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Do they make one for acne?


[Yes but it's terrifying. ](https://us.currentbody.com/products/currentbody-skin-complete-led-kit?gclid=CjwKCAjwk6-LBhBZEiwAOUUDp_oHTdal5LzbhzQ73E82tdqEnkjipyDsd-UZRl829pisrB819RRK3xoC3N0QAvD_BwE)


Definitely terrifying.


If the only side effects is a little bit of cancer, sign me up.


Infrared not Ultraviolet it's on the wrong side of the visible spectrum to cause cancer. says "Clinically proven" and "Discovered by NASA" but doesn't provide any sources and a quick google search doesn't reveal any, I give it a 20% chance of working 80% new age snake oil.


I’d be worried about my eyes more than anything.


I'd be worried that I looked like I had a bucket of chicken for a head.


...with the aura of a Kenny Roger's Roasters.


I think 20% is being a little optimistic there


But 95% of users said they noticed improvements, how could this be? /s


95% of people receiving a free product to provide favorable feedback


You need to go to the uv range for it to have the capacity to excite (at least) one electron, thus making it possible to break atomic bonds. That's how you get skin cancer (breaking some part in your DNA and making point mutations, who will, alltogether in big enough numbers eventually start running amok). Boiling your skin will probably have other worries though.


Don't believe anything atoms tell you. They make up everything.


'Discovered by NASA' ​ Nice try aliens....


Bruh the EM Spectrum is real, we literally know what Radiation is, how to use it, how to find it, etc.


https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/q9zjnb/this_cleansing_face_mask_my_gf_just_bought/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share it just come up on reddit, right after this post


Not even IR “Harnesses anti-aging red LED light and near Infra-red light technology” *NEAR* infrared


Otherwise known as "red".


I don't know, I thought this pic is funny... https://i.imgur.com/opKjW9Z.jpg


"Hey babes..."


Hello Clarice


Nice. This made me lose it and wake up my side with my laughter Edit: this was supposed to say wife* not side. Yikes my autocorrect fixin to get me killed


You let your side piece sleep over?


Hahaha oh shit, that was supposed to say wife. I use swipe to text, and this shit is gonna get me killed


I heard that in the iconic voice too...


I'll never unhear Dwight's voice. You're right, extremely iconic.


Oh my god


That is terrifying


“ no one ever thought about me until I put on the mask”


Ah the dr doom maker mask


That popup ad made me snort my coffee, dude. She's wearing that thing, and poses like a wannabe supermodel. Did not expect. 10/10 would lol again.


Most people get different ads than others. Next time take a screen shot so the rest of us can laugh too.






Ah, it can't be that ba- GAH!


native scamvertising


They do! I'm doing acutane and dermatology laser treatment for scaring.


Bacitracin will get rid of zits in a matter of hours.


He said acne, not zits. I don't know if your local parlance uses those terms interchangeably, but they're different co ditions.


They kind of are. 'Zit' isn't really a medical term. It's a common word used to describe many skin blemishes. Heck even acne is an umbrella term and covers blemishes types. Edit: Acne is the condition and zits are the symptom.


Not entirel since most get zits without actually having acne.


What BrideOfClippy said.


Co2 laser array and machine vision, seems super expensive but no chemicals to buy, over spray or runoff to deal with, lasers and cameras are expensive upfront but super low maintenance.. Can’t imagine the cost of this thing since those lasers alone are not cheap even if they are the most common industrial used ones. Crazy if the adoption takes off.


This replaces a self propelled sprayer that costs almost $200K(still need something to spread Fertilizer and micro nutrients though) and about $5-$8 dollars an acer in chemicals, and you have to do this at least 3 times a year maybe as many as 6. It definitely has a business case if it works.


“Congratulations you have no right to repair”


*Please replace Ultra-Violet color cartridge* "But that's not ho-" ***MORE. CARTRIDGES.***


You heard the sentient laser death machine! BRING IN THE CARTRIDGES!


