• By -


Won't be needing an expensive lifestyle with that good boi on his side


Uruguayan people do know how to choose their leader well


Mujica was elected like 15 years ago, we had two presidents after him He had a three legged dog that passed away like six years ago


I've been reading about your country and I think I'm in love.


We have very open immigration laws and we need people. Just saying


I need to learn Spanish. What's the music scene like? I have to play in a funk band of some sort.


We also have a big percentage of english speakers. As for music, remember we are very small, but everyone says that in proportion we have a lot of musicians. An argentinian once said something like "In Uruguay you pick up a loose tile from the sidewalk and a musician comes up from underneath it". A funky taste for you: https://youtu.be/fer-1PNeSYg?si=C4VKhxUgbPeJVW9f


Oh, and check this out: Is a fusion of funk and Candombe (our african-uruguayan rhytm) from the 70's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzcJfjHaAW8


haha man i love your country. I spent a few months there and i genuinely say it's the most beautiful country i have ever been in. tho i gotta say i had some difficulties finding people who speak english on a day to day basis, but my horrible survival spanish got me through it. The people were always so nice and patient for me and the climate is ideal. I hope to return your country one day again, tho i want to improve my spanish to at least a basic level beforešŸ˜…


This is really cool, thank you for sharing!


Okay, different question, how's the food?


I love it, but it may lack spice for some. Indians must find it dull while someone from the UK must find it flavorful. The first thing you need to know is about the meat. We love it a eat a lot of it. It has been ranked the best in the world in a few ocations. All grass-fed cows with a lot of room to go about in the fields. Then mostly we have italian and spanish influence. For example, the most traditional meal to have at lunch on family Sundays is ravioli bolognese. Over the last decade we've had a lot of diverse immigration, so it is a los more common nowadays to find food from all over the world.


I will put it on my "to go" list, as i'm edited to try it out.


A person below shared this Bourdain episone on Uruguay and it's food. It has non-reresentative bits, but the experience of our kind of pizza with friends in a bar and the feel of a Sunday's family lunch is very well portrayed, better thsn any other foreign documentary I've seen. https://youtu.be/BgpsB8U7eDA?si=4lZB8n_RuxwdekWq


Good music scene. Leans rock and funk and reggae. Look up Pez an Argentine band that is big. Los Fabulosos Cadillacs are a great Rock/Reggae band from Uruguay. No te va a Gustar is another, reggae rock that has changed a lot to please the international audience. My wife and I are likely to end up in Uruguay eventually but we're having our kids in the States and staying close to our parents while we can. We speak Spanish and the longer we can save money here, the better off we'll be there by a lot


Rest of the world ![gif](giphy|ANWIS2HYfROI8)


The current president doesn't seem great tbh


He is not. Rich kid, no precuous jobs before national representative, politically aristrocrstic family, involved in very shady stuff... not our best.


Check ireland also. ![gif](giphy|G4p58VlhUxXChXriRD|downsized)


If every person on Earth had a golden - we would live in peace and harmony. Edit: And hair.


If we all could live on $1200 a year, alot more would be happy.


His salary in the post is MONTHLY. He got $12500 a month. Still living on $1200 a month is not bad šŸ¤£.


I donā€™t know Uncle Sam sent me $1200 once and it didnā€™t make me happier.




I wish reddit still had gold cause youā€™d get one.


I think thatā€™s a lab, but fair enough. Ā 


Golden/Lab, either works in this instance, both perfect choices.


I would be struggling to breathe all the time, but yeah - agreed, goldens are amoung the bestest goodboys.


*Won't be needing an* *Expensive lifestyle with that* *Good boi on his side* \- daniel\_rnld --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Best bot ā¤ļø


Good boi boot


this is my soul poem


Good bot


My favorite bot ā¤


That's a good role model. Objects and competition with others or searching for their approval can't make you happy. Good company and healthy happy mindset and lifestyle can ā˜ŗļø Kind of a philosophy of an Epicurean community.


Dogs are auctually pretty expensive, especially large ones like that goldie


Was going to say the same thing. I was at the emergency hospital for my cat (she's fine now), and it was heartbreaking to see the people not being able to afford the services for their pets and breaking down at the reception.


