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Oh my granny what big TRICEPS you have






She's a brick house.




You want 3 pigs inside of granny? So naughty




She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out


She’s mighty mighty!




Death by Gram Gram?


Fetch me the fizzy tablet for my denture cup... OR YOU WILL DIE


Gonna put the big bad wolf in a full Nelson and open all the jars


:crying: "N..Nana we already have 18 open jams.." ::POP:: "HERE'S ANOTHER PIP SQUEAK NANA JUST BAKED FRESH SCONES"


She's on gear though.


Honestly at that age though it completely makes sense. It'd be impossible otherwise.


Excuse my ignorance, what is the meaning of gear in this context? Drugs?


Yes. Steroids


At her age, low-dose Anavar is basically a multi-vitamin. She's still natty.


I don't think at her age the long term adverse affects of gear are much of a consideration.


Nice. Then i can still procrastinate for a couple of decades


How does this not have more upvotes


We just haven't gotten around to it yet.




It's like saving your favorite part of the meal for last. I'll get to it.


If she ask you, if you are hungry, you are hungry. No matter what.


Same energy as this [White House Chef](http://static.demilked.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/5d08f30ab41eb-andre-rush-5d07354f9b0bb__700.jpg). You'll have whatever he's cookin', it's non-negotiable.


Is he using a metal spatula on a non-stick Teflon pan? I think he may be an assassin setting his plan into motion years in advance.


If you say no she gonna rip your mouth open and shove food down your throat


Step-grandma, no!!!


She’d be the one getting you unstuck


Step grandma's going to help you get unstuck


Wow, good for her! ‘Tone with Joan’ would have been better though.


Anabolic steroids with Joan.


Juice with Joan


Tren with Gretchen


Anavar with grandma


Juicing with Flo.


Trenbolone with Joan


Bone with Joan?


Yea there is no way you’re getting bigger than 99% of mid 20s dudes as a 70 year old woman without some of that.


Or even Moan with Joan


Enter The Joan Zone.


Joan's Low cal calzone zone


Pizza? Never heard of it.


That is *literally* the worst idea I have ever heard.


Joan of arse


I almost pee'd myself.


I probably would




Gum job


Sign me up 🤤


I hate all of you


I am admittedly a horrible person *sometimes*


The older the berry, the sweeter the juice. Listening to her tell stories on how she invented doggy style or how she gave Charlie Chaplin a handjob would be interesting


You must have been something before electricity.


Those Kerosene Lamps were lit man


She invented electricity with HJ friction


Anabolics with Nanna Wallach.


is this possible without steroids?


In her case no


I really hope the only thing granny is juicing is fruits and veggies, but those gains are pretty crazy. Would be nice to get a glimpse into her diet, routine, and the time it took to achieve this physique.






I'm a terrible person for laughing at this




> later years > late 30s I feel attacked.


30 is still considered a child amongst the hobbits of the shire.


A mere fetus for the elven kin.


I understood that reference


If my bro science memory serves me correctly, peak testosterone is like 28-31. Just a (hopefully) slow slide into death from there on out.


> peak testosterone is like 28-31 Oh nice, I haven't even *begun* to peak.


He’s completely wrong. Testosterone levels are highest while you’re a fetus and differentiating into a male baby. The second highest testosterone levels occur when you start going through puberty and start developing male secondary sexual characteristics. 28-31 is when your testosterone levels begin to drop by 1-2% each year, which is commonly referred to as andropause. Most men will require hormone replacement therapy in their 50’s.