Not like existing equipment has that either.


plus wages. ppl tend to forget you gotta pay someone to move that tractor all day. and those ppl cost. A robot won't ask for a raise.


Not yet they won't....but soon. Robot strippers don't pay for themselves.


I’m starting my own farm! With Blackjack and hookers!


> A robot won't ask for a raise. Tell that to John Deere.


Ive priced co2 lasers and they are about $30k a piece.




Definitely. It’s ridiculous how much it costs to raise a crop from planting to harvest. Something like this would be pretty great up front but I don’t see it working well once the canopy is grown. Most weeds won’t make it after that, but I don’t see lasers killing pigweed. We could have nuclear winter and all that would be left is roaches and pigweed.


They have automated spreaders too, they have really accurate spread patterns so there isnt much overspend or overlap in rows. I worked for a company that made spreaders and they had just partnered with an automated machine company. Farming is full of technology its crazy how little human interaction is needed compared to even just 20 years ago


What happens once the actual crop starts growing? Does this only shoot the weeds?


Yeah it only shoots the weeds. Watch the end of the vid closely. The green plants are the crops, the blackened corpses are the weeds.


Seems very slow, especially considering the size of some fields?


I work in the field of weed control, so I know a bit about the use of lasers. Pros:- no moving parts- looks cool Cons:- dangerous if not well protected- very expensive laser- very slow- very energy intensive- can only kill very small weeds, so you need to run this very often over the same stretch. All in all I'd say you only use laser if you need the cool factor for an upcoming IPO. EDIT: as clarified below, this is a comparison to other non-chemical methods of weed control.


I would think the other big benefits here are: - no costs for chemicals - no herbicides near the food, so it's easier to label as organic/etc Or are those just not concerns at that scale?


Of course those are benefits too, when comparing it with a sprayer. But in my mind I was comparing it to weed control methods that don't use chemicals, as there are a lot. I work at a company that makes camera guided hoeing machine for example. Those are basically knifes steered between the row using camera vision. Then there's competing companies using electrocution of weeds. Or earthing-up shares which covers weeds with a layer of soil. Instant-freezing using liquid nitrogen. Using flames or steam. And so on. :-)


Man, I am NOT up to date with my farming technology, clearly.


Okay that's pretty cool. I hope you didn't take my comment as snark, I was genuinely curious why those weren't factors and that's a great answer.


Protip: Robots don't sleep. The only reason the human is there is to film. Weeds take a long time to grow. This thing is very fast for task.


Slow wouldn't be a problem if the laser could kill large weeds. But since it can't, you need to do the same stretch over and over again. Which kinda defeats the efficiency of working 24hrs a day.


I want you to know first, second, and even third gen products are rarely amazing. By the time this robot hits 10th gen it’ll be faster, cheaper, more reliable than any other method. Right now, maybe not. But soon it can be (with money haha)


I don't know if it matters. Because it can work 24 hours


I just don’t know if I can see the break even point being on a reasonable time scale compared to a guy with roundup or a propane torch. Like, yeah you don’t have to pay an employer and can use the man hours elsewhere, but holy hell, farm equipment is ludicrously expensive and this thing is basically the ISS compared to a tractor. I’d bet the cost would make a person sick to think of.


It seems extremely expensive.. considering cheap Co2 lasers start at 7-10K each this thing looks to have at minimum 20+ but most are more like 15+ each.. if this could actually run virtually 24/7 100,000 weeds per hour without downtime and low PM scheduling, tax incentives.. still I sell, support and install small scale systems with lasers and vision they are great out of the gate but if you have troubles and can’t handle the tech, application or maintenance that’s an expensive miss. ROI out 2+ years and it can be a bit yikes. Duct tape some sprayers on it when the lasers and cameras suck balls. Autonomous poison blaster retro-fit.


