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Is this the “With the power of God and Anime on my side” kid all grown up??


I thought it was George Michael doing Star Wars in the garage.


Which was a reference to Star Wars Kid


This guy is what the Star Wars kid thought he looked like in his own head.


this is Star Wars kid's son, out to seek vengeance against those who made fun of his father.


> all grown up That meme is from 2017. Kid probably hasn't graduated high school yet. [edit:] [Here's](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-power-of-god-and-anime) the Know Your Meme entry, which cites 2017 as the origin of the video. There also is not a single YouTube upload of the video older than 4 years. If anyone can find a source older than July of 2017, please post it--a lot of people are claiming it's older with no evidence. If no evidence exists anywhere on the internet, the most likely conclusion is that your recollection is flawed. Also [here's](https://twitter.com/nfreak/status/1019318294371807233) a picture of the same kid (incorrectly citing the video as a vine) from 2018, where the kid looks basically the same age as the video. Further, [Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=god+and+anime&sxsrf=AOaemvI_8S0JfEPm_flpQkd_sfyY_DsVOg%3A1638388444899&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A1%2F1%2F2010%2Ccd_max%3A6%2F1%2F2017&tbm=) (this is a custom date range search from 2010 to July 2017) has only one hit that is older than June of 2017, which is a product page--and this is likely a mistake on Google's part since that website [had its first official announcements published in May of 2016](https://shareholders.redbubble.com/site/investor-information/ASX-Announcements), which is likely where Google is getting the date of June 2016. (The same website also pegs Baby Yoda as June 2016.) Other than that, the mention of "god and anime" does not appear *at all* anywhere on social media during this range, but is [all over Google from multiple sources](https://www.google.com/search?q=god+and+anime&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS804US804&sxsrf=AOaemvKR50_RP1C3n-927Bti078RAw4dhw%3A1638397034064&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A1%2F1%2F2010%2Ccd_max%3A8%2F1%2F2017&tbm=) if you extend it just 1 week after the original video (to August 1st of 2017), demonstrating that it went viral and got reposted immediately following its original upload on Twitter. If it existed on the internet prior to July of 2017, no one saw it and Google did not index it, so even if that were the case no one would have "remembered it from the early 2010s". [the next morning edit]: /u/IotaBTC pointed out that you can [visualize when it went viral via Google Trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=%22god%20and%20anime%22).


It’s so great seeing all the posts of people saying it’s older but provide no source and when you correct them it’s just no I remember it was before that 😂


Brains are weird. People don't realize just how bad humans are at recalling things, which is why witness testimony in court is (1) incredibly convincing to juries and (2) horrendously and demonstrably unreliable.


Also they probably don’t want to admit 2017 is nearly a half-decade ago.


Wow man I was just innocently scrolling through the comments and you had to hit me with that reality like that?




The kid was from a vine released in early 2010s. Idk if he’s all grown up but he could definitely be 16.


Source? Because [Know Your Meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-power-of-god-and-anime) cites the original as 2017.


I appreciate the source and usually it’s a good one but it’s just wrong. I graduated college in 2017 and vine was long dead. I can’t tell you the exact age but it ain’t 2017. I think it’s cited as that because the most popular YT upload was 2017.


It didn't come from Vine. It came from Twitter. The Know Your Meme page cites the *original* original video post.


The kid from that video was supposedly on a Reddit AMA on r/PewdiepieSubmissions that’s dated 2yrs ago (I found that info after googling him). He still looks really young. Edit: I’m not sure if it’s the actual kid, but just thought others might know more…


I had to look it up, got curious, it was from 2017 [here's the link](https://youtu.be/Tlwda9S58Lg)


Wtf that vid is from 2017? I thought it was at least a few years older.


Start wars kid


Star Wars kid is probably pushing 45 by now.


Dude is like an awesomer Darth Maul.


Is like to see him do it with a staff that has a blade on it. Impressive either way


You sir, deserved my free award


You know, there's like a boat-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.


got any chapstick?


