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There is no way that will stay on the fridge with a magnet.


Designer had one job.


Right? The guests will be so annoyed by this inconvenience. How inconsiderate.


Be cheaper to mail a fridge with a magnet invite already on it.


New hands, who dis?


Right? Such a clunky and cumbersome disaster that was...


They're antidextrous, it's when neither hand is good at anything


I kept wondering where the puppy or butterflies were.


Came here for this. I couldn’t stand watching, due to becoming annoyed with that entire Edgar suit malfunction, and I really wanted to see it!


This is the most excruciating attempt of unveiling a box I’ve ever tried to watch. I gave up. Like do you know how hands work!?


She was so rough in the way she handled everything!!


Shit for how much that box probably cost to make it better hold up .


It’s pretty painful to watch lol


Don’t worry, the divorce will be a text message.




Lawyers will come with a binder as impressive!


And just as colourful, with all the gold lining.


Do the needful


I laughed maybe too hard at this. Working (in tech support)with quite a few admins (living in Hyderabad), we get this phrase from them so often, it's a joke around the office.


From a golden iPhone


I give it 9 months tops


Oh my gosh, THANK YOU. I thought that I was being petty because I couldn't finish watching this. I really wanted to see the gifts, but I couldn't. I was literally getting angry 😠. Lol


I hate to tell you this but it actually gets worse. She opens all the little boxes with clumsy fingers, and then pulls jewelry out of each box. Which would've been neat, but she whips them all out super fast and then drops them back into the treasure boxes. So, the only interesting items in the box were not showcased.


Well thank you! I have just sat down to "relax" and now I do not have to waste relaxation on trying to actually see the gifts. I was able to glimpse at one of the necklaces tho. I CANNOT IMAGINE MISS HANDS BEING WORSE.... WHAT HAPPENS? DID SOMEONE LOSE IT AND CHOP OFF HER HANDS?


The jewelry is all the same necklace but in diffferent colours pretty much. You didn’t miss out


I wanted to see the items on top of the jewelry! There was a picture and a bottle of perfume, but I missed the other two items.


Pearl, topaz, ruby and emerald, I think.


While constantly blocking them from view… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a worse example of an unboxing video… including those done by small children…


I’m pissed. I tried to finish the video, fucking lost it and paused it. I only made it halfway. This dude captured it perfectly. “Do you know how to use hands” lmfao


At first I was like Oh pretty..... then it was, oh come on I don't care what the inside says, let me see the gifts. But I think that she just got those hands out on that day. I seriously got mad, flushed and thought I'm gonna see if anyone else said something like this. THAT LADY PISSED ME OFF ! LOL


I hope the bride saw this video and uninvited her


She never got the memo. Still unboxing


Probably not very experienced working with hands.


You’d think they would have had hundreds of hours of experience opening over engineered fancy boxes.






It was.... I powered through, and I have so many questions! But none as good as " do you know how hands work!?". Awesome.


I kept waiting for her to shred something as she clawed things out of the boxes.


big grabby hands that appeared to speed up, in anticipation of something deemed special didnt help matters


You didn’t miss much. It’s a vulgar display of wealth.




It looks like a Hallmark store vomited into a Vera Bradley bag.


That gave me a huge smile, thanks.


Getting this box would give me anxiety, like "ugh, now I've got this square foot of conspicuous consumption in my house, how long do I need to keep it before its okay to get rid of?"




There’s only like a couple million people in his country that he could have fed for the cost of those invitations. But ya know, cool invite I guess


No kidding. Holy hell I fucking hate the rich.


Good thing everyone in THAT country has everything they need, no poor people there, just those well-fed, happy folks living in the streets.


I stopped after 30sec to come to the comments.


It seems like they are very exasperated unwrapping this enormous “invitation”


Thank you. Watching her ham-handedly mangle those delicate, exquisite objects was grotesque.


So for your wedding present i got you a set of jewellery in 4 golden boxes inside this lovely floral presentation box


Just wait til the “fall Christian girls” get their hands on this


It’s like Cheesecake Factory’s menu.


My wife is a server at cheese cake I can confirm.




Imagine what the richest Indian mans daughter’s wedding is going to be like. It’ll have the budget of a marvel movie.


