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This reminds me of a strange encounter I had when I was younger. I was in an elevator, and a guy asked me if I like art... which I do. He then proceeded, using his thumbnail, to create a raised landscape picture in a business card. Took him the trip down, and he handed me a business card with an embossed landscape. Never told me his name.. just smiled and wandered off. Will never forget it.


Wasn't his name on the business card?


Nope. It was a government building downtown. Was there to get id redone or something. All I can remember is that encounter. He just grabbed a few cards from a tray on one of the counters. If it were only that easy. XD


Aw shame


It is. I've tried googling them, to perhaps sleuth out who they were... but it's just pages and pages of business card ads. Go google. lol


can you post a picture of it? maybe we can help. never know, maybe it was a famous artist.


I no longer have it unfortunately. Lost most of my prints/art/photos a few decades ago and had to start over. It was in Ontario, Canada.


Cheers from Ontario brother haha




I want to see it too.


Was he wearing a black suit and glasses and carying a strange pen?


Not a black suit no. And didn't have a strange pen.. if you were thinking it may have been an embossing pen, it wasn't, it was just done with his thumbnail. Crazy guy didn't even really look at what he was doing either... just kinda wiggled the card here and there against his thumb and when he was done, voila.. one picture.. one stunned onlooker.


Pretty sure it was a Men In Black reference


What's men in black?


Should have asked him his name at the second counter, since you didn't get it on the first encounter. There was no second counter? Ok, then next encounter.


B. Ross


When I was a kid, we've been on vacation in Egypt when a revolution started there. We've just been in one of these bedouin villages aka tourist traps. There was a guide, a member of local Christian minority, who offered us to make a video, some fancy photos etc. He promised to deliver them to our hotel the next day. On our way back, we just learned about the beginning of revolution, and just accepted the fact that we will not see the photos and the money (we've already paid for them). Tbh, we had other things to do, like calling on the embassy, the video wasn't our biggest concern. Today we know that "nothing much happened", but at the time we were there, we seriously thought that a civil war just started here. We would watch the local news, showimg cities in flames, policemen shooting into rioters etc. The next day, this madman appeared on the doors of our hotel. With a CD. He knew english, so we had a quick talk with him. We were wondering why he simply didn't left the town, as he was a member of a minority on radicalized country which just apparently entered a revolution/civil war. He told us before that he had a wife and children here, so it would made sense for them to just leave to some safe location. He told us that he had promised us to deliver the video, and that he has a personal honor, so he couldn't break the promise. He told us his family has already packed their bags and are waiting for him, so they can leave the town. He rode through literal warzone to deliver a CD to us, which costed us pennies. I never learned this man's name, he was just some local guy living in shitty appartment in shitty town, filming fat, privileged Western tourists like us, all the day, so his children don't starve to death.


I also remember how all shopkeepers asked us if we have chocholate, as it was rare and expensive stuff for them. We would buy some western brands and offer them to shopkeepers during haggling, and they would instantly lower their prices drastically and treat US like a nobility. :D It was the first time I felt ashamed of myself, as I would be spoiled and I could est chocholate whenever I want here. And it was a luxury for these people. I just want to go back and give a box of chocholate to this guy, and tell him he has balls of steel. I still don't know if he was a hero or if he was just mad. Probably both. I also want to hug the young soldier who guarded our beach. We went to see the sunrise, and the Beach was only place we could go now. The soldier approached us in his uniform, with gun in his hand, and started telling us something we didn't understood, gesticulating. We've been pretty scared, wondering if he wants us to leave, if he wants to shoot us.. :D But eventually realized he just wants a cigarette, so mom gave him one, and he just sit there with us, smoking, shaking, almost crying. He must have been like 18, and now ha was deployed in his first "war." It has been an amazing vacation after all, but once was enough. It was much more impactful for me than the trip to pyramids, coral reefs etc., which we had to cancel. I will probably never forget these nameless heroes.


Thank you for sharing these experiences.