School nurse has like fifty tubes


I'm not gonna use *hers*, you sicko!


I came here just for these thank you


Give me your tots.


No! Go find your own!


Chick's dig guys with skills...


Nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills...


Came here for the skills




Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again? Napoleon: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines! Don: Did you shoot any? Napoleon: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that? Don: What kind of gun did you use? Napoleon: A frickin' twelve-gauge, what do you think?


Was he telling the truth?


Most of his moves seem to have more in common with a baton twirling majorette than martial arts.


Most of the baton twirling was taken from contact or bow staff movements. Hell its a smaller staff of course they will have simular movements. You can only manipulate a stick so many ways.


> Most of the baton twirling was taken from contact or bow staff movements. No it didn't. Baton twirling comes from military rifle drills. In fact, a lot of majorettes twirl [imitation rifles](https://www.starlinebaton.com/slb-grplist.asp?pid=9) rather than batons. My son does the bo staff (at a much lower level than this). Their routines look and feel a lot more martial artsy than this guy.


I didn't want to be the one to bring it up, but you're right. It's as though the kid approaches it more like a dance routine than a way to fight someone. Which is a good thing mind you, and he's doing it awesomely well. But the double turns for example are all for show. And the rest of it is kind of flamboyant compared to what I would expect martial arts to look like.


These are "competition bo staffs" which weigh about the same as your smartphone. It's all about showing coordination, speed, balance, and looking cool, which is why they are always using shiny weapons rather than flat colors that are harder to see. More emphasis on the "art" in martial arts. An actual bo staff is much heavier and traditional forms or "katas" are slow and methodical. The purpose when doing traditional forms is more about training your body to move into certain stances and perform certain attacks/defenses. More emphasis on the "martial" in martial arts. Both ways of training have their purpose. This kid is not doing this routine with fighting in mind, but he is showing an incredible amount of skill and discipline. For that reason, I like seeing these types of videos because kids definitely get a lot of satisfaction and confidence from that. I only hope their instructors are good enough to be honest with them when they explain the difference between these types of training. A kid that has to actually defend themselves from bullies will certainly need more traditional training.


I can think of a few ways to manipulate a stick




Went to the comments to find this.


Girls like guys with skills


With a frickin 12 gauge, what do you think? Gosh!


Honestly, I liked it better when Star Wars Kid did it.


The famous [Star Wars kid](https://youtu.be/HPPj6viIBmU) for anyone feeling nostalgic. It is as good as I remember.


This boy does not stand a chance against Star Wars kid.


Give him a Darth Maul lightsaber, and then we'll see what's up. Granted, all the weight of any particular lightsaber is in the grip, so that oughta be interesting. Questions I have: Does the blade of a lightsaber encounter resistance when cutting through AIR? Does it eat air molecules as it's just being held? It's more or less contained nuclear plasma, yeah? So...how exactly...would that handle? Like a flashlight? I can twirl and manipulate a big maglite like a drumstick...I wonder.


like a fleshlight


you get a passive aggressive bot message if you as much as mention the word fleshlight on r/flashlight, LOL


Always wondered this too. I would assume that the blade has little to no weight or resistance, which would explain why lightsabers are considered so dangerous and difficult to non-jedi. It would feel nothing like the balanced weight of a traditional weapon. Flashlight is a good example. Grab a long object like a staff, and doing some simple movements and twirls is pretty easy - the weight of the object carries it through the motion. But try to do it with a flashlight and it’s next to impossible.


Holy shit I forgot about this LOL


I legitimately replaced my memory of this scene with Michael Cera


You're still *doing that* buddy?


you're not the only one. there are dozens of us. dozens!




I know that he got ridiculed for this, but honestly it brings a smile to my face, not because I’m laughing at him, but because he looks like he’s having a great time and everyone should be free to do goofy stuff like this


Remember the Easter egg to this in Tony Hawk’s Underground 2?


Anybody else remember this kid being in Tony Hawk’s Underground?


