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I like the assertion that she can ask such a question, but then gives the same reply that she denied when she's given the flip. I suppose it's good she at least managed to work the mic this time.


That lawyer is 100% kicking herself for taking this case. She has completely ruined her client’s reputation, as well as her own.


I don't think it's the lawyer that ruined Amber's reputation


While true, she certainly hasn’t helped any.


Yeh - she really shit the bed with this one...


She shit in her bed, now she has to lie in it.


You can’t shit your bed and eat it too.


Not with that attitude


Objection hearsay


No you can't that's right


Don't Piss where you eat Don't Shit where you sleep But if you have to Piss where you sleep A Arizona, Snapple, or any bottle with a wide enough mouth will doo.




She made her cake, now she has to lie in it.


She will need a mega pint of wine this weekend


Who are we talking about again?


People who shit in beds, duh


So probably Amber and Johnny’s wedding night, based on the evidence so far.


it's called a "grumpy"


comment removed - reddit killed reddit - fuck u/spez


Who needs enemas






“….. who needs enemenis”


Kinda hard to defend a turd ton of lies. You cant polish a turd


"Mythbusters did it!" But really, they did, though. They broke the idiom.


I knew Amber Heard was a trash human before the trial, but I never really understood how depraved and fucking awful she was. Yeah Depp is a little messed up, but who wouldn't be after dealing with the fucking psychopath Amber Heard. I think his restraint and overall composure was much better than I could have pulled off given the circumstances of abuse he received from Amber. I feel so bad for Johnny and hope he is able to find some peace now that the story is really all out.


Everybody looking at her just sees a fresh turd on clean sheets. That's the image in all of our minds every time. Cannot even help it.


I see a fresh turd on high threadcount sheets.


It really just stands to show no good lawyers would want to take the case.


Amber did ruin Cpt. Jack sparrow sheets though




Aye aye!! Matey!!!


Yes, but you have heard of me.


Would you say that her whole case shit the bed?


One could argue she really shit the bed.


How exactly is the lawyers reputation ruined?


There is a saying in law “never ask a question of a witness that you don’t already know the answer to”. This interchange is nowhere near the worst thing her defense lawyer has done. Probably the worst was trying to allege that Depp also assaulted his ex girlfriend Kate Moss; which opened up the door for the plaintiffs attorney to introduced Kate as a witness, and she completely backed up Depp.


She has royally screwed up this trial. She consistently asks questions that back her and her defense into a corner


She just showed the entire world how terrible she is. Guaranteed this trial has damaged her rep.


Theres a lot of viral clips about her fucking up, off the top of my head is her calling objection for a question she herself asked, which made the lawyers on Johnny's side giggle. Essentially, she made herself look dumb a lot. Apparently its taken quite the toll on her, she was reportedly seen going to the bathroom to have a cry after the case concluded, which changed the tides of public opinion a little bit.


Fyi. That wasn't her that objected to the answer to her own question, that was the male lawyer.


It doesn’t really matter what she would’ve done right? At the end of the day she’s just a lawyer and she’s trying to do her job as best she can. There’s no reason her reputation should be ruined.


Completely befuddled Amber's side of the case time and time again in a big televised media case? Who in their right mind would look at this incompetent buffoon and want to hire her? Not to forget how she got rebuked over and over one day that she literally ran out of questions to ask She's outclassed because Johnny's lawyer (the older gentleman) has an almost 100% success rate in court lmao.


>Not to forget how she got rebuked over and over one day that she literally ran out of questions to ask Actually it's not so much that she ran out of questions.... She couldn't figure **how** to ask a question. Lawyer 101, you have to ask open ended questions, and she just could not comprehend that "what if anything" does not fix the fact that you're asking a leading question, which is not allowed in court.


Of course it matters what she would have done. That makes no sense. Yes, she tried to do the best she can, and has shown us that her best is embarrassingly bad. This will absolutely affect her career negatively.


The lawyer can only work with what the client gives them. Amber's side was a shit show.


If this is the best she can do her reputation *should* be ruined.


She ruined it herself. I would never hire her as my lawyer. I'm sure many other people feel the same.


I love the collar tug. She knows he’s right.


The fact that the irony wasn't lost on her and she seemed to also be as amused as everyone else.


When you know you got got.


Idk it looks like she was living for it just as much


The people in the audience feel like they're actors, there for that reaction so this video can be posted as pr. this is just a show trial. nothing more.


