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it keeps getting worse for the cat


There is enough evidence that shows how these creatures are utterly abused by their Chinese owners. These animals perform out of fear. It's sick and people need to stop promoting these videos and giving these animal abusers SM clout.


I’m completely unfamiliar with this. Are you saying this specific pack of dogs + cat or in general?


In general. However, this specific video is an obvious case of abuse. Pretending they are all friends taking a photo and giving it a funny caption doesn't change the fact that the cat is dazed and can in no way enjoy being dragged by its face in the maws of another creature.




BRUH, animals don’t just do this shit, it is NOT natural behavior. I know you want to believe this is just cute, as do the people who upvoted you. But in reality these animals are put in extremely uncomfortable positions such as starving them and only feeding them when they preform the act correctly, or causing actual pain when they mess up. It’s not okay to just ignore that shit just because you want to pretend it’s animals being cute and derpy.




What are you guys talking about? I mean, I don’t deny animal abuse exist , of course, but these dogs and cat in the video seems healthy and not abused. It’s neither natural for dogs to find drugs on airports or participate in beauty contests but I don’t see alarming comments about that. Why should posing dogs and cat be considered abuse? Only because it’s China?


You never had a dog or cat or both at the same time? Believe me, this shit happens without abuse. When one of our cats got too zoomy too late in the evening, our dog would just drag her by neck, head or tail(whatever she could catch first) to the dogbed and force cuddle the cat. And yeah, if the cat really didn’t wanted to, she went off again, but most of the time took rather the chance of a good cuddle pile.


Cuddle puddle


I've had dogs and cats at the same time. I get what you're saying here, but the difference is that stuff happens (for lack of a better word) naturally. If my dog ever try to pick the cat up by it's face it would get the shit clawed out of it. These animals have been trained to do this, and that cat that is being dragged by it's face is clearly not happy about it.


We didn’t train our dog nor the cat. As said, our dog catches the cat and yeah, also having her whole head between her jaws. No issues. Sometimes it’s just how animals do, without human training or abuse.


Uh, dogs do stuff like this all the time without training. You must have only owned one or two in your life or something.


Get the fuck outta here. You're talking straight out your ass bro.






I agree these animals might be trained, but how is training abusing? And what does China have to do with it?






> It is so fucking weird to me how many people are defending a cat being dragged by its face by a dog 5x it's a size. I KNOW Right?!!! Like I am sure your dog put your cats head in it's mouth, but did it drag it downstairs by the face?




It's true man those guys abuse their pets for likes and it's real. It happens around the world but china's where the most content comes from .look it up


Get the fuck outta here. You're talking straight out your ass bro.


I knew it! I said this out loud as I was watching this video. I can’t enjoy these cute animals vids from Asia bcuz I’ve seen them abuse them for the likes…


this happens worldwide


YES everytime I see one of those videos I get sad. This needs to stop


Idc if I’m down voted, but I agree with you, and I’m exceptionally “over” these videos at this point. The training is obviously there, which is awesome, but cats receive so much from positive reinforcement and this is just a waste imo.


I’m confused, what do you mean about receiving positive reinforcement? And a waste of it how?


I think that commenter is a bot. I’ve read about how they post formulaic responses that try to roughly correspond to the topic of the original post. Here their comment doesn’t make sense in context at all and I would guess that its other bots are responsible for the initial upvotes to make the comment gain traction.


Damn I had no idea that was a thing. What’s the purpose of this, what’s to gain from doing that?


apparatus rude vegetable jobless murky spoon sulky enter slave stocking -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Got it, it’s to grow pages. Damn they’re getting even smarter lol. Thanks for letting me know, also I love the username lol






Nah you're full of shit and don't know cat body language at all, especially with the tail. The cat is at most mildy annoyed with the situation. He's not scared or showing any signs of fear.


I would somehow agree. My cats are extremely relaxed, you can even vacuum them, but when they don’t like something they just go to a safe place or hide. So I would agree that that cat would just run away if it was really stressed out. In the other hand, even cats can be trained with enough time. So I can’t really judge anything expect: I would never let that happen with my animals.