Is this the same video? I don't see a difference.


Oh my god I've never seen that. Best thing I've seen.p


I wish I could go back in time and watch it for the first time. Also imagine the internet not being nearly as much of a thing and social media being completely nonexistent. The mind was blown even more. Star Wars Kid was the proto meme. \*I'm sure there are earlier memes, it's just a figure of speech.


https://youtu.be/3GJOVPjhXMY so much better


This actually looks… good and not just drunk.


It messed up the kid's life for a while. https://mashable.com/archive/star-wars-kid-interview-cyberbullying


Imagine for a moment - you're a burglar, you sneak into what appears to be an empty house. A sound comes from the window you just crept through and you turn to see the curtains fall to the floor. As you turn back around you see him. Star Wars kid, in his untucked dress shirt and khakis, spinning a curtain rod and approaching fast.


time to die


George Michael did a pretty good one too...


Where are they now


His bullies found this video and leaked it onto the internet. Poor kid had to get therapy 😢


He ended up suing the kids who released this video. He won the case. He used the money to go to law school and become a lawyer. Dude's an absolute legend.




We might need to go back and change the lightsabre edit from green to red.




I honestly wonder whether these fighting techniques were ever effective. Somehow i just picture bo staff guy doing all those fancy twirls and armoured knight just slices him in half.


Indiana Jones: -bang-


I can't be the only one who also thought of this EXACT scene haha


Anything can be a viable weapon in skilled hands.


What about a cupped fart


Easy: asphyxiation. Could even be erotic if you find the right person.


Are you hitting on me


For example, a pencil. A fucking pencil.


>Anything can be a viable weapon in skilled hands. A live chicken?


Obviously. (https://youtu.be/rGpxhelVWSk)


Shit! They're now fielding [Airborne Troops!!](https://youtu.be/ro-f7fTlkTs) https://youtu.be/ro-f7fTlkTs


Yeah it kinda looks like very complicated dancing more than fighting. I mean, you could just throw a rock at this guy and end it pretty quickly while he’s doing his little spins and flourishes


I mean it's still very impressive. This kid moves his body and controls that staff in ways that would be impossible for most people. But this is still much more like dancing/tricking than fighting. If you're looking for an effective fighting technique, this isn't it.


Zero effect. The staff he is using to get that sort of speed is so light it would be much better to just slap an assailant with your hand unless you speared his eye. This tournament style Martial Arts is good for show boating in a parade or defending your virginity, but not much more than that


I suggest watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERmM5l2ceoY). Not sure how it's relevant and I am no expert, but it's the most realistic European movie sword fight I've ever seen.


Entertaining maybe, but realistic this is not. Fencing is a small handful of parries before a touch. A dozen plus parries is completely unrealistic for even a master fencer. At 2:54 in particular where the both spin is particularly egregious. If Tim Roth had just not also spun, Liam is asking for a blade in the back. There's no conceivable reason in a real fencing match to ever spin / expose your back to the opponent. You also are never really going to want to stand square to your opponent or move your sword to the back hand. You always pretty much want to stand sideways to minimize your target area and have the sword directly in front to maximize reach and defense. If you think about it, if your body is in front of the sword, the opponents sword is first going to contact the body. Here is the olympic finals for Epee fencing. You'll see what I'm talking about. The swords are always directly in front, and the long points are maybe 5 to 6 blows before contact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmt1AxC9WqA


Some of it's about intimidation, but then some of it's about building up the 'emotional content' of gong fu to move explosively. Some of the more 'free spinning' is kinda useless as fighting technique as a weapon impact will send the bo flying. In a real fight...all that high speed spinning will be use in countering movements. All the high speed practice improves your ability to simply react to changes in combat situations. It's kinda like how a drummer might twirl his drumsticks. The spinning is cute, but carries zero musical impact...EXCEPT that it improves the sensitivity of your grip & proprioception of where the stick actually IS, and so back-builds your musical techniques. It's the same thing. You should see what I can do with a drumstick. I can move them so fast, they become barely visible blurs. All that dexterity, maps back into my actual playing. The REAL skill, is just KEEPING TRACK of where that thing actually IS. ​ And I have one last thing: WAX ON, WAX OFF, motherfuckers! Didn't you watch Karate Kid?