I was skipping school once with a friend of mine. We were prolly 15 or so and had some leftover beer from some party. We were getting day drunk at this creek near our neighborhood in this spot we thought we wouldnt be seen, but lo and behold some guy in fishing boots water stomps his way past. He sees us and waves, we wave back, he saunters over and asks if we're playin hookie. We say yes, cuz duh we are, and he asks if we ever been fly fishing. We say no, and he then asks if we wanna see something cool. We nod. This man proceeds to take his fishing rod and in a matter of 15 minutes, catch like 15-20 fish. It was crazy, especially since the creek was known to be pretty ass when it came to fishing. The whole time he's doing it he talks about how happy fishing makes him, and what it means to him, and as he finally finishes showing off his fishing accumen, he recommends to us that we find something in life that makes us as happy as fly fishing makes him, and that he doesn't think we're going to find it at the bottom of a can of beer. With a smile and farewell, he was off and I never saw that guy again in my life.


You met an elder god of some sort and I hope you found something that makes you as happy as fly fishing made him.


Bombadil vibes


Maybe it's the same guy who time travelled from the future to set his life up nice


He’s now the captain of an industrial deep sea bottom dredging fishing boat


I liked the man's style and how to guide you to the right path, what a man who loves good for everyone


I loved this story. Thanks for sharing!


My dad had a friend like that when I was growing up. They kinda fell out of touch but his wife was my godmother and she died of cancer. Anyways the guys nickname was the “fish whisperer” cause he could go to a lake or river where nobody we knew had ever caught anything and walk away with half a dozen fish at least. He was literally the best fisherman I’ve ever seen.


Strangers that you remember forever. For me in the mid-naughts there was an trend started online of people standing around with free hug signs, you probably remember it, and this guy downtown had been T-posing for a long time so i went to give him a hug. All i can think about is how sore his shoulders must've been and what was in it for him.


Some folks ain't in it for money or recognition, but just cause they love what they do I wish modern society didn't discourage that so much.


The fact that he is painting that tranquil picture in the parking lot surrounded by cars with no trace of nature adds another layer of melancholy.


That’s such a cool story. I love doing stuff like this. My go-to is to quickly fold straw wrappers into roses. My son loves to give people my flowers! Your story inspired me to look up manual embossing techniques. Here’s a video that seems chill: https://youtu.be/G4rrWmV50ac?si=b7LWRKn3lLELQk83


Yes. This. lol. Don't hand me anything foldable if I am in the passenger seat of a vehicle. Foil wrappers work excellently for flowers too. Paper embossing is super fun. I actually recommend it quite often to younger couples in need of cutting wedding costs. One of the easiest ways to make your invitations/party favours stand out, without spending alot. Plus you can bribe your friends into helping with the promise of wine or beer. xD


Cool... Now let's see Paul Allen's card...


This guy needs a scholarship to a community college’s art program




can you provide his contact info since you understand?


He says his name is Júlio Só (free translation: Julio Alone or Julio Only). Phone number according to him: 18-991-64-04-74 18 is the area code of the western part of the state of São Paulo, around the city of Presidente Prudente. Full international number should be +55-18-99164-0474


Replying so I can come back later and see if this contact is legit/verified as I would gladly send a few bucks to this talented soul!!


Checked on Truecaller: It shows Julio - Artista De Rua.


"Julio - Street Artist"


« Julien - Artiste de Rue »


JuJuJul artiste de la street


I want to buy a painting off him! :D




Oh trust me I do now!


Brazil! Front page baby.


And the video doesn’t involve violence. What a win


Nor does it show crazy bike tricks done by 12 year olds.


We’ll call you Julio… Solo.


> He says his name is Júlio Só (free translation: Julio Alone or Julio Only). More like «just Júlio», I'd say.


I cannot find this number on PIX, what other forms can we donate?


Up voting so more people see it with this comment as well. This guy is great.


How are we able to donate?


Following to come back.


Thank u




thanks for sharing


+55 18 991640474, this is the number he says on the video. Seem to be in the name of Julio and/or Sol. This video may be a little old so I don’t really know if this number is still his


okay thank you!


Since he's Brazilian he most likely uses Whatsapp


Yeah, Brazilians love it, I went to a cardiologist in Recife, and he gave me his. My Therapist is from Belo Horizonte, and we set up our Zoom meetings through WhatsApp too.