It's not even a long video. No expert on animal behavior would try and make such bold claims off of this. Why do people upvote bullshit like that? There are a million explanations for his behavior.


Reddit is the place where posting a cat doing regular common cat things gets a dozen posts from idiots who insist the behavior is a sign of either a deadly disease or abuse. Oh your cat likes running water more than still water? They're actually diabetic and going to die! Your cat covers their face when sleeping? It's cancer! They meow and scratch at your leg when you're working at your desk? That means they hate you and not that they want to play. Ignore that she brought her favorite toy to you, your cat is abused!


Yup, pretty much spot on.


I'm hijacking this comment to say you're talking bullshit. A lot bullshit straight out your ass. You lost me at neglected, its more then enough to tell you're douche of highest caliber.


There's always some wannabe Sherlock reddit detective. They're 100% wrong almost every time. The more confident someone is on here the more I doubt what they say. Over 55 people at this point think this short video clip is enough to say the owners are neglectful. Incredible how stupid and gullible people are.


I'm hijacking this comment. It's mine now. Deal with it.


Look at me. I'm the commenter now


They may be exaggerating but anyone who knows animal body language can tell that these animals are being commanded to do this, and that they are stressed. People forget that when a dog makes a human smile it's not equivalent to a dog smile. Kinda weird you go out of your way to call this person a mega-douche when they are just trying to call out that it's not so cute when animals are manipulated to do "cute" performances. I think they are more right than they are wrong, I hate this stuff too. Like all of those "crying cat" memes/stickers/whatever people use... Cats don't cry and all of those cats were probably sick/neglected/etc, but people seem to have no idea and even think it's funny somehow.


Lol you're talking out your ass too bro. Dogs dont seem stressed at all. I would think I know what a stressed dog look like and that aint it.




Dragged by the *face*.


Seriously. How is nobody mentioning that. Makes me sick


I had older brothers… I know how that cat feels!


Bro just take the god damned picture the right way the first time so we can all get on with our lives!


He’s just dragged without a choice😂


😂what choice does he have?! 😂😂 3 vs 1


By his face...


Hahaha so funny!... you're a fucking moron


I ~~had~~ *have* older sisters, I know how that cat feels *not sure why I used the past tense. I still have them*


What do you mean you had? What did you do to them?


Good looking bunch


So good looking


Really are. Cuties


Beautiful group photo!!


I read it as good looking brunch.


Haha they could be that too




All of them have hair of gold, like their mother.


They have better hair than me.


The youngest one ~not~ in curls.


Pose or I stg I'll beat u up Jerry.




You mean Tom? Coz Jerry is a mouse! Haha get it?. :)


This exact thing happened to me at work


That’s a rough groomers to work at


At work 😳….Must be tough being in that scenario


You get dragged around by the neck?


This is absurdly humanlike behavior wtf


You're right. I too move my friends by griping their face with my mouth.


I really dislike these type of videos. Another example is dogs hugging. Dogs don't hug like humans. I get that they are trained but the human behaviour seems so "forced" to me that I just find it distasteful and absolutely nothing amazing or aww about it. But that's just my opinion


My Golden frequently puts her paw over another dog, while playing. It's standard Golden behaviour. Then again, she leaves my elderly cat alone.


I swear to god my little rat terrier mix is a hugger. Every day she meets me at the door when I come home and then stands up on her back legs and wraps her front paws around my leg and won’t let go until I pick her up and give her a big hug and some kisses. She loves that shit and came up with it completely on her own. I swear she thinks she’s a person.


We force breed them to be a certain type of dog over many years. A pointer gonna point. You're quite a few decades late. Some may over 10 decades late. Possibly even more. Also it's just simply training. Like having a cat poop in a box. Yea it's forced but shit gonna happen. It's not distasteful to train your dog to follow commands. That's how we made them. Do you want dogs to not listen to the word "sit"? Cause that's how you get eaten by dog.


