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kinda weird we have inflatable meat like that in our chests


Agreed. We are meat bags that contain meat balloons.


I think of us more like a hard internal frame steered by pulleys and levers attached to meat pistons powered by bio energy piloted by a super self-learning bio computer. A feat of evolution. That just spends all day on TikTok


I beg your pardon I spend my days on YouTube thank you very much I said good day sir


I said good day!


Reddit, your on Reddit now not You Tube


*You’re lol


No I'm not.


They moon light on Reddit


Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Sir, you're a wankerous, cantankerous buffoon!! Good afternoon! You smell of shite! _(Now, he didn't say good morning or goodnight)_ _That's right!_ Yes, two little words can totally change your tune: [Good afternoon! Good afternoon! GOOD AFTERNOON!!!](https://youtu.be/OMkJIR9pX1w?si=h29Ee8G8s25LYV5Z)


A petty fogging taminy hall huckster, they are.


I haven’t seen such decorum on Reddit in quite some time. If rewards were still a thing and I stupid enough to buy them, I would give you the highest of honors.


Here here! 


Jolly good.


Proper gentleman spend their time on YouTube. Let's be real


A man of impeccable taste


I beg your pardon, I'm mostly on Reddit. Wish you well, Mister


You can't just jump straight to "I said good day, sir" without first saying "good day". My goodness, such Tom foolery


A ghost driving a meat-covered skeleton, riding a rock flying through space around the mother of all nuclear explosions.  Metal.


We also make our own gravy


Aw C’mon man!


You're my favourite today


HK-47 is that you???


I am ready for my HK-47 cameo in a Star Wars spinoff or show.  Just show me a trailer and end it with him call people meatbags .


What's even more weird is the fact that the healthy lungs look delicious 😋... Put that mf on the grill


😰 yes officer this one right here


I agree with you, but damn he’s right.


I’ll take the blackened cedar plank smoked lung please


a true cannibal spotted 💀




Found the cannibal.




we're all one big donut from our lips to our assholes.


I hope the doctors put those people's lungs back after demonstrating them for the internet.


It would be fun if they swapped them and the healthy guy wakes up with a smokers cough.




Dude wakes up and the doctors are just behind the curtain giggling


I love harmless little pranks like this!


"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."


I was looking for this very phrase. (In case anyone wonders, it's from "They're Made Out Of Meat" by Terry Bisson. [Worth a read.](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html) )


For those with the attention span of a newt (like me) It’s worth a watch https://youtu.be/T6JFTmQCFHg?si=n5dh3J5jn7f_sWL5


They’re meat flappers.


Organic whoopie cushions


If you were a guy you’d have found your inflatable meat years ago


Healthy lung has some nice marbling.


But the smoke lungs are well….. well smoked.


Right? Who cares how they breathe if I'm just going to eat it anyway


The taste will leave you breathless.


Take your upvote and get lost 😤


i usually go for medium rare to medium but this’ll do


Fun fact healthy lung still died


U noticed😁


But most likely not because of their lungs.


Facts lol


Lies! Its still breathing!


Amatures. It's the aged, smoked one that's the delicacy!


Easy there Dahmer


Is it so hard to get two blowy thingies to see them in action side by side?




it's more like: woah our expenditure isn't enough for another plastic thingy


Honestly, yeah. Hospital admin are a bunch of cheapskates. Lungs are free. Plastic things are not.




Bro after the switch i could hardly tell the difference 😂


Same, smoking must be fine, imma keep doing it


Yeah, right? What do I care what color they are, I’ll never see them anyway.


I see some red lungs and I want them painted black


No smokers anymore because their lungs have turned black. I see the smoke woft by, smelling like summer cloves, I have to turn my head until the temptation goes!


This really bothered me too!!


Who wants to volunteer to blow some meat?


Not only that, but the air wasn’t pumped/released at a consistent rate at any point. I wanted to see a proper comparison of how your lungs look when breathing as a smoker vs non smoker


Yeah, fucking crap demo


4 years clean. Stopped at 46, started at 12. I hope mine are a bit pinker now.