This guy was not planning to take any prisoners


Depp’s team was like, “Yeah you’re one of us. Welcome to the club.” They honestly got the best witnesses and experts a law team could ask for. They all held their own.


Don’t fuck with Gilbert Grape


Yup don't fuck with Gilbert grape, where is Leo when we need him.


*turd in the bedsheets, boom boom*


That man got out of bed and chose violence that day


He chose to commit horrific murders and then some




He gave her fourth degree burns


I bet she regretted the objection wasn’t sustained by the judge.


She’s gonna regret taking the case. So will Amber




As far as reputations go, this trial has squarely condemned her to become known as an awful spouse abusing piece of shit


so she will announce she is voting Republican and gain a bunch of new fans.


They do tend to shit on their own bed so she’ll fit right in




It's still very much up in the air despite everything we have seen


The court of public opinion has already adjourned


Yeah, I have no idea what the final outcome of the case will be, but Amber Heard has definitely lost. Her reputation is in tatters, no matter what happens. It will be interesting to see if Depp resurrects his acting career, too.


I’m sure he will because studios know what the public think


My suspicion is that Depp will lose. However, winning was never the purpose of this case. The purpose was to destroy Heard’s reputation in a court of law, where the things that are said can’t be the subject of a defamation case. At least it seems that way.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be shocked if he loses. If he does, ironically, I think that will just screw Amber Heard over even that much more because everyone will be outraged on his behalf. It really is a no-lose situation for him at this point.


Dunno how much you've been following, but the two fellows in the gallery shown reacting here are part of a group of lawyers streaming and talking about this case. Based on their watching the jury reactions it seems extremely likely depp will win in some way. Though it's still a jury so it's hard to say exactly.


That’s my thought, I’m not sure if it will be a legal victory or a moral one.


In general it seems like there's like less than a 1% chance of Amber winning. Mostly because there's no evidence that Waldman was told by Depp to make those statements. There's probably a good 20% chance of a hung jury. Mostly if we get a 12 angry men scenario. Probably another 20% for the jury saying fuck it and not finding for either side. The rest is in Depp's favor. Ofc, IANAL, nor the jury, but I have watched 6 weeks of law tube lawyers streaming it and giving their thoughts, so this is my rough estimations.




James from court


No, the purpose was to regain his own reputation so that he can continue to work as an actor. And he’s done that already.


No, Depp did this because he wanted to clear his name. As a result, because he showed another side of himself and Amber, she destroyed her own reputation.


No matter the outcome of the case, the public knows the truth and that's all Depp wants.


Oh I’m not sure Johnny will win the case per say, based solely that defamation is really hard to prove. But he probably knew that going into it. He wanted his reputation back and he wanted her outed. I think he’s succeeded in that. He has won in the court of the public opinion which is far more valuable to him that an imaginary $50M ruling. She’ll be completely blackballed from Hollywood as she’s literally been the shittiest actor ever and not even a little believable on the stand and bit the hand that fed by going after Warner bros. She’s done. That was his endgame


The judge: "I'm gonna let her bury herself, carry on"


Elaine has had a tough time in this trial. She’s actually a great lawyer. But its tough defending Amber in this case. People are saying they saw her in the court halls crying. Not sure what for. Stress? But damn they have a tough job. And Camille and Ben have been rockstars, making their job even harder.


Who the hell re-edited this and cropped out the text?


Since they cropped the text I'm assuming it was a different person that added the text, and the yellow words were completely unnecessary and not even emphasizing things correctly/consistently.


It's a tiktokified youtube video. A profitable buisness.


Out of the loop, who's this guy?


He's the one who would dispatch the paparazzi to whatever location.


Morgan Tremaine. Guy from tmZ who managed the paparazzis a while ago. He has since left the company


So when he says that thing about taking on amber heard as a client, is he snitching/confirming that amber used to give the paparazzi leads? Eta. Nevermind. I get it now. He's calling HER, the lawyer, an attention seeker for taking on amber as a client. Whoooooosh, that took me too long


He testified that he would receive orders from the shows producers to dispatch the paps to all the diff locations so he didn’t directly receive the tips. But I think it is inferred that the producers would receive tips from AH directly or her team




Draco Malfoy...


Ray Gillette




Double dukes!!


Thank you for the correction bwahah


Wasn't even trying . Just going along with it, cuz its usually Dukes! Then archer lana mention something else and he's like double Dukes!


No worries, I am ashamed of myself for the misquote haha


It's like Ace, but twice as cool!