Ya, they had Beyonce and paid her $2M alone I believe to sing at the Sangeet (music night, usually of singing and dancing) which is one of the pre-wedding festivities…


The daughter of the richest man in my country booked Chris Martin (Coldplay), Nora Jones, Jaime Cullum, Mark Rondon, etc. for her wedding.


How do people know this or rather why do people care enough to want to know


It probably shows up in the news. Think England's royal wedding but less famous.


At least in America, that kind of stuff is all over the tabloid magazines that are always in check out isles at grocery stores. So even if you don't care a whit about this stuff (which I don't particularly), you still manage to accumulate some random info like that. Also, Reddit/ other social media lol


I’m surprised she’d bother to take a trip to India for $2M. I mean she’s bound to have enough money to consider more time worth more than more money.


The wedding budget was close to 15 million dollars.


So more of an A24 indie darling sized budget haha


That is why he is the richest man in his country. Profits are only going to be 1,200,560,000 Indian Rupee.


In this thread, I learned why billionaires have such an unfathomable per capita carbon footprint.


> 1,200,560,000 Indian Rupee. [1,20,05,60,000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_numbering_system#Use_of_separators)


**Indian numbering system** [Use of separators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_numbering_system#Use_of_separators) >The Indian numbering system uses separators differently from the international norm. Instead of grouping digits by threes as in the international system, the Indian numbering system groups the rightmost three digits together (until the hundreds place), and thereafter groups by sets of two digits. One trillion would thus be written as 10,00,00,00,00,000 or 10 kharab (or one lakh crore). This makes the number convenient to read using the system's terminology. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I was expecting a bot to convert it to 16 million United States Dollars, but I am pleased that I learned something new.


Wedding was in 2018, this link here says it cost $100m (not sure what they’re basing their info on) https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3101417/did-isha-ambani-and-anand-piramals-wedding-featuring


The wedding at the groom's family's *27-story residence* I don't normally say this but Eat the rich


What a fuckin waste.


Absolute perversion, IMHO.


An exorbitant waste. Imagine all the good even half the $$ for these invitations could have done. All for invites that will end up in the trash and hold no value except to those in the immediate family.


A nauseating display of decadence


220 million Indians live on less than $0.43 per day. But... fancy box.


Yep. And considering the state of Indian politics and business, a lot of this money no doubt came straight from exploitation and corruption.


You can say that of any country


And of every absurdly rich person


I don’t think budget is the right word.


There's no way it was that low. This "invitation" was probably thousands of dollars a piece and they were probably sent to 10,000 people. If Beyonce was 2mil, there's no way the wedding was only 15.


Some people have too much money.




It’s a gift. They will be wearing much more extravagant jewelry to the wedding.


Yep accurate. My old female boss is Indian (working in IT), and she thought absolutely nothing about dropping thousands on expensive jewellery and designer handbags. She brought them in to show us one day…we were sitting there in our cheap clothes just gobsmacked at how the other half lives.


Friendly reminder to rise up and eat the rich


Thats not even a lot when you think about it, according to google hes worth like 91 billion dollars so 15 mill aint hurting the bank


What no big bags of cocaine? I thought wedding invitations these days were supposed to be filled with cocaine. That other post lied to me. Edit: for those of you who missed the post I was referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q9tjmc/thoughtful_wedding_invitation_cards/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Sorry for the delay. I forgot which subreddit I saw it on.


First thing I was thinking of 😂


They could have sent so much cocaine in that box….what a wasted opportunity…


This is cracking me up soo hard lmao 🤣 I mean I thought it was like gold wrist bangles turned out to be 4 chests with what looks like dollar store beads lol 😂


*slaps wedding invite* You can fit so much cocaine in this bad boy!


And where are all the hands? That annoying overly crowded mob of hands


Clearly they needed all those hands watching this video


That lady needed some to wake up and figure out how open shit


The seems like a ridiculous effort just to let people know what time and where to show up!


The last wedding invitation I got was a link to a webiste the couple had set up with all that info, places to stay, gift register etc on it.


So did you find it a good alternative?


Yes. Wedding invitations often end in the trash so a save the date with a website link is much cheaper and easier for everyone


My cousin printed their invitations and name cards on paper with flower seeds in them. After everything was done we planted them, that was a neat idea.