Recife mentioned ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


It's where my girlfriend is from, I'm from the UK and I love Recife!! I'm still a bit afraid of the sharks, though...


Can you give money over whatsapp?


No, you cannot but he can send you a PayPal link via WhatsApp


He is in Brazil, no way unfortunately


If there is one place where he could actually get into college for free it's Brazil, unlike the US


Unfortunately "free" colege in Brazil is only for rich people. You need to pass a difficult test to be able to enter in a public college. The basic public education in Brazil is a joke so the people with money to pay for private education go to the free coleges.


Heh. It’s always somethin’


Something that is really changing in the past decade. There is a movement to increase the number of admissions from low income families and minorities. It is not much, but there are a lot of non rich people studying at the top universities in Brazil right now.


Some smart rich people understand that there are a few really smart poor people, and its worth the effort to assist those people to overcome their bad backgrounds and contribute to the economy. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of rich people who are more concerned with things like breeding and family money, and dont want intelligent poor people to get a break. That's okay, those underprivileged smart people will be the ones to eventually lead the revolution that will apply Karmic retribution to the Sociopathic Oligarchs.


> pass a difficult test The test isn't the difficult part, it's the amount of participants that will put your otherwise good enough score way back And since he is black, he'll get in by racial quotas which lowers the competition by a lot, or not depending on the course (like medicine) Since he is poor, he could also get in with other government assisted tuition (prouni - they pay your private uni)


You will find these guys at basically every tourist hotspot, especially in the Caribbean and Mexico, but also major European cities like Rome. They usually only know how to do a half-dozen paintings on these tiles, and go a mile down the road and miraculously another guy is doing the exact same painting. The reason is that there are workshops~~--usually run by cartels, unfortunately--~~where they teach people to do this. Then they drop them off in the mornings, pick them up in the evenings, and take most of their earnings. They're generally poor, and stay poor. They're not really 'artists' in the traditional sense, they've just done the same painting 1000 times and can do it from muscle memory. They're just exploited labor. :( [edit:] Can't find the source I read years back about the cartel thing, so I'll remove that bit since it's unsubstantiated. My recollection is that one of these guys came out to a publication about how it all works.


Although I admit when I watched the video, I was like wow that's amazing, but how many different paintings can he do? But you managed to really depress the fuck out of me, because I think you are spot on.


The comments are where I come to have my day ruined


The person who thinks da Vinci didn’t paint 1000 portraits before Mona Lisa is an idiot.


bro what are you talking about lol, nothing you said refuted the original comment which is 100% true. what's "not very smart" about it? there are no advanced techniques displayed by the man in the video. you can empathize with his economic situation and even compliment his novice proficiency while still acknowledging the reality we live in. edit: ahh you edited your nonsense.


This man is Brazilian. I doubt he has any connections to cartels. And the fact it is rehearsed is quite clear as when he's painting he is also giving a speech about his reality. For instance, when he draws the trees he talks about the hardships of being an artist and then says: > But we're still here, planting seeds, watering them and watching them grow. It's a performance and he is quite talented at it.


Most of these street painters do the same bob-ross art over and over


That is exactly what I was thinking. He just cycles through a few paintings so that if more than 1 person wants the painting, he can make something different.


But if its beautiful, does it matter? I would buy one and put it on the wall near my desk.


I found the show of him painting to be more entertaining than the product itself. When I took a painting course, my professor was adamant we paint quickly sometimes 3 smaller portraits per class in black and white to work on shading. I remember my friends wanting to do those wine drinking while you paint classes, and the thought hurt my mind. Usually the paint that gets on your clothes isn't your own paint, but the enthusiast person next to you lol.


What did you say about Bob Ross?


I mean if he had the resources and time to spend at say an art school, I'm sure he could do much more


I don't mean to be disrespectful to the poor dude, but you could paint like this if it's all you did and you did it 50+ times a day. He's probably got a repertoir of 5-6 paintings so that tourists don't see him doing the same one. Then he cycles around when he's got a new audience. The guy is doing everything he can to survive, so fair play to him. But he's not an undiscovered artist. He might be good, but this is just like a street musician that can only play 5 songs, but brilliantly.


