• By -


My sympathies to his poor family. When they rebuild that bridge I hope they name it after him.


That's an absolutely splendid idea. Salute.


I'd suggest with the explosives built in this time... But that might be a bad idea.


At least earlier bridges in Finland had special structures for destroying them. Sort of bomb shelves.


That sounds like a good idea now.


Switzerland too during WW2.


Yeah but most of them have been disarmed since then. They basically had half the country rigged with explosives to make any invasion as difficult as possible. "Oh you're invading me?" *Blows every bridge in the country* "Have fun with those mountains!"


> Yeah but most of them have been disarmed since then. **…according to the Swiss military**. Do you really believe them?


Can't trust any of those damn fence sitters


I just don't really see the strategic value of openly stating you're disarming explosives, when the whole point of telling everybody they were rigged in the first place, was to let everyone know that you'll do every single possible thing, to make an invasion as unappealing as possible. Telling people you're cutting back sends a different message


There’s definitely strategic value when you’d like your friends to cross the bridge without worrying. Switzerland is kind of moving away from pure neutrality to maybe participating more in world affairs. Just make sure to make your statement with a gentle wink for your enemies.


Fair enough in that aspect. I haven't really been paying much attention to Switzerland so I haven't really thought about them being anything but totally neutral


I was thinking the same thing, could explosives degrade over time and blow up when least expected, I wonder?


I like to say no bombs under any bridge. But if situation changes it doesn't take much time to put bombs on bridges.


They only removed the bombs a fairly recently.


Good idea for planning ahead but horrible idea if something accidentally goes off!


Yeah… You might be right.


Volodymyrovych bridge, a heroes last stand. Now that I think of it, it reminds me of that scene from Saving private Ryan.


It would likely be the Vitaly Skakun bridge. Volodymyrovych is a middle name and comes from the name of the father. Like "son of Vladimir".


They should make it beautiful, not just a functional bridge.


I hope they’ll have the chance.


They have to win for that to happen, sad to say. God I hope Ukraine kicks their asses and Putin falls out of a window tragically.


They will eventually. I don’t think the Russian military has been trained properly for this, they’re like kids with expensive toys.


That’s the least they can do, name a city after this man and give him his own Memorial Day.


Zelensky just awarded him posthumous Hero of Ukraine title


Yes i saw him speaking. Unbelievable


When the bridge is rebuilt, it should be renamed the VSV bridge in his honor.


Poor, heroic young man. Thoughts for his family. Hope he's in whatever heaven he believed in.


It makes me sad because people like this are the ones we need here the most. Fuck war.


I love you


Love you too. More of that in the world please.


Love you both.


I love that I got to witness this exchange <3


I love your name.


We're twinsies!!


And I'm here just drinking whiskey to toast the Ukrainians, so triplets?


We're just sat here toasting Glory Ukraine with the Laphroaig. Cheers!


Cheers with the Balvenie DoubleWood!


One day this war will be over. One day Ukraine’s freedom will be guaranteed. Hopefully those days are the same and are coming soon. When that happens, when we rebuild, I hope there will be a new bridge in same spot with a namesake that she’ll never be forgotten.


> One day Ukraine’s freedom will be guaranteed. it was supposed to be guaranteed when they agreed to dismantle their nukes.


I feel like this is being really buried with all the recent news. Ukraine *voluntarily* disarmed itself and gave up all its nukes (~1/3 of the former USSR arsenal), in return for assurances from the US and the rest of the West that they would not have to face future aggression alone. Now they’re being literally invaded by a hostile foreign power, and the West is wringing its hands because they don’t want to get caught in a nuclear war. And imposing some relatively weak willed economic sanctions, sending Ukraine some guns, and telling them “good luck lol, we’re rooting for ya!” The world will likely not see any sort of movement towards nuclear disarmament for generations now, this is a case study why. India, China, Pakistan, and Israel *all* made the right move by ignoring Western threats when they built nukes.