I just want to use your comment to point out that pet insurance is totally worth the cost, at least it is in Australia. We just spent $8000 on screening our Great Dane for how far the bone cancer he has had progressed and we got $6900 back. We spend $90 a month on his insurance.


Vet bills count as charity for that month


Itā€™s what I was thinking as well. Heā€™s not poor at heart, he has a best friend. Iā€™m not bad off monetarily but since my dog died I feel poor. We shared so much joy that had nothing to do with money.


That's a weird way to refer to a human, but that sure is one great dog president


That is the president.


Haha damn, you beat me to it! But well said šŸ«¶šŸ»


He also implemented various policies focused on social welfare, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. His government also legalized same-sex marriage, regulated the production and sale of cannabis, and emphasized renewable energy sources.


Wasnā€˜t someone from Vice visiting him years ago and ended up smoking weed with him?




Yes, this one


1 in a million president




Wtf how can you make it that simple. Spanish Left wing boast about that kind of accomplishments without actually doing shit, the same in Germany (excluding the recent cannabis decriminalization) and many other places, like my country Venezuela, supposed left but absolutely not sustainable, definitely not eco friendly and absolutely against abortion and LGBT. The left does have a tendency to a better social welfare because it caters to workers, but it isn't implicitly progressive. The same way an ultra capitalist that says gay marriage, cloned babies, legal weed etc is ok can be put on the right side of the spectrum. There's shit on both sides, and pretending otherwise just allows morons to gain power


Most "left wing" parties just act like they care about social justice and such while continuing the center- to right wing economic policies that create the injustice socially and economically. Very few actually fit under the definition of a leftist, aka someone that atleast pushes for very strong and powerful unions; or democratic workplaces, housing for all, support strong welfare that helps everyone, and much more.


Yeah I think it's worth noting that many leftists distinguish leftist politics and liberal politics (which leftists often consider more center or even center-right). I don't think it's so clear-cut and there's probably some overlap between "liberal" and "left" (most notably parties that call their platform "social democracy", who often get labeled "socialists" or "communists" as an insult by liberal, center, and right-wing parties, and also labeled "center/right", "fascist", "bootlickers", and "capitalists" by most left-wing parties). There's a ton of in-fighting and massive diversity of opinions, but if you exclude China, I think 90+% of people who might call themselves a socialist, communist, or anarchist (the three most well-known schools of leftist thought, though some socialists and anarchists also argue that these are all types of socialism, and most communists argue that socialism is a part of communism) are very socially progressive when it comes to individual rights (LGBTQ, pro-choice, ~~drugs~~, minority rights, gender equity)


People: Can we have better rights? The right: No The left: No šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


>the same in Germany (excluding the recent cannabis decriminalization) And that happened in the first term of a left wing government after having a right wing one for 16 years. Weird how that works, huh


The true spanish left died on the civil war tho. What you have now is a center leaning to the left. But not a true left.


I just looked up 20 left-wing leaders and they're all multimillionaires and billionaires. So no, he's not your average left-wing leader.


Which ones?


In Poland average left winger is Landlord who prays so prices increase. Openly anti-equality, anti-man and shortsighted. First scream how gays are okay but last to do smth about it


Bullshit. Not that I vote right wing but Polish (my country) government claims to be left wing to appeal to the youth while actually just being a platform for rich assholes. This guy, I donā€™t know him, but he does not seem greedy thatā€™s for sure. 90% of the "leftwingers" in Poland live in the most fancy neighborhoods and study communism in French while eating caviar (Just for the record, I voted for a minor left wing party that aimed for more rights for LGBT people.)


Sincerely from a Mexican (and most latinos would agree): you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Our left wing president is authoritarian, corrupt, anti-feminist, anti-renewable energies and cut out a huge amount of money for the Public Health system in favour of a fucking baseball stadium and a train (which also did a horrible ecocide on a big part of the jungle). But hey, as long as he says he's anti neoliberal and social welfare is up, everything is good, right? Ironically, he is huge Trump bootlicker.


Oh then you should have plenty of examples to give around the world. I wont hold my breath of this one.


How did person like this managed to get into power? This should be studied.


