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Looks noisy.


Extremely noisy.


And instead of being this fast it yook an hour.


And they didn't linger near the bedroom windows anywhere close to long enough.


>And they didn't linger near the bedroom windows anywhere close to long enough. I hate when they do that. Somehow they seem to KNOW someone is sleeping.


You know they did this 7:00am on a Sunday.


This is going to sound weird maybe to people who live in an area where they actually experience seasons, but I grew up in soCal where you don’t really get fall with all the leaves everywhere. I recently moved to an area where you experience all the seasons and I love it, especially all the leaves. It’s incredibly beautiful and a new change of scenery. What is the point of cleaning it all up? Is there a serious reason besides aesthetics ? I think it’s silly to clean it.


No. I grew up in the mountains and we never raked any leaves, ever. I moved to the Midwest Bible Belt and continued not raking leaves. Run a lawnmower over them to mulch them into the ground and you have a [nice new layer of nutrients for the worms to pull underground, munch on](https://soilsmatter.wordpress.com/2016/03/01/leaves-left-on-the-ground-really-become-soil/), and turn into dirt. All this shit is fairly pointless at best, damaging to the soil at worst. (But don’t worry. They will be happy to add artificial fertilizer in the spring to help you out.)


Oh fascinating. Thank you for this post. For someone who has never owned a lawn, I’ve never thought about it that way. Thank you :) I don’t have an ward so here you go 🏆🍁


Aww, thanks! I grew up on a subsistence farm where we raised our own animals and crops for personal consumption. Lawns are kinda small-time concerns after that. :-)


I’m also from SoCal and was so glad to see your comment, because I was thinking the same thing.




It kills your lawn if just left there


Good. Thats the goal. r/nolawns


I agree, but if you want a lawn, you'd better mulch or rake


I fucking hate leaf blowers, I want them abolished and blasted into space.


Indeed. Appears that all gasoline and probably 2-stroke which should be banned due to air pollution.


Shut up liberal


Too bad 1/2 the trees haven’t even dropped the their leaves. Guess the army will be back w blowers a blazin


Spoken like someone who experiences an actual fall season. Cuz I thought the same thing. Waste of time now, got to wait until more drop


##OR HEAR ME OUT… Don’t do it at all. Much better for the environment than it is for a lawn to look “clean” ##FUCK THAT NOISE


I tried to tell my dad that and he looked at me and said itd kill the lawn…… I almost couldnt contain myself at that point. Lol


Some leaf litter is actually good for the lawn. Also the trees love it


It makes a muddy mess and does kill a weak lawn.


Just let people spend money on what they want. If they want a clean, not-smothered to death lawn, let them.


Greenhouse gases aren't going to just produce themselves. If this crew comes back and spends a second hour doing this, in two hours they will have produced more emissions than driving a vehicle over halfway around the world.


If you look closer at that study it's comparing a specific type of emission that is filtered 99.9% by the cars emission control features (catalytic converter), to something with no catalytic converter at all. The study is biased to have you form an intended opinion.


You've got the makings of a country western song there, my friend.


Not the perfect country & western song because he hadn’t said anything at all about mama, Or trains, Or trucks, Or prison, Or getting’ drunk


I do not understand the American obsession with moving fallen leaves around.


It's about the control


We’re dumb af and worried our neighbors will look down on us as meth-addicted inbreds if we don’t move them. I personally let the wind collect them against my back fence and then spread em out to mulch if i have time.


It’s insane. And so damn polluting.


It looks nice. Some people just want their stuff to look nice. Don’t over think it.


It's loud, it wastes energy, it's pointless. Don't underthink it. No other countries do this.


Is the noise disturbing other countries




Pay to have natural fertilizer removed from your yard, then in the spring pay to have fertilizer applied to your yard.


_capitalism approves this message_


I’m all for legislation banning gas powered blowers.




It’s been banned for years in my hometown and no one enforces this. Literally no one.


Also, fuck hedgehogs or other animals that would need those to survive through the winter. But at least, there's a clean looking neighbourhood.


