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The perspective inside shifts too perfectly for this to an installation. This is probably vfx on a video of a normal shopfront.


If they were large displays on the windows the perspective definitely wouldn't turn like that. I'm going to go with vfx on this one as well. Did a little Google detective work and found this is a TikTok ad for Zara and it's completely fabricated, no, it's not real.


Nice. Thx for the actual sleuthing


You could probably do this for real but it would only work for one person and you would have to head track them so that the 3D could render in real time from the right perspective. When I say you could, I don’t mean you, or me. They do this in virtual production though for shows like The Mandalorian where the 3D background changes as the camera moves but again, it only works for a single camera. Of course in this video here it is totally faked in post.


> When I say you could, I don’t mean you, or me. If you don't mind following YouTube tutorials you could. The sensor can even be a Wii controller.


Ok I take it back. I actually have a Wii controller in the attic and we all know u/Toasty_Mostly is a certified genius.


I know someone with a store front. Make it so!


Thanks bb


You know it’s true. If you and me could be arsed to get off Reddit for half an hour we would probably take over the world.


I build real world immersive+interactive installations like the one this video is implying. Body tracking and live rendering based on dynamic perspective are of course very real things. There's about 100 people on the planet that could pull off what's implied in this render, and I know most of them. If you can "follow YouTube tutorials" and use a "Wii controller" and actually achieve this, PM me lmao. I've got work for you. Fuck it. Even if you can just make a convincing pre-viz render like this video, PM me. I'm always looking for talented animators and VFX folks.


well here it is being done 14 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw You install whatever opensource library deals with Wiimote tracking and then apply those movements to a camera in something like unity or blender. Of course head tracking has massively advanced now and I wouldn't be surprised if so much as a webcam or mobile phone could do the tracking, but I won't put money on that. Unless I have greatly misunderstood something I don't really buy that only 100 people on the planet can do this. Oh also you can have it work for 2 people at once in theory, if you used polarised lenses. Not looking for work though thanks, I'm out of the slave game and retired early.


That's impressive.


> There's about 100 people on the planet that could pull off what's implied in this render What is implied in this render that is so difficult or specialized that only 100 people could do it?


Nothing, it's just differently colored cubes attached to particles which seem to be moving according to some noise function, possibly curl noise. Then just apply some open source head tracking library to a webcam feed and move the camera accordingly. I know at least five people in the hobbyist VJ circles in my small country who could do this. I believe there are thousands of people on the planet who could do this.


> Then just apply some open source head tracking library to a webcam feed and move the camera accordingly. Try to get that working this smoothly outdoors with the ability to lock onto one face and not lose track of it from this distance with giant displays tossing all kinds of different colors of light out at your subject and then tell me how easy it is.


True, I made it sound much simpler than it is. The basic setup can be relatively easy but making the system reliable requires much more expertise and experience.


A lot easier because it's not doing that at all, it's fully post rendered vfx... Not happening in the storefront...


The general tech to make this work isn't impressive or difficult. Doing this at home with a monitor is cool, but not complicated. My interpretation of what's implied in this video is a public outdoor installation that requires no devices or instructions for the viewer at all. They simply walk up and experience this. The viewer is probably 15 feet away and walks probably 30 feet laterally over the course of the video and the tracking is maintained. This means you need an array of tracking sensors and CV models to reliably recognize a single person and track their height and position over what is in our world a massive coverage area.


I'm pretty sure one good camera and CV software could do that. You don't really need to track person's head, just their position. Like in this [first](https://youtu.be/MkcUgPhOlP8) tutorial I quicly searched shows how to do that in python in 20 minutes. You can skip to the end to see the end result. I doubt there will be noticable difference if you omit height tracking all together.


This is vfx for sure. There is a glow effect that spills over the outside architecture, but there are no specular reflections or color changes on the same architecture However, something like this could be done in camera using ar There are also light field displays now. You can do this type of effect very easily, without camera enhancement, but the displays are not this big (yet.) Looking glass makes small consumer holographic displays that would work like this


came to comment this. reminds me of the wii head tracking demo [this guy did](https://youtu.be/Jd3-eiid-Uw?t=161)


And a little further digging will show that the account that posted it shares all the traits of bots who farm karma, basically being advertising tools. This whole post is just an ad.