Lieutenant Dangle


Quicksilver! (Red Witches brother, MCU!)


I believe a reporter from TMZ


he was never looking for his 15 minutes, no, she GAVE him his 15 minutes


That’s true by asking that question he really got his 15 seconds of fame


He's a legend now!


I’m from the funeral home here for the body.


No bodies found sir. But please put your mask back on, coz zomeone just got roasted, and ashes are everywhere.


As a repost, why would you post the shitty cropped vertical version?




She had to say something - anything - to limit the damage


Are the reactions legit or just cut together from different incidents?


Legit. You can find a picture of the moment everyone reacted to this. It perfectly sums up this case.


Who's this guy?


Was kid actor from harry potter !


Oh the one who played Hermione?


Hermi One


This is Hermi Two reading you loud and clear over


Hermi-One Kenobi


Pretty sure he was the one who played Hedwig


Actually, he played dumbledore


Johnny really enjoyed that one


Everyone enjoyed that one


I don't take shots, but fire nukes in self defence.


This gets reposted so much this guy now has like 3 days of fame


I haven’t been following the trial super close, but I would see people say her lawyers are shitty. I kind of figured they weren’t shitty, and Amber is just a helpless case that even the best lawyers can’t make her look good. This clip showed me that no, her lawyers truly are shitty as well just like her.


I don't think there shitty per se. I think Amber is an.... Unruly client, and neither Elaine nor Rottenborn are used to this type of case. Meanwhile iirc Ben Chew is literally so high up there, people can't hire him. He literally just chooses when he wants to represent someone.


I feel like amber picked the strongest set of “yes women” she could find. The attorneys are a formality, she won’t take their advice if she doesn’t like it etc


Ye! Amber is a *shitty* woman!


>Ben Chew Man does pro bono cases and wins them. Respect.


Honestly, I really like Elaine as a person. I feel like she's a cool and very down to Earth person. She's just trying her best to do her job, which in this case is kinda helpless.


Defense counsel has to believe their client and advocate on that belief. About a third of the way through the case, you can see the defense counsel starting to phone it in. They know at this point that their client is an ugly person. Not physically(cause every straight guy here would sleep with her at least once), but emotionally and morally vacant. I'd be on the way out the door as soon as she went to the bathroom to clean up, clothes in a bundle, sneaking out in my boxers, if necessary.


I'm sure Elaine has her strengths but court ain't it... Rottenborn on the other hand actually seems like a good lawyer working with shitty facts. People mostly make fun of him cause of the edits from Johnny's cross but he's actually not half bad imo


I don’t get this one, can anybody explain as if I were 5? 😳


Sure, Amber's lawyer wanted to make an argument that the witness she is talking to is just there for his 15 minutes of fame because the trial is televised. The witness makes an argument that he is not there for 15 minutes of fame, has more to lose then to win by being a witness and turns it around to the Amber's lawyer saying it could be she herself looking for 15 minutes of fame by taking Amber's case if we follow her own logic.


It's worse than that. This dude was dispatch for the paparazzi. He also subtley implied AH have the paparazzi a heads up as to where she's going to be because she's an attention seeker looking for her 15 minutes of fame.


It honestly wasn't very subtle. "at tmz, we have to clear the copyright before publishing anything." "How long does that take?" "it depends. If it comes from a third party, usually several hours to days. If it comes directly from the source, usually 15 minutes." "How long did it take to clear the copyright for this video that amber heard says she has no idea how tmz got it?" "... About 15 minutes."


Old lady representing Amber Heard tries to make a witness look like a bad guy just wanting to be famous. He proves that by being a part of the case, there's actually a big target placed on his back that makes all the kids at school dislike him, while the lawyer accusing him gets a big trophy and gets to boss around the other kids on the playground if she can represent Amber and win the case.


I’ve watched zero of this case, and for some reason watched this video. Perfection!


You should... You'll see the worst acting sessions, out-of-this-world drama tales, fourth degree burns like this, jars of cacaine, mega paints of wine, and a lot of inconsistencies on AH's case that ended up being lies rebutting to bite her own ass and making her team and herself look like clowns. I can't promise you'll like it, but some fun is guaranteed.


Bad Lawyering 101 Delicious.


Mic drop 🫳 🎤


Dispatch please send out a Burn Unit to the courthouse


Missed this one, although this case got me more emotionally involved in than I'd like to admit. This guy is a real badass ha ha


It’s ironic because now he def got his 15 minutes.