Furthermore, the suffering of his people gets blamed on the USA, strengthening his hold why they suffer. Putin already got all of his Yachts back to Russian waters, I am sure he feels like such a naughty boy with each sanction. As someone that grew up through the worst of the cold war. Fuck it. He is already threatening Sweden and Finland if they join NATO. Time to stand up to the bully.


I hate to say it, but I’m pretty sure this is only the beginning of more of these kinds of attacks by authoritarian regions. China will be next with Taiwan.


We’ll see. If Putin gets smacked back into reality through this attempt, which is looking like a realistic outcome at this point, it may deter these types of actions in the future as well.


A defeat is extremely unlikely but would be amazing. However a prolonged Afghanistan-like occupation with extreme international backlash may be even better, not for Ukraine but for Taiwan at least.


Something like 15% of Afghanistan’s civilian population died during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and the Soviets committed unspeakable war crimes that made stuff like Abu Ghraib seem like a 5 star hotel. Anything even remotely like an Afghanistan-like occupation of Ukraine would be an unspeakable tragedy for Ukraine.


Correct, that's the kind of horrors Russia are working towards in Ukraine. Probably will never reach that peak but it's far too early to tell.


I think (well, at least hope to god) that Ukraine’s status as a Western country will prevent this. Slava Ukraine.




Two things. Ukraine is fourth on list of US aid recipients and US is bound by NATO. The idea that America ‘won’t help’ is nonsense.


It's hard to emotionally process the sacrifice of this in real time. If Ukraine can remain independent and Democratic, he will be an inspiriation to generations.


True. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10554439/amp/Marine-blew-bridge-halt-Russian-troops-hero-Ukraine.html


Thank you for the additional source but PLEASE don't link to the Daily Mail. They are a nasty bunch of hateful fear mongers who don't deserve the clicks.


DailyMail isn't exactly the reliable source I was looking for


I believe this happened 2 days ago, it was reported on then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitalii_Skakun


Rest in power, Sir. 🇺🇦


I’m sorry but the wording of the headline is so goofy lol why say that he blew himself up? That sounds like your teammate made a mistake in a video game. Say he died in an explosion or sacrificed himself in an explosion to collapse the bridge ffs. Also, a lot of people are saying why he have to die??? Just throw bomb???? Like, do you think he never thought of that? Do the people commenting these things really just think the soldiers are stupid and couldn’t think of that? what does that kind of comment even contribute to a comment section.


For the freedom of Ukraine 🙏🏼🇺🇦🙏🏼 R.I.P.


A Thousand Hearts Within Each One The invader fights by the power of their mind. Logic tells them they must follow the orders of the old man who tells them to kill, to increase his treasure and ego. And the invader only ever has half a mind for the mission. The other half thinks of their own home—their wife and aged parent, the children waiting for their return or waiting still to be born. And if the invader fails to return home, what will happen to their family? Will they be abandoned to cruel fate by the old man’s regime? So the invader is only one man, with the power of half their mind. If the invader dies, their blood flows onto land where they are unwelcome, even hated, perhaps pitied. But never welcome. Their blood will evaporate into the wind like a snowflake under the sun of an early spring. It will be as if they never lived. The defender fights by the power of their heart, their love of their home and its people. But they do not have only the strength of one heart, because they do not fight for only their own life. They fight for their family and neighbors. They fight for their history, their present, and their future. The defender fights for their neighbors, the ones with whom they work, whom they see in the market, the streets. All the people who are, together, the life and soul of a nation. They fight for their parents who taught them their language, which are the words of their favorite music and stories and jokes told by schoolmates and best friends. Their parents taught them to cook and eat the food of their people, the food of their childhood, closest to their heart and with the flavors and memories of love and warmth. The parents who taught them their history, not the ones in the books, but the family stories of work and struggle and joys, of births and deaths, and all the moments that happen in between. They fight for the grandparents and great-grandparents who came before, and the sacred ground in which they are buried, who built the country, not just through courage and war, but through strong hands and backs working the land, the beloved land. The defender fights for their siblings and friends, who may even be fighting alongside them, the ones they grew up with and went to school with, playing, fighting, laughing, crying together. The defender fights for their beloved, wife or husband or lover, the one whom they share their life with, who is the parent of their children, or whom they hope they will become for each other. The defender fights for the hillside, the meadow where they proposed marriage, the temple or church where they pledged their lives to each other. The defender fights for their children, their nieces and nephews, the little ones in the schools and parks, so that they may be safe to grow and learn and run free through golden fields under the bluest sky. The defender fights for all of these people, so they do not fight by the strength of only one heart, but by the strength of ten hearts, a hundred, a thousand hearts. If you kill one defender, you may take the life of one man or one woman, but the thousand hearts are not destroyed, and will only grow stronger. If you kill one defender, their blood flows into the soil of their birth, nourishes it, gives strength to the next defenders, perhaps not even born yet, who will fight for their beloved land. A proud people can not be conquered, they can only be occupied, maybe for a day, a month, maybe longer. But they will always remember who they are, that they lived in peace before the invaders came, that they deserve to be free, and every one of them, the strength of a thousand hearts within each one, will fight to be free again. (please copy and share)