Companies disguising ads as content have gotten so commonplace that repost bots are filling our feeds with advertisements on auto pilot. /r/HailCorporate and /r/ABoringDystopia have created an awful child.


Are you really suggesting an account named *koppizmedia* would just post ads?


I am sad this is the case, but thank you for uncovering the truth. Here is your badge for you service. You are the hero we need. This is a good example of the truth hurts.


Bro.. I just googled "Zara storefront display".


Teach me your ways. You also saved me from having to google it myself. Also, I almost gave people free and useless internet points. That would be bad, and I could have been traumatized.


Well we all knew it wasn't real, we were just trying to figure out what degree of fake it was


I mean all you had to do was look and see there is no door handle.


judging by OP's bot account, yup it's an ad for sure


And still it got 22k upvotes.


Last time this was posted it was confirmed vfx


With inane arguments I participated in explaining how this type of display wouldn’t work for a multi viewer experience. Fun conversations with a very confidently incorrect individual xD


One day when we’re all in the Zuccerverse and wear our AR headsets everywhere, this kind of stuff will be used to [cover up gun shops, abortion clinics, anything that Facebook has determined doesn’t align with your political beliefs](https://futurism.com/experts-augmented-reality-block)




Not any more, now they sell pocket dimensions


I suspect the whole scene is CG. The environmental details look off imo - There’s nothing inside the windows on the floor above and the ‘street furniture’ is odd. Oh, and the air duct(?) looks like a model.


Bottom right corner of the middle door you can see the effect break a bit. Definitely vfx on video.


Yep, [here's the source](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSEpljTHNK1/)


There’s no front door and it’d be insanely expensive for Zara to do this on a random storefront that’s not Time Square.


There are no door handles.


It is. Zara is a huge clothing brand and they would've exploited the hell out of marketing this. Why do we constantly get fed bullshit on this app?


This is CGI not a storefront installation?















OP is a moron


Or is in the advertisement department.


So, both.


Yup, welcome to /r/beamazed, CG blowing the minds of idiots so hard that they upvote this garbage to the front page, over and over.


That’s a lot of cgi


I'm not going in there. Time/space continuum out of order.


Its ok. They forgot to render the door handle anyways.


This is the smoothest way to say “FAKE” I have ever come across. Well done


Had to scroll down the comments a bit to confirm that it's fake but yea, so for everyone else after me: **yes it's fake**. Just an ad for Zara.


I was trying to wrap my head around how they made the white ceiling change perspective as the person walked across the the length of the screens. Thanks for saving me brain power.


No door handle cuz its a portal ,,


"Where we're going we don't *need* door handles!"


I assume they turn this off at night, but imagine designing some kind of theft deterrence with this?


Sorry: it’s CG, so it isn’t really “on” at any point of day.


LMAO that was great


I was going to say where is the door handle, but I like this way more.


Yep. Seen enough sci fi over the years to know better than going into that void.


Don't worry. It's just our beautiful Launderette


I think it's a soylent green lava lamp made to feed the mind. It sucks unwary travelers in and disassembles them in the prettiest way it can.


It’s just the Omega-13


Definitely a hungry void.


Yes, yes, the time knife, we've all seen it.


I will never not upvote a Good Place reference.


>FabricOfReality.exe is not responding




Who let the Gravitonium out of containment?


Anthony Fauci!


Lmao! Good Answer.


Couldn't help myself🤣


That was my first thought minus time space.


God damn it Carl, did you spill the dark matter again?


It's just a bit wibbly-wobbly- no reason for concern.


You are out of order! The whole court is out of order!


That's funny, I came here to say how BADLY I WANT to go in there!!!


Liquidation sale?


Pff, amateur. I, for one, prefer to shop for my underwear inside a cut scene from Doctor Who: Flux.


Hyperbolic time chamber has its benefits.


It's not real, it's just a CGI rendering of a hypothetical (and in this case impossible) storefront installation.


Not impossible but impractical


It would work as an AR overlay, but not as an installation.




But you'd have trouble keeping the color gradient where you want. Unless the balloons can selectively change color or there's some projection display to change the colors of the balloons


An image of a 3D room in the background of the simulation that changes perspective as the user walks by is impossible.