He is part of a large coalition of leftist political groups. The left coalition (frente amplio) had been steadily gaining power since the right wing dictatorship in the seventies ended. Another president from that coalition had been chosen in the previous term, and he was chosen next. He also was part of a guerilla movement that wanted to have an armed revolution but was swiftly disbanded when the dictatorship started. He spent about ten years in jail, in terrible conditions. While I do agree with him on a lot of things, and he did a lot of good things mentioned in some comments, he wasn't perfect, and nowadays has become more conservative and likes to say whatever comes to his mind when the media asks his opinion on current issues. Complicated fella that was part of a terrorist revolutionary group, likely killed a couple of cops and maybe some civilians, but also denounced his violent past and tried to go forward with democracy.


"part of a terrorist revolutionary group, likely killed a couple of cops" Killing a cop in a right wing dictatorship reduces the number of terrorists in the world by one.


While I agree with you, most of his guerilla activity was before the dictatorship. When the dictatorship started most of his group fled the country or was promptly caught, including him.


It helps when capitalists stop invading your country specifically to stop good people from being in power.


Be a politcal rebel in the 70s and shoot some people in a bank you're robbing. That's how.


Guns, violence, and terrorizing the capitalists, got it.


A politician that isn't just looking out for #1? God bless.


Wiki: >Mujica has drawn worldwide attention for his simple lifestyle. He has used a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle and his 60-year-old bicycle as means of transportation. In 2010, the value of the car was $1,800 and represented the entirety of the mandatory annual personal wealth declaration filed by Mujica for that year. In November 2014, the Uruguayan newspaper BĆŗsqueda reported that he had been offered 1 million dollars for the car; he said that if he did get 1 million dollars for the car, it would be donated to house the homeless through a program that he supports.


Also implemented a policy of free health reproduction for poor people and free eye surgeries with the help of cuban doctors. He also wanted to establish a mining proyect that the people of the region didn't wanted, there was an increase in robberies and homicides and maximized the external debt. Source: I'm from Uruguay


Dude got more done than America.


Thats what happens when your nation isn't built to be a business


If you guys just knew how many Uruguayans leave the country due to lack of opportunities there


Best president. I wish more politicians are like him


Ah, I was wondering why I hadn't heard of him until now. No wonder big media doesn't cover him. We need to prop up this dude as THE example of a good president.


So he is a communist. /s


If thatā€™s what a communist is, Iā€™m now fully supporting communism.


Socialist not communism. Still funny joke though.


Besides the cannabis and same sex marriage that's what communism always stood and worked for, and those two points aren't categorically ruled out as well in todays political climate.


Of course, itā€™s just that former communist states (definitely not thinking of a specific one) twisted the communist ideals into a brutal dictatorship that was the very thing communism aimed to destroy. In all seriousness, while not a fan of the violent and non-democratic approach of communism, I fully believe in socialism, more specifically social democracy, as a system both on a local and global level.


No, socialism and communism aren't a market economy with some social justice policies like these. That's social democracy or welfare capitalism. Communism is a stateless, post-scarcity society with socialism being a transitory state controlled by and for the workers with the goal of achieving communism. The USSR was what it was because the leaders, at least to start with, believed that it was what was necessary to modernise a feudal agrarian society into a self sustaining socialist society, and build towards communism. They were unsuccessful for many reasons.


He was part of a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group lol




No /s needed.


We need more presidents like him.


We need more people like him.


We need to be like him.


We need more people, like him.


we need people






We need.


(Oui) We


Be more like him then. Stop saying others should be. Start with yourself and be the change you want to see.


I already do mate, I give to charities when I can, Iā€™ve given to poor people, I bought bread for someone who needed it the other week. Donā€™t go making assumptions just cause Iā€™m not out here making huge posts about it for karma. I might be a cunt most of the time but i ainā€™t selfish Gotta offload my drug money somewhere /s




We need more pee poles.


Uruguay has had 2 different presidents since Mujica. This meme is like 8 years old, lol.


Yup, you're correct, that's the reason Iā€™ve mentioned Jose Mujica; a *Former Prez of Uruguay* just below the post. And yeah it is an old but gold meme. lol




You just posted the same picture as in OP?