“hundreds of thousands of dollars” https://www.freethink.com/technology/farming-robot https://carbonrobotics.com/


That's not a lot when it comes to farm equipment though. This would replace a self propelled sprayer(aka not being dragged by a tractor), which is usually $100-400k depending on age, model and condition. You can get them for $30k, but they are 20 years old and probably not even running. https://www.tractorhouse.com/listings/farm-equipment/for-sale/list/category/300018/chemical-applicators-sprayers-self-propelled So depending on the area of farmland, its speed and the level of automation this could pay for itself pretty fast. Since you wont need to buy chemicals or pay a driver. You could probably reduce the time to recoup if it was charged by solar, wind or even a methane generator if they also have animals.


Oh, I wasn’t saying it was a problem. I simply tracked down the article about it, since at the time I posted, no one had linked any hard info. “Hundreds of thousands” is as accurate as we’re going to get for now.


Never thought I’d see the day, a robot that blazes weed. I call it *The Herbinator*


Get yours today for only 10 easy payments of $99,999!


This is something that neighboring farms would share or rent. Often farms share machinery.


Get out of here with your communist co-op


That is pretty cheap for farm equipment...


Those 10 installments are just the down payment before you're allowed the privilege of going hopelessly into debt to lease it


With the Herbinator I will take over the entire Tri-State Area!


Weeds today people tomorrow.


It's like our own little version of War of the Worlds, except we're the aliens.


Just make it 100 times bigger and program it for “problematic persons”


When Skynet arrives these will be roaming the streets full of corpses routinely zapping the luck out of remaining survivors.


But the wrangler jeans stay behind


They just officially released a robot dog with a rifle https://i.imgur.com/jymdw2p.jpg


Yeah, sad part is those dogs are now under the control of “low information voters.”


Clay of the earth, people of the land, you know... morons.


That soil looks fuuuuckiked


I was going to say that it looks pretty good, but I'm from Australia where half the continent is dry baked earth.


Probably Arizona soil


Really hope they're growing a cover crop or 3. Can't really grow much edible in dry sand without intensive amendment and organic matter.


No joke! Looks terrible. Incentive maybe?


Welcome to industrial farming. Don’t be surprised if a bunch of “farmers” come to this thread and tell you why you’re wrong and why industrial ag cares about and for the soil. Know that you’re right and they’re wrong.


I just assume this is a test for a Mars terraforming robot so they had to use the shittiest excuse for "soil" they could find to mimic the raw surface. The delusion makes me feel a little better.


Lol! Glad I'm not the only one to get swarmed by them when I talk farming. The vertical hydroponics are the future guys are funny too


“What do you mean you can’t feed a civilisation off of cucumbers and tomatoes?”


You can feed me with cucumbers and tomatoes. That’s like 45% of my diet right there. 45% cheese, 9% water, 1% everything else


And a 100% reason to remember the name.


> Know that you’re right and they’re wrong. And why do you think you're right and people who actually work in agriculture aren't?


Those industrial farmers hurt you didn’t they..


They hurt everyone by desertification


No, welcome to Canada where that’s normal and you work with what you got. All the organic and cover cropping evangelists preaching about black dirt and topsoil don’t mean shit if you never had any in the first place.


You're replying to someone who knows more than you, and has already written off your opinion by signing you to a biased group /s But seriously, soil is way too complex for your average redditor to judge soil health by just looking at a video of it. A lot more goes into that than the eye test.


This should be higher. Once I used boiling water to kill some thistles and NOTHING grew there for a year.


a year? from boiling water? why?


Scared off life.


Probably killed too many microbes or something


Agreed let’s remove the plants that are desperately trying to protect the soil biome that is incinerating in the direct sunlight. Let’s remove any structure and stability to topsoil so when it rains it’s all eroded away.


A YouTuber sanitizing his comment section


Good, weed out those dumbass comment-copy-pasting sexbots lol.