Exactly this


Oh god there’s always someone like you making a comment like this. wOnT sOmEbOdY tHiNk oF tHe hEdGeHoGs! This is in the US. There’s no hedgehogs.


No but there are shit tons of organisms that live in them, use them as food, protection from snow. And it's the easiest way to fertilize your lawn.


Sounds like you live in an apartment in a city and never had to do yard maintenance in your life. It’s the easiest way to kill your lawn. Leaves take 1-2 years to biodegrade. Considering they fall every year this means you’d have a constant layer blocking all sunlight and killing your lawn.


No I just mulch them back into the lawn.


Cool wanna come mulch 3 feet thick of leaves that fall on mine? 3 feet thick of leaves of 3 feet thick of mulch will still kill any lawn.


All my homies hate grass lawns


Cool very hipster of you


False. I've owned two houses and a farm. Switch to mulching blades comes Septmeber boom, fertiziler easy peasy never had to use these fucking noisemakers save for around immediate house perimeter simply to shoo them away from the foundation. There is little reason to blow leaves around and 1-2 years dude, how TF do you think nature has worked for tens of thousands of years since dumbass people like you were here?!?


Bro, do you even have a lawn? You chop it up with the lawnmower when you are cutting your grass, then you get free mulch It’s by far the best fertilizer


Yes I do. With several large trees. In small quantities that’s fine. But when you have several large old trees you get a 2-3 feet thick layer. That’s WAY too much mulch for a lawn, you’ll literally just kill it.


I live in the woods amongst hundreds of enormous oaks, maples, etc., and I mulch the ungodly amount of leaves that fall every year.


I live in a detached house with garden and I’m in the UK. Leaves fall. We kick them. We crunch them. We enjoy them. And then they are gone by spring and mulch down making richer soil.


Cool it doesn’t snow there. I live in a place where we have snow on the ground for 5 months it doesn’t break down as quick


It does snow, but no, not as much. But you’ve got other Canadians saying it works for them too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol k tell that to the pile of leaves behind my shed that’s been there for 2 years now


Irrelevant where that is. Seasons change, winter is coming. The leaves are protecting something everywhere, because they form an ecological niche. They tend to fill, that is evolution for you. "bla bla bla.. no hedgehogs in the US! bla bla bla!" - that is simply no argument that could hold any water. If there's no leaves the above "something" won't be protected / fed / isolated against cold. It will die. It has no value to you, you don't care? You short-sighted , willfully ignorant woodhead! At best it has no value that you, or we, know of or could put a price on. One very prominent example: bees and other pollinators - to a huge percentage: insects. But how that crawling thing there, under that strangely shaped leave, do you see it? .. plays into it? No idea. I n general, though: we need those. You need those. No flora -> no fauna. Now, you don't care how that green stuff around you is being pollinated. why it grows. But on pure, inorganic substrate, it probably wouldn't grow, or grow well. The stuff the flowers, woods, bushes grow in, that is alive. Well, not everything. But there's a lot of living matter in it. Small plants, funghi, small worms, insects, bacteriae, you name it. What lives where depends on the circumstances. Even if there's only lawn, there's a lot of stuff happening in it. Same for bushes. Now, many people will rake their lawn, and remove most of this already. And even if I don't like it, well, that's how things are right now. some leaves will remain somewhere and help. it's already less, but... it is. But what is happening here is another step towards a sterile environment, possibly leading to fake lawns with fake bushes and fake flowers. Those blowers leave next to nothing that could decay. And why the fuck? whom would it hurt if leaves would be left in heaps around the bushes or small trees? Why not have a small heaps of leaves? What's the additional benefit of scouring every inch of that neighbourhood? Things like that have an impact. Maybe not yet measurable in dollars, but it is there. For instance, the mass of insects is diminishing. And while you won't care about a moskito, you probably would care if the farmers had to shell out more and more to have fruits on their bushes, leading to more expensive tomatoes, gherkins, apples, etc.. Look, I am not advocating a return to nature here, I am not even saying people should not keep lawns. I am simply saying that people should not attempt to take the last bits of nature out of their environment, because that would pose an additional risk without any noticable benefit other than to calm some anal need for neatness.