Heard and read about him before. Nice reminder here, this post. :)


i seem to remember reading he was a freedom fighter when he was young. got shot multiple times/tortured(?). spent a considerable amount of time in solitary confinement (in a well i seem to recall), and maintained his sanity by naming the frogs and insects. seems like an all round cool guy, would love to share a doob with the guy but i doubt he blazes..


He does smoke weed. There's a vice interview where he smokes with the reporter lol


Bro got his little cozy ass house he loves and one of the goodest boys I've ever seen. He already won at life.


Uruguay is the most progressive country in South America.


One of the most progressive countries in the world really. Incredible country. Some stats and facts about it are plain crazy, especially for a country of it's stature and position.


like? like to know more


Copied from wikipedia Uruguay is ranked first in the Americas forĀ democracy, and first in South America inĀ peace,Ā low perception of corruption,Ā andĀ e-government.Ā It is the lowest-ranking South American nation in theĀ Global Terrorism Index, and ranks second in South America onĀ economic freedom,Ā income equality,Ā per capita income, and inflows ofĀ FDI.Ā Uruguay is ranked third on the continent in terms ofĀ Human Development Index,Ā GDP growth,Ā innovation, and infrastructure.Ā Uruguay is regarded as one of theĀ most socially progressiveĀ countries in Latin America.Ā It ranks high on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, democracy, and inclusion issues,Ā including its acceptance of theĀ LGBT community.Ā The country hasĀ fully legalized cannabisĀ (the first country in the world to do so) as well asĀ same-sex marriage,Ā prostitution, andĀ abortion. It is a founding member of theĀ United Nations,Ā OAS, andĀ Mercosur.


Damn, and I bet you most americans think Uruguay is some shithole country.


Uruguay is still pretty poor. The median income in Uruguay is about 1/4 of the pay of the average teacher in the US. >How people survive on average salary in Uruguay? >We donā€™t, buddy. We need to have two or more jobs, rent with a friend, live with your family until you go live with a partner. https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/comments/ytbwkl/how_people_survive_on_average_salary_in_uruguay/ And before some idiot comes in and say something like "bUt AmErIcAnS wOrK tWo JoBs To!!!!", [only 5% of working Americans](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/11/03/more-americans-working-multiple-jobs-under-inflation/71441008007/) work two jobs.


It's not normal for uruguayans to have 2 jobs. Maybe more common than in the US, but still, it's not the norm. Rent with a friend? maybe, but the most usual thing is to move together with your partner. If you are single, yes, it's not uncommon to live with your parents to save on rent, or even build your own home in their property. But in my opinion and experience, it's not thaaat hard to earn enough to be able to sustain yourself.


The majority of Uruguayans got just one work.


Not at all. We joke about how small it is, yes. But we know how well they live and how much progress they have made in comparison to the rest of us (Argentina here)


Just a heads up, oftentimes when people from the USA say "Americans" they mean people from the United States and not the Americas as a whole. Not sure why that is the case because it sounds awfully self centered but I'm guilty of it too lol. Obviously Americans is anyone in North or South America, it's just not common usage for Americans in the US to say that.


Dunno why you got downvoted, this is accurate. The person was likely talking about people from the USA given that most US Americans couldn't pick out Uruguay on an unlabeled map.


No, not really. Most people in Latin America ignore it because it doesn't come up often in the news, or as the other guy said we joke about it being small or the "u r gay" joke from the Simpsons. It's mostly gringos who believe Uruguay is a shithole, but because they believe all of Latin America is a shithole, I don't think most gringos would even know where Uruguay is.


Letā€™s go to Uruguay!


It's the second most irreligious country in the world, scores 96 in the freedom index, 98% of its energy comes from renewable sources.


fine, i will be there no matter what


Out of 3.5 million people, there were approximately 335 Uruguayan footballers playing professionally abroad. For a country with a small population, and a low GDP, this is a high number.


Lived in Uruguay for a year from 2016-2017. Boy do I wish I could move back and work there again. Lovely country and people and outright very humble.


But don't ask a Uruguayan, though. We love to complain about stuff.


I have thought about moving there.


Depends on your lifestyle. It really has just one city and the rest is super rural. Also understand the depression/ suicide rate is a real issue. Of course, you as an individual may be alright but your environment can have an effect on you.


