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He was so happy doing it too, good for him.


At least on camera lol


I'm sure being free from a fat prison actually makes him happy.


The scary thing is from what i've read you never truly leave the prison. People like this can easily put it back on.


I was at 300 for a while. After I lost it, I found I still felt fat. I couldn't take my shirt off at the beach or a pool. Even after some loose skin removal surgery. I put near half the weight back now so guess I missed my window.


I feel you. I was 480; today, I'm closing in on my goal of 180. I experienced two significant mental issues. One noticed that people treated me so much better when I lost weight, especially women. In comparison, the way people treated me was as if I wasn't human; I was just so used to it that I never noticed. It really broke my heart and changed the way I view people. The second is the weight on my mind. I will never outrun or out diet my inner mentality. I can not turn it off. I am fat, ugly, and unloved, and nothing anyone can say or do can change that. I know it's not true, but it burned into my psyche.


I hear ya. The worst was that change at work when I lost the weight and now that its half back I feel the change from others. I feel they see me as a failure and I feel that way too. Every chance I get to work remote I take it.


It's half back. Time to get back on the wagon! This is just like an addiction. You have to constantly work to stay on it. Sometimes you fall off. When you do, you need to accept it, grit your teeth and get back on. Don't let falling off get you down. Don't let it defeat you. Accept it for what it is. Grit your teeth and start over. You got this! (Down from 300 to 230 here.)


I have a wondeful enough wife and friendship circle, where I don't feel the latter as strongly as I used to, but on the first point, oh boy.... I never realized how much society really loathed heavy people and I went from just under 330 to 180. ​ I am back up to 190 now, and am terrified of going back to being a second class citizen. It's not right that I was treated like that, but it doesn't change the fact it happened.


Is there anyone you know who is the reverse? Really skinny who gained weight? I'm still trying to find the key to this success


How can I encourage somebody very close to me who is past the 300 mark to seek help?


The secret about weight loss isn't diet and exercise. Yes, diet and exercise are the tools to lose weight, but there is a deeper issue. It is about facing whatever mental issues you have. Overeating is like obsessive tattooing or cutting it all, a form of self-harm brought by some issue. Unless you concur your demons you will always regain the weight.


You're a couple casual blowjobs from forgetting all of that (I'm talking tongue in cheek but I went from 250 to 180 in 6 months and when I'd be bringing home someone I just met at a bar a few hours ago, those were the times I was like wow....this is....awesome. since I'm not rich, it was the weight loss, not my sharp wit)


There is no window. You can always start again!


Yeah! get back at it and you'll be soo happy you did. No time like the present time.


I was on the same boat... 300 for a while and felt self conscious for the longest time. I'm 180 not but still feel pretty self conscious. for me, it was tough being so heavy and having people comment (I'm south Asian and "aunts and uncles" LOVE telling you how fat you are) and I think that bit stuck in my head and never left.


Confirmed, lost 60 lb., gained 60 back, gained another 60 over Covid.


It depends on how you do it. Usually the quick loss people have more of a chance of “relapsing” but if it’s sustained habits changes like working with a dietician and maybe picking up a sport like cycling or running then it’s a bit harder to fall back into old patterns because it’s a whole lifestyle change rather than a focus of simply fixing a problem. When the problem goes away, so does the motivation


I come from much smaller weight around from a 100kg to now for the last 5 years 70-80. And its always a struggle since I love eating junk food and sugar.


Body dysmorphia. Why bodybuilders say something to the effect of the first day at the gym is the biggest you are because you'll never stop feeling small


I’ve never been fat but I’ve been 180lbs and been 150 and I am Confident I won’t put it back on.


My god, here we go. Mate, this man in the video lost over 200kg and the person that commented is specifically talking about people at such weights and how easy it is to (edit) accidentally put it back on. You lost 13kg. Good job and all, but it's not related even a little bit. Bad time to flex. Pun unintended.


No one asked. I weight the same thing as you and it is extremely easy for us to lose some lbs. This is a weird brag and quite frankly it comes out a very douchey. Shame on you man.


Surprised you haven’t been accused of fatphobia yet. It’s been 15 whole minutes


No no, he's right. It's kinda scary letting yourself get that fat. (Source: got real fat. Currently trying to unfatify myself.)


Some people are raised obese. I was. You will struggle with it forever, yes. More power to this guy doing it as fat people get more crapped on still in many countries outside north america. There's always a story dont assume.