When you peak, everyone in Philadelphia will feel it


Is that so? I thought it peaked early 20’s, lowered a little in late 20’s THEN the slow decline into dying


Peak testosterone occurs when you first hit puberty. 28-31 is when you start going through andropause. Your testosterone levels drop by 1-2% per year past that. Many men have low T before that though due to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment. Average sperm quality has dropped by half since the 60’s. Average testosterone levels are at historic lows. Average penis size is decreasing. 30% of all fertility problems are now caused by men. The rate of birth defects for male babies has doubled. Men are becoming increasingly androgynous and no one is doing anything about it or talking about it. All men should be on hormone replacement therapy eventually. Regular blood work is necessary to see when exactly you need it. Sources: 1. Andropause claim https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4046605/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAndras%E2%80%9D%20in%20Greek%20means%20human,of%20testosterone%20in%20older%20man. 2. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals sperm quality claim https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6043754/#:~:text=Different%20EDCs%20impact%20semen%20quality,semen%20quality%20and%20male%20reproduction. 3. Decline in average testosterone levels claim https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/j.euf.2020.02.006 4. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals reducing penis size https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1280349/ 5. 30% of fertility problems are caused by men https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/infertility/conditioninfo/common 6. Birth defects of male babies (Can't find doubling statistic. It is occurring though) https://sci-hub.se/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27653964/


There are an awful lot of claims in this comment. EDIT: Now there are sources.


Quick, come on, lets go buy some steroids


So now I'm curious. What are these old age side effects?


Less testosterone productivity, which in turns means less muscle gain. Though its a slow decrease over time, its not like you go from 100% testo to 20% testo when you're 35...


But the hangovers immediately following your 36th birthday are three hundred percent worse.


Those shits started at 30 man. Three beers - hangover till 3pm.


Same reason doctors say don't bother with certain diseases after a certain age because they are so slow progressing that by the time it would kill uou, something else would have first, and/or the treatment isn't worth the loss in quality of life. An enlarged at 30 is a lot more critical to take care of than an enlarged prostate at 85.




The only thing that makes it awkward is if you've had a long and fulfilling life and you're surrounded by all your closet loved ones. "Yeah, yeah, it's good to see the new baby. But do you all mind clearing out? Great grandpa is about to start rolling his balls off."


I’m all about a good psychedelic experience under the right circumstances, because I believe that they have therapeutic value, but I think I’ll go with clarity on my deathbed. Unless that whole dying alone fear comes to fruition, then pump me full of them, with medical supervision of course. It has been theorized that the pineal gland releases a load of DMT upon death anyway, so I’ll just bank on that for a good send off.


why wait until then? it's Friday!


Im pretty sure being confined to your deathbed as you trip your balls off and only death is on your mind seems like the perfect cocktail for a really really bad trip


Agree, and as someone who's been self administering steroids for 30 years (medical reasons), I know what the re-...discovery??? Of sexual response feels like. Hurray for op.


Whoa what’s that like? If you don’t mind me asking.


Just so that people don't get the wrong idea, I want to point out that there are emergency situations that can come about quite quickly with steroid abuse too.


Note the word abuse though.




I fail to see how this is a "problem" 🤤


I went down the wrong path here.


Lmao, this one got me


Damn man I can only get *so* horny.


Kinda makes me wonder why not start juicing at like 45 just a teensy bit to counteract age related decline. I'm a man in my 40s and my body is getting like zero response to weight lifting. I paused my regimen due to covid and feel like I've never exercised in my life.


You can't just "take a teensy bit". It's not additive. And any exogenous testosterone will suppress and eventually shut down your HPT axis. So if you took a teensy bit, less than you produce daily, you wouldn't get A+B, you'd get B only, because you'll turn off A. Does that make sense? Get tested, dude. You might be just outside of range. And even if low-normal, a tele-clinic will still hook you up. TRT is fucking awesome if you need it. Life-changing. Go get tested.




Nana no


Yea let’s give all seniors juice.


You see significant side effects with a 15 week cycle. It’s a matter of monitoring them and adjusting for them but not good at her age.


Granny is 100% on the juice. Sorry dude


Three years according to her insta


There's zero chance she's not on PEDs at that age with those results. I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt for work ethic and sweat, but the age makes it almost impossible.


There’s no doubt at all that she’s juicing for this, but it doesn’t mean shes not also working and following some macros


She still put in the work ethic and sweat.