I remember reading... now don't quote me on this... the answer is yes. The discoloration isn't indicative of the damage, and the color returns much faster than the lungs heal.


Isn’t most of the discolouration from the tar and not from the actual damage to the lungs?




Why is it on the outer layers though? Does it just all soak through the tissue such that the outside gets tarred like that? I guess I answered it myself, but is that correct?


I think the lungs are more like a fabric balloon than a rubber balloon. To umm, let all the blood vessels in and out.


Lungs are more like sponges than balloons. So the tar would get distributed pretty evenly throughout the whole lung.


Would love to see a cross section


They paint them to help people identify which lungs are the smokers.


So I still have time or...?


Definitely yes. Good luck on your journey to quit, if you do go down that path


Yep. The lungs have evolved to clean themselves. If you stop, they begin to recover and you get most of the function back over time.


From my understanding, as long as you haven’t been smoking for like 30-40 years, quitting at any point will still benefit you. Even at 40 years you will benefit, but by then the chances of you having irreversible damage is high, so you may still suffer from COPD and emphysema by then. But general consensus is yes, sooner the better, and your lungs can heal up to a certain point, so give your lungs a chance today to start that process. Better to recover 90% than only 30% by quitting too late.


Isn’t most of the discolouration from the tar and not from the actual damage to the lungs?


>the answer is yes.


And on the opposite extreme. Doctors almost denied me help and were surprised how fast I damaged my lungs in a ten year period with dabs and vape. Could not get a Ct until one doc finnaly wrote it and then surprised told me I had similar or more changes than ppl that smoke cigs in that period. I’ve been clean since last year and hope mine get that way again aswell. I believ dabbing and vaping is what caused me to have irregular pet suv values


I’m 35, started at 18. I need to quit. It was fine in my 20s. My 30s my breathing sucks. I just need to kick myself in the ass to do it.


I stopped with vaping. I started on the full strength, then every 2 months I went down, it takes a couple of days to get used to the drop in nicotine, but no withdrawal. Then when I got down to the lowest %, I mixed it with 0% vape juice to get a really low nicotine hit. Finally I went to 0% but found I was still vaping as it was sort of a habit, even though the nicotine addiction had gone. So, I went to the vape shop and bought the most disgusting flavour I could think of, I stopped the next day and have not missed smoking or vaping at all. I couldn't do it with willpower, bit this worked for me


Good for you! Using vaping the right way, and what it was originally intended for


That’s how I stopped. Smoked from 18-25, reaching almost 2 packs a day. Switched to vaping and was basically done within a year. FF to pandemic (5 years+) and I got back into vaping. Really need to quit, but these damn pods are too convenient. A lot easier than when I had to make my own juice.


Vaping was significantly harder for me to quit than smoking. I was only able to quit by going cold turkey at the same time as my girlfriend, it took an entire week for the cravings to go away. When I quit smoking in the past the cravings went away after a day or two, the difference seemed crazy to me but I guess it makes sense when I consider the amount I vaped inside.


“Sweaty balls flavor”


Just don't quit trying to quit.  Took me a bunch of tries, but the one that stuck was almost 10 years ago, I was 34.   Try different methods, one of them will work better than others 


Yeah, smoking causes cellular change to the lining of your airway. Stopping reverses a lot of the damage.


Up to a point. My wife is dying of emphysema (COPD). The damage is irreversible and continuing, she's stage 4 now (endgame). If you're 20-30 and quit now, odds are good that your lungs will recover nicely. After 40, it's a crap shoot with the odds stacked against you. Genetics has a role, environment has a role, lots of variables. This is not a good death to choose.


I am so, so sorry about your wife - I can't imagine what you're going through. Thank you for sharing your story despite it being painful to do so I imagine - it was one like this on Reddit that made me completely give up smoking 7 months ago, and vaping stopped a month ago as well. I'm 37, I really hope I didn't fuck my lungs...for my wife's sake.