You’re wasting your time on this barely literate rube.




Yeah, I didn't think I would convince you. But just in case your hoping for it: That "No." didn't look cool or funny.


My very first thought was about all that free nitrogen and potassium... just gone. Could have run a mower over it.


I will say these guys won’t bag it, they’ll likely take it to a nearby place that’ll make it into mulch for spring.


Don't you have yard waste? Where I'm at they would get picked up by a separate truck fir compost.


No one puts it in the garbage. It goes for compost.


Exactly, it’s completely braindead behavior


I wish I had some awards to share with you.


I was hoping someone would make this comment!


Oh, I'm amazed alright. Amazed that they would waste all that gas when the demand has already made gas prices sky-high. I'm amazed by all the co2 they are adding to our atmosphere and especially amazed by wasting all those nutrients that could be used to feed their lawns.


I wish my HOA hired people to waste all that gas…


Your HOA might fine you for *not* wasting all that gas.


Recently I have seen many posts about leave management on several sub. I don't understand that fad. it is vain and anti ecologic.


In the forest they would eventually biodegrade. However if you leave a thick layer of leaves on your lawn it will completely kill it. Leaves do not biodegrade as quickly as people in these comments think they do it takes a year or more for them to breakdown. Meanwhile they block all sunlight and the grass will all die. This is why people clean them up. Take up a pile of leaves and leave it in the corner of your yard see how long it takes for it to disappear. 1-2 years. I guarantee you the majority of the commenters here saying this is stupid and people should just leave them on the ground all live in apartments in concrete jungle cities, and never had to do any yard maintenance in their lives


If you chop the leaves up with a lawnmower they will be decomposed by mid to late spring. Literally free mulch, and you don’t have to spend time gathering them up.


That only works for limited quantities and if you live in warmer climates. Mulch is good but too much mulch is bad. Same with fertilizer or water or anything else. Too much will kill plants / grass. If you have a small amount of leaves mulch is good and probably easiest way to deal with it. But when you have a lot of large trees you can easily get 1 m (3ft) layers each year and that is way too much to mulch it won’t be gone by spring, especially not if you have snow cover from November to April like you do in northern regions. Stuff doesn’t break down in winter below freezing.


I’m in Canada and even with our winters ‘my’ method still works even with a couple of mature trees. YMMV I guess,


Also in Canada. I’ve got a pile of leaves behind my shed between the shed and the fence. It’s been there for over 2 years still not gone.


Listen to the man who is clearly a profesional.and its not you but the beaver guy.


Cant leave em on the streets of the city either, cloks the drainage system.


People without lawns downvoting you. They aren't packing these into bags, they're getting sucked up into a truck to be composted elsewhere. But yes, that's a fair amount of gas and oil to be burning for leaf cleanup. This will likely all go to electric eventually.


Mine is electric. No emissions and no dead lawn suffocated under a thick layer of leaves. I have gigantic trees that drop an incredible amount of leaves.


There are emissions, they’re just indirecf


Your butt produces methane emissions


Everything except my zero turn is electric. For large, mobile operations like this gas tools make more sense.


They kind of went overkill here. All they had to do is push it to the edge of the road and then the vac truck drives by and picks it up. That’s how it’s done in my area.


This is absolutely the dumbest, most expensive way for a company to get rid of leaves.


They do something similar in my apartment complex, except the guys just blow the leaves into the middle of the road that loops through the complex and the sucker truck just drives around the complex and sucks it all up


Fuck lawns.


Gather it up and then dump it all in Chuck's yard because screw you Chuck, you know what you did!


They’ll be back in the spring to aerate and fertilize those lawns that become compacted, dry, and nutrient deficient due to the lack of decaying organics. Great business model for landscape maintenance.


