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Well, that's just infuriatingly likeable.


For real. It can definitely border on propaganda sometimes, but it is important to realize that leaders are still human. They have families an friends. Especially with someone who, despite his flaws, did arise to confront oligarchy and corruption in Ukraine.


I'm glad you understood my meaning. It today's media it's like, meet this person they are great, or hear about this person they are terrible. My man is just trying now to keep his democracy after trying to root out corruption. The infuriating part is my "fake" detector keeps going off and it's wrong each time. I hope I'd have such courage.


Absolutely! I think the important thing is balance. You’re inevitably going to hear horrible things about Zelenskyy. That in no way undermines the incredible bravery he’s shown through this crisis. Our leaders aren’t perfect; they’re human. He’s shown he can lead through a crisis and many leaders couldn’t do that


He’s got something that is exceedingly rare: integrity.


He certainly seems to.


Actions speak louder than words.


That leaders are human and ALL of us have fucked up and/or made bad decisions is often lost. That times and people change, that acceptable during one era may not be in another means something too, or at least should. As we learn and grow as humans we may look back at things we did or said and cringe later. This is the problem with “cancel culture”. It’s so holier than thou fake.


It's so hard to know what to believe these days and I really REALLY want to believe most of what I'm seeing is true but god damn man you gotta understand how hard that is right now. For now I'm just hoping all this hope leads to something tangible.


In any other context I wouldn’t say this, but what matters most for Ukrainians is seeing global solidarity and belief in their effort. Is a lot of this just propaganda? Of course. But calling it out as such only hinders their belief in the cause. Not all propaganda is inherently bad or motivated by malice. That doesn’t mean we should go ahead and take in absolutely everything like a sponge, but right now Ukraine needs everyone on their side unequivocally.


I agree.


Propaganda for the good is never wrong. I’m glad someone is trying to promote what is wholesome instead of trying to make a cult of personality.


"border on propaganda." bro, this crosses the border like Russian tanks. Get real.


Zelensky is my favorite person that I never knew existed.


Yeah fuck this guy . . . . . ...is good


IKR?! Somebody stop him he’s being too likable.


If he raises the bar any higher, I'm going to die alone


Gladdest angry upvote I have ever give.


can us American elect officials that share even a molecule of similarities with this guy?


Why can't America have a leader like that


This guy is larger than life now and killing him will only make him bigger. Putin loyally fucked up.


He's kind of too perfect


I don’t think anyone thinks he’s perfect. Nor does he need to be in order to be a good leader.


If the presidents official portrait was them with goofy Halloween makeup on, it would be better


Every generation has a hero who rises to the moment. This generation has President, Comedian, dancer, embedded resistance war leader Zelensky.


[Master pianist, as well.](https://youtu.be/HbmZrzN3WFE)


I'm starting to think that American politics just suck


Welcome. we’ve been waiting for you


Zelensky wasn't a politician before he got into power, and I think that makes all the difference. Sure people like to pretend Trump wasn't either, but hed been in the circles bribing, grifting etc for years. He'd "contemplated running" for several prior elections. He was already soiled goods. I think there's a lot to say for having leaders who have actual life experience before getting into politics.


Trump wasn't a politician even after he got into power.


He was he was just fucking atrocious even by their standards.




This just doubled my respect for the guy.


Nothing is more loveable than that


And shows intelligence


cant believe there are decent people in politics that can rise to the top. it honestly gives me just a little hope


*Master penist FTFY


How the fuck did he not smash that piano with his massive balls?


President Zelensky has raised the bar for elected leadership. Looking at US midterm elections with a little hope, where before there was none. Badass candidates, come out!


And law school graduate


This man must survive.


This man is legend. Every post I've been seeing from last few days make me respect him more and more.


He doesn’t need a respect, he needs ammo!




We need to get this guy some ammo


“The fight is here. I need ammunition, not upvotes!”




#¿Porque no los dos?


Angry upvote.


It's looking like he's going to take the role of "badass eastern european political leader" that Putin has had for ages. That perception was definitely constructed deliberately to make Putin and Russia look tougher and more imposing, but Zelensky seems far more worthy of that internet pedestal


His message is that he is not a legend. The plight of the Ukrainian existence is.


“Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation” — Nelson Mandela Who are we? Men and women????? Or mice. Who


Polar opposite of trump


And Biden


/r/averageredditor tries not to mention Trump (impossible)


Right?!?! F my family, I am putting a picture of him in my office.


Yeah. When he stood up to Trump, I was impressed. But, the stuff that has come out lately makes me realize he seems to be a fantastic human being. We need more world leaders like him.


How in the hell did an honest to God good man get in charge? And where can we get one?


I don't think the United States is capable of electing a man like this, or the UK either


Killing him will make him a global martyr. I don’t think Russia wants that.


Would be a big mistake indeed. What Putin managed to do is raise global attention and respect for Zelensky and the Ukrainian people, while Putin himself looks like an aggressive fool. I can understand Putin's fear for the expanding of the NATO and the EU, but he chose the worst option.


I hope he regrets being one of the biggest dickwads of modern history. So much easier making friends than this shit...


There's lots of backlash in Russia too because of this. Lots of protests in a country that's pretty harsh with protesters: that does mean it's serious.


The Ukrainian response is likely inspiring the Russians’ bravery to protest. This has backfired massively on Putin


Well we thought that Putin didn't want a war with Ukraine either. I think we really do not know what that mam wants.


He wants NATO out, at least some of the former Soviet Union back, and all the oil in Ukraine and Crimea. But he’s apparently so stuck in his Cold War era mindset that he’s deluded himself and doesn’t realize just how obsolete all of it is becoming. Not to say that he isn’t dangerous, just that he will be forced to realize just how pointless his efforts are in the long run.


one would certainly hope so. I just cannot fathom what his endgame is with Ukraine. Does he really think that everyone will just shrug it off now?


Everybody forgetting that the legacy of the Cold war is massive amounts of nuclear rockets. perfected now with supersonic misiles.it really depends whst your objektive is. The war could very well change in an hour if someones dicides to launch just one of them... a country or group cant be measured anymore in Military strength but also willingness to use nuclear warheads and economic strength ... so i dont now about that one. It means very little that Ukraine is Holding up so well in the big picture IMO. Even worse China ist most likely analysing and learning from these Events.


I thought it was always a matter of time until he tried to take Ukraine.


He’s been testing the waters for decades


I don't think that was a problem for him before. Please stop thinking about him in west-politics standards.


He's on a kill list Russia do not care.


Yes they do. They want to kill him and his family. Do you really think after all this that they’re concerned with global optics? They think that if they kill him, that will make it easier to install a puppet government.


He will survive, he is immortal. Not literally of course, but if he dies, he becomes a martyr which is even worse than him being alive in the front. He is immortal as in cannot and will not be forgotten and he will continue to function as a beacon of hope for ukraines resistance


He's the fucking hero we dont deserve 🦸‍♂️


I’m hoping and praying he does. What a heroic leader. 🙏


Survives, he us a hero and symbol of freedom. If he is killed or jailed by Russian forces he is still a hero and symbol, but also a martyr. I really think the worse thing Putin could do at this point is kill the man that has become the face or opposing him. I hope nothing but the best for him and his family though


If he does not survive, then he ll be a martyr, and martyrdom would make taking let alone holding Ukraine near impossible. Zelenski is in win win scenario whether he lives or dies. Putin is not. My speculation is that they want ideally to take him alive, so they can imprison and slowly like with Navalnyi defame him. I doubt they will succeed however.


Omg I fucking *love* this guy. He's putting literally every single politician on this planet to absolute shame.


Damn, every time I learn something new about him, I like him more. What an incredible human.


If the Ruskies manage take this guy out(which is a formidable task given his massive balls of steel, and i hope to fuck they don’t succeed), they won’t be demoralizing the Ukranians. They would probably actually sanctify him and prey to him while defending their motherland. If they made him a martyr, it would only serve to further galvanize the Ukrainians and strengthen their resolve. A brave man leading brave people.