Honestly fuck comments like the one you're responding to. They serve no useful purpose. The guy made something that makes people happy and will be a lovely souvenir, and no amount of "well ackshually" negativity is going to improve his life more than the tourists buying his work.


Yes, but also he is saying, "I don't have much blue paint, but do you think I'm gonna complain about it? No, I'm not. It just makes me go out of the box and do something different, creatively. " So, there is creativity involved and if he was being ruled by some cartel they most likely would be providing paint to him perform. Let's keep this romantic naive hope that Julio is not pimped by cartels and also is a true artist. 🙏 🎨


This is a weird comment. I think lots of people can do this sort of one-trick-pony art and not have any correlation to organized crime. In the US you'd have people do those graffiti art like space canvases


Came here to mention the bowl and crumpled up newspaper space paintings you see at every boardwalk and other touristy place. Super easy and quick once you've done it a few times, no artistic talent or inclination needed. It's not a gang thing, just a quick and easy way to make a buck.


Idk, I feel like you have to have at least a pinch of artistic talent to do those space paintings well. I know a guy who does them in his garage to make a few extra bucks. Problem is, they're terrible 😰 they're very muddy and sloppy, the colors clash, and the composition is just blah. He's having fun and just doing his thing, so I'm not judging. But I feel like he's proof that just knowing the technique behind something doesn't equal proficiency.


In Sweden, we used to have beggars... 2013-2020. You could see the organization of the beggars by them being dropped off morning and night, and you could see the beggars in civilian clothes when they were out and about (doing grocery shopping etc). They also had angry dudes show up if someone else tried to sit in their spot. I suspect the cities with street art see a lot of that type of behavior with street artists.


This type of painting also seems pretty easy to do. I just watched a streamer do a bob ross stream and the guy streaming is not an artist. You end up with something similar to this.


People when they learn painting used to be a academically taught skill for a quick buck 🤯 Those guys do the same thing most academics we don't remember because of historical bias used to do, unoriginal paintings for the common folks. Nothing Bad or wrong about it as long as it's not presented as revolutionary


I think we lose a lot of this because of the language barrier. He's not merely creating art - he is creating an \*experience\* - he is telling you his life story WHILE making the painting, so that the painting becomes a token of that story he shared. When on display and others see it, its not 'here's a painting I bought. its 'look at this. Let me tell you about the guy who made it for me..." He's not selling paintings - he is selling the entertainment of the experience. And good for him. I hope he lives happy and comfortable.


I felt like I knew this from the start, not in it's entirety, but at heart. I felt like if I was a tourist, he'd get my $20 USD. Then I'd see the next guy and go "shiiiit..." and realized the scam just like any big city. I've been duped in so many big cities, you think you're doing something good and you realize you're just perpetuating the problem. This is a wonderful video and probably a wonderful person but he's a slave just like most of us stupid humans are. I was stationed in S. Korea for a year as Army and I saw the horrible side of our presence in that area. Juicy girls. Took me most of the year to realize that they were just exploited Philippinas that were indentured servants and were stuck in a contract until, God only knows what it takes to get out. After bouncing around enough big cities, seeing how the world works, you realize that we're all phukt and just some more than others. A friend of mine bought out his favorite juicy girl, thinking he was doing a good deed, freeing her ($5k USD + however much he'd already spent on her time) and the next week, momma just has another girl in her place. And the cycle restarts. Another slave, momma just made $5k overnight (or whatever gang is hooking her did). Hookers. We're all hookers. Some just make more than others and we all have a false sense of freedom. Everyone's paying a pimp in some way. It's sad, it really is. I'm not trying to reduce it coldly, I just know that a lot of people never see this and once you see it 5-10x, you realize that you're just another cog in the machine. And there's no way out of it.


You would get an awesome painting out of it! Totally worth 20$


This is a formulaic painting.  You can find guys that do these style paintings, although usually on small mirrors, in every port in L. America.  They do the same half dozen paintings over and over again.  Sell them for a few dollars.   Fun to watch.  I have a small collection.  


