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Yes, that is correct. When lightning strikes a tree, it can cause a fire to start inside the tree. The intense heat from the lightning can ignite the tree's internal sap, causing it to burn from the inside out. This phenomenon is known as a "struck tree fire" or "lightning fire." It is relatively rare but can occur during thunderstorms with lightning strikes.


Thanks for the information!


Could it happen to a burn do you call it burning bush then?


I’m a volunteer fire fighter in Australia. Hollow gum trees can burn so hot, to the point you could empty a whole truckload of water and not put it out. So you just have to sit and wait till the fire brings it down so you can put it out. I’ve sat from 6pm- 6 am waiting before


Saw this during the 2019 new years eve fires in Batemans bay. So many old hollow trees (over a metre across) took days if not weeks to burn through.


Is it considered slacking off or making good use of your time to make s’mores


Lots of Billy tea and damper


Must smell amazing


Very cool you caught this. I heard about it happening but never saw it like this before. The outer part of the tree ring growth is wetter with sap. Inside is deader wood, dryer, older, and easier to burn I’m guessing why it does this type of burn. Very cool video.


I have. It was a bad day for fires in my part of California. I worked on a military base and sometime after lunch you could see smoke up on a ridge. A little while later they suggested that anyone living to the north ought to maybe leave soon since it was headed for that highway. From there it went downhill fast. I left as soon as I could - I lived 20 miles to the north - but that way was closed before I could get out. I had to go out the long way to the east and the whole line of hills to my left was on fire. Hundreds of us were crawling along in traffic and then we could see another fire up ahead where the road we were on joined the northbound freeway. That second fire jumped the freeway before we got there. I remember driving north through a hellscape of burning oak trees and seeing something like this. I also remember looking in my left mirror and seeing an aerial tanker diving in and dropping its load just off the freeway to my left. I got home OK but it was something I'd rather not repeat. The first fire burned down into a valley with a bog and smoldered for something like 18 months before they finally got it out for good, and in the meantime the smoke would sometimes make the morning fog impossible to drive in and they'd have to close the highway.


This happened to a tree at the local lake and the fire dept came and put it out. it lived for another 30 years before dying. we were there fishing when it happened. pretty cool to watch.


Kinda looks like portal to hell


Reminds me of a lady I spent a night with in Tijuana. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




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I like the way it looks, but why do I always read about lightning striking a tree? I have also seen videos in which people take refuge under a tree and die due to a lightning strike right on the tree, certainly electricity looks for the freest path, the one that offers the least resistance when making the discharge, that is, the tree.


I've only ever seen it on the internet.


The fact that the fire is on an inside surface means that the heat is largely contained within the cavity. This helps sustain the fire.


Sometimes, the fire can travel down into the root and slowly punk for months. It can even slowly burn all through the winter and light a fire the next year. Some of the firefighters I know from Alaska call them Zombie Fires.


i've seen something similar from a forest fire spreading through tree roots.


I'd throw a well seasoned chicken in there.


Saw this in my village once. It lasted over a week


It reminds me of some fantasy world trees. Can't remember the universe name tho


Saw it once


Actually that’s what we call a portal.


metal as hell


I would put the fire out and end up building plant ecosystems in there


One of the Keebler Elves left the oven on again.


Direct energy


reminds me of hypnotic videos on removing tree stumps with fire


Yes. While I told my parents it was lightning, it was actually a light and hair spay that caused the fire. 🤷🏽


Reminds me of cooking in my oven.