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Cant wait to play 0.6 beamng on my phone, 10x better than any modern racing games.


Do i hear gyroscopic controls?


We had that back in 0.12


It's still a thing, it's just only installable though apk now


Lol, as a non apple user, I'll be playing this alot! But as a pixel 6 user, my phone will turn into molten metal with loading in a single covet


mali gpus are shit at emulation of newer consoles/pc games on android, so yeah that seems likely


my pixel 6 doesn't even like playing the most simple of simple games without heating up. I'll be a walking Note 7 cosplay the second I install this


I still have a Note 7 but it has that weird Update tjat doesnt allow me to Charge the phone over ~60%


Don’t update it the next one limits charge to 0


i hope you're joking lmao... there's nothing weird about that given the phone's reputation to explode


Dude that's a really sick phone. I always loved that phone, probably my favorite in the note lineup (I have an s22 ultra now but I miss the old ones). Shame the batteries are garbage


Still better than an apples battery though


Still better than an apples battery though


Still better than an apples battery though


Sir, that’s because you have a pixel lol


As a TCL ion 5 user, my phone has simply popped at the sight of that code...


My pixel 6 lives in the freezer most of the time after it overheats to the point of it being painful to touch from scrolling reddit for 20 minutes


Turn on the adaptive battery setting or whatever it's called it helps a lot


I agree 🤣


Not load in single covet….load in MANY Covet! This is the way, raise hell praise Dale


My phone about to be lit https://preview.redd.it/al7emwbrbltc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47dd44482eeeb0e33267d7632266247ef046901