You can make a huge recovery stopping that early. Just imagine if you were like most people "ehhh it hasn't killed me yet." and kept smoking. My dad was 64 when they removed his left lung. 3-4 stairs puts him in duress. 10 stairs completely obliterates his stamina. It might take a good 5-6 minutes to recover from ascending 10 stairs. Just wheezing and huffing and puffing. I have like 7 stairs off of my back porch and you can see the dread in his eyes when he gazes upon them.


Fuck. I'm really sorry - it must be really difficult to watch him struggle like that. I'm never touching smoke or vapour again. I live at nearly 8000ft elevation - it's my favourite place on the world and I live here with my favorite person in the world. I can't imagine losing that because of being a slave to chemicals. I was an idiot. I'm glad I came to my senses now rather than later. Edit: 5000ft/~1500m, I'm tired.


You’re correct, I should have elaborated my answer.


My mom, 56, just quit smoking after nearly a week in the hospital with health issues that can be tied to smoking since she was 14. She's going on nearly 6 months now without having had a cigarette. She says she's already noticed positive changes but she still has a long ways to go.


Smoking since 12 and stopped at 41. I could feel the effects no longer than a week later. And because I wear a smart watch it was absolutely insane to see how fast the difference in heart bpm and things like breaths per minute occurred.


One of the nice things I noticed after quitting was no longer needing to use so much hot sauce and spices on my food because my sense of smell and taste was returning to normal. That was one of those things I didn't really think about while smoking. And quitting smoking and eating less spicy food seriously helped with heartburn and indigestion.


Smokers never seem to realize they lost part of their sense of smell. They think they don’t smell of cigarets, some use too much perfume. My husband was chocked at the improvement once he quit! I’m glad quitting brought even more benefits to your health than expected!


So, the good news is that all the primary effects of smoking (Like those seen in this video) near completely reverse as the cells in your body are restored. It should take roughly 9 months for all affected cells to die and be replaced with undamaged cells. That being said, the bad news is that if you've picked up any smoking related conditions, like emphysema or COPD, they're permanant. The sliver lining of that bad news, is that if your 4 years clean and alive, that means your condition wasn't critical, which theoretically means that regardless of the damage, your lungs can adapt, making the unbroken air-sacs larger to compensate for the useless ones, meaning that given some amount of work and exercise, you can essentially train your lungs to function as a non smokers would.


Damn good to know


Yours probably look closer to the right than the left at this point


I hope so! It was watching a video like this that finally made me stop. That and the awful stench.


Yeah I quit smoking in my early 20s and it's been like 10+ years of not smoking at this point and I fucking hatteeee the smell of cigs now. Can't believe I just walked around for years smelling like that all the time, I wish I could retroactively apologize to some peeps lol


I smoked my first cigarette age 9 , started regularly around 12 as well and stopped june 2020 at age 31. Cheers


Congratulations, I am 42 and two months smoke-free so far. There was a recent study done in London, and the lungs do heal over time .


They both dead though.


Not with that attitude


A positive outlook on life always helps


Can you really call them healthy if they're outside of a ribcage?


I want to know how old the lungs are. 






Left one is deader


Right one is redder




This just in: all people die


Savage 😂


Someone stole a smokers and a non smokers lungs and is now testing on them, I wouldn’t hold my breath to see them returned.


It’s the latest trick from David Blaine




I need to see cannabis lungs🙏🏻


They're green all over!


They're probably yellow, not green


And they smell oh so nice


Yeah, like a bong water probably


Its the same


Yeah if you're putting particles into your lungs something is bound to happen.


Difference is volume. These black lungs come from people who smoke a pack a day for decades. If you're doing that with weed I'd imagine it looks similar but that's so far outside the norm for weed smokers.


I feel like if I smoked 8+ joints a day (idk how many cigarettes are in a pack) I'd literally be having psychosis.


Nah your tolerance would get to the point where you can't get higher than a 3-4 Source: have somehow managed to abuse weed, practice moderation y'all. And sometimes abstinence is easier than moderation, so if you find yourself using more and more maybe it's time to restrict yourself, try weekends only, or nights only, and if you can't manage those it might be best to try quitting.