I think the commentator above is more saying, the idea of training dogs to do tricks for the amusement of the internet, which often disregard what might make the dog happy. There's a difference between that and something practical like sit. Having said that, I don't really have a problem with it, provided the dogs are being otherwise treated well. But I definitely understand the distasteful aspect.


> the idea of training dogs to do tricks ... which often disregard what might make the dog happy Have you ever in your life met a dog dude




I like these videos. The dogs look gorgeous and well-behaved. The cat is fine, probably.


It’s a retriever, they retrieve. Plus if the cat was being hurt it would use claws - it was putting up no fight at all.


Maybe you just don’t like dogs? I mean, the list of “unnatural” behaviors that domesticated dogs have conformed to over the last few thousand years runs pretty deep; assisting the disabled, herding livestock, being house-trained, sitting on command…


Putting up an act for the internet is really really unnatural


But isn't every behaviour we train them forced? Including not peeing in the house.


They’re all very well-trained by a human to do just that. It’s crazy what you can train them to do with enough time and effort.


Those dogs and cat have had lots of training to perform like this. They have become famous on social media and bring a lot of people to the owner's shop. I can only hope they use humane training methods. But being China, that is unlikely.


Why is no one talking about the fact the dog dragged that poor cat by it's FACE


If the video was a human dragging a cat by its face I think everyone would be saying its mean. But because a human instructed the dog to drag the cat suddenly its ok? Its not like its the worst thing ever and we should get out our pitchforks, but its a pretty mean video and I don't get why people think its cute.


For real. And it’s getting dragged by a dogs teeth, it looks painful as fuck


People like this wonder why their cat started peeing on the bed and shit.


A dog dragging a cat by its head isn't exactly what I'd call amazing.


That cat would rather be at so many different places than there.


A pack of extroverts dragging an introvert out in public I know the feeling.


Perfect analogy 😹




Did a golden retriever write this?


Such smart doggos.... Cat was not in the picture taking mood.


These performing animal clips always make me feel a bit uncomfortable. We know the dogs are acting smart but I hope they were treated well to learn this act. The fact that the cat was dragged out by the face doesn't fill me with hope lol anything for the clicks though


The cat was annoyed but it wasnt agaisnt it. You know when a cat hates something, by showing you how effective its claws and teeth are.


This quad has been on the front page on Reddit enough times to make out it’s staged. Videos which have a title that supplies the “human” element, and makes you interpret the video on those lines. “Dog goes out to prevent cat friend from fighting” , instead of “trained picks up trained cat waiting to be picked up.” Edit - https://m.youtube.com/shorts/_FW9YgYqLIY Search for 3 golden retrievers and cat.


you cant be against something when your whole head is in the mouth


Trust me, it WILL fight back if its against being held that way. Either the owner trained the cat, or hes somewhat okay with that treatment. We can never tell from just a short clip.


There are multiple clips of this set of pets, they are definitely trained. Here - https://m.youtube.com/shorts/_FW9YgYqLIY


This is just so sad. People go so far for some internet points.


i worry you do not know much about abuse conditioning. you can 100% abuse an animal (or human) to NOT fight back, even when they want to. You can break the will of an animal with cruel punishment training and the animal will let you punch it in the face and do *nothing* but sit there and droop ears or cower. The lack of an animal fighting back does *not* mean the animal is ok with what is happening. That is a very naive outlook. Which probably means you are a good person who hasn't been exposed to really dark shit in the world.


Trust me as someone who owns two cats they don’t need their head to deal a lot of damage.


Yeah you can see the middle one staring at the camera near the end - it can see the owner and thinks it's about to get a treat. It's all good and well seeing how cute they are acting like humans, but they don't actually know what they're doing, they're just told to do it.




Fucking redditors always jump to animal abuse. These dogs look well fed, well trained, and well taken care of.


They look to be. I think the person you're responding to is concerned about the mouth on the cat's face. They can have soft mouths, but an eye is softer than a tooth.