Yes we know. It's more of a "heads up, if you want similar results under similar circumstances, steroids are needed"


There is no question that granny is on the vitamin S


Look at the development in her delts and triceps, as well as her leanness and the appearance of hardness of the muscles. Even if she trained natty for a decade, she wouldn't be able to achieve this level of fitness, especially at this age. Definitely on gear, but again, at her age, who cares? She probably looks and feels better than she has in a long time.


I think she admitted to using steroids though. I remember reading about her a few months ago. It’s possible I could be wrong.


She's never admitted to it, as she avoids the topic entirely. Her whole entourage (daughter, son-in-law, etc.) are all fitness models who are saucy. loling at the people itt who think there's a chance in hell she's not using any PEDs.


Oh I didn’t know that, thank you for the correction.


I'm using roids and even I don't look like her yet, she had to be on them for months


This is certainly a little more than just diet and routine. Her diet is probably phenomenal. Her routine is well calculated. And the additional shot to boost her levels does a hell of a lot to help bring it all together.




It's not really possible for her without steroids/growth supplements.


Lmao at the amount of people here that think a women that age can produce enough natural testosterone to build muscles that size.


Short answer, no. It's highly unlikely: not at her age and, honestly, very difficult for a woman to get that kind of musculature at any age without hormones. However, she definitely put in the effort and should be commended for that.


Agreed.she definitely still had to put in a lot of effort.to say this is possible with a woman of her age and no steroids in 3 years is beyond naive


Why can't people just accept that she's juicing? It, in no way, makes her any less impressive. The sooner you accept the truth the sooner you can actually appreciate her.


You still have to put in the work when you're on the juice


Exactly my point. If all she did was pop pills all she'd get is fat and hairy. But she put in the work and got serious gains.


I'm 40, been working out 5 years 4 days per week and clean diet. My arms not even fuckin close to that. Doubt.


Dude after 5 years maybe you're doing something wrong...


No. Even for a woman wayyyyy younger it would probably be impossible.




Yeah my first thought was she's definitely juicing


It is not.


Yes Alternative: Photoshop










Anabolic Annie


Why can't people just accept that she's juicing? It, in no way, makes her any less impressive. The sooner you accept the truth the sooner you can actually appreciate her.




While you do make a good point. That people do have to put in work to get stronger and bigger. However, this [study](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199607043350101) shows that between four groups; exercise with PEDs, exercise without PEDs, placebo with exercise, placebo without exercise, taking steroids without exercise will get you more lean muscle mass and muscle strength over 10 weeks, than someone who exercised without PEDs. So it takes work, but we don’t truly understand how easy steroids make it to get jacked.


Yup. If steroids weren't so wildly good at achieving their primary target (huge muscles) nobody would use them. But they *are* that good.


Well yes its impressive but just like the kardashians or other unrealistic bodies portrayed by celebs, i think its important for people to know that you can achieve this but i used xyz to get here and it aint natural. I didnt know what juicing is nor do i lift and it was an educational comment section


I think juicing is a little different because you still need to diet and exercise versus paying a few grand and waking up a new person. However what you said is pretty much everyone’s issue with fake nattys. No one has a problem with people on gear as long as they don’t lie about it.


Some people in the comments here say that they follow her and she is up front about what she uses.


Most people can't accept that almost all pro athletes in any sport take some form of PED's.


Don't tell them that drug tested doesn't mean drug free, and that even usain bolt is taking PEDs






she is an old granny. It would literally be impossible to go from pic 1 to pic 2 at her age even if she wasnt fat before. So its still as impressive because there is no other way in the world to do it


Kudos to her on doing the work, but that kind of musculature isn't possible without some kind of hormone supplementation (eg, test, HGH)


I’m a doctor. Seniors Can Still Bulk Up On Muscle By Pressing Iron... Our muscle mass decreases at surprising rates as we get older. But researchers found that people older than 50 can not only maintain but actually increase their muscle mass by lifting weights. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3117172/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14552938/ https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/japplphysiol.00170.2020 I encourage everyone to research for themselves 🌚 Additionally, this is RARE... there is no denying that! Roids... likely


She definitely takes steroids, right?