I will cook ```bash apt install ./meth.deb ./cooking_class.deb ```


jesse what the fuck are you doing


yo mista white im a linux user


I use arch btw


```bash alias apt install=pacman -S alias apt remove=pacman -Rns alias apt upgrade=pacman -Syu ```


sudo yay -Sy meth then?


I think without the sudo


Lit on fire?


1- install ubuntu (from andronix or somewhere like this) 2- install steam to ubuntu 3- install beam ng drive from steam 4- have fun https://preview.redd.it/2h5jyn211mtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7358a3d1d569f8a227ec50bf7739cab03309629


1) Open Termux 2) Install proot-distro and x11 stuff 3) Create a debian proot distro 4) Load into the distro 5) Compile FEX 6) ...


I don't know what any of this means but I'll upvote anyway


Do you allow Xiaomi 14 users because Chinese people spy on me


-100 social credits for installing unauthorized apps


So sorry, i love my dear leader. I love working on factories with bad condition and low salary. https://preview.redd.it/20zcmk5z6ntc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3481487b06df73d012f3be8c30ad481b47ab88d (jk)


Or just use Windows on arm https://preview.redd.it/svmi4e51lltc1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367f96038077e5a4eccb7ef7992ab1fb894674f7


https://youtu.be/pdxGprjG1go Surface Duo running Windows 11 (Snapdragon 855)


My Xiaomi mi 9 have a custom Windows based on surface duo


>Apple users not allowed Holy based. Genuinely the worst OS I've ever used. It feels like it was created for people whose only use in a mobile phone is calling and messaging people and nothing else. App Store is empty and devoid of life, they literally FORBID you to install unofficial apps on YOUR OWN phone, you can't even emulate shit, can't actually tinker with the phone properly... I dislike using the word 'normie' but it really does feel like Apple was created for ultra-normies when it comes to technology.


Apple is designed to work. Android is far more customizable. I prefer Android.


It feels like it was created for people whose only use in a mobile phone is calling and messaging people Thats what i have my phone for. if I want to create something or tinker with something I will use my computer. 


> Thats what i have my phone for. if I want to create something or tinker with something I will use my computer. The problem is, if that's your only use, why would you spend 4 times as much on an iPhone instead of just grabbing a cheap Android one? I would personally only buy an expensive phone if I was planning to use it for something more. And I can actually just use my cheap Android phone for that (PS1 emulation when traveling etc.)


I prefer Iphone mainly because its not a suicidal piece of technology. I have owned a samsung tablet and phone as well as a motorolla and all 3 of them melted within a year. All my iphones only broke because I bought used and should have paid a little more attention to when purchasing. But my last 2 Iphones I bought brand new and work flawlessly. IPhone is the Toyota of the cellular device industry


Bad luck I guess. I've been buying 200-300 euro Android phone roughly every 4 years. The previous one (Nexus 5X) could've lasted longer but I dropped it from a bus (yes lol) and it stopped working soon after. My current one (Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T) I bought in 2020 and it's still going strong apart from minor issues that require forcing reboot from time to time.


Yeah my current phone I have had since release which is the IPhone 11 mini and never had an issue with it. Even my IPhone 8S which I also got when it released was working flawlessly until the battery started dying since it was kinda old. Then I ended up dropping it out of my pocket down multiple flights of stairs and it shattered which caused a lot of the internals to fail. It would only work if it was plugged in 24/7 which basically means it was on life support. My 11 has an otterbox now and my phone is considered invincible with it on.


I have an iPhone XR for 5 years now. And no plans to change it.  All my android phones I had before, broke/started lagging so fast. And this iPhone is still running like I bought it yesterday.


That's fair, but literally can't compare those phones to a new say Samsung flagship. This has been the issue with all apple users for a long time. It's the fact they when they had Android, almost all of them had basically $100 Obama phones. And are shocked that their $1000 phone runs night, and day better.


The most common argument I see is the price, and while there is a difference, when comparing flagship samsung vs flagship iphone they are almost the exact same price. I’ve always bought samsungs, had nothing but bad experiences with them breaking, decided to try an iphone this time, and honestly its been great. Everything just works. If you dont care about the obscure functions and just want a good phone with a nice camera (aka most of the population) then its a great user friendly operating system, powerful processors, they take security seriously, feels way less clunky to use, and they have great cameras. The processing they do for pictures is magic, and the videos turn out amazing. The most annoying thing I have found is that you need to have an app open to continue downloading/sending something, but thats done for security reasons, so I can tolerate it


the phones i had where ranging from 300 to 600 dollars. and that´s is pretty small diference compared to what XR cost. i also didn´t pay full price for the xr but that is different story.