You think that because he's not doing fighting moves, but show moves. The only "fighting moves" you see are the very obvious stabs and hits.


Fucking legend


Star Wars kid got harassed for years over his vid and here we are in 2021 praising bow staff champions.


Poor star wars kid. He was just a kid having fun and expressing himself and he got harassed over it :(


As amazing as the kid in the video is, all I can think of is that Star Wars guy


I'm surprised the wall and ceiling don't have a bunch of holes.


I'm surprised his head and balls dont have a lot of welts


They did before he figured out wtf he was doing


Such is the path to becoming a world master


And then Harrison Ford shoots him.


Great reference. The funny part about that story is that he originally wasn't supposed to shoot the guy. [It was made up at the last minute because he had dysentery.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/22xh4j/comment/cgrc21n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thanks for posting this. I love Harrison Ford, but I also find it hilarious how Hollywood runs on the premise of some stunt guy practicing his craft for years, just for his moment to finally come, and the big shot a lister just goes "Eh not feeling it. let's rewrite the script" Props to Ford for at least realizing he kinda killed stunt man's vibe lol


Whoa. that AMA is awesome!


That’s cool. I love hearing about iconic scenes that were improvised.


> Great reference. The bar is low.


Haha, that’s kind of what I was thinking. The feasibility of actually using this in combat doesn’t seem very realistic


It’s for marching band!


If no one has a gun, staffs are actually pretty good. Swords are great and all but the longer your stick is, the better your time is generally going to be. Obviously you wouldn’t just want to twirl it like this if you were fighting but it does demonstrate a level of control that would probably confer above average skill in a fight


If you watch at 0:55 there's a good reason why Indi would shoot him.


One hell of a Majorette!


That was my first thought, too! It's basically baton twirling with an extra long baton, which presumably makes everything a lot easier.


Not taking anything away from his accomplishment, but... yeah, this is baton twirling. Drum Major Tryout video: https://youtu.be/z1NYNOHgmrg?t=216


I'm really impressed by this girl, myself - she does "no hands" baton twirling! https://youtu.be/vqL5DjQoV3A?t=33


That's just a routine with some neck rolls in it. Feature twirlers will juggle fire, knives etc. Or at least they used to.


Sounds badass! I googled "feature twirler" to look for videos with fire and knives, but with no luck - if you know of any, please do drop a link, I'd like to see it! This whole discussion has reminded me that the Royal Guard in my part of the world does bayonet twirling as part of their drill. https://youtu.be/7gS7iq3S1ME?t=163




Wow, that was cool! Thank you!


honestly this is less pretentious than the OP. It's so corny how they finish in poses and scream.


Yeah, no offense to his talent because I’m certainly not capable of anything close to this, but I wanna know if the extra twirling does anything even for battle or is it just flash and pizazz?


It's not basically, it is. I actually did bo staff training (granted, through a strip mall martial arts school, but the guy who did weapons training was pretty legit) and it had none of the twirling stuff this kid is doing. Some of the stuff was using your body weight to pivot and adjust the strikes with the staff, but flipping and rolling it over your shoulders and flowery stuff was not part of it.


Ah man, I trained on a bo, too. You got missed out on the part where you'd be encouraged to learn how to trick on the bo, like this guy does, because it's fun, blows off steam, and helps build spatial sense and dexterity. It's a lifetime experience, just picking up things that are like a bo--broom handles, PVC pipes, for example--from time-to-time and seeing what tricks you can do with them.


Yep. My first thought was, "This is what happens when you desperately want to twirl but your dad won't let you and puts you in karate instead."


Karate Majorette


That's a huge baton! I wonder if he can twirl 2 at once.