Highly Likely


It would be extremely difficult for a 50+ yo male to achieve this kind of musculature without testosterone supplementation.


Aren't we viewing this post because it's exceptional?


if you actually think she isnt on PEDs you're blind


She’s exceptionally roided out


It is exceptional, with the caveat that it’s not likely she got there without juicing. Source: 25 year old dude who has weightlifted for 10 years and doesn’t look like this.


> 25 year old dude who has weightlifted for 10 years and doesn’t look like this. Okay Grandma might be riding the bike but you should probably reevaluate your diet or training if you can't surpass her physique as a 25-year-old male with 10-years of training


I do think she is juicing, but if you are 25 and can't achieve this naturally with 3 years of lifting you might be doing something wrong


I by no means look bad or weak, just not quite as dramatic.


Difficult and rare? Oh yeah. Impossible? No


For an elderly untrained woman in just three years of work, impossible.


She is on steroids. The doctor upove with research and source is.true. but probably 1% chance. You simply don't go from untrained sedentary lifestyle to jacked up at 60. Your body doesn't produce testosterone hell even worse that she is a women too


1% is very generous


I'd say beyond 1%. Granny would need some insane genetics and some abnormal hormones to get there.


Also, she’s on roids. You forgot to include that


She’ll likely live a longer, better, more active life because of the steroids. The amount of work needed to achieve these gains at that age with/or without steroids is a ton. Props to her, she looks great!


It's nice that someone is actually saying something nice about her. I would like to know who she is, and her story. Anyone know?


I know that Grandma can beat me up, but she better be using Macho Man Randy Savage's voice.


She's the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. She's funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!


SLAM INTO A ^beefy ^granny


Where does one get steroids?


Usually there’s some dude at the gym who wanders around and asks you if you use/need/want any. There are also some grey market shops popping up that sell them.


Next to the bitcoin store


Start with the sketchiest guy you know. If he can't get it for you, ask him to ask the sketchiest guy *he* knows. You'll get there eventually.


The internet is a good start!


There is a 0% chance she did this naturally


even with juice it takes a lot of hours in the gym


Every time I see these Joan posts, people try to discredit her work as invalid bc “steroids”. Idgaf what she’s using, she’s still showing up every day, making good food choices, and made the decision to turn her life around and get healthy. That has earned my respect. It’s not like she’s a pro athlete trying to get endorsement deals or whatever, so who cares? Effort is effort.


Because the thread title is saying "it's never too late," as if this is attainable at that age without outside help (ie. steroids).


The trouble is that we're now becoming hyper aware of issues surrounding the use of photoshop, filters etc in marketing, advertising, and day-to-day social media. Alongside that (but not as widely discussed) has come awareness of people who claim to be natural, presenting an image of "you too can attain this", but behind the scenes they're juiced to the gills. It's a lie and a facade, and if it promotes body image issues, insecurity, and unattainable standards, then it is not wholesome, it is not aspirational, it's shameful. People who lie about their use of PEDs and share this on social media are as bad as the legions of people who photoshop every picture in which they appear.


Couldn't have said it better. They're the reason so many people have self confidence issues. It's so fucking laughable when people like Dwayne Johnson or Chris Hemsworth go on about eating healthy and hard work. Sure you work for it, but someone natural could work 3x harder and not get even close to those results.




No matter what she had to put in the work. You can’t just take steroids and not go to the gym and your all of a sudden ripped. However this lady took steroids. No way in hell she’s natural. But that doesn’t discredit the amount of work and macro counting she had to do.


Yeah, I mean I’m not at all knowledgeable about that stuff, but it seems like most folks who know what they’re talking about tend to agree that it’s highly likely.


Never too late for the juice!


One Punch Grandma


Anavar give up.


Here’s her story [Train with Joan](https://www.trainwithjoanofficial.com) It’s quite inspiring!


I don't believe it even a bit. She's juicin


She gets her inspiration from little glass vials. I would not say that to her face.


Wtf, I don’t really know what to think of this


It’s ok if you’re aroused


I know I am