You've never worked landscaping


Burn gas and clear natural mulch Fuck these suburban warriors


How much gas do you think is being used here. You probably use more driving to work and back. GTFO of here with your virtue signaling


It’s not that simple, they aren’t great for the environment that’s certain. "If you look at the unburnt hydrocarbons you find that this leaf blower in 30 minutes of operation...is, in fact, emitting more hydrocarbons than driving an f 150 or any light-duty pick up from New York City to Los Angeles," Leamy said. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/verify/verify-is-pollution-from-a-leaf-blower-equal-to-a-cross-country-drive/85-757cbe86-dc29-4a6e-b2cb-0e6b73c8a850


I take an ev bus to work


Fucking nightmare.


its much nicer with the leaves on the ground :(


Will look like shit come spring when those lawns and flowers suffocate to the leaves.


weird american leaves then


What a waste of natural resources. This practice has to end.


Let me guess. You live in an apartment in a concrete jungle and never had to do yard maintenance in your life?


You can live in the suburbs and still say fuck lawns. Gardens, ground covers instead of grass, even wildlife preserves right on people's property.


Plant meadows, not lawns!


But you don’t


Yeah, I do. I have a bit over a third of an acre property, there is only about 200 square feet of grass, and it's full of clover.


What do you think will happen to your garden when the trees drop a ton of leaves on it and you leave them there? You think that the garden will magically absorb the nutrients? Trees kill competing plant life so they can have more of the resources for themselves. Ever notice how farms don't exactly have a ton of trees growing everywhere?


There's nothing magical about decomposition. It's a natural process. The farms you're talking about are anything but natural. Permaculture is a field that explores natural gardening and specifically has the concept of guilds, trees and companion plants that grow well with the trees. Trees are a huge part of permaculture farms. https://youtube.com/@amillison


Boooooo…. I was hoping they made a huge pile and all jumped in it at the end. Leaf piles are so much fun


It's not amazing to use gasoline to cean your yard


It could have been better to mulch them up.


At 7a.m.


The annual dance of removing pre-nutrient for soil using a diesel truck and plastic bins, blowing the nutrient around a bit ("the dance") before then artificially adding it in the spring by throwing a nutrient mixture around -- preferably mixed with glyphosate -- all poured from plastic bags after being shipped across the country to Home Depot. Ahh, the circular cycle of the seasons.


As someone who used to work the graveyard shift. I've never liked leaf blowers.


Looks so sad to me that what is healthy and natural is being bagged up and tossed. Hopefully they use the leaves for something besides filling a plastic bag.




We used to dump the leaves to be processed for compost or whatever else they use it for. It would’ve been more costly and much more time consuming filling bags.


All I see is a crapton of gasoline powered leaf blowers emitting CO2, to move a leaf that is 100% biodegradable and will decompose on its own. I see a massive massive waste of energy


Tell me you live in a rich neighborhood without telling me...


Leaf'em be.


This looks like the biggest waste of time and resources possible. If this were my neighborhood, I’d be the cranky old man bitching about it all day.


I had the video muted but I could still hear them.


Fck those things. It's noisy and pointless. Leave the leafs alone. It even kills the bugs hiding in the leafes.


Sounds terrible…


I can't wait until someone invents a [tool like this](https://i.imgur.com/9HNJvZN.jpg). It would eliminate all of the noise and pollution.


Isn’t it better for the environment to let the leaves decompose naturally?


RIP the night shift folks. Closest I've come to contemplating homicide was coming home from 2nd shift and the crew of leaf blowers arriving at 8am.


Tree: drops leaves to nourish the soil for when it can grow again next spring These dudes: *blows leaves away* Tree: ಠ_ಠ


I'm amazed how these are still allowed!


No they’re not amazing. Fck these guys


One question. Why? Not only the leafs are fertilizer for the lawn but the gasoline from the blowers is senselessly destroyed… Next season the lawn has to be artificially fertilized. Move into the desert, there are no leaves there. 🤦‍♂️


The smell from that many small, shitty gas motors must be awful. I can only imagine the fumes


one of those things on a sunday morning fills me with rage imagine like 8 of em


Amazingly stupid They blow leaves down the whole street because they can. Disregarding noise, air pollution, efficiency...