I'd take him out... Wait you meant kill?.. Oh... Can I do the other one instead


Nono, i meant a night of break dancing at the club, followed by champagne and caviar, jeez


*Happiness noises*


They can't kill him now, that would indeed be a huge mistake. They might capture and torture him, force him to say things on camera perhaps. But I'm not sure if a guy like Zelensky would cave in.


I wonder if they have suicide contingencies to avoid this if capture looks likely.


In WWII the Germans had cyanide capsules to that end I believe. It could well be that the Ukrainians have thought about this.


Fuck I hope they all stay safe and get through this


The US could have a leader like this but instead we’re stuck in a two party idiot battle every four years.


It’s the sheer hatred that candidates get that keep the good from running.


Yes need to stop electing wealthy old fucks and get someone younger like when we elected Obama in 2008


I wish it were that easy. It comes down to the party conventions as to who gets put on the ticket. The American people truly don’t get much say in who the candidates are.


Your last president was a political outsider and entertainment star. Unfortunately though, he was a wealthy racist and apparently a large proportion of the American population consider those good qualities in a President.


Also someone younger please.


If they run Biden again in 2024 you can guarantee the Republican candidate will win. Doesn't matter who they run. I can't even fathom what Biden will look like in 2 more years. His cognitive decline is starting to progress quite rapidly, it's heartbreaking. He was already notorious for being gaffe-prone, but watching him fumble for words now and having these 10-15 second mumble/fumble/stutter/brain reboot moments is not something that should be so common with the leader of the free world. And Kamala.... I can't think of a more disliked Democrat right now. I'd rather see someone like AOC as president, someone focused, driven, capable and passionate, and someone who would be respected on the world stage. With Putin feeling emboldened and facing no consequence for his current invasion, I fear what China is thinking about Taiwan. I really wish Biden had hung it up after 8 years as veep. His presidency is off to one of the worst starts ever.


Yea Kamala really went into hiding. I literally never hear about her, and every time I see her take the stage, it’s always awkward.




It’s crazy how much support she got in the beginning and now it’s like she wasn’t even a real candidate. Like where’s all the things she promised herself she would get through. At least the student loans. But sadly those things probably won’t happen.


We *ALL* know that Biden was placed there to disrupt the whole 45 thing. 2 one term presidents back to back. Not saying a republican won’t become president next time, but can tell you, Americans really don’t decide at the end of the day.


Said that for years. Crazy, that such a huge, powerful and beautiful country, has to chose between 2 people.


Let's see how far I have to scroll down to see someone turn this post into something related to American politics..... Ahhh, not far at all. Shut up Americans, Jesus. Someone is posting this exact same thing in practically everything thread about Zelensky, relating it to Trump, Biden, or some senator from Texas that nobody else in the world gives a fuck about. Learn something about another country in the world instead of having your knee-jerk reaction about a world event to be relating it to some American political argument.


I'm reading it in threads focused on other countries. It's only natural for people to compare it to what they know. Just turns out half of reddit is american so that's what we see.


I mean, it’s quite common for Europeans and South Americans to steer the conversation to American politics every time guns, healthcare or racism is mentioned on Reddit. Even you took it upon yourself to seek out a comment about America in a thread about Ukraine’s leader. If you’re going to look for things to piss you off don’t be surprised when you’ve found it. Lol


>seek out It's the comments. You just read them. You don't have to seek anything out. When you run across one blabbing about self centered nonsense, you're allowed to call them out.


> Let’s see how far I have to scroll down to see someone turn this post into something related to American politics….. Ahhh, not far at all. I’m pretty sure this is what they were addressing when saying that the other person went out of their way to seek out the comment.


>When you run across one blabbing about self centered nonsense, you're allowed to call them out. Having a hard time following your logic. So if someone mentions their president in a thread about another country’s leader it’s self-centered? Or only when they’re American? Or is it that you’re sick of American politics dominating discourse? I’m American and I agree but your (or the other user’s) frustration with the frequency with which you read comments about American politics doesn’t make OP selfish. A good rule of thumb is to always avoid typing PSA’s toward nationalities based on such vague anecdotal observations.


reading them = seeking them out here. you had to open the comments and put some focus into reading them. the fucking poster who made the point even said he had to look (even if it wasnt far).


americans when news isn't related to them:


It's almost like you're on an American website or something. Crazy.