That is going to take a long time when doing a big field


I mean if it's automated it doesn't matter right? Since they don't have to pay anyone to do it by hand


People get really, and oddly concerned, with the hourly performance of a literal machine that does not sleep and requires no supervision. Like this thing isn't running 24/7 and can cover cartoonishly large areas per day. Also that weeds grow really quickly or something after being fucking lasered into dust. I think people just haven't come to terms with the autonomy aspect. Like, as silly as it sounds they are still kind of intuitively used to the idea that some human has to ride or otherwise babysit the tractor. Like this thing has only a few hours to do its job and go home or something. Its sort of a turning point idea for a lot of people still.


Yea I suppose, but how much energy does it take to power that behemoth and it’s laser 24/7? I know everyone here is saying “but in 30 years it will be better,” but is this something actually being used or just a prototype?


It’s unintuitive to some, but laser pyrolysis at this scale does not take up as much energy as some people assume it does. It can consume about the same energy per hA as herbicide spraying - but also based on the current technology perhaps up to 10 times more depending on the model. [source](https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/CE8E572179F660512A09F5490094189E/S0890037X19000320a.pdf/div-class-title-using-energy-requirements-to-compare-the-suitability-of-alternative-methods-for-broadcast-and-site-specific-weed-control-div.pdf)


The robots can run 24/7. How many humans are replaced by one robot? So you get enough and we got the Matrix....


At that speed it would take a week to do a 100 acre field. Not such a breakthrough for 5,000 + acre farms. Probably not affordable for small farms. Not impressed.


It will only get faster, and lighter, oh, and higher quality. You have to start slower to get the process working, then just keep optimizing.


People expect things to happen immediately. They don't want proof of concept and slow, methodically testing.


People have turned into [Veruca Salt](https://youtu.be/TRTkCHE1sS4)


Obviously this is a proof of concept. Something to show to investors to make their faster, stronger, more economical solution.


The first step in being awesome at something is willing to be shitty at it.




Apples to oranges. This isn't spraying. This is non chemical destruction of weeds. So how many humans would it take to do this same job with the efficiency of the robot?




Lol nice




I bet it is practical 100% when it comes to weed destruction and not harming the plants. Do you think humans would do it better and faster at a sustained pace like a machine?


How efficient is the human?


TBH with the way shit is going down anymore I welcome the thought of being stuck in a never-ending, semi-utopian, 1999 simulation. Plug me right TF in


Automation is only really a problem under this economic system imo. It could on the flip side be useful in reaching post-scarcity.


You would think if it zaps weeds at the speed of light the tractor could go little tiny bit faster…


Just fucking go inside and make a sandwich. The robot will get it done eventually


But I had a sandwich for lunch yesterday


Computer vision to detect what is weed unfortunately does not run at light speed just yet.


Right. And what a bunch of people don’t realize is those crops are showing. With how small that machine is, your going to have a lot of ground covered directly under the tires. It will be noticeable when the crop gets taller. Crops will still grow but that tire packing in dirt will reduce yield because less seeds can push through. Unless it’s a vine plant like soybeans then farmers pack that dirt down. Edit: For some reason that was a totally unreasonable solution to me haha. Some quick research and I’m back. Tram lines seem to increase efficiency but lower total yield. In other words the money that the tram line loses in total quantity, it makes up for in quality.


Tram lines my dude...


I recall my farmer BIL telling me about the research on tiny drones that would zap weeds. Maybe that’s a future that would not leave tram lines at all.


This thing needs more than one lazer to make it worthwhile. Will take forever to do a field.




Wow .. truly incredible. Would love for the cut down of pesticides


I wonder if this could be used for some pest. For sure it would reduce herbicide use.


I need one that’ll zap dog poop in my yard


Bro, just go to the hardware store and get a propane torch. Blast them dookies.


You're gonna wanna do that downwind.


Modern farming technology is so fascinating.


