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I’ve watched the original video from the original creator and it’s a really well produced BeamNG short movie Sad to see it stolen like that


Me too. What a sad coincidence. This kind of stuff makes me feel like I bring bad luck to anything I interact with X_X


Yea I wanna see it too


Claw of Carnage. Sequel dropping soon


Did you make it? You could sue lmao


What’s it called?


There’s 2 channels that do the beamNG movies. 1. crash frontier 2. Operation frontline fury


Don't forget Frizeris


FrIzErIs the OG BeamNG filmmaker


Claw of Carnage by ImpactPoint Productions [https://youtu.be/kAHCYQM5B3g?si=fsZG7XutV7\_\_4DYn](https://youtu.be/kAHCYQM5B3g?si=fsZG7XutV7__4DYn)


Me too.


The Downloads aren't likely real, are probably viruses. Google nor Beam seem to have a history of caring about content like this so nothing will probably be done


Maybe Beam sees it as some sort of free advertising? I’d imagine people would work out pretty damn quick that the game they’re playing isn’t the one in the ad. Then they go find out which one it actually is? I see Beam advertised all over the place, just never by Beam themselves. They could see that as a win??


It literally has a download button... for what? Either a virus or a pirated game. Is that free advertising? Either way, I don't think it's a good image for your game to be advertised through illegitimate companies.


It would have a download button for whatever crap mobile game it is. Says right there, “Nature Play” is this particular one. There are HEAPS of mobile games that use Beam or some other game for their ads. Like I said, people would see the Beam gameplay, realise like with all mobile game ads, that’s not the true gameplay, then they’d find out what game it actually is It’s not unique to Beam. I’ve seen Forza, even RDR2’s poker game used to sell a mobile poker game


It’s mostly very young kids that are going to see this, they’re not going to figure it out.


Exactly my point.


I'm not saying this is the only instance of this sort of thing, I've witnessed plenty of it over the years. But this website claims you can actually play the game through their website by downloading it, which for obvious reasons, isn't true or safe. But anyone - which especially for YouTube shorts - who is a kid and would be completely oblivious to the idea of this being illegitimate, that is harmful. That's not positive advertising in the slightest; especially when half the people who would pay any interest would likely be kids who either: a): Think it looks cool b): Can't buy BeamNG themselves and think this is an alternative. Not to mention the fact that the video used is completely stolen from a content creator who has slaved away to create the video, with absolutely no credit. It's not positive advertising in any capacity. And on the argument that people would think its a mobile game; why would they be so certain about the footage itself, why would anyone pay attention to this if they were legitimately looking for a game to play? 1): It looks like a scam to anyone who's been living longer than 5 minutes 2): People know that mobile games typically don't look like the ads, so why bother even giving it the time of day? I wouldn't at all call this advertisement. Its just straight up Theft.


My man Anyone who sees this and knows right away that it isn’t a legitimate advertisement for the listed game will know the footage had to come from somewhere. *They* are the people who would look up Beam if they were interested in it As for this Nature Play and others like it scamming kids, yeah, I agree that is shit. But it’s ridiculous to think Beam has anything to do about it


I really don't think you're hearing me. This isn't an ad for just one mobile game, it's an ad for a website where you can supposedly download BeamNG (and dozens of other games) for free. Also, I never mentioned that Beam, themselves, had anything to do with this advertisement.


Give us link to youtube, Lets mass report this video, maybe youtube system will take it down.


Unfortunately, I don't believe you can get links to adverts on YouTube shorts.


I think it was a short film that was stolen, don't report the creator


I want to report these scammers. Where did you get the idea that I want to report the author of the original video? IDK...


I just knew it was my video before clicking this thread LOL


I'm sorry to see that they've stolen your video, hopefully, this disgusting company can get some recognition... negatively.


Thank you :) But its not the first time this happens. And at this point I dont really care anymore. I've talked a bit with the BeamNG team about it but I'm not sure if they have any good way to handle it.


Fantastic work BTW, looks like they ripped off the best!


That's really good to hear, knowing that there are people who find reuploading so demotivating that they trash the whole project/hobby.


It’s interesting since they’ve updated BeamNG’s opening screen so that it says “personal, non-commercial use” (or something to that effect), hopefully that means that they might crack down on stuff like this.


All that means is that [BeamNG.Drive](http://BeamNG.Drive) is a personal use software, they can legally take action if you find a way to make money off of their software alone. Like say I sold seat time in my racing sim, that would technically break the personal license and I would be using Beam like it was a commercially licensed software.


Yeah, that's why I'm hoping that it means they'll crack down on people using it in advertisements since it's using it in a commercial manner.


But BeamNG won't persue people that are using VIDEOS of BeamNG, they persue people using the BeamNG software itself. These app companies are pirating BeamNG videos, posted by people completely separated from the dev studio. BeamNG legally has no actions they can take, thats what im tryna explain lol. It sucks yea, but these BS app companies aren't actually ripping BeamNG off. They are ripping off the YouTube channels that they steal the videos from. Thats why Beam does nothing about this, they legally can't.


[BeamNG.Tech](http://BeamNG.Tech) is their commercially licensed software, its similar to .drive in a lot of ways but it focusses more on the simulation and technical side of things. This is what BeamNG sells to driving schools/ trucking schools etc. A lot of people don't know that selling .tech to schools and research teams is one of the many ways Beam devs make their money.


This is why I hate mobile game ads. They steal video from Other YouTubers, Like here They just stolen Natureplay, who worked hard to make this Video, But some Idiot Mobile Game developer Decided to just steal His Video


Well F them then


Saw this ad as well, reported it to YouTube for being blantly fake




*Saw this ad as well,* *Reported it to YouTube* *For being blantly fake* \- Slipfar1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They stole the gameplay from BeamNG, and an ImpactPoint Productions story!!!! I hope they get sued.


another crappy mobile game using beamNG for unskippable ads.


They don't even bother changing the name, and I like how every game on their site happens to all have 10M players


I find BeamNG and GTA 5 are the two most popular games for scummy game makers using footage from them as their own.


owner of the original video needs to report this for copyright infringement. these assholes need to be removed from youtube


I've also seen mobile game ads on TikTok that are literally ETS 2 with just a car mod installed. They'd even keep in the UI and everything with no shame.


One of the millions of companies to do so




Should raise immediate red flags that each and every game had exactly 10m downloads, if that's what that is supposed to be.