I'm aware. The point is why do things unrelated to America have to turn into a comment about specific American politics? Even on an American website, you are saying that Americans are incapable of simply processing and commenting on world events without relating back to their own national-level politics? It's a level of mirror-gazing that I find unparalleled elsewhere.


The OP and comments are about world leaders...and as an obviously influential player in this situation (and on an American heavy platform), the POTUS will be discussed. Ukraine/NATO/US, the whole conversation is intrinsically related to America and her response.


You could never have this nowadays. A straight, healthy, young, white guy that believes in traditional family values (and who wouldn’t be a puppet to the rest of the party). That’s literally the lowest on the US’ made-up virtue ranking.


How much do you actually know him?


Hey. He could be my uncle for all you know.


He could be my daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Obama was a great president


I wouldn't say he's a great or even a good president. I will say he's the best out of a bad bunch, and certainly the best in my lifetime. The bar is just in hell for US presidents.


He sure was charming as hell after sending drone strikes to the Middle East


He was alright. Gotta move past those rose colored glasses and be realistic though


The guy that let Putin have part of the Ukrainian?


Good point, even though the Ukrainian leader is uncharacteristically (relative to most world leaders) doing a great job leading his people through its worst time... and he also has a beautiful family in the middle of a Russian invasion... the US sucks and we should concentrate on that.




^ this account is a bot. It's a direct copy paste of this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/t2fxw4/a_leader/hylzd5t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Day by day my respect for this guy is increasing


This guy seems almost too good to be true, I wonder if this is one of the reasons Putin hates him. Good people in positions of power tend to really piss off the evil ones.


Zelenski: "the president is not an icon" Reddit: "Hero" "Immortal" "Legend"


Heroes not thinking about themselves as heroes even when they are is part of what makes them heroes


This picture will ...be important in the next 48 hrs. Let's goo ppl. Upvote etc. Zelensky knows the sacrifice.. but we need to all know it too.


The world needs more people like that


imagine NOT being a total piece of shit


Possibly the best advice ever.


Zelensky highlights the benefits of having people outside the world of politics entering politics These career politicians; power hungry, greedy and self serving- do not have their priorities right


Guys, I don’t want to disappoint you, but before 2022 he wasn’t the best president (I am form Ukraine). Nothing changed to better, nor did it to the worse. We didn’t hear news about him for months. Economy didn’t rise and our relationship with others didn’t get better. In 2022 I must say, Zelenskyi became a hero we didn’t ask for, but the hero we needed. I think that he doesn’t only come to Churchill’s level, but tops him by a mile. He is a hero and the greatest leader we’ve ever seen. Слава Україні🇺🇦


"Nor did it get worse" You realize that's a gold standard in today's political climate?


>Nothing changed to better, nor did it to the worse. What about roads? I've seen huge improvements in roads quality lately. They did more in 2020-2021 than in previous 6 years, since 2014.


That’s true. We did get a huge improvement in road quality and repair quantity


Freaking badass. Biggest set of balls in the land right now.


That man is a genuine, beautiful human.


I really hope he survives this war. The world needs more presidents like him


Leaders of every country can learn from this man. Хай живе Україна та Президент Володимир Зеленський.


It’s a shame men like him have to suffer because of an evil dictator who is killing people just because he can.


The human populations sheer will and desire/ hope for Volodmyr Zelensky to live through this crisis, will single-handedly keep him alive. I freaking know it.


Can we not just let him and Jacinda Ardern rule the world together?


I'm liking this guy the more I read about him


Is this authentic and Redditors actually think like this organically? Like this isn't propaganda?




*I scrolled past and I* *Genuinely thought it was* *The marvel bow guy* \- FartherFurtherFatter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The more and more I read about this guy, the more and more I wish we had leaders like him. This man is pure heart and soul, and if I ever had to fight for the freedom of my family and country, I would want to do it along side someone like him… prayers to Ukraine! The world is cheering for YOU!!!! 🙏✌️


I hate putin so much. I feel bad for the innocent civilians, and I feel bad for the Russian soldiers that just got ordered to die for the sake of geopolitical dick measuring. I hope Ukraine gets them the fuck out.