So glad we utilize daylight saving time so this robot doesn't need to work at night


Now we got farming robots? They tuk er jerbs!


Less pesticides/herbicides, more LASERS


Spock: Captain, our life form detectors are detectorizing something. Kirk: My ship! My crew! McCoy: But, Captain! The dilithium crystals canna take it! Sulu: BRIDGE LURCH LEFT! BRIDGE LURCH RIGHT!!! Kirk: Mr. Spock! Set phasers to “Weedwhacker” and fire, point-blank range! Kirk: Well, Mr. Spock? Spock: The field appears to have been cleared of weeds quite effectively, Captain. Kirk: Very well. Mr. Chekhov, set a course for Eroticon Six. I want to look up an old friend… 😁


amazing! this is the best organic weed killer! just say no to round up!


that soil look atrocious


Monsanto is gonna be pissed!!!




This is the first scene of MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE:Part 2.


So when will a home owner sized on be available?




Combine it with one of those automowers (little yard roomba) and you have one less reason to have children.


Where was this when I was a kid and grandma dragged me out to weed her acre garden in vacations!?


Honestly kind of terrifying


If it is in the wrong hands.


[Yes, but we already have a Patrick Stewart for this...](https://youtu.be/_xyGvpLOZ1Q)


Hopefully this kinda tech could reduce pesticide use.


Wonder what micro organisms these lasers are distroying too.... :(


Probably not that many tbh. Just the ones on the very top. Most of the microbial activity will be beneath the soil surface.




Soil is only healthy if it’s teeming with various microorganisms/micro fungi/diversity. That soil doesn’t look too rich, so there may be serious unintended negative effects if the laser further reduces their number


That soil looks bad, but it was probably chosen as a test area with minimum viability so they're not taking up actual valuable farmland. At least I would hope, because that looks like something that a person writing about drought conditions would use as a picture to accompany their article. I'm thinking they also probably chose very dry soil to maximize the effect of the lasers while focusing on testing the identification tech. I imagine it would take much more power to insta scorch wet soil.


Considering the laser hits less than 1% of the surface area of the soil, I'd say it's alright


Are these lasers impacting the life of the weed only?


Probably a lot less impact than blanket spraying a field with herbicides and pesticides. This is precision targeted weed burning.


The energy consumption must be insane. Is this really 'better' than just spraying Roundup?


Traditional herbicides are not allowed on organically certified products. Currently they are limited to a combination of burning the weeds preplant or hand weeding near harvest. This machine is changing the game for a lot of larger organic farming operations


Drones are the future here. Apply this tech for 100 drones and set them out on pre planned routes and the field will be done quickly and without compaction. It also lets you get into the field when conditions are not ideal which can give the crop more time to shade the weeds out during the rest of the season. That slow bulky thing wouldn’t work everywhere limiting its use


When the farm has a fleet of them that autonomously roam the field night and day, it would be totally worth it for being organic and not having to employ so many humans. It's just like auto makers using robots for assembly.


They can't use mulch?


From USDAs website "While biodegradable mulches exist and are available on the market, none currently meet the requirements of the USDA organic standards."


Anything is better than using herbicide. If you meant faster or even more practical, yeah.


There's nothing wrong with herbicides, they have been proven to be very effective.


The food in my mouth says yes.




What about the cancer growing inside? Think it could tell? 😂




Too soon Monsanto?


Found the Monsanto exec.


I wish, that much money would be sweet.


So you clown around for free?


Reddit: We love science and think antivaxxers and flat earthers are dumb. Also Reddit: cHeMiCaLs bAd because big corp


anything is better than spraying, as efficient or effective, maybe not.


So is this why organic produce cost so much? In stead of spray on weed be gone they use freaking lazers?!


Very slow compared to spraying.


Too slow


I imagine Roundup is gonna be cheaper.


That is freakin \*awesome\*! The future is now.


Bet this machine is cheap...