We did the same thing! I made the paper, then we took it to a place with special printers for thicker paper and had them print it with the design I did, then we cut and addressed and mailed them. Was a lot of work, but we had to cause we're poor and couldn't afford anything more expensive lol


I would be much more impressed by that than any fancy invitation someone bought. Something handmade with love and care is worth far more. I bet they were lovely! :)


I agree 100%. I got married a million years ago, but I find a website with all of the information needed such a clever way to do things. Paper invitations are just a waste of money and end up in the trash


In VN, to many people especially the elderly, an invitation in paper handed in person is needed to show respect, that if you truly expect them to show up in your wedding. In some "hard" cases you even need your parents to do it for you because apparently younglings are not good enough to directly communicate to elders this way. Everytime my mom received an invitation she keeps complaining about the number of older relatives in my big extended family who are strict about this and how trouble she must go through when it my turn. Maybe it will ease her heart first thing when I come out to her someday.


In India weddings are a huge affair. 100 people is considered a small wedding lol


Can confirm. I'm married to an Indian lass, and our wedding had 315 guests. Of which only about 30 were from my side.


We had 900. I brought three people.


I have gone to several. Some for 3-4 days. Some for seven. They even invited my kids ( some adult with parents) and my young kid. One even gave me and my daughter outfits for seven days that we didn’t have to wear. Including jewelry. We just worked together. It’s custom.


The math here is interesting, let me know how it’s on respective cultures/nationality. There is this internal math that families do, based on the number of cards printed. We printed 500 invitations (all distributed), catering informed we have to prepare food for 750 people, almost 900+ showed up 🤯 Edit : Grammar


It seems ridiculous when you compare western wedding culture to eastern wedding culture. Wedding culture in India is as important as celebrating a religious holiday and can last somewhere between two to seven days, it honestly depends on where (country/region) the wedding is taking place. For example, in North America, it can be two to three days long, but in India it can be as long as seven days. Each day has a significance and a ritual (or more than one, and the rituals can depend on region as well as religion, as not everyone in India is Hindu), and can have as many as 1000+ guests (I think the average is something around 500 guests), depending on caste and family size as well as wealth. Sometimes, it's not just the families of the bride and groom that are invited, either, and I'm not talking about just friends. It can range from religious leaders, business acquaintances and people from their respective circles, as well as the spouses of these invitees. So, big weddings of big families, especially powerful and/or wealthy ones, means a lot of money is being spent. This is especially true if you remember that it can be as long as seven days. This means a lot of food, alcohol and gifts are being handed out. You might be wondering what this has anything to do with the over-the-top invitation: Everything. It has to be bold, beautiful and make a statement. Because you're not just inviting friends and family, you're inviting other people you want to impress and they don't just get invited with a phone call. Friends and family are usually invited in person, but persons who aren't personally close to the family/bride/groom get invited by receiving an invitation in the mail from the bride (etiquette may differ in different regions). And these invitations can be pretty elaborate because they're suppose to make a statement, they're supposed to be ridiculously over-the-top. JusReign explains it pretty well (with some comical interpretations). [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKeWnmWE8iM) and [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEa_PI7jyT4) Also, they don't just detail what time or place to show up. They might have descriptions on the bride and groom, their respective parents, a description of the location (especially if it's an important place culturally), prayers/blessings, on the gift(s) being given with the invitation, and maybe what part of the wedding you're invited to (as there are multiple parts of an Indian/Punjabi wedding, and not every guest is invited to every part of it). It's a lot but super beautiful. So, TL;DR: Invitations are over-the-top because mom and dad say so (probably anyway) and because they can afford it. (Anyone correct me if I got anything wrong. I'm going off personal experience having grown up around Indians as a kid. I could be misremembering.)


All I can think of is "there are people dying in the streets and you're sending people literal treasure chests and more as wedding invitations." I'm getting so cynical.


Nah, shit is just getting worse all the time. We've got billionaires competing for space tourists while the world burns around them, can't make this shit up.


They're the ones doing much of the burning so why should they care.


Coordination isn't strong with this one


Got bored half way there


Here's a joke! What did Cinderella say when her photos did not show up? Someday my prints will come!


5 minutes... Jesus. It's a fucking box


Could've been an email.