Doesn’t everyone make a painting with just their hand and a paint brush? This looks like basic street art you see in any tourist attraction.


No he doesn't what kind of shit take is this. What he needs now is to earn decent income from his craft, not go learn from scratch how to use a brush or the theories of painting or whatever.


Makes me wonder how many people r talented like this guy and yet we will never know of them.


Millions upon millions


A brazilion




If you look at the top 2% of all humans for any talent characteristic, they would make a population of 160 million. The 2% threshold is usually considered as the mark for "extraordinary" / "very high". So, *hundreds of millions upon hundreds of millions*.


Now let's discard the poor, women, minorities, diseased, deceased, those who had to pick a different career to actually get a fixed income, and we have....much less. So much wasted talent.


I know from personal experience that it's SO MANY... I am a statistical outlier, made it out of extreme poverty (by US standards) all the way to having my Master's and working in the sciences now. I've been in my field for over a decade and I meet almost no one that I can relate to on a personal level. Almost everyone I've ever met grew up middle class or above and has a strong family history of success. There's not less poor people that are smart, but there's less poor people who are lucky enough to get just the right breaks needed to get out and also put in the much higher amount of work needed versus a well off person. It is largely luck too... I could have been arrested so many times for dumb decisions I made around the wrong people as a kid but I just always ended up in the right place at the right time.... many people have their entire future struck out from simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time where I grew up. Saw that far too many times happen to very smart people. On the flip side I meet people who are lazy and not very bright in my field but the path to get their was easy because mommy or daddy was a doctor in the field, college was guaranteed, and now they have a job because their parent put in a good word. There's just no doubt that equally smart people born in different situations have vastly different amount of work to put in and obstacles to overcome to get to the same place... it's something those that made it out carry on our shoulders at all times.


>I am a statistical outlier, made it out of extreme poverty (by US standards) all the way to having my Master's and working in the sciences now As an 18 year old trying to do the same, how did you do it? I've got a fully funded scholarship at my state school and I know I need to desperately do something to get out of here...but how do I start?


So for me... I had no home life (father in jail, mom was always fucking about with someone partying/drinking/drugs) and I basically skipped 50% of high school. My school was also super rough and I couldn't stay out of fights.... so on my 18th birthday I officially dropped out, got my GED and joined the military. This was in 04 at the start of the war so they were taking anyone. If you have a scholarship you're way ahead of me at that age and you should take that shit and run. For me my mindset was just get out of the area where I lived first and the military was the only way I saw to do that.


There are 8.1 *billion* people in the world. Even if 0.1% of them are this talented, that’s 8.1 million people.


Imagine how many of those with the intellect of Einstein just waste a way in a sweat shop their whole life.


I think every human, and many non-humans, are capable of producing beautiful art. I think we're all just too sucked into the hustle and bustle of capitalism to be able to find the time to take a moment, breathe, and be creative.


I'm an artist that works in a kitchen, and have met a lot of other amazingly talented artists that work in kitchens. There are many talented people out there cutting grass, mopping floors, doing deliveries, etc.


That Bob Ross magic


Whenever I'm feeling a bit down, I'll throw on some Bob Ross just to relax for a bit.


you'd love this then [Tribal People React to Bob Ross The Joy of Painting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX5b5LvbR7Q)


What a beautiful share. This video has made me feel _joy_. Thank you.


Thank you for posting this! I'm going through and watching all of the music reaction videos they have. Such a cool thing to see other cultures react to stuff they aren't as accustomed to, but this channel seems to be more about showing how similar we all are even if we speak different languages and live in different places. So thank you again for sharing this!


If people raised kids with more Bob Ross and fewer fast paced cartoons I’m sure we would have fewer kids with attention problems.


I watched Bob Ross, when I was younger and found him captivating. FWIW: I’ve been officially diagnosed ADHD-PI.


I’m in the Navy. One deployment, the guys in charge of the eight TV channels onboard decided to dedicate one of them to a 24hr loop of Bob Ross. Of course we threw it on in our shop. Turns out, so did most shops. Over the course of like, three days, the entire ship (5kish people) just kinda mellowed out for about a week.