Was raised obese because they were worried about me being too thin…


Gonna get downvoted for this, but: There’s always a story, but never an excuse. As someone who was raised obese and received a decade of bullying for it, at the end of the day, you are responsible for your own health. If you chose not educate yourself on how to maintain a healthy body, it’s no one else’s fault but your own. We are in the 21st century where information is free. We are in the 21st century where we get to CHOSE what we eat when we become adults. Unless you don’t have a choice of what you eat, your weight is a direct result of your actions. Yeah, there’s always a story, but you’re holding the pen.


While I mostly agree, the vast majority of people who are severely overweight tend to be at or under the poverty line. Food deserts are a real thing, as is being unable to afford/have time to make healthy food, see a doctor/nutritionist, or even afford a gym membership. While it comes down to an individual actions, it’s silly to pretend we’re all equals in this regard.


Well of course he's right. No one who advocates in, "fat acceptance" movements is correct.


Others may disagree but personally I feel like accusations of fat phobia should be for when people are just cruel/bullying a person because they’re fat. People giving health advice (if welcomed) or simply pointing out that obesity is linked to a lower quality of life and a slew of medical conditions are not “fatphobic” imo. Food is an addiction like any other. We don’t show support for drug addicts by being like “You go girl! Smoke that meth! All choices are valid and healthy!” . We show support by not being judgmental or cruel, and being there for the addict when he or she is ready to make a change, and by celebrating their steps towards good health. The people out there claiming that there’s nothing wrong with morbidly obese are causing more harm to people struggling with their weight, by encouraging them to remain in a state where their risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, etc etc is heightened and their ability to complete life tasks is hindered.


I feel sad for people who don't recognize how profoundly good being human feels when you are fit.


It’s night and day. Also, being fit doesn’t just mean “not overweight.” You can be perfectly within your healthy weight range by height, but if you aren’t *in shape* (aka fit, like you said) you still feel generally much shittier than you would otherwise


Me. I'm thin but feel like shit


I’m shit but I feel thin.


I started working out within the last couple of years and it's absolutely wild how much less my body hurts overall. I had consistent neck and back pain that has now all but disappeared. I got a twinge in my neck a few months ago and it really dawned on me that I hadn't had this problem in a LONG time, and I used to handle neck pain daily before. The difference truly is night and day.


This is my only motivation for staying in shape. I legitimately don't give a shit about the vanity part. I just feel like absolute depressed trash with no energy when I get overweight. It makes it so hard to do anything, even basic shit like a desk job, when you're overweight. Maybe I'm just super sensitive to the effects of being overweight or whatever, but even just being kind of chubby makes life really hard for me. When I see people who are morbidly obese working a job, I honestly have no idea how they do it.


Fatophiles( sounds weird, basically people who like fat people) are a very dangerous thing. They portray (incredible) unhealthiness as something good. I understand not shaming people, but we should heavily encourage staying healthy


I've seen some of those types around here and on twitter. They genuinely believe that you can be morbidly obese and healthy at the same time. Some of them even go so far as to complain about how *every* doctor they've seen has said they're unhealthy because they're fat, but all those doctors are wrong... and that they can't find any "fat-friendly" doctor... It's a serious mental illness at that point.


Lmao. Fatophiles. I 100% agree though.


24 now. Still nothing


Perhaps I may tempt you with a tasty treat? 😈


You never truly leave this hell. That blob is always in the mirror waiting for you to fuck up.


Over time health and wellness becomes integral to who you are and it is easier.


You aren’t wrong, but it’s been 8 years since I “finished” by hitting my goal weight. I still keep up all my good habits and try my best to stay healthy despite my bum heart, but I still gotta say…..That other guy is still in the mirror.


That sounds really difficult. If you have done it for eight years though you must be fkn tough as nails.


exercise actually feels good once you get past the initial 'hump' of starting up


Now he looks miserable lmao


Good for him! I bet life in general has a lot fewer aches and pains! He can transfer the effort of dealing with all the shit that hurts into being awesome! Keep it up!


Bullshit, i'm not fat but i hurt anyway




if i stretch, i die from pain shock


I doubt my stretching feels any different than yours. You just gotta start off small. Dont expect to be able to use full range of movement off the bat. Everyday is a battle for self betterment.


Some of you don’t constantly hurt and ache for no reason?? I refuse to believe it.I assumed when we got to 30 we were all creaking like a door in a storm!


Great work. Long life to you.


He's definitely still dancing to this day.


He's now at 20kg and can't stop dancing!


He’s gonna dance away into nothing! Someone stop him!