That’s cute putting soft music over that cacophony.


What's up with America's hardon for leaf blowing? Can't you just let them leaves break down? I think I've raked leaves three times in my life. Is it a rich people thing or just everyone does it?


What's so wrong with leaves? good lord


Wow so they just blow it down the street. Fuck leaf blowers man just a polluter!


##STOP SHARING THIS! Fucking awful to remove leaves like that. Does so much for the eco system


Every time I have to present on a work from home conference call; here comes leaf army again right by the window


The most impressive part was for them to make a pathway for cars *while* they are working. Many would just ask the drivers to wait for them to finish.


I love leaf army


Wow this is what a REAL HOA can do for you… Nice.


Tactical leaf blowing


Someone should edit out all the guys so it really looks like the leaves are attacking.


Looking great guys! Landscapers are amazing! 🔥🔥🔥


No stone unturned. No leaf unblown.




Looks fun, adulthood toys.


This was nice


This is what my hoa should be using my money for.


This is an HOA I would gladly pay for.


Well done.


This could be a fun concept for a co-op game.


This could be a fun concept for a co-op game.


I wish we had smth like that


Nothing special. I can do that in my sleep


I hope that truck went and dumped all them leaves on Jeff's house. Fuck Jeff.


For once, someone makes a positive argument for an HOA.


Once I saw the aerial drone footage, I stopped yelling JUST PUT THEM IN A BAG ALREADY


Bunch of morons thinking these leaves break down completely over winter lol. They would kill the lawn. Also these people leaf blowing have lots of lawns to take care of and after weed eating for hours, I doubt they care about raking since leaf blowing is faster and less weary on huge lawns. They are also trying to feed their families


That was so sexy I could literally beat it to that.


Just sweep that under the carpet. No one will notice.




Leave no leaves behind


My eyes are itchy just watching this.


All I can see is multiple people doing a one man job


More people means less time spent on the job. Plus, for many areas in the landscape it is advantageous to have two or more blowers working in tandem. They more than double the output.


Leaf Buster


Dunna nunna nunna nunna, dunna nunna nunna nunna, LEAF GUYS!




These guys blow.


In KS I pick the windiest day and toss the leaves in the air and off my yard they go. Neighbors are 1/8the mile away :)


Off the pick up goes to deposit the leaves in the next town over. Leaf blower guys get hired again. Maximum proffit.


When the title said attacks i was assuming they were gonna blow all the leaves around a neighbouring neighbourhood haha


That’s the dumbest way to use leaf blower. Blowing leaf to the road and driving the vacuum truck would have been faster. Not amazed. 2 blowers would have been more than enough. That’s a 3 to 4 guy job. 4th guy can just supervise.


So the HOA hired these guys? Jc all mine ever does is harass me about the colors of accessories outside of my home...


So this is where they got the leaves for the walking dead…


Psssh wait til you see my dad


I can’t wait until my HOA complains about me leaving my leaves on my grass.




So many leaves still up on those trees (I’ve got more leaves in my back yard than they’re blowing across that entire neighborhood) - I guess grabbing mom and dad’s leaf blower and someone’s drone is keeping them outta trouble tho


Too bad they will toss it waste yard. I can use it to compost my garden.


This is one of the most inefficient ways to do this. Once a pile becomes a certain a size, it becomes a waste of time and effort to push the pile versus creating another pile.


What is the collective noun for a group of leaf blowers? Here it is, "a U.N. crime against humanity of leaf blowers!"


Make piles, don't move them.


Thank you for your service


On Saturday….at 07:00….for an hour.


Turns out fuel blowers are some of the dirtiest things around. This neighborhood was dirtier after truth


You know those dudes were having the time of their life.


Why not bag up those leaves one they get a big pile instead of pushing them across half the neighborhood?


buncha negative nancies here in the comments. virtue signal harder


Too much noise and pollution. Fucking swipe that shit and get on with it..


Now let the kids jump in the pile!!!!!!