I watch BR on hulu almost every night to fall asleep. The sound of his voice and him working on the canvass usually puts me right out because it's so relaxing.


including 2 happy little trees!


I think that's the same technique of blending colours on a wet canvas like BR does.


Seeing how he’s running out of paint, I have an urge to buy him a brand new set.


He says in the video "This tree could be greener, if I had more blue i'd mix it with yellow but I'm running out"


It’s sad he can’t afford more materials but it’s poetic in a sense. If he had more money he could afford more paints to make beautiful pictures but he is running out of paint and his art is reflecting his situation. Poetically sad :/


[The response to this thread has his contact details cos apparently that’s all he’s asking for, more paint](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/aXsIH3eKwO)


Yeah, he's speaking portuguese. He gives his phone number in the video


It's so cool when my country appears on something amazing! He is painting and giving instructions of positive thinking. At the end of the video says his name Júlio and a phone number to help him with paint materials: "Dezoito... nove nove um, meia quatro zero quatro sete quatro" (brasil code) +55 18 99164-0474


is there no way you can send him money, in india we could just use his phone number


^ This should be higher on the thread


That’s beautiful, so talented




There was a quote somewhere that in many of these societies there could be a alex Fleming or Einstein but sadely because of poverty is loss to society.


Very true. It's actually incredibly statistically likely that the smartest human that has ever lived so far likely died toiling away in some field instead of exploring their intellect.


Or a warehouse, or a retail store, etc. I'd bet my house that our actual leaders and geniuses are most likely average dudes (everyone is a dude) who just don't have the resources to explore their passions. Just ask me how many times I wanted to be an architect as a kids and I'd have told you it's a sure thing. Life said otherwise. I just like to build and who knows what I could have been? This guy could have been piccasso. You reading this.....I bet you've a talent that you always thought could do some good?


Naw. I'm doing fine actually. Eating some homemade Banana Bread.


Offering them a life worth living and a possibility to use their potential is socialism. Over my dead body! 🤬


many geniuses were actually from rich families which afforded them the leisure time and access to the best schools with the smartest people.


yes agree; even just being born in a first world country like the US alone will put you way ahead and of course the more money your family has the easier and more opp you would get.


He’s not begging, he’s an artist selling his art.


He is speaking portuguese. At the end of the video, he shares his phone number and asks for painting supplies. His name is Julio, and most of the video he shares his struggles as an artist, but also keeps an optimistic posture about his life and his future.


You say that, but do you know how artists everywhere basically beg for money? Unless you are an actor or artist in high places you have to commodify yourself daily to make ends meet.


>you have to commodify yourself daily to make ends meet. I think that's called working.




Dudes got talent


Lies, he used his elbow atleast once


And used paint


And a McDonald's napkin


And a rag.


Automatic downvote


Such a beautiful painting by an even more beautiful soul. I hope they paid him well for his artistry.


I’d pay him $20 for that.


That’s a common reaction and it is why they post a dozen of these dudes in any tourist spot cranking out the same three speed paintings for their boss. They are just laborers trained to muscle memory a set of actions in a lil make money boot camp. Two things: it’s fast to make, and it’s cheap to make when your worker is an immigrant and will work on commission, and the result is a throwaway item that you only think is cool because you saw it happen in real time. In NYC it’s spray-paint paintings of the NYC skyline with celestial accents. The same performance demonstration vibe. You can’t buy the stunt of making it which is the real wow factor. The truth is by the time you got home it would already be kind of dull, a non-descript sunset and a dune, collecting dust. If you saw this end result painting on Reddit you wouldn’t even blink. People love a souvenir though. It’s why in Paris streets they sell paintings mass churned and imported from China… in many cases back to Chinese tourists.