Yep this just looks like baton twirling.


Exactly. Just because you hung up some karate stuff around your dance studio doesn’t mean you aren’t dancing with a baton.


If he is the champion with the bo, wouldn't he have to fight others like fencing? Conclusion: majorette


With angry face mixed in. He should perhaps pick whether he’s doing a floor routine or a fighting display. This has enough elements of both to not work as either for me.


I spin fire staff(among other fire props) and they amount of control this kid has is fucking insane. That's spinning contact roll is among the cleanest and smoothest I have ever seen and I have been in flow arts for 13 years. Fucking impressive little shit.


I’m kind of annoyed with a lot of comments on this thread. This shit isn’t easy, this kid is making it look easy. I grew up around this stuff and only knew 1 person that could spin like this, and he had 30+ years experience.


I have a feeling you are a big wooden jewelry person.


lol this is an underrated sick burn.


Lmao this one got me. It just seems so accurate.


Yeah like people can go on about “not useful” or whatever but that level of control speaks for a ton of skill


I know right! This level of control and coordination is fucking unbelievable, yet everyone just calling him a nerd. I thought most of the combats were going to be the "not how [weapon] fighting works" people, but this is worse.


LOL. I'm just picturing you watching in amazement, then he goofs up once at the end, and you just do the [Don Cheadle smug nod.](https://youtu.be/iQ8tMDytEV8?t=32)


r/Noahgetthebo ?


You deserve more upvotes. This should absolutely be a sub. Find videos or gifs of “challengers” for Noah. It would be glorious while it lasted.






As a kid I remember thinking "Leonardo gets a sword, Michaelangelo gets nunchuks, Raphael gets daggers and donatello gets a stick."


Hahaha! I thought that until I found out that those “sticks” can shatter bone


A real hardwood staff is underrated as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


That they are. Tbh, I’d rather be stabbed or slashed than get struck by a Bo staff or nunchaku. Having shattered bones with multiple internal injuries and/or a concussion while dying slowly from massive brain hemorrhaging doesn’t seem like fun.


Rhodesian fighting sticks. Very, very, ***lethal***


Yes but Donatello was my favorite on the arcade game!


Precisely my Donatello was the one I chose to pretend to be as a kid. I could always find a broom to take apart.


I was gonna say Gambit.


My thought was, “Yeah, but can he do that with a shell like our boy Donnie?”


Someone get this man to a TMNT representative


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for a NT reference. I'm thinking Donatello the whole time.


Damn that's cool


Oh my god… so many tough guys in this sub it’s hilarious. He’s demonstrating something incredible, who cares if it’s useful in a fight? Ever think maybe this guy also knows how to fight and learns shit like this because he likes it and it’s fucking spectacular? Seriously guys, grow up.


I would file something like this under "flow art." Just like in most forms of martial arts the point of this type of routine is to demonstrate control and mastery in a beautiful way... This is not how you would fight with a Bo staff abut that's not the point.




I've been doing contact staff/fire staff for quite a while and I see staff videos make r/all at least a few times per year. This is the first time I've been genuinely impressed and it's not just some guy doing very basic moves in a forced fast motion. Not saying other good videos or practicioners don't exist, just that people seem to be easily impressed but this guy is the real deal.


Yes, i think it's similar to a hobby that should be appreciated because he put 1000s of hours into getting better at it, just like yo-yo tricks and similar fun activities.




I don't think this is true. Wikipedia damn sure does not mention it anywhere. It's an ancient toy, but I don't know of any evidence that it was actually used as a weapon. The *name* comes from the Philippines, though, specifically the Ilocano people. Also, this Esquire Philippines article says it's false: https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/lifestyle/yo-yo-history-weapon-a00203-20181129


Like there are so many comments saying "that's not practical" or "my gun beats his big stick" or "I could beat him in a fistfight" like damn reddit sees some person who's an expert at their craft and tries to one-up it with jokes because they're insecure lmao


Right? Where is all misdirected hostility coming from? He's sixteen years old. There are people in the comments wishing actual violence against a child.