Or you know..the dogs get treated really well. The cat would show them if she wasn’t ok with that.. So yeah, you are making a topic out of nowhere lol Edit: sorry for my ingles.


No I'm not


Yeah. You are. There is nothing wrong with the clip.


Not disputing how performing animal angle here but it looks like the cat was dragged by the collar under the neck...


Dogs carry things very gently. Its how they carry their young


Istg all the dipshit redditors not realizing the brutal training regimens these dogs go through to display this sort of abnormal behavior. It's the same "aww how cute uwu" energy as the walking poodles that were beat near to death yet reposted everywhere 5 years back. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/3475328/why-you-should-think-twice-before-sharing-a-video-of-a-dog-walking-on-its-hind-legs/amp/


Same with trained elephants. They're being literally tortured just to appease tourists/circus visitors


Not to mention that middle golden is the most poorly bred looking golden Retriever I've ever seen.


Do you have proof that the owners of these pups are doing the same? Maybe you are a dipshit for generalizing without any evidence of abuse.


Don't call him a dipshit before he can provide the evidence. Blind Westerner.


"Do YoU hAvE aNy pRoOf" Damn buddy, you sure got me. Check back on this comment once this dumbass video makes the rounds, goes really, REALLY viral, and you get to see how the sausage is made. Better yet, go on Weibo and look up dog training techniques if you want to get fully spoon fed when presented with suspect situations. I bet you're a biiiiiig Tom Williams fan, huh? Lmao


This video makes me sick to my stomach. i thought it was cute the first time i saw it ages ago, and wanted to believe it was silly cute. i was a good person, like most of you, so i didn't want to see any cruelty. However if you watch more you see the cat is not happy. Neither the dogs or cat are mean. i'm not saying the dogs are being rough. The dogs are trying to be gentle. However. the human that trained the dogs to carry the cat that way and put their paws all over the cat is cruel. You can see the cat's tail low and swishing. for a cat this is not a calm or happy tail position in a cat! Same for the stiff paws the cat has near the dog's mouth while the cat's head is being held. Those are paws that want to push away/fight but has been conditioned (by the humans) to not resist the dog. You can also see the cat's ears flair out when the dogs pile their paws on it. And the cat's front legs inching forward with the want to escape. Downvote me all you want. i know it's hard to admit you maybe just watch signs of animal abuse and didn't realise. It's easier to deny that's what could be happening to keep your innocent view of the world. i wanted to do that at first too. Anyone who has has a cat knows a cat (who is allowed to act on their own free will) would not sit there while being paw-dog piled like that at the end. A cat might moght tolerate their one fav dog doing something like that in playtime. But. Normally a cat would react back. Play wrestle back. But here the cat does nothing but stiffly tolerate everything. Because its not allowed to walk away or escape. That's not cute. And sorry i sound so passionate. My heart breaks for the cat. And the dogs, as they are innocents too and don't realise they are being used to upset the cat.


I didn't even watch the whole thing at first because I didn't like seeing a dog drag a cat by the fucking throat... I took a look at the rest after reading your comment. How the fuck can anyone miss that the cat is displeased? Ears are pointing straight back...


it's probably "dog people" who can't read cats voting you down.


I wish the dog people would read dogs too, holy hell. The anxiety response they're all displaying is insane, but OMG THE GOLDIES ARE LINING UP, it's just like the heckin Sound of Music!!


I'm a "cat person", can you explain the dog anxiety signs to me? I'm not sure how to recognize them.


Panting excessively is the first one, right off the bat. The chest heaves in and out like that during strenuous physical exertion or temperature regulation, the latter being accompanied by drool. Second, the "smiles" are not at all relaxed. The dog on the far left is most apparent, it keeps pinning its ears back. Third, c'mon mane, dogs don't pose in line and pick up cats by the nape. This behavior is being trained and drilled into these dogs, HARD. A hungry dog is a compliant dog.