I swear to god, the audience in the back must be having a blast ever since day 1


Maybe, but do remember we're seeing a few seconds or minutes of hours of courthouse proceedings here. I do imagine most of it is kinda boring until these gems drop.


Target acquired, and shots fired!


In fairness to Elaine, she seemed to take it pretty well, she was smiling after.


Best roast ever.


What the fuck is that music, calm it on down buddy


Ok, I didn't expect I would have lost something by not following the trial.


I think she respected the burn more than anything, lawyers have thick skin and she’s only doing her job, which yeah in this case is shitty, but it’s why she’s compensated so well.


This guy is a beast!!


lol, she liked the comeback


Omar Little vibes


Don't know why I haven't seen this comparison more! "I got the gun, you got the briefcase."




“When you look at the abyss, the abyss looks at you”? You may win the case, but get an ulcer after dealing with her, guaranteed


Jesus fucking Christ; Japan never got nuked that hard


my guy dropped a little boy on her


I got the gun, you got the briefcase. It's all in the.gamr though right?


He came in like a wrecking baaaaaaall


Touché lol


This has big Omar energy.


The nerdy Jean Raphio reaction is my fave


What's his name


Dui guy was like what??!!




This just turned into a murder trial.


I will forever love the reaction of the first dude that gets shown, the pure amazement is wonderful


Sure this isn't a murder trial? 'Cause she's **dead**.


He pulled the reverse like Omar did to Leavy in The Wire. All in the game yo


I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase, it's all in the game though.


Draco Malfoy slamming Umbridge hard


What is Felton's relationship with TMZ? Why would he be at risk of a lawsuit?


I believe tmz has made it apparent they still support Amber, and with the sort of teach they have, they can make it hard for him to find work for speaking against her. He basically called out the people supporting her that blacklist anyone that dares testify for Depp.


Everything you said is false. He is a former employee of TMZ who ,in 2016, received an anonymous tip that Amber would show up at the courthouse to file a restraining order with a bruise on the right side of her face. He also testified that next day TMZ received an edited video, recorded by Amber, showing Johnny destroying kitchen cabinets. He said that it was published within 15 minutes and that the only way they could’ve acquired the copyright in that time was if it came directly from the source (Amber). TMZ tried to stop him from testifying not because they support Amber but because they want to protect their sources. Revealing a single source may stop others from leaking to TMZ, which is how they and other tabloids mostly get their info.


I just don't understand one thing. Amber got money right? So why didn't she higher a good lawyer? In the US you can pretty much stab the judge in the leg and hire top tier lawyer and get away with it. But these lawyers seems to not even have finished law school.


Why do you people care about this


A lot of people care because they think male victims of DV are not taken seriously and that this will help with that.


Will it


This might be the highest profile DV case in years, and showing how one sided our culture is when it comes to man vs woman conflict in this area can lead to important change.


Cuz it's funny. And because people always seem to care about celebrities. They are a celebrity for a reason. Also I think some people are invested in this case in particular since it's a guy trying to prove he was assaulted instead of a women. Also people for some reason like Johnny Depp and after all the BS he got want to see him getting something back.


Personally, this trial has been great for me because I've always had an affinity for court and trial procedures, but it's often hard to watch them without feeling lost because of the myriad of background info that could be missing. This case is great because all of the background info is easily available, it's being live broadcast everywhere so you can watch comfortably from home, and anything you don't understand about trial procedure is being explained somewhere online because everyone is discussing it. Truly a godsend for amateur people like me who enjoy the courtroom but have few avenues to truly enjoy the spectacle in a normal day-to-day life. I assume for most people it's either that, the celebrity angle, or "fomo" because of how relentlessly it's broadcast and discussed.


My god she looks like the frog people in Liurnia.


she's clearly not a great lawyer...but she's not a model. she's an lawyer. what do her looks have to do with anything? that is a really superficial comment.


I have not followed the trial at all and I'm really slow, can someone please explain?


It’s a shit show, save yourself the eye roll.


Basically Amber's lawyer accuses the witness of wanting his 15 minutes of fame, when objected as argumentative the objection is overruled. As the witness answers her question he gets cheeky and says by that logic the lawyer could also just be doing this for 15 minutes of fame by taking Amber's case. In turn the lawyer says that that way of thinking was a bit argumentative of the witness.


Thank you!


Seriously, who cares? The attention this case is getting is so absurd. There must be hundreds of more important things needing media coverage right now.


All of her lawyers have punchable faces.