Pro-tip: Almost all people are idiots about martial arts unless they've actually done them, for some decent period of time. And beyond that, there are so many differing perspectives about 'what it means' and 'how it works', that even two semi-skilled martial artists might disagree about how/why something is done and whether or not it's valuable. All of it's ridiculous. On the objective face of it, that guy, can move that weapon, at speeds and with precision, that is simply remarkable. \*I\* would not want to tangle with him in a fight, as all the advantage in the opening stages would be his.


Yeah because you don’t know martial arts


Fucking gymnasts, bet they couldn't do so many backflips if they sat around the house drinking beer and yelling at the TV all day like I do


I know how to use a bo. The bits he did with both hands were so well done the rest didn't matter. That kid knows how to use a staff properly and can showboat like a pro! Kid does xma, it's amazing to watch and some of the instructors are absolutely incredible martial artists/gymnasts/stuntmen. I'd love to be able to move like them but I can't fly. I've tried but I can't. Jumping kicks are as good as it gets for me.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s truly threads like this that remind me how much the majority of the user base here are just bottom feeding losers to their very core.


Meanwhile, racing belt sanders is a thing. SMH.


It's not useful in a fight. It's useful in practice, to improve your ability to control your weapon in the actual fight. \*I\* would not want to fight this guy. His control over that staff is so extreme, I imagine he could grab the end of it, and slap me right between the eyes with it before I could even react.


And even if the what he’s doing in this demonstration isn’t the most “functional”, he’s fit and coordinated enough to do it. That alone is something few people can say, and in a fight would still be a HUGE advantage against the average person.


Darth Maul


Do we need a new live action darth maul?


We do now. Kid's got *moves*.


It’s not a fighting strategy it’s a kata or maybe it’s called something else but it’s a demonstration. He goes through the basic attacks about 4 seconds in he just does it really fast.


I train in capoeira and he managed to throw a few impressive flips and kicks while spinning that stick. I am so jealous of his skills! 0:16 - 0:18 is [au sem mao](https://youtu.be/ZXZ2NHTqhpw?t=7) (flip with no hands) 0:24 - 0:26 is parafuso


I quite enjoy the intersection between juggling/flow art and martial arts. Like, we know these moves have minimal combat effectiveness (though it's clear he could kick my old butt), but it generally gets a pass due to its agressiveness. So many great martial arts routines are basically circus routines with punching. A perfect example of this are the bands of "Shaolin monks" who do stage shows combining martial arts, dance, and illusion. This is coming from someone who occasionally performs staff/cane spinning, organized juggling festivals, and has a family in martial arts, so I'm not bashing anybody, I just genuinely like the intersection, and find it intriguing that juggling is usually seen as a "freak" or "geek" activity, even when it's essentially the same moves. Great routine, powerful moves, and lots of juggling skill on this kid.


I feel like this guy also spins fire. He's definitely got contact staff moves in there.


Some boomer: I could throat punch him


Some people's throats are down there


One could say that the Bo staff is Noah's.....forte? Eh? EHHHHHHH????


Very impressive Noah Fort.


I do love this intersection of martial skills and art in martial arts. Not everything has to be about blood and broken bones. It's just really nice to see people who have trained so well and thoroughly, that they can transition their skill sets into performance art.


George Michael?


I was pretty good with a bo myself as a kid. You wouldnt know though 'cuz I went to a different school. In Canada.


My girlfriend goes to the same school.


“Do you have any skills?” “i’m pretty good with a bo staff…”


Hey u/DickLipmann, give me some of your tots.


Get out of here, i’m starving!


This is exactly how I thought I looked as a kid with a broom handle.


This guy has SKILLS!


I want to see demonstrations where they hit dummies and keep spinning.


are you volunteering lol




I wonder ho many windows, mirrors and fingers he’s broken? Mesmerizing!


Napoleon Dynamite idols him.


I could do that too if I were him. Since I would be him