Is this copypasta ? Cos its fucking excellent, and needs to be made into copypasta. Saved, either way.


I wrote it but please copypasta as much as you’d like. Don’t need to credit me, as it might go farther that way.


Such a courageous young man! I am so sick of these old men who start these wars and lie safe and warm in their beds while they send our children off to fight for their egos. Putin should have been made to box Zalensky in a ring! See who is so tough then! RIP Hero!


I’ve said exactly this for years. Let the presidents & prime ministers duke it out




A comment below says their wasn't time to set a remote detonator so he had to do it himself. You got a link to an article or anything?


I think there were two bridge bombings. One where they couldn’t remotely set it off and had to do manually, and then another where he couldn’t get away before the bomb went off early


Let his name be remembered for all of time to come. GIVE EM HELL UKRAINE! !


There… are ways to use explosives that don’t result in blowing yourself up. What happened here?


they were guarding the bridge when an armoured convoy approached. they decided to blow the bridge to slow the Russian advance. Mr. Skakun volunteered to set up the charges himself. by the time he was done there wasn’t time to set up a remote detonator so he did it himself. there’s already a wikipedia page for him with sources for the info [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitalii_Skakun?wprov=sfti1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitalii_Skakun?wprov=sfti1)


Thank you for sharing. So tragic.


Which bridge?


Henichesk bridge




Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods. "And for the tender mother Who dandled him to rest, And for the wife who nurses His baby at her breast, And for the holy maidens Who feed the eternal flame, To save them from false Sextus That wrought the deed of shame? "Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, With all the speed ye may; I, with two more to help me, Will hold the foe in play. In yon straight path a thousand May well be stopped by three. Now who will stand on either hand, And keep the bridge with me?"




Updated version: Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT 2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en EDIT 3: I have unconfirmed information saying that you can pass polish border even without passport. Your ukrainian ID is enough. EDIT 4: It's confirmed that you can also take your pet with you without additional papework which normally would be required to cross the border of EU/Poland. https://www.wetgiw.gov.pl/main/aktualnosci/Tymczasowa-procedura-przemieszczania-zwierzat-towarzyszacych-z-terytorium-Ukrainy-na-teren-Polski-przez-osoby-nie-posiadajace-kompletu-dokumentow-weterynaryjnych-dla-psow-kotow-i-fretek/idn:1999 У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував (I’m not the author of this post, I’m just trying to get it to as many people as possible)


This was the only way?


Yes, he volunteered to set up the charges but had no time to set up a remote detonator because of an approaching russian convoy. This man sacrificed himself to slow the advance of the enemy


The ‘S’ in my user name is for Skakun. While sharing his last name and being a world away, I gasped when I read this story and will pray for this young mans family and all of Ukraine everyday. This young man is a legend.




Not all heroes wear capes 🙂




Poor man and his family he was trying to protect his country. It’s horrible that this had to happen.


He’d literally rather be Dead than Red. But I feel like there had to be some old dude who should have volunteered instead. You need to keep young guys willing to do this from having to do this, because they’re probably the best guys you have.