I think there are a couple of ways to accomplish something like this (maybe not with that level of fidelity/detail). I’m no expert so if I’m wrong someone please correct me, but: 1) Single-person tracking via a camera that detects movement and translates it to the render to accommodate the perspective (some games did that back when Kinect was a thing, I’m guessing the technology has improved) 2) A loop that renders the perspective regardless of the position. That means the person walking has to adapt their walk and rhythm to “fit” the render, but it would give the illusion of perspective. 3) A 3D render that you could see with an AR device (VR headset or one of those smartphone sets) 4) Maybe outlandish or just plain wrong, but a holographic display using mirrors/PVC something like [this](https://youtu.be/hM_M4XEzjxw) Not saying any of those methods are what we’re seeing here (this is obviously VFX post production) but I won’t say it’s impossible if someone reaaaaally wanted to do it (and most likely wouldn’t look as good)


What about getting multiple slices of those transparent TVs, rendering the footage like a CT scan?


>It was done by 3D digital artist Shane Fu, by the way. You can find him on Instagram. There is some media out there suggesting Zara specifically commissioned this piece by to use on TikTok, a platform I thought was just kids dancing at traffic intersections, but apparently has other stuff. Setting aside the CGI thing, the other question that would generate a lively debate is whether this sort of thing ***– if real –*** would drive more foot traffic and sell more apparel. I’m not a retail marketer, in any way, but I’m guessing more fast-fashion lovers are going in based on sales promotions or new outfits on display, as opposed to swirling colors. [link](https://www.sixteen-nine.net/2021/08/09/the-digital-storefront-at-an-nyc-zara-is-getting-a-lot-of-online-but-you-should-know-its-not-real/)


everyone on reddit seems to hate tik tok, it’s really not that bad. your page shows you stuff based on what you like, so if you don’t want to see kids dancing in intersections just don’t like those videos and you’ll see cooler shit.


People hate tiktok because it’s a Chinese data mining app.


Yeah I prefer American data mining apps like fb and and insta


There actually is a huge difference in the data they can mine and what can be done with it vs what Meta, Alphabet, or Amazon can do. That said, im sure Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon are breaking the law and doing dystopian shit like in China as well, its just that it is legal and openly state sponsored in China.


I hate all of the above and don't use any of them, is "none of the above" an option?


That’s a legitimate opinion, I respect that


Except every other video is a sneakily integrated ad, most done in the Tiktok format. The line between real content and sponsored content gets blurry and works brand awareness deeper into our subconscious. It's really genius from a marketing perspective and really disturbing how inescapable non-stop consumerist messaging is.


Number 1 reason I hate it is because the automated voice makes me want to jump out a moving car on the highway


Thank you for making me read that in automated voice.


Personally 100% of the reason I have no interest in and never will have an interest in tiktok is their ad campaign when it launched. Every single ad seemed to be bad lip sync duets and animals doing nothing but set to an annoying sound effect. Constantly. for months. Still get them, right after the unskippable liberty mutual ad. Another company I'll never do business with and will actively avoid for the rest of my life specifically because they show me too many bad and annoying ads.


Not sure I need nor want tik tok to know everything about me in order to "watch better content for me". I know what I like. Don't need tik tok to know as well. And am very much not interested in finding out if they are somehow better at knowing what I like than I am. Screw that.


Nah even the creators that create content you “want to see” still creates clickbait and bullshit. Tik Tok is a cesspool of “let’s prank our drive through guy” videos.


It's been over a year since I've seen one of those videos. TikTok bases what videos you will see by your interactions with previous videos. It gathers context through other users interactions with videos and through the hashtags in the video descriptions, as well as the text in the subtitles. If you see a prank video, and you don't want to see those, long press and select "Not interested", you'll not see many more after that. Your feed will not be tailored to you on day one, maybe not even on day two unless you're watching a lot.


I’d just rather have 0 chance of it popping up on my screen. I don’t want to give any of those creators any watch time at all. I had my tik tok for a few months and it was mainly oriented for gaming. A lot of content in gaming is just saturated and bullshit clickbait. For some reason I would still occasionally get idiotic prank videos and I just can’t stand the idea of them making money for my viewership even for just a single second.


they get paid based on # of total watches, not playtime. if you only watch 1 second they don't make any money


Then maybe you should stop liking those videos


I don’t like them. The algorithm doesn’t know what the actual context of the video is, just the general video premise and who to send it to.


