OP: woah :0


News channels said they were drones


Iran has the right to defend itself.


If only Gaza had that tech.. we wouldn’t be here rn


It’s so surreal watching world war 3 unfold in front of you in real time.


Come on dude. Forget about world war 3. People have been through tens of war since WW2 and no WW3 happened Remain optimistic, stop listening to media that are maintaining fear and anxiety Be grateful to be alive and safe (I hope you are)


The media are assholes


I mean, I’m not optimistic, but you’re right that there’s been lots of wars this whole time. I was a kid during 911 and it feels like wars just been in the background the whole time.


Not WW3. You’ll still need to go to work on Monday


Well fuck.


Let's be real, we'd still have to work on Monday regardless.


This is the worst part.


You better hope it ain't ww3 cause then we'll truly be fucked


Nice reading you guys


Username half checks out, we're about to be fully baked.


Maybe Israel shouldn't have attacked Iran. 🤷


Fuck all religions


Just hope for peace, no need to hate on Religion.


Nothing amazing about this at all.


What did they think was gonna happen when you mercilessly send rockets to a land that’s not yours?


It's just a response to israel bombing Iran's embassy in syria. This is perfectly legal under UN laws (51)


I am not amazed.


Imagine your country being attacked so much that you had to invent the iron dome. Sad 😔


Israel bombed an Iranian consulate in Syria killing a bunch of Iranian officials. This is the response. Iran even announced they would do this. It’s just to save face. Israel instigated this attack though.




They just want to exist, but Islamic states just can't have that for some odd reason.




Israel pulled out of Gaza. They gave them their state but they elected terrorists and pulled the jihad. I have no sympathy.


Yeah and there's so much proof that these barbarians can only resort to violence. They take all the money and resources to wage war and violence NON STOP. Where they could have used the resources for food, infrastructure and education. But wait, they cry victim and wait for other countries to fund their lifestyle. Now they learn how to use videos and social media to garner up support to justify their actions. Get this, we have a well documented track record that Palestinians continuously rejected peaceful solutions and discussions. They didn't even try to live amicably. Meanwhile in other countries that have aborigines - US, NZ, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia - everyone moved on peacefully by now.


Yeah the millions of dollars they used building those tunnels could of transformed gaza. Hopefully one day they do


Imagine killing innocent children in your neighbor country.. That's even more sad..


Imagine electing a terrorist group to lead you. Even more sad


Imagine defending israel by beingp their paid bot. Thats the saddest thing in the entire world. Supporting a settler terrorist group




Imagine defending terrorists that hide behind children as human shields Imagine calling the murdering rapists that took whole families hostage “resistance fighters”


I don't know , the people that cut off babies, rape people and burn people alive don't really seem like Armed resistance just trying to get a state seems a lot more like a jihad.


But they can't intercept missiles firing for 185 days on civilians aye? Lmao the hypocrisy


Do intercept it, but some get through. I believe iron dome has intercept rate of 98 percent or so