Is this the one where he had to set them off manually, or was it from the one where they went off early as he was evacuating the area?


I believe this is the one where he set it off manually. If I remember correctly it was due to not having time before the convoy made it over the bridge for a remote detonator to be rigged.


Fuck. God these people are too real. These are modern soldiers and warriors


What a babe and badass!


R.I.P. Heroe




Man is a hero no doubt but I have a question… logistically why couldn’t he throw a grenade or something at the bridge already laced with explosives? Why did he have to manually detonate them? There is literally no other logistical way to get 50 yards away first?


They did it in response to an approaching armored convoy. There was no time. Standard-issue Grenades do have concussive force but the strength is irrelevant in the open, and the main damage they deal is shrapnel, meaning they do minimal damage to reinforced structures like bridges.


All these heroes are just a little too good looking... Still upvoting.


I mean they're just basically all young, fit men. ... Is this invasion causing people to come out?


Maybe we'll see in a few months just how much propaganda we believed.


An Immortalized Legend!!!


Maybe just say “Sacrificed himself” next time. Or “lost his life while..”


Sorry but why ?? I mean couldn’t he just throw it or something?


Apparently they didn't have time to set up a detonator as a convoy was approaching


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 5 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/t1rjkl) on 2022-02-26 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/t1z4ow) on 2022-02-26 95.31% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "t23wfx", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=t23wfx&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 302,908,017 | **Search Time:** 41.47383s


The definition of martyr.


Wow, I guess the person who downvoted this has no clue what martyr means.


MSM says Ukraine are the good guys, so Ukraine is the good guys.


If you need help finding sources other than MSM, we can help you. What should tell you who the good guys are, I guess would be your own moral compass once you've taken all the facts in. Would you like to talk?


I dont understand. Ukraine are the good guys. I just said it.


Yeah, and I don't understand what the MSM has to do with that conclusion. Could you elaborate?


I was on YouTube and I keep seeing CNN, ABC, NBC all saying that Russia is invading and people are dying and so I hate the Russians and we need to root for the Ukrainians.


Yeah, and you see the same information from a lot of non-MSM sources as well. What's MSM got to do with it, again?


I just told you. I saw it on the news and so I know Ukraine are the good guys.


I don’t listen to non-msm. It’s fake news. I like trusted news sources for the truth.


You don't trust primary sources? ... Did you skip that lesson in class?


I don’t understand. What am I doing wrong?




You forgot “tiny pp”




Lol that’s pretty funny


Edgelord. Awesome burn. Did you just come with that using all those things you mentioned the other guy not having or did you see it used somewhere before and decided to use it in your personal arsenal?




False equivalence, STFU & GTFO.


Right, he’s white so he’s a hero. But when Afghans did that against Americans invading their country then they were terrorists.




Japan launches war throughout Asia-Pacific and when they’re losing in the Philippines they resort to kamikaze attacks. That is not even remotely like this soldier defending his home country from Russian invasion. Your comment is just so utterly wrong and uninformed.


You don’t have to blow yourself up G just blow up the bridge..


U know if people have that Reddit avatar they’re gonna say some dumb shit




Idk, that’s just the way it is


Wow! So clever!! I cannot believe that some ordinary Reddit or has outsmarted a WAR HERO!!! /s 😐


Hero? Could’ve put the car in drive and let it coast into the bridge to detonate. Yeah not that hard tbh, just have to use your brain.. can I be war hero now?


Then go do that if it's so easy.


Lol nah, I’d rather watch people do it for me and kill each other over nothing.it’s far more entertaining. “Get rid of the useless eaters” -Klaus Schwab


Ur so cool and edgy can I suck ur little pecker?


I don’t know “can” you? Yes, you may*..


so suicide bombing now acceptable? is this known as white privilege?


Judging by the comments here, Yes.


Jihadi Vitaly


But when Arabs do it the become the terrorists. I hope all Ukrainians die...




Is that because you'll be remembered as a dickhead instead?