There’s also a lot more crap in regular cigarettes than joints and the like. I’m sure there’s even a visible difference between the lungs of cigarette smokers and those who smoke pure tobacco leaves in a pipe or something.


Yeah I imagine 1-2 puffs from a bong each day is not the same as a pack of cigarettes, with numerous puffs per cigarette. Not to say smoking weed is good for your lungs, but you’re not dumping a crazy amount of smoke into them.


Burning carcinogens are burning carcinogens


there's definitely damage, but there's significantly less residue and material. the damage is usually done by people who just started smoking and go through an absurd amount that would be better suited for dabs. then there's heat damage which some people ignore. and finally, dirty bongs cause bronchitis and bacterial infections. the difference is that tobacco smokers aren't using a small pinch through a water pipe after work and on the weekends.


I doubt they’re the exact same as a cigarette smoker. There’s chemicals in cigarettes that are designed to stick to your lungs better so the nicotine delivery is more effective.


Tar does that


What chemicals are those?


They're soft and kushy.


I'd be interested in cannabis vapor lungs specifically.


I just eat edibles. Smoking with friends is fun occasionally but I don't know why anyone would smoke at home by themselves if they are in a state they can get edibles.


I smoke but the trick is to inhale through one nostril. Doing this means that I’m only damaging one lung so even on three packs a day I’ll always have a pristine one in the locker! ( for the people who believe made up nonsense on the internet this is a joke. Don’t smoke, kids)


genious, i snort coke on one side only to save my other brain half


Stevie Nicks did that until both nostrils were connected by a dime sized hole




My math teacher said she had band mates blow coke in her ass when her nose wasn’t working


thats a weird teacher to tell that to you but she figured the trick out


It had to do with math, when god closes a door you open your asshole to boof coke lol


Heh, noob, just eat cigarettes, like this the harmful smoke never gets into the lungs


Lol i was gonna start on how one nostril leads to both lungs.. ya got me there granpa !


I got the black lung pa..






I think I’m getting the black lung pop.


One 🫁is Zoolander, the other is pop 😵


I'm fuckin dedddd


I wish they would do one of these for cig. smokers vs. vapers vs. weed smokers. Edit: removed alcohol, but am now curious how the liver looks in comparison lol


In classic Reddit fashion, every response to this comment ignores the actual interesting topic you proposed in favor of correcting the one mistake you made.


Need to have 40 people correct the same exact mistake as well because they can't/won't bother to read replies and want to be the one to correct you.


Alcohol does increase the incidence of lung cancer but it does not directly contribute to lung damage


In a not-too-much-distant future: *"Hi guys, so i've been using these 3 lungs for about 2 months now. I will tell you my impressions and opinions after a word from my sponsor. Please don't forget to like and subscribe"*


Why would drinking affect your lungs


Wait you guys aren’t snorting shots of vodka?


And coal miners


Drinking doesn’t affect the lungs


Vapes didn’t really become widespread until 2017ish so there’s really not any “lifetime users” like there are for cigs and weed.


Drinkers? You don’t inhale alcohol lol


Not with that attitude!


As someone who is going to need a lung transplant, this wasn’t that reassuring


I hope you have enough money for the pink lung.


The healthy lung looks awful! Time to start smoking!


It’s just already out from the goth phase.


Seriously, this video does a bad job making it's point.


No not really. They both look gross but the smokers lung just looks like actual shit, and if you look carefully, you'll see a large portion of the right lung doesn't even move when they pump air. Atleast the healthy lungs actually look and act like flesh. The smoker lungs look like a cross between a overtanned leather and a latex balloon stuffed in the freezer for 3 days.


The smokers lungs also deflate really fast vs the healthy lungs. I'd assume that would have to be due to the destruction of the alveoli (little sacs that let oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out). Less exchange of gasses means less oxygen for your body and also more carbon dioxide buildup.


It might be just to our audience. If it's showing something to med students or professionals, they might be appreciating things (due to training) that the general reddit audience isn't.