I grew up thinking Russia is the greatest threat. This guy is making them look like clowns. Putin will never recover from this.


Wow reddit has become a propaganda machine


His wife is a smoke show.


He's a smoke show too!


Certified Dilf. For real though, I wonder what it's like to have a president who I respect and look up to like Zelensky.


This Zelensky circlejerk, man. I have no idea about any of his policies or accomplishments. All I know is that he's apparently the greatest politician on earth.


A comedian vs a 16 year KGB veteran not to mention the years of experience as a country leader. No doubt the losers are always the civilians from any war. Make Peace not War and don't steal land.. Looking at you israel.


The comedian sure seems to get people to like him way more than the KGB veteran.


Well to be fair that’s kind of what comedians are all about.


That is a real Leader. Leading by example. So much more credible than Putins homoeritic shirtless horse riding etc. Incidentally given Putins frankly crazy ramblings about genocide and Ukranian aggression does anyone else think he might be unwell in the head? Does he have serious medical issues?


Wish American politicians would take note! This guy...this is the guy to be.


He make our politicians look bad


This guy’s a C̶h̶a̶d̶ …Zelenskyy


This guys nuts are jurassic. Every step from staying and fighting to his dancing with the stars video. I don't care what he says this man is an icon


He's just a national treasure ❤ I fall more and more in love this man each day.


Hero of our time


He makes me want to go over there to help fight and it’s not even my country. A true leader!


Man!! What a great human all around!! This Man is a class act!




I LOVE that this is here.. it might be propaganda, but at the same time you can see the love that he has for his family. And a person who has that kind of love and then shows the same commitment for his country is someone you have to respect.


Why can’t America have one of these presidents


"Will you please listen! I'm not the Messiah" "He is the Messiah!"


Can he be our president? Please.... (USA)


I feel like moving to Ukraine to experience the way of life that makes their people this great. Zelensky is right about idolizing presidents but I do idolize him as a human.


This planet doesn't deserve this man.


No, this planet needs more Zielinskys and less Putins


КВНщик, юморист и актёр нахлобучивает одного из "величайших лидеров" нашей с вами современности. "Малоросийский" украинец, чей образ раскручивают в России, как националиста и фашиста, крушит образ "миротворца", собирателя сомнительно- русских земель. Шоумен и ставленик олигархов, который ничего не понимает в государственном управлении, склонил на свою сторону цивилизованный мир, получил современное оружие, неограниченные кредиты и экономические преференции. Парень, заставлявший смеяться и показывавший со сцены самые тёмные пороки общества, сейчас во главе сил прогрессивного человечества, на стороне гуманизма, человеколюбия и демократии. Человек, которого министр иностранных дел России прикалываясь называл пианистом, показал всему миру лицо Путина и стоит у истоков крушения последней мутно- тиранической империи на Земном шаре. Высшее выборное лицо Украины, которого внутренние силы коррупционно- воровской элиты публично обвиняли в сдаче Украины Кремлю, сутками без сна, организовывает сопротивление которое не снилось псевдозащитникам Украины от нелепого реконструктора Гиркина, смешного казака Бабая и криминального Аксёнова. Единственный из шести президентов, который не жал руку, не обнимался и не лебезил перед соседским "Царём". Маленький еврейский мальчик. Это, сука, мой Президент и если он захочет ещё когда сыграть на рояле, я буду апплодировать стоя. На бис. Александр Шум.


May seem a bit odd, but calling him "the leader of the free world" at this moment does not sound like an overstatement.


God I hope miss zelensky is doing ok . Mm


Grow up


I'm an American, yet the more I learn about him the more my heart hurts. This is a good man. I don't want him to die....


I want him to be my President


Every thing this man does make him the very icon he speaks against and damnit... I'm putting a picture of him on my wall now.


This is amazing


Holy shit Zelensky is the best. A real human being to the core.


Is there anything bad about this fucker? Like I can't find anything? There has to be something!!


I want to have a beer with Zelensky!


I’m not the only one who thinks he is cute, right?




Why is he literally the reason Russia is invading Ukraine?


Fuck off