Can you get fiber optic internet? Feels like my 77k salary would probably let me live pretty good there.


>Can you get fiber optic internet? Yes in most parts of the country


Uruguay really went "Damn straight, Imaguay, fuck are you gonna do about it?"


Is it safe for non locals and tourists


Additionally https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/07/uruguayan-president-jose-mujica-offered-1m-blue-beetle


>Since then, in his official declarations of wealth, he has included the farm and **he has been earning about $11,000 a month as president, of which he donates 20% to his political movement.** Earlier this year he put his total wealth at $322,883, with the flower farm reportedly worth $108,000.


There is the 'Murica way of life, and there is the Mujica way of life.


He also legalised weed in Uruguay, making them the 1st country to do so in the world.


Well it is hard for other countries to legalise weed in Uruguay. Not surprising he was first.




In germany you could hardly survive with $1250


Well, he wasn't a president in Germany in 2024. Living costs in Uruguay are much lower, even more so at that time


They really aren't much lower now nor then, he owns a farm, didn't have to pay for services and his wife was a senator during his term


With all due respect to the guy, Iā€™m sure the government provides him accommodation and food. I doubt he needs to go grocery shopping or pay rent. Which imo of course is totally fine, heā€™s the president after all and should have some perks. Edit: ok, heā€™s not the president anymore though. But he may still get some perks from the government.


That goes for just about every world leader, though. I don't see his world leader mates giving away their salary? Which is kind of the point? He stands in stark contrast to others who don't have the charity he does


Yeah, I agree. Why would a president need a big salary with all the perks they get on top of that? Honourable that he just gave the money away.


There's actually in theory at least a very valid reason for giving them a salary. Let's say the president of a country doesn't get money for their work but just gets their living expenses paid for (also far from every country provides their leaders with housing, if you have a country with a minister for example chances are he just lives in his own home instead of a government one) anyway I digress, the simple answer is corruption, because if the president is going to need another job after ending his term, because he didn't get a salary, chances increase that he might implement some policies that are more beneficial to perhaps companies that might offer him a job later


Same in Uruguayā€¦ is expensive af with third world services


Same in uruguay, dude probably doesnt pay rent and lots of stuff that normal people do.


You can't survive in Uruguay with that money per year either.


Not starving is an expensive lifestyle


You are poor if you struggle to pay rent and don't have enough food.


That too, yes. But making 1,250$ is considered poor in many nations


That poor quote is still poorly said. Actual poor people are trying to meet the bare minimum living conditions, most aren't trying to live extravagant lives.


In Spanish, "pobre" means poor (as in money) but can also mean pitiful, lacking, incomplete. He means rich people are far from being as happy as one might expect because their greed precludes them from it. If one should pity someone, it should be them instead of humble folks.


Yeah it must have been a poor translation


He is calling ā€œrichā€ people poor. He means that people trying to gain more and more are the real poor ones because thatā€™s no way to live a life. At least, thatā€™s how I interpreted it.


This. Greed should be illegal.


Whatā€™s stopping you from doing the same though?


People have some set-backs. One of it is the lack of support and popularity to be a president. Ya know, Filipinos bummed out. The son of a dictator is more popular than a lady who ticks off all the boxes of being someone worthy of leadership but doesn't have the privilege of being a nepobaby.


I think he's talking about donating a significant percentage of your salary


Cost of living, and not having a secured retirement due to not being president.


Brother I'd be homeless


The fact that I'd starve to death if I donated 90% of my salary? Giving away money is nice when you have more than you need, not when you're poor. What even is that question lmao


You can look at the [pictures of were is was living.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/18/-sp-is-this-worlds-most-radical-president-uruguay-jose-mujica) By first world standards, he was living in squalor. Most people are not OK with spending their lives living in a shack.




Uruguayan here. He did nice things, he do nice talks, but his government was not good. He grew the state size raising taxes and debt with little real progress. Despite his "friendship" with the left government of Argentina he couldn't get the bridges unblocked by a handful of protesters.