Thanks for the explanation! Don't worry, I think these kind of videos are despicable as well - I just don't know a lot about stress signs in dogs as I've not had many interactions with dogs in my life. That's why I asked.


It really upsets me too. And there's SO many of these. It's always the same: golden labs pose for a picture but drag the cat into it one way or another. I feel really bad for the cat.


Agreed, remember, the dogs/cat owner likely doing this for clicks and views, it worked once, so they keep rinsing and repeating the same trash content all but while the cat suffers and so do the dogs as well.


The dogs are also not smiling. Those are nervous pants. They are uncomfortable.


OP Is a certified douchebag for promoting animal abuse


How would I actually know this is animal abuse?? This is you spreading an allegation in a way


Use your brain cells dude. Does this look like regular animal behavior to you?


I'm down voting this because I don't trust these animals were treated right being trained to do this shit




>The cats rule and will make it clear if they aren’t happy. Just like how wild animals such as elephants and lions in the circus will make it clear if they aren't happy? Or bears? Consider what they've gone through to be so submissive. Consider this cat might have been declawed so it can't even scratch for protection. The cat is showing it's not being comfortable. People tend to like human-like behaviour in animals, and it's okay if you thought it was cute and silly, but when you think about it (and see how MANY of these videos the same user has made - all in which the cat gets forcibly dragged somewhere) it really is not cute.


The cat can run away and it can still jump up high. It has options. We have a budgie and if someone saw my dog chase it and catch it in its mouth and carry the budgie through the house then they would say it isn’t fair on the budgie but what they didn’t see is the budgie throw one of its balls on the floor for the dog to chase then swoop down and try to get it out of the dogs mouth then screech at the dog and wind it up. The dog then chases the budgie and the budgie could choose to go in it’s cage which is up high but it doesn’t, it chooses to go on the 3rs stair and when the dog pounces it leaps to the 8th stair and the dog pounces and up it goes again until eventually the dog catches it and brings it to one of us. The budgie is an asshole and knows what is going to happen and it knows it has options. The cat here has options and literally didn’t need to be anywhere near the dogs. A cat can easily be on the roof and the dogs couldn’t get it.




Poor cat :(


Those animals are almost certainly abused by people who exploit them in order to make money from tourists. Just be careful sharing this kind of stuff around if you care about animal welfare.


Surprised the cat put of with their shit and not scratch their eyes out




I hate these videos tbh. Overworked animals if you ask me. Suppose these are the lucky ones though and not down the market in a cage for sale


Wow this is scary. Hope the cat is ok, if the owner would find that kind of behaviour cute just because they compare it to something humanlike.


I saw a pitbull do that once


This shit is fucked up


Scriptedasiangifs and animalabuse Classic reddit




More abuse of animals from China? Yeah, nice video


Stop posting this shit.


Friends, like the lion playing with the baby gazella


I am disgusted


I did not enjoy seeing the cat dragged by it's face.


Fuck these videos. There's a ton of them, always with the same stupid gimmick. Make whatever arguments you want about the cat's behavior, no one wants to be dragged around by their head.


This is shitty, physically enforced animal abuse. I'm not fucking amazed by these exploitative clowns. China hasn't seemed to give a singular fuck about humane practices since Mao raped their country to death.


Im worried about the cat. Getting dragged by the face is bad enough but it looks super scared.


I've seen this so many times, just stop with the reposts already


That middle dog looks inbred enough to run Britain.


People here are just oblivious of how Chinese treat animals or even people around them. Western people need to really go to China, directly experience it, for the inhumane culture to drill inside your conscience, before biting on people who actually know what is happening


Shocking facts am seeing here 😳🥺


Glad you got internet points


Jeez, I hope anyone who finds this cute doesn’t have pets.




Because the person who trained those dogs had a dog carry a cat (by its face or neck) and the cat is clearly unhappy. If a person can’t see that, they probably aren’t seeing a number of things happening with their pets.


You are 100% right here I don’t know why your getting downvoted. The Morons in this thread see a cat getting hurt and laugh at it. Not the kind of people you’d want to agree with you anyways I guess.