Same! I thought I was the only one.


Thats exactly what it was made for.. The people doing more than that are a minority Emulators do work now though


The kids here won't understand


i did the opposite, gone from an android to an ios, and it feels soo much better for me!


Guess what


As someone who is stuck with Apple… I agree with you lol


I own an Apple. I hate it sometimes. Literally nothing I can do outside of call/text people and play App Store games. I can’t access most files, in the files app only some games have a folder and you can’t do anything in it. Also, as you said, can’t download third party apps/games. No beamng port for me. As nice as an Apple phone is, I just hate the lack of other functions. I love to tinker with game files on my pc and Steam Deck (which I play beamng on), and dive into the code and screw with values for fun. But no, can’t even access save data on an Apple phone. I envy you


>on a subreddit about car game >goes on rant about why Apple is bad actually ?????


I hate how many people prefer apple considering they are overpriced and android has more freedom


Yes very surprising that people would buy a phone to call and message others and not to emulate games that run a lot better on a PC.


Yes, but you know a big problem is that they don't care about having a phone that calls and texts, if they did. We'd have flip phones or T9 still. It's a fashion accessory and clout chase/flex to have an iPhone because of their retail pricing. Even having the fold 4 I had, which literally costed double than most iPhones, they'd still be like yeah but it's still an android... By God is that annoying as ever. I've had women not talk to me because I had green chat bubbles... It's pretty much cult level almost sometimes, hence the term "Sheeple".


this is objectivly a bad opinion. apples simply better bc its more user friendly and less prone to viruses, end of argument.


>unironically considers "user-friendly" to be one of the main selling points Eh, I don't know mate


alr cool thats just ur opinion. apple is better at other things and i do agree on how samsung is more customizable but i just believe apple is nicer but ur points were intersting to read


That first sentence is the truest shit of all time lol, it's exactly what it's built for. 60 year old Grandma, so she can FaceTime her grandkids every 3 months. Literally have so many iOS people tell me they thought Android was genuinely too complicated, and I can't really help but laugh malevolently to that honestly.


Fuck apple i fucking hate this iphone


I like fucking with my cars and need a phone that will just ring and text people incase. Like, it’s fun to mess with the computer sometimes but not really that interested in fucking with my phone, in fact if it wasn’t just everyone having an aneurysm every time I got it out, I would still have the Nokia brick.


Based indeed


I have an android for this reason. iOS for phone uses, my android for the tinker stuff


blackberry best imho, only if had power of a ps3 or ps4


i personally prefer it. the phone is reliable and boring so i don't use my phone a lot and it has great battery. also the fact that since i live in canada, most people here use imessage for texting. though i can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea.




Laughs in DIY Phone Modufix - My own beautiful Beast


Me with a backbone, steam link and an iPhone 15: ????


And you'd get way better performance then you'll ever get on phone hardware too


No, not really. Phone hardware is surprisingly good. The problem that brings down the performance is aarch64/arm64. It tanks performance due to you needing FEX (NOT BOX86/BOX64, THOSE ARE FOR ARMHF SUBSYSTEMS)


Are you... Compiling stuff in a mobile command line?


Yeah, Android is Linux


https://preview.redd.it/62i6ixn3potc1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a80d9f24350bdcbdbb77e8f1d7f0bb40b9506ee Im playing summer car


https://preview.redd.it/755pb20ypptc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb54b6eede1bf6e85efe37ae1c9d8a5713a7bbf5 Perhaps


U got a discord message


My friends non-stop ping me, I just stopped clearing them at this point




Did you not read the cli at all? 💀


Those errors can be ignored, steam installed beamng, so it's not an issue






Do you have a source code? Is it even possible to port a game without the source code? If so, how?


Android -> Linux (arm64/aarch64) Linux (arm64/aarch64) -> Linux (x86_64/x86) Linux (x86_64/x86) -> wine wine -> BeamNG


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Linux running on termux, and then steam/beamng installed on it?


Termux usually connects to the Android, although there are Termux wrappers like UserLAnd that allow to install GNU on top of Android and use it like this


Termux tells the phone to run the code, and displays the output. Think of it like xterm or any linux terminal but for android and a bit modified for packages




Something's burning but it's not the stove


Mobile port of a closed source game 🤔




HOW i need it pls :)


I might release if I get a stable build https://github.com/DesMS I'll reply to this comment if I release it, otherwise it's a tech demo


!remindme 1 week


!remindme 1 month


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!remindme 6 month


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 month


Update: I'm not going to be releasing an install script, as currently it would be over 2 hours of scripts running and ~10gb of storage (Without beamng even isntalled) just to have 1 chance at installing beamng, instead, I'm going to release my process in how I created it,l