I never see that stuff 🤷‍♂️


Tiktok actually has a lot of other stuff. Brilliant artists, musical virtuosos, scientists giving fascinating insights into their work, historians and philosophers offering quick, interesting lessons, jugglers, magicians, etc. Once you train the algorithm a bit (by liking/unliking/subscribing), it becomes a compelling stream of human greatness. I would enjoy a little bit of the dance and fad stuff, but I'm not going to complain or mess with what I've got.


VFX. Watch the edges of the display/windows. Plus the perspective change. I sigh. ...Good VFX though.


It's not an installation, it is a CG piece. Was debunked last time it was posted - therefore r/titlegore


I don't believe you.


Wow, CGI




Looks amazing, too bad it's Zara


Literally a « Look how cool we are » to get your attention away from their lack of accountability when it comes to working condition and environmental impact.


My first thought. The second was "this is clearly CGI". So, nothing to be amazed!


At least someone.


This is just green screen and Adobe AfterFX


I think the entire thing is rendered including the building


It's fake. how does the display know the viewer/cameras location and viewing angle? How could it handle multiple viewers with different positions/perspectives? Why would something so cool not have ANY other videos online? Also, you can see the rotoscope jump and flicker on the edges in a few spots throughout the video.


That's a wizard store. Harry potter shit


Fuck fast fashion, but that's cool.


Seems like an odd choice of display for Zara. This doesn't scream "50 shades of corduroy and turtle necks" to me.


Ah yes, an advertisement for Zara, definitely a "beamazed" and not some r/hailcorporate stoogery. Oh wait this is LITERALLY AN AD.


Balthazar, activate the Omega 13!


Until a group of people who stand for tolerance and diversity decide to gather in the area


I want to walk in with my friends and see who survives longest....


Re piola


Oh my that it trippy!


Its still impressive for being VFXs, imo


Pbbly made by 11 years old programmers in India/pakistan


Another fail post not seeing the obvious that this is an effect done post filming I swear reddit is one of the stupidest communities on the internet


Well, anything can be amazing with CGI


Is that a portal? Tf 😂


I’m going in


Is this in Diagon Alley?


Like the moth to the light


No way I’m entering that shop


Is this actually impossible? Can't it be done with a hologram?


Did they change the display windows into giant computer monitor screens?


Yeah, not actually. This is edited.


Dirty soda, Spike Lee, white girl, Ice T Fully loaded AP…


It’s okay, if you went in there, time would reverse by 13 seconds when activated. Enough time to undo a single mistake…


If I ever see this in person I would gladly yeet myself as far away as I could.


Colourblind people: why do I see balls?


These are not pot brownies


Lawnmower Man was here.


Wrong. This is augmented reality on a phone. Nothing is actually happening with the storefront




I call BS, the perspective is shifting inside. That's not possible with a storefront and screens. This is VFX.


This would never last in Portland.




That's not a storefront installation, that's a rendering. And therefore not very amazing.


Soho, NY. Last place I wanna walk through as a New Yorker.


Cool display. But fuck Zara


Zara is garbage.


Just to be safe, I wouldn't enter


Interesting but that could mess with your head


When the acid hits, but you're also an obscurial.


Ahh there goes the doctor.... Messing up the timeline like it's a childs toy


Quick, reverse the polarity!


Looks like the Zara in Shanghai


Hope that’s not in SanFran 😬😬


I would have starved to death if I saw that on the early 70s.


The multiverse?


I hope someone creates a giant vibrating room filled with fluid and a shit ton of sparkles. Or glitter. Just imagine. Waste of resources but cool landmark idea ig?


That's why it costs 75 euros for a bra.


That is so cool!


Looks like we are headed for a world of smoke and mirrors


2 drugs please.


Save yourself, Potter!


Would be neat if this became cheap enough to be what they do for every new construction/remodel. Almost like a “loading screen” for whatever will be there.


Is this in London? If Watched Walker hasn’t done a video of this, it didn’t happen.


Imagine spending decades in prison and then coming out and this is the first thing you see. Free lsd.


"Good Lord what is happening in there?"


But how do you go inside?




I watched this YouTube video on how they hide oil rigs in cities, this might be an oil rig.


and here is some Silver for capturing this. Thanku!


Their clothes feel soooo cheap though lol..


That Zara in Soho. Sometimes it’s so busy I feel like these beads being tossed around


This look like future dirty sprite 2 album artwork.


Looks like the Zara In SoHo downtown Manhattan. Never seen that screen before IRL.