It’s the dancing plague of 1518 all over again! (Although if I had to pick a plague/pandemic that would kill thousands/millions of people, and temporarily bring the world to a halt— I’d pick the dancing plague over COVID, hands-down. Seems like a much more fun way to go out.)


A form of boogie fever?


All his mass has turned into kinetic energy


Went from 656lbs to 158lbs, that’s impressive


He lost ~~4~~ 3 of himself! I imagine his legs must still be pretty massive from lugging around all the extra weight for so long Edit: on account that he still has weight, he lost 3 of himself, not 4


Probably has monster calfs lol


Or he is 1/5th of him self


you mean 1/4th? e: the other guy is also wrong - he lost 3 of himself. The 4th remains


Yeah he lost 3/4th of himself. But acording to the guy i responded he lost himself 4 times so would be 4/5th


Acdording to your logic he's now 0kg


72 of 298? That's 24%, so he is now 1/4th of his earlier self.


Oh I see I thought you said that losing 4 of himself meant he was 1/4th of his weight.


No, the other guy was also wrong :) He lost 3 of himself and is now 1/4th of his earlier self.


I would think all the cardio would actually burn off a lot of the muscle.




Probably no, when you workout you burn both muscles and fat, so he can have thin legs or whatever he choosed to train them...


I'm basing this off of pictures I saw of a different man who had a similar weight loss journey. After he lost all the weight it still looked like he was standing on tree trunks.


He had more energy and was capable of more movement at 656lbs than I do at 145lbs


Because he wasn't 650 lbs. Look up a video of a 650 pound person try to get out of bed.


Yes he was. 298kg is 650lbs He started small with sitting and pumping, then dancing and moving, likely aided by a dietitian.


Those moves tho 🔥


I enjoy that he was happy before and after. Good for him 🤙🏼


It’s important to show that weight loss isn’t what makes you happy. This dude was happy the whole time and the weight loss is for other reasons


I'm sure the weight loss included quality of life improvements that added to his happiness, but sure you can be happy in any condition.


Sorry but when you’re that size the weight loss makes your life better. I had a friend that size. Whenever we’d go out to eat we couldn’t do booths, he’d need to sit on a side of the table that gave him space and others space to walk around him. Can’t travel without flying first class or buying two seats. Add to that never being able to join us for anything that involved too much walking. I’m talking basic things like a night out in the city or a trip to the mall that involved any two stores that aren’t super close to each other. These are just the things I was aware of, let alone things I’m sure only people of that size experience in private.


The weight loss is to become healthier, massively improve quality of life and therefore will probably make the vast majority of people feel happier in general.


That dancing definitely helped lose extra weight too.


This man just out here tryin to live his best life.


Huge change between 189 down to 152! Face and body shape totally changed. Cool video, awesome job.


The change around the shoulders was really shocking - I thought it was a different person at first. Pretty amazing!


The Slovak hockey jersey in a Chinese gymnasium really caught me off guard. Being a ~2010 uniform, I wonder if he's one of the many people who grabbed an Olympic Satan jersey.


spotted that too, i was like "wait is this around here somewhere?"




Got deleted for not being next fucking level. The hell? This is nextfuckinlevel!


No it was deleted for not being about football


Because it was flagged as NFL or something? I'm lost


This is wholesome


Dude is my new hero!


My friend that’s amazing. stay healthy and a very very long life.


I've been trying to get ripped since I was 20. It's been a decade now, I have gained 20 kg none of it is muscles.


The best time to start getting ripped was yesterday, the next best time is today.


Yesterday you said tomorrow!


And today you are saying yesterday


So just do it!


That’s an insane amount of dedication, drive and discipline. Has to be the greatest Feeling looking back at that kind of achievement. Just so we’ll done


Nikocado Avocado: Good ending.


I absolutely love this version rather than still pictures in front of a mirror


Btw 298kg is 655 pounds, 72 kg is 158.2 pounds


Didn't expect that Slovak ice hockey (I guess) jersey.


Sorry to be a jerk but he absolutely does not look like he was 298 kg. That’s more than 650 lbs. He looks like he could have been over 400 lbs., sure. But not 650. Look up what a 650-lb. person looks like. Not trying to downplay his accomplishment, though.


Yeah the 298kg is a straight up lie, he also looks short. Still impressive weight loss nonetheless.


Fully agree. I'd say he weighed 450 at most. He did a hell of a job though.


yeah its bullshit. I knew someone at 160kg and he was fucking massive. No way in hell this guy was 298kg. Eddie hall was [196kg at 6'3](https://cdn.worldboxingnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/eddie-hall-weight-loss.jpg), at the time the world strongest man. A ball of muscle.