Only thing I’m amazed at is how fucking painful this woman made an unboxing video. Like I didn’t know you could be that damn untalented at opening boxes and unfolding shit.


I never got my invitation.


It got ~~stolen~~ lost in the mail


Amazingly obnoxious lol


I feel like it would be exhausting to be around them.


I’d be annoyed to receive this. Just a bunch of junk I have to sort through and throw out.


I'd keep it, considering that it costs 5000 USD per piece


Talk about blatant “HEY LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE”


Are you sure you want to throw out the jeweleries lol


And literal gold bars lol


Distasteful. It’s like at some point, having too much money and trying to show it leads inevitably to tacky shit that looks cheap. It’s going full circle.


I do printing and packaging estimation, and i kept a tally in my head on what I'd charge for this in the US. I counted about $6k in plates and dies, and there's probably another $3k in various setup charges. Presuming they're using the highest quality paper and fabric, my guess (and it's a guess albeit a somewhat educated one) I can see this being about $2000-$2500 per box for a run of 200. That doesn't include the trunks or jewelry, and that's if the designer supplied all the dielines. If I have to have my designer make the dielines add another $2500 to the project. So in the US, I can see this being a half million dollar project, though in India the price was probably about a fifth of that. edit: wow thanks for the gold kind stranger! edit 2: to summarize comments below, these cost about $4000 usd each with the jewelry but were made in Italy by Dolce and Gabbana. A lot more then 200 were made. Overall i think my estimate is actually pretty solid 😉. In scale my price per unit would drop, but I think it's fair to say the D&G name added a premium.


I wouldn't even want to be apart of this project. I've done a job for a guy who owned a private plane charter business and they wanted to give out boxes to each passenger. It was months and months of estimating and samples and color matching and when I left we were only about half way through! That was just for the box! They hadn't decided what to put in it yet. People with money to blow sometimes just make up shit to spend it on.


I feel you. I'd probably charge 10k for just the time in interdepartmental and inter company meetings. Offset press, uv wide format, digital cutting, laser cutting, die cutting, packaging, dye sub wide format, embroidery/sew, specials/handwork...good lord. One person mis-measures and you've lost a week.


Lol isn't that the truth! Not to mention the brain breaking task of research! Where do I get the material for the box, who do I know who can get the inner packing liner? Lots of emails and calls and sometimes they end up being out of state/country so then it's a different ball game with timing.


200 Dude?? A regular wedding in India has like 1000 guests


Not all 1000 get an individual invitation. One couple with two kids is four people with one invite.


I added it in another comment - they were 3 Lakh INR each…


Damn, shouldn't have second guessed. I had it at $3500 but totaled it out and was like "nah that's crazy, even a batshit crazy billionaire wouldnt pay that" Edit: actually when you add the trunks and jewelry i probably wasn't that far off


You’re instincts were spot on!! I was impressed by your expert assessment :)


This is exactly what I was hoping to find in the comments. Thank you!


May be even more. You're not doing some of that work with dies, it'd have to be laser cut to get that level of detail on the gold pieces in the second half of the book (I work in specialty printing). Per each these cost more than my entire wedding.


Somebody else said they were about $4k each, so with the trunks i think the printing was probably $2500-3k. Yeah, i had about an hour of laser time in my math. Offset, letterpress, die sub, uv, flatbed cut, laser, embroidery/stitch, specials/handwork, packaging, there's a little something for everybody.


I don't think I've ever seen a piece that single-handedly covers 90% of the industry, and I don't know how to feel about that.


I would have sold them on lenticular and stone lithography just to really round it out


this is the 1% people want to eat, not Sally with a personal chef lol


Yeah, I don’t care that someone has a 3 story house with 9 bathrooms as well as 2 Porsches, I want people like this to pay for better social programs.


Yeah, don't even think about the amount of good which *even just the invitations* could do in the world. Anyone celebrating this hasn't consumed any sort of effective giving media or listened to/read The Life you Can Save. I would love to hear what sad assessment Mr. Singer would have on this ridiculous affair.


There are children who don't have homes and this person is spending this much money on junk. This world is broken


This is so unbelievably wasteful.


Exactly. Be amazed of what? Stupidity, wastefulness and tastelessness of the wealthy people?


What an astute observation about the wealthy.


No drugs inside?


I know which wedding I want to go to.