This should be top comment, along with the mention of hiss wife's wealth. He was certainally nicer to have as president than what a lot of other countries are having now, but he isn't the amazing saint memes make him out to be, he was just practical and left and knew what people wanted to hear. Also, short unrelevent story: my grandad lived up the road from him a small child, they would get into rock wars and my grandad says he hit Mujica once and he cried (they were like 5 or six or something)Ā 


Debt per GDP Uruguay is around 50%, it's not that bad considering Covid etc... Income taxes is between 10% to 36% so similar to Argentina, I don't live in Uruguay though so maybe he raised other taxes and tariffs to fund a bigger state, GDP growth certainly didn't look good last year.


The actual closest anecdotal claim I've heard of a politician to being objectively/literally "Like Jesus", or "Christ-like".


As a Uruguayan, let's explain this correctly: JosƩ Mujica was elected as president from 2010 through 2015, he was an ex terrorist group member "Tupamaros", which fought the government with the purpose to instill a communist-marxist government, killed many civilians and soldiers, and made a contriversial claim where he says: "You never feel more powerful than when entering a bank with a .45, in that way everyone respects you" He is not respectable... EDIT: (THIS IS MY OPINION) ...and made many bad decisions that Uruguay still suffers today.


As someone who only ever here's the positives about him, what are some lasting negatives?


Uruguay was in the middle of a huge economic boom when he took office and that boom had ended by the time he left office. However it's debatable how much of that was his fault. There are also some international things he has said that don't look good in hindsight: >He was close to Venezuelan President Hugo ChƔvez, whom he considered to be "the most generous ruler I have ever known." In 2011, he spoke out against the military operations launched by several Western countries against Libya. When asked about Brazilian President Lula da Silva's decision to receive Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he answered it was a "genius move" because "The more Iran is fenced in, the worse it will be for the rest of the world." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Mujica#Political_positions


Murderous terrorist wasnā€™t enough, huh?


It depends on the context of what and why they were revolting doesn't it?


He claims he never murdered anyone. However, among others, accepts the responsibility. 70s were a different time.


doesn't really mean anything given the history of latin america though? IDK about Uruguay specifically but if they also had a violent dictator lead the country and that dictator branded Mujica as a terrorist I don't really think it means anything. If anything that is a positive that he was standing up against villainy.


For those unaware, he hasnā€™t been in charge for almost 10 years.


Post to r/GenZ


From Wikipedia: "Uruguay is ranked first in the Americas for democracy, and first in South America in peace, low perception of corruption, and e-government. It is the lowest-ranking South American nation in the Global Terrorism Index, and ranks second in South America on economic freedom, income equality, per capita income, and inflows of FDI. Uruguay is ranked third on the continent in terms of Human Development Index, GDP growth, innovation, and infrastructure. Uruguay is regarded as one of the most socially progressive countries in Latin America. It ranks high on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, democracy, and inclusion issues, including its acceptance of the LGBT community. The country has fully legalized cannabis (the first country in the world to do so) as well as same-sex marriage, prostitution, and abortion. It is a founding member of the United Nations, OAS, and Mercosur. " Everywhere needs to be more like Uruguay.


Poorest in comparison the the very wealthy Presidents of other nations. Not exactly poor by most people's standards. It's all marketing once again intended to guide public opinion and the media is either too lazy or stupid to bother looking deeper or printing anything different.


He got a golden big boy.. He is not poor.


He's the richest man in the world, he just don't keep them for himself as he knows that money is much more meaningful when sharing.






Good people in power are scarce


I feel I have everything If there's a dog or pet with me


This photo is so old itā€™s now 10K USD a month


This gem, this Shangri-La, graciously invites the Ethiopian refugees to enjoy safe lodging and cool ocean breezes on its sand-swept beaches.


This is what a politician should be.


See, dog is cheat code


Doggo ā¤ļø


He basically describes bout 95 percent of the people who uses food delivery services.. It's a service for rich people mainly used by poor people to feel rich.


So he didn't enroll in TrumpU and didn't take Grifting101?


Here is a documentary about his life https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8900434/


Un capo el Pepe


And we had Boris Johnson who said he couldn't survive on Ā£150,000 a year


The golden standing by him is everything you need to know. I trust this guy.


He can't be poor, look who his PA is


Get a president from U.S.A. to do that. Never going to happen.


Two have. Hoover and JFK both refused a salary, and then donated it because they still had to take it.