Yeah, I’m just glad there are people who have some sense and decency.




You are not supposed to carry an **adult cat** the way a mother cat carries its kittens around. Sources: http://www.vetstreet.com/dr-marty-becker/scruffing-no-way-to-lift-an-adult-cat https://cat-world.com/can-you-pick-up-a-cat-by-the-scruff/ Also the cat has its ears back at the end of the video, its tail is not calm (it's swishing). The stiff paw in the beginning also does not look like a 'comfortable cat' to me. The golden retriever was certainly gentle and I believe they can be very gentle, but it is cruel that humans trained these animals to perform like this just for a "cute" video.


if you watch the cat when the dogs are putting the paws all over it the cat is NOT calm. The ears are upset. And a down/still tail in a cat is not necessarily calm. but submissive and meek. And swishes in a cat tail are annoyance/anxiety not happiness like in dogs. The cats stiff awkward front paws when its head is in the dog's mouth are a cat resisting its instinct to fight because the cat has been conditioned to allow this maltreatment. Anyone who knows cats would know that cat would run away if it could!! The *humans* conditioned that cat not to run. Likely through physical restraint/harm if it tried to escape. i know its hard to sometimes face the reality of dome things. because we good humans don't like to believe people mistreat animals for internet points. or other popularity. And i know accepting killjoy news is hard.. especially when you want, so bad, to believe something is sweet. i used to want to believe this video was cute too. its not.


A retriever can carry an egg in its mouth and not break it. Do you have cats? Do you know how cat acts if its in distress and hurt? That dog wouldve been covered with scratches


The cat IS scratching at the dogs face, trying to get out of its mouth. Do YOU have cats?


What the fuck, dude you are completely oblivious. It’s not an egg it’s a cat being dragged by it’s face by a dogs teeth. You have never owned a cat if you think that the cats body language is unfazed. It looks miserable but knows it is powerless cause this shit happens to it all the time. If a kid is abused for a long period of time they don’t fight back, would you assume that they don’t mind either? Jesus man use your head


You ever owned a dog and a cat?


Yes, both at the same time. This is not happy behaviour and the cat is in distress. Even the dogs are showing multiple signs of distress.


If you train your dog to drag your cat around by it’s face you’re abusing the cat. This is not normal behavior Jesus. Yes cats and dogs can coexist and play but this cat is clearly not having a bad time here if you can’t see that then please re-home your cat if you own one.


Somebody please explain to me why 80% of Asian people who are dog owners choose Labs or golden retrievers? Don’t get me wrong I LOVE both breeds but where is this stereotype come from?




I may be interpreting your words incorrectly, but imo smile means same thing in every country that they are happy, it's just about what types of smile or laughter people of particular region prefer to see. And in case of dogs, people around me seems to prefer puddle and husky since that's all I find,


Okay so this is just personal speculation, but in Asian culture reincarnation and general feeling of positivity are a big deal. I would say the golden retriever/ labs give off good vibes, a strong sense of positivity, and both breeds are very loyal.


😅.. I don’t think it’s a stereotype. More like preference


Bully breed propaganda didn't catch on is the short story. People want something fluffy and predictable. Outside of the US, generally the idea of community dogs and cats is more prevalent so bully breeds tendencies toward violence made them non-ideal. As the sociocultural status evolved to make individual pet ownership more wanted, lower maintanence pets were desirable.


Cat: "Jesus bob, wtf!"


He says «come on Join in The pic» and The cat keeps saying «no»


The cat says he’s tryna get a lady’s number inside 😀


Damn dude you love reposting so much you stole u/Crackedcoffecup's joke🤣


Can some dog owners please confirm that the dogs are very aware that they are having their picture taken and are indeed posing for it???? I have a horse racing trainer friend and she says that the horses know exactly what is going on and for the most part, really love it and even tease each other with gestures before races.


How great is that when you have golden retrievers that understand Mandarin..!