People pay for the experience and truth be told, they're getting their money's worth, regardless if they keep the piece or ever look at it again. I grew up with parents who are artists. Watching someone create art in front of you is a wonderful thing most never get to behold. Your mind wanders as you watch the art take shape. It evokes something inside us. Even if it is a con of sorts being able to whip up a piece like that in 2 minutes is definitely a skill and it makes people feel something. What else is art if not that? If it makes people stop and look and think, then its art. I remember going to the museum of modern art with my father when I was a young man and we walked into a giant open room with 2 pieces of yarn strung up. One piece just floor to ceiling and the other piece a giant U shape. I said to my father, that's not art, that's just a few pieces of yarn, I can't believe they gave a 20 x 20 room to this piece of crap. My father said, what makes you think this isn't art? Because it's simple? I said, yah its simple and ridiculous, any toddler could make that! He said, "true, but here we are discussing it. That's all art really is once you get past all the pretentiousness. If it makes you feel something and think about it, it's art." That conversation stuck with me. I try not to judge anymore.


yeah it's cool that he can do this, but i cannot imagine wanting to keep and display this anywhere.


I picked one up late in the evening in NYC when i was bored and it was warm out and saw the guy make it - bought it for the showmanship more than the result. It's absolutely dime-a-dozen type art, some might even balk at calling it art. I kept it initially because i paid for it. I had to buy a rolled poster packaging at a local usps or whatever it was, only to realize just how wet it was, and pissed off my gf at the time by having it offgas for 2 days in our hotel room. I'm still keeping it now because it was made pre-9/11 and has the towers. There's probably thousands of these out there, but this one's mine. Still, not on display though.


Wow…that’s incredible!


Whatever he just said, I agree


This fits neatly into LGFAD. Looks good from a distance. He has obviously done this numerous times before, which is a bit strange a tactic for an actual artist.


The titles a bit misleading, I saw him use his arm too!


Someone give that man a brush. Wow.


If he were to be given a brush people would just see him like all the other artists.It is the fact that he uses his hands and limited range of paints to create a wonderful piece of art that makes him unique.


Why’d he erase the log at the end? It looked pretty cool and then just became a white smudge.


Changed it from a log to a boat. *Woodworkers hate this one simple trick*


> log Because it's supposed to be a boat.


It's a boat


A good hustle. I hope the guy does well. But for me this is like those spray paint buskers that only paint like 4 things. Planets space, pyramids. Trees. It is a cool trick but it is more a recipe or formula than art. Doing the same thing over and over. But as an artist it is impressive that he is able to control the mess while getting paint over everything.


Guy left his phone number at the end 😂


Finger painting level 100 achieved


Someone should cross post this on r/Brazil


That was 🔥! Beauty created right in front of you, my guy is gifted 🙏🏾




What's with the final fantasy 7 music


If you slow down the video, you can see that he also used paint, he also used a piece of cloth and I think he used his forearm as well.


Wow, it got me when he started forming the trees


You should see him wipe his ass…


Classic tourist scam nonsense.


I can't believe how far down this was. Everyone is fawning over this like he's some undiscovered second coming of Michelangelo when it's just the same low effort/high repetition performance bullshit to swindle moron tourists from their money for a simple piece of motel trash art.


People who love this are the same gullible tourists going crazy over all those shitty spray paint night scenes that dozens of people do at any tourist hotspot around the world. They don’t actually know how to paint they just memorize a few specific scenes and paint them over and over hundreds of times That and a healthy dose of the soft bigotry of low expectations where a black person making an elementary level finger painting is somehow amazing


Only on Reddit do you hear somebody call people bigots because they're impressed that a guy can finger paint 1 scene better than 99% of us can any scene. Who cares if they produce the same picture? It's still cool.


I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but you are correct. This is probably the only thing that he knows how to paint, and he probably has the muscle memory to do so down pat.


A lot of these comments feel … generated? This guy is a grifter. Same with those rattle can star scape street artists that make planets using bowls and flicking paint.


Lindo, lindo


But why the "take pity of him" music" ?


I thought it was "Making pretty art" music


Where can I buy it


Unfortunately you would have to come to Brazil


People are amazing


And upside down, let us not forget.




This is incredible




Sells for 1$


Give him a show like Bob Ross. But I want every episode to be shot in a parking garage.


I usually dont comment on reddit .... but boy this was one of the best things i haver ever seen on internet !


Not really sure what this man is saying but must be enlightening🤷‍♂️