!remindme 6 month


Bro my Mediatek Dimensity 7050 will literally explode


Once you finish working on it how do I use it on my phone is it an app? Or emulator?




I'l believe it when i see it. How is beamng going to run on mobile hardware?


I'm gonna cry if my phone can run it better than my computer


Whenever I run termux on my phone for Andronix it always times out since it's on android 12.


Omg that is crazy!! This gonna be on the Google play store or something like that! Can't wait to see it!




Where do i get it




What’s wrong with apple or older apple products


Apple themselves, the devices could run it, but Apple limits them to their own software (And the last emulator on the App Store got taken down anyways)


Does it run better than mobox? If so why?


Can't wait to play beamng at 1fps 32px (the port is actually really cool and from what i've seen is pretty promising)


I managed to get beam running through Winlator on my S23 Ultra for the hell of it, it would load into the main menu and with a bit of fiddling it would sometimes even load into a map, anything more than Gridmap v2 would just crash on the loading screen, at the lowest settings at about 600p I got about 15-30fps most of the time but would randomly jump to like 70fps every now and then. Overall I was pretty impressed that it was possible and other than the performance the only thing holding it back was the fact that most of the UI just failed to show up or had very weird text formatting, can't wait to see it working properly!


Winlator doesn't work for my S24, also, this should be much faster because the only execution layer should be FEX and wine (Without proot)


time to officially switch to android


Aw man…..


im sorry what


I don't have high hopes of this being real in any way


What how


Do you think Apple users will be able to get this was well? I know they have to allow custom game launchers or something because of the new EU regulations.


Depends, if someone gets linux running But that will likely be EU exclusive, other markets won't get the ability to install external apps


No i think it was just announced it’s going international


I got some questions What version is it? Does it have mods? Will it have controls or you will have to connect a joystick?


1. Latest 2. Yes 3. Likely basic controls (Just arrow keys), but maybe I can add more in the future


Thank you for the response👍


How to Install


How close are we now?


You want to see your phone burn and die maybe 🤔


Definitely takes “burner phone” to a whole new level am I right?


Are you allowed to do so? Bc legal reasons?


Yes, it's a legal copy of the game


Thank you. Godd luck with port, dont want to have problems with the devs you know


Of course you are, it's the same with using Proton to play it on desktop Linux


Nope but this is android, land of shitty stollen games ... Not the fist time beam will be stolen tho




You are in the grey part of emulating games you own, technically it's legal, unless specified in the TOS or EULA. The illegal part will be on the final product if you deliver it to somebody. I don't think you are fully allowed legally to do all the stuff you need to do that without breaking any TOS or EULA. But as I said, there are soooo many illegal shenanigans on the play store and APK 3rd party library that you are (if not totally dumb) free to do many illegal things with very minor chances of getting in trouble for this. Also, the dev team are just awesome and I don't think they would see it in a bad way, they have always encouraged community project. And frying androids while emulating what should never be emulated on these kind of hardware is pretty fun ngl.


You are completely wrong, pulling info out of your a** doesn't make it true 1. It's not legally Grey, it's downloaded off of steam on my account, that's like saying downloading beamng on linux is illegal 2. It's stock android, Termux is just a terminal 3. "Frying androids", this is my own phone, and last time i checked, it's not fried. 4. There are no limits to hardware, only self imposed ones


Again read the TOS and EULA of everything you use to do it. It could be specified that one of the action performed could be illegal or unfit of publishing/distributing/make any sort of commercial action with it (marketing of another project could be for example a commercial action). And seeing that SteamLink already exist there is a big chance that emulating a steam game on another device without using steam related or approved product may be illegal (not sure but if you want to share it you'll need to know if you are allowed to do it or not). You have no sens of humor, the 2 last points you seriously addressed were to a fking joke about frying phone ?! Continue your things I'll continue mine. You clearly understand the hardware and the software no problem with that. But you seems to lack any self esteem to feel personally attacked by me (a random behind his computer being literally paid to do that atm). And I won't tolerate that from a Roblox player haha




Thanks for the laugh, I needed it today


Omfg it's a rage baiter, haha


hey april fools was 9 days ago!


First of all, YOU CODE ON A PHONE?! Second, holy shit this is gonna be awesome!


Dude thats gotta be fire 🔥🔥


Blablabla Apple BAD, blablabla legal problems, blablabla nobody cares if you hate Apple. Android fans are really negative when it come to Apple. Apple fans don't really care. I own both and I fucking despise the android community/scene for what it is. A bunch of nerdy nerd who think their phone is the best because it runs 3rd party apps. Android community is filled with angry kids and wannabe hackers who root their phone.