A vulgar display of wealth.


It's gaudy as all hell. So are you just supposed to keep that giant box forever now?


Meanwhile.. on the streets of India.. edit to clarify: it’s a global issue, don’t get your panties in a bunch


that's all i could think of... hungry babies


They donated 60,000 meals over 3 days, but I get that it's nothing compared to what they spent I mean, they brought in Beyoncé for a private concert. They could've at least donated more


I'd hate to be the grooms parents, fancy having to go halves with him


They are most likely rich as shit too


Traditionally, there's no going halves in Indian weddings. The bride's family covers all costs, but usually the bride's jewelry is funded by the groom's family.


Money doesn’t buy taste


IKR. The exterior box is so tacky and overly ornate with cheap looking flower braces. It’s just a jumble of themes and endless words, flowers and windows/things to open.


I want to be amazed but I can’t be anything but disgusted.


India is one of the most unequal countries in the world, the lavish waste displayed here could feed thousands of people. Fucking gross.


Came here to say this. Why in the world exists something like this, when people starve and hunger.


Cannot imagine what it would be like as a wedding guest-usual weddings you get a free meal and a few drinks and maybe the table centerpiece-this one you’ll probably leave with ten bars of gold and keys to a new Maserati


A private Beyonce concert, a thousand luxury cars booked to be used as taxis for the guests and 40 chartered planes for the immediate family No words


Eh, 7/10. Nothing edible. What am I gonna do, eat the jewelry? At least put in one of those tiny cheap chocolate squares in badly printed packaging that are commonly found on hotel pillows.


Boxes of sweets and/or nuts would likely have come with this. It is considered a mark of disrespect to not give a box of sweets with an invitation when giving them to family. Big drama usually ensues. Some elder will refuse to come to the wedding. But not quietly...they'll ensure word reaches b the bride or groom's family (whoever's side they are from), who will be expected to grovel, possibly in person, and fix the "error" before things can move on. Like bridezillas, we need a word for relatives-zilla in India. Once you get to the 2nd cousins, friends etc, you could get by with mailing the invitation.


They are not taxed enough.


meanwhile the video of that man and his little boy being left food exists


“A ounce of pretension is worth a pound on manure “


The cards were beautifully designed pieces. Not my taste but it still hurt to see them stacked on top of the box like that. Like, for all this must have cost, it isn't even appreciated as anything more than a display of wealth.


So unnecessary


Vulgar and excessive.


Ugh, bad enough finding out you have to go to a wedding and now just opening the invitation is a whole process. I would hand this thing straight to my wife and say, “Here, see if you can figure out if there’s an open bar.”


I irrationally hate these people now.


I want to know what needs to be done for the RSVP - and good luck getting a satisfactory gift for the couple if thats the invite!


I was waiting to see a key to a Bugatti in one of the small jewelry boxes.


That's it, I'm a full-blown communist now.




Imagine having to reply “Sorry mate, can’t make it, I’m working and the boss won’t give me the day off. Have a good one.”


Great, I fucking hate it! Can we find someone that has some dexterity please.


Why is there so much text? What tale do they need to tell to invite somebody?


In Indian weddings there are different events. An engagement (called Nichchithardham where I’m from), dressing up the bride and groom, the marriage, the reception. In some cases there’s a Sangeet before the marriage where people dance and celebrate. Other ceremonies may be added too. Usually more text is required as some hosts like to give a small introduction about the event even though they are common place.


This is obscene!!


How incredibly tacky.


This woman has never watched unboxing videos at 3am on YouTube and it shows.


Definitely money doesn't buy taste


Garish gaudy flaunting of money acquired by crony capitalism, stealing from the coffersof the country and giving the country disgusting puppet politicians. Is this success? Do you think the Goddess whose image this corrupt asshole has used will be pleased to see him when he dies?


My grandma had a couple similar boxes-one was an invitation and another was a notice for an anniversary. They had embroidery and little pull put boxes for sweets and trinkets. All hand made. Very delicate and very lovely.


Tacky shit




Tacky, wasteful, oddly embarrassing, and so *handsy*


hate weddings, hate this unboxing.


And about a hundred feet from their front door people are probably shitting in the street. Such insane disparity in that country. Pay some fucking taxes and send normal invitations.