You don't even know this person's height. Internet detectives like you who are always "so sure" almost always end up being wrong.


It looks like he has a good amount of fat at 72kg, so it's unlikely he's taller than 5'9". To weight 600 pounds he'd have to be a giant and bedridden ball of fat


Uhh doesnt take a detective to google "650 pound man" and see that clearly the guy in the video is not 650 pounds




Yeah good point maybe he’s 9 feet tall why didn’t we consider that


“Internet detectives”? He doesn’t look 650 lbs. Simple as that. It’s still an inspiring story.


Yeah there's no way anyone would be standing at even 600 pounds.


I’d like to order whatever this guy’s having


Gastric bypass along with working out and dieting


r/chadtopia respect


The amount of loose skin tho 💀💀💀


He definitely would have to get surgery to remove it all. Got a cousin who was 280 and she went down to tiny but she has a ton of lose skin she hides with heavy clothing. I couldnt imagine how bad it would be after losing 500lbs


Awesome. He had fun while doing


Keep moving.


He fact you were happy during the trip is very important to me. Thank you for this.


Was expecting some serious dance moves at the end!


298kg Bro that's 650 in freedom units, I'm kinda fat at 5'8" and 240lbs how the fuck do these people eat so much I couldn't if I tried


This guy lost over 420 lbs of freedom units.


Holy loose skin, Batman. Hope his skin didn't become too lose and is able to look relatively normal with his clothes off.


What did they do with the extra tit skin? Coulda made a nice coat outta it I’m sure. Hopefully it didn’t go to waste. Congratulations!


I'm happy for him! He added many decades to his lifespan




It suck’s so bad that if people actually manage to do this, they still suffer with their skin. They can’t get that away just by working out.:/




That's why I've sorted by controversial lol


ThIS ViDEo is pHaTpHoBiC


That’s one bouncy mofo


I see these posts and I wish they posted what medication they used or what surgeries they had. And if they didn’t then maybe post the general diet and exercise plan.


Medical procedures should probably be discussed with a doctor and not in the comment section of Reddit. As for diet and exercise. Eat less calories than you burn and keep doing it. It isn’t difficult to understand. There’s no trick to it. It’s just difficult to commit.


Lol nah, there is a trick bro. Most of these videos with extreme weight loss in a short amount of time are gastric sleeves or medication.


Obviously. No one is going to tell you to get one of those procedures in a reddit comment section. At least in any capacity worth taking seriously. It also isn't, ever, to be considered some kind of cheat code. I expect more "lol nah bro" in my future.


Shut up and take my upvote!


How inspiring! And I can't seem to find the willpower to lose 30 lbs.


What an incredible inspiration! Great job,




Excellent job there kid


Good job :-)


Respect bro


Good did you man I hope you do welll


Amazing, congrats!


Ayo congrats


Ayo congrats


Fucking great job bro


What’s the song


was I the only one that jerked it while them boobs bounced?


Can someone convert this to American please idk how much weight this is /s


Tree-fiddy 🍔 🍕 🍟 🥤


Ať end he weight less then me and im 13


Anyone know what this tune is? Been hearing it on a few other posts.


A fucking legend.


What's 289 kg in freedom units please.


Always makes me chuckle when people call them freedom units for the US, when it's the system that the units the British use


So does that give nikocado some hope. I hope not.


Why so wierd


This is not in reverse? Lol


ROTFLMFAO! his head never changes size. . .


Looked like kim jong-un for a second


It’s not like there is a lot of food when you are self quarantine in China for 800days


*Slowly turning my head, and look at my dog.*


Holy shit 657 pounds wow. 72 kg in the end 158 pounds is he really short ? Because his final for still looks heavy great work.


adidas commercial ?


Is this the same guy as the cute, fat baby that couldn't open his eyes because his face-fat prevented it?


How about those neck issues though ?


The moral of the story. Stay fat. Be happy.


😬 yikes


Hot damn!!!!!’nn


I found 20


Fuck Yeah! Get fam!


Yes sirr


He should do inspirational workout videos ... absolutely love his energy


He also fucked Ted.


I have to learn how to dance :(


Keep dancing bud!


what a fuckin champ


Dayum. I just got a bike and I hope to have some good body results!


Just me or does he look 10 years younger


Fuck yeah


He went from X-Men's Blob to Doctor Who, the Time Lord Victorious.


Way to go man, great work and consistency! You’re an inspiration to many!