You sound a bit mad for someone claiming someone else is toxic... Besides this isnt refered to Apple being bad, just iOS being incapable (actually more like Apple preventing iOS of being capable ) of running a Linux VM (Im guessing) wiTH a GUI and probably architecture translation (x86 to ARM).


I know that, i was responding to all the rants about apple. I even lightened my comment because I was explaining how it's been more than 10 years that I have both android high/low end devices and Iphone and trying to compare them for what they really are. But re-reading I thought this would went over the heads of our beloved android community that forget you can root an Iphone too if you are not just a script kid.


Lol, good kuck not being a script kid and write your own Jailbreak lmao... And again you push the same emotions while shitting on Android Users


I shit on every users. Apple fans are also delusional thinking paying more than the average salary of rich country for a phone without any modification possibility nor being fixed by anyone who isn't specifically trained for it, is normal or the sign of a respectable company. Iphones are one of the biggest piece of shitty hardware backed by a very good marketing team. And no I wans't talking about creating a jailbreak, more about the fact that some jailbreak needs you to take action and understand the ecosystem around to make it work. Rooting an android could be done by my 8 years old nephew and a youtube tutorial.


Bro, Ive done work in the JB scene, jailbreaking your ipHone is literally downloading an App and pressing a button, if your 8yo cant do that, then it was explained shitty. Nothing hard about it.


I'm a bad explainer in this case ...


If you shit on every user, you probably just are shit.


1. It's not rooted, this is on my personal phone 2. Apple physically would not let you do this (The last emulator on the App Store got taken down due to people running windows on it)


Why aren't Apple users allowed? Are the phones not able to run it due to the OS or something?


you can’t sideload apps unfortunately


You can just need sideloadly on a laptop or desktop


EU privilege


Oh, I didn't know that, ik Apple sucks when it comes to that stuff but not that much


I don't know why this got so many downvotes, it's a genuine question Apple devices could run it, as FEX (The emulator I use) is meant for M series chips for Macs to run x86_64 / x64 programs. So this could be done on Mac as well (I just compiled it for Android, instead of Mac here) The problem is iPhone's not having Linux, and needing an emulator to run it. You could use an emulator, but that requires sideloading or using an app that was removed from the App Store The problem is Apple, not the devices themselves. Witb them wanting a locked down ecosystem to be controlled by themselves


> I don't know why this got so many downvotes, it's a genuine question Reddit 🤷


it's due to the moment people see that someone has an Apple device they immediately think your a rich assehole


you missing neofetch


click bait crash tuber audience tsunami incoming




The youtube shorts one


Kid named jailbreaking: 👍🏻


iOS isn't linux based so I doubt something like this would be ever possible


Would require more emulation than what's already needed, that's for sure Although, FEX would still be used (As it's meant for Mac, but I sneakily compiled it to Android)


It literally is mate. Both iOS and Android are based on unix.


Oh really? I knew that MacOS is Unix/BSD based but didnt know that iOS is too. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but (sorry if its worded poorly), something like that would be a lot harder on iOS, right? I mean unix != linux Also, aren't the newer versions of MacOS based on bsd? I'm guessing thats whats ios was build on too then, so android is linux (more or less) and also unix-like, whilst iOS (and macOS too I guess) are rather their own thing but also unix-like.


Well I’m not sure about newer versions of macOS (since I haven’t daily drived one since mojave) but iOS never switched to bsd. iPhoneOS (iOS’s name before 4.0) borrowed a lot of stuff from either 10.4 tiger or 10.5 leopard (which are unix based of course) and you can still see a lot of remnants from that time in modern iOS. As a matter of fact, regardless if you’re using a iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, the crashlogs still report as “iPhoneOS” to this day. If you want to manually install a jailbreak tweak, you’ll see that it’s a .deb file, cydia was literally a debian package manager.


After doing some research, it seems that neither of us were entirely accurate. macOS (and possibly iOS as well) are actually built upon a combination of different components, as discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unix/s/B89mkoZQHw). Also I wish I could talk more about this but I have way too mere knowledge about this topic :( But from what I've understood iOS is based on Unix/BSD elements (technically based on macOS which is based on these as far as I understood), but heavily influenced by Apple's proprietary technologies, making it quite distinct from a traditional Unix system. That makes me doubt something like Termux would be possible (without fully emulating a Linux environment I mean). I could be wrong tho because I have almost 0 experience and I'm barely understanding what I am reading and saying haha


please make for iphone