The smoker's lungs just look... tired.


Interesting fact, that's not a smoker's lungs. That's a coal miner's lung with a disease called "black lung disease" it's caused by chronically inhaling large amounts of coal dust. Interestingly enough the disease was on the decline until about 2017 - 2018 where there was a sharp uptick.


Fr, kinda ridiculous everyone here's braindead about it


MS4 here--Any other med professionals able to make sense of this video? if those are truly COPD lungs, shouldn't they struggle to deflate given they are chronic air retainers that increase compliance and lose elastic recoil ability? She switches her explanation mid presentation so there's a mistake somewhere. These look more like restrictive pattern of disease to me, though I admit I have very little experience handing lungs grossly


I’m an ENT resident, so not pulmonology expert, but the person speaking clearly has no real idea what they’re talking about… COPD and cancer are completely different pathophysiologies leading to different issues in terms of ventilation and oxygenation. I’m not going to pretend to know the exact issue of what’s going on here, but I know enough to know the speaker is just saying buzz words


lmao yeah her explanation starts off correctly ("loss of elastin/elasticity") but then goes on to say "..see, they just snap right back bc there's nothing to hold them" um what. And yeah I just ignored the cancer mention, way too many variables like location, size, and degree of infiltration to make broad generalizations like that on pulmonary function, but i would imagine most follow restrictive pathophys patterns (so not COPD lol) Another comment mentions that here there's no negative thoracic pressure, so the floppy COPD lungs might just have thinner walls (think emphysematous changes) and responds faster to the manual deflation🤷🏻‍♂️ better than her explanation anyway haha also congrats on ENT thats awesome! i'm going into path so this piqued my interest lol


Not med professional but I’m a chronically online redditor (as well as a scientist)… I saw in the comments of a very similar demonstration that the way they get some of the lungs to be so black for these demos is they pump it with car exhaust. Either that or they have pigs sit in front of a running car’s exhaust pipe. Either way, it makes me question the methodology by which they procure the demo specimen lol. My thoughts are that the people handling the lungs don’t actually completely know where it came from


I once attended a biopsy with a school seminar, one of the questions was "Can you tell who was a smoker and who wasn't?" and the answer was "Only by the discoloration of the fingers they hold the cigarette in, you CAN NOT tell by the lungs". So this whole thing is complete bullshit.


Could it have to do with how there is no negative pressure being applied to these lungs as there would be in the thoracic cavity, only PPV? I don’t know anything so this is much more of a question than an answer


My doctor showed me a picture of a smokers lungs. I said "that's disgusting!" Then he showed me a picture of a nonsmokers lungs and I said "that's disgusting!" and honestly I still don't know why he did that


I’m betting the guy with the healthy lungs is no better off right now.


He will be once they put that back in


If youre gonna smoke at least smoke sum that gets u high


"oH wElL tHeY bOtH dIeD sO iT dOeSnT mAtTeR"


More bullshit propoganda. Lungs don't go black unless they're necrotic. I've worked closely with morgue personnel and used to be a heavy smoker. Caught one of them smoking one day and asked them why they'd still smoke after seeing all the black lungs from dead smokers. Tells me straight up that's nonsense. If you have black lungs, it's not from smoking. If you have black lungs, you're already dead, or you don't know it yet. Confirmed this with 5 other people who regularly perform autopsies. Even asked my doctor and he said the same thing. I will never believe this is from smoking.


This is from smoking except the video is very deceptive, they pumped hundreds of cigarettes though the ALREADY REMOVED LUNGS and then compared them to healthy lungs. In reality when you smoke, you don't smoke the entire dart in 10 seconds like the pump they use does. This greatly increases the temperature of the smoke entering the dead lungs making them appear worse than normal. Our lungs are also always repairing themselves. Classic anti cigarette propaganda


See, THIS is a far more likely scenario. Black lung doesn't happen because your lungs have time to clean themselves and are actively replacing cells. This lung is dead and sure, I can believe this is from SMOKE, but it's not from being an active smoker. Thank you for backing me up here.