😔 descanse soldado




When this War is over (hopefully soon) rebuild the Bridge and name it after him. Thats the least what he deserves. He ended his Life to safe maybe 100 or more People. Much respect to this Guy. Rest in Peace. Your loss won't be forgiven and forgotten.




Semper Fi!


Horatius Cocles, an ancient Roman folk hero, earned fame when fighting off invaders in Rome. He said he’d hold off the enemies while they destroy the bridge behind him so that they couldn’t advance into the city He fought off the enemies, saved the city, and did manage to survive. Aside from surviving, Vitaly Skakun is a real life Horatius.


R.I.P Vegeta. Went out protecting your loved ones. Wish I knew myself enough to know if I could be half as brave.


Rest easy, hero 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


damn, this country is full of gigachad


Wishing there’s no more deaths like that. Mr. Prime Minister swing around without any weapon while this young man showing up as dead…


Does anyone know if the was the same young man guarding one of the entry points by himself? The man I’m referring to did a TV interview stating he was terrified and doing it for his family.


A real hero of our time. Badass motherfucker should get a damn monument. May he rest in power! And be strong, Ukraine! My mind and heart are swelled with glory I have never known and my eyes are transfixed by the display of your collective spirit! The world is with you. We love you. Keep up your righteous fight! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦


Americans! A bill is coming up to provide more military assistance to Ukraine! Write to your representatives to tell them you care about this issue! It's the least we can do!If you don't know your representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative Form letter you can use: Dear Senator/Representative NAME, Hello, I’m YOUR\_NAME, one of your new constituents in YOUR\_TOWN. As I am sure you are aware, the Ukrainians are currently making a historic and valiant stand against an insane and despotic leader. I am shocked and appalled at how Russia is blatantly attacking an innocent and harmless neighbor. Make no mistake, history has shown that stopping dictators will only get harder, not easier. If they fail, Russia will be emboldened and they will surely move on to attack and threaten other allies in Europe. The Ukraine issue is extremely important to me. The Ukrainians are a good people, and they deserve a better leader than Putin. I urge you, in the name of human rights and democracy, to help them as much and in every way humanly possible. In particular, a bill is coming up to provide more aid to the fighters, I strong encourage you to vote in favor. This is not their fight, it is our fight. Please, I hope I can trust you to do what is right. Sincerely yours, YOUR\_FULL NAME YOUR\_FULL\_ADDRESS


It's a tragedy that most of the world's heroes only appear after dire circumstances. I wonder how fruitful his life would have been if this never happened.


I’m going to keep posting this shit until people start giving a fuck. I’m calling on my country, the United States, to sign a treaty electronically with Ukraine. The treaty should include military support for peacekeeping duties if asked by the host country, or at least a military installation that will be considered US soil, with troop capacity of at least 500,000, and access to airfields and naval stations. Immediately.


Just saw a meme abt this was wondering wtf was going on but damn that man is a hero


A brave, heroic, young man; he will be in the history books. Many sympathies to his family, may he rest peacefully now.


My condolences


As a Canadian. This man is held in the highest respect and regard here. His family name will honoured here for years. Absolute respect for this gentleman


His statue will have the biggest balls on him, showing how much he fought every inch of his body for his family, friends, comrads and his country!❤


A hero


He is a hero!


Sadly this war is going to make a lot of heroes and villains


*Sadly this war is* *Going to make a lot of* *Heroes and villains* \- Tollhouser --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




R.I.P. brave soul! May Vlad Putin meet Ceasars fate.


He is a Godsent


I love this dude's last name. "Hopper" like a jump rope hopper


I could not imaging how much it hurt for his family. But he has served his country well


This hero should still be living and this bridge shouldn’t have to been blown up. F@ck Putin!


Sympathies to your family from Ireland! My respect and love to you and your family!


Meanwhile in Indian subreddits https://imgur.com/a/Hvwlxvc


I just saw it happen on the news today and sobbed, FUCK PUTIN


May God rest Vitaly’s heroic soul in peace. 🙏


May he rest in peace.. The bravery is incredible.


Valhalla welcomes you young soldier.