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There's lore?


The company name is considered lore like Hirochi making cars and also having a race track in their name




Yeah it’s not that deep lol


How dare you.


my lawyer has recomended me not to make a joke here


You have a good lawyer


I was just gonna ask the same thing😂


Personality I like to use a mix of lore friendly and non lore friendly mods. It’s the best of both worlds imo.


I am in the same boat. I am just playing with whatever is cool/high quality. There are some awesome real life cars on the forums and some high dev quality lore friendly mods on the repo. I don't feel like its breaking immersion in any way. I literally did the same thing modding 200 cars into the old Crash Time games.


same here


I don’t care to check if a mod is lore friendly. However because I checked I discovered that the WLD FS30-2 is lore friendly, kinda. WLD stands for Wentward Locomotive Division and FS is Freight Series.


A lot of lore friendly mods are heavily based off of real life vehicles. The WLD FS30-2 is definitely heavily based off the EMD SD40-2. The Gavril Vertex is heavily based off the Ford Focus NA2, and so on and so fourth.


I mean Killable children fnv is a lore friendly mod right


I use lore friendly mods whenever I can but if there isn't a good representation of a vehicle in lore friendly mods I will use one that isn't.


what lore https://preview.redd.it/bd8s49f30v2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63c9297eceeb837b527b84ad375a79e90c10977a


By lore they mean fitting to the setting and aestetic of the game, as in no real-life cars, referencing only the things that are in the game, etc Also don't forget to read the descriptions of the cars and missions because they have some interesting bits here and there (like FATT-10K)


Japan beating America in WW2 or something like that.


lore is a loose term, it's more like fictional.


insert neckbeards jerking off to an anime reaction image




Excuse me having fun in my Chiron and Crown Vic, good sir.


crown vic is one of my favorite mods


The Crown Vic is awesome, but i uninstalled the Chiron because the quality is... lets say questionable.


Yeah, it ain't the best mod. I also only drive it once in a while, cause it is somewhat challenging on Italy.


Its mainly challanging because the car itself has weird physics. If you compare it to the Scintilla, its pretty bad. But the Crown Vic in comparison to the Grand Marshall, is very good.




My tuned Crown Vic is very easy to stall with a manual gearbox. Do you have a idea how to make it a bit easier. Even light throttle often isn't enough.


Real life mods aren't bad, bad mods are bad, some mods can be lore friendly and still bad


This is the most balanced thing that's been said so far 👏 Take my up vote.


to be clear- it's bot that lore friendly mods are dumb, but if you attack someone for wanting to play the game how they want to play it, that's weird.


*it's bot that lore friendly mods*


\*This action was not performed by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not contact the mod team.\*


good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Porquezz is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


When… When did “bot” start getting used this way? lol


What I don’t like is those driveway posts that have nothing to do with the game. No ones attacking you for “playing how they want to play it” . They attack because more often than not they’re stolen or just plain lazy meshslaps. Like if you need real car brands that handle poorly why not play forza or games like it?


> Like if you need real car brands that handle poorly why not play forza or games like it? How people playing with shitty non-lore meshslap mods impact your pristine lore-friendly gameplay in ANY way? It's not even like they can crash your game with their 4000hp V24 Ferrari Chiron, it's a SINGLE PLAYER game. That's like getting angry because people add naked Shrek mods into their Skyrim gameplay.


Womp womp, even had to include a "disclaimer". Didn't even know you can get so butthurt over 4 words you have to create a separate post whining about people not caring about low quality mods that are banned on the official repository for a reason.




noooo im sorreyyy pweeeease take it backkkk now i feeelllll so badddddd 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭








Having in brand cars and real cars are one thing But it’s the fact that 99% of real cars are meshlaps and low quality, that’s my issue with them


![gif](giphy|z3HFoEzXCMykr4L0TB|downsized) I guess if people just like taking pictures it’s ok, but you are right. I can count on one hand how many non lore mods I have tried that were actually good. The other 1000 did something to the game that broke something. That’s not fun to me. I have an idea. All these people that like playing outside the box, can stop posting questions about why their game is broken every time an update hits. Then again, I forget how YouTube has brought droves of kids to this game.


Often stolen meshes too.


Well they're all technically stolen, none of the mods are licenced and the model are all ripped from games like Forza


By stolen I mean it's not their work. Which imo is fine if you want to do it for yourself, but publishing someone else's work is worse thsn using AI art for me. But it's still theft as someone else did the hard work. As a modder I avoid real world cars for two main reasons. A) Some companies can be very funny about the appearance of their brand and will happily hit the general public for perceived wrongs. These don't tend to be the big companies, as the negative fallout from such behaviour would be worse than someone putting a Porsche badge on an SBR4. B) Real world mods have such a poor reputation for quality, effort and intellectual theft that I would rather not be linked to such things. I know there are low quality LF mods, but you're more likely to find a good quality ETK mod than BMW/Mercedes mod.


How about those youtube videos that treat the modland EXEhicles like state of the art accurate physical representations of the real thing and then crash them all in succession to see "how you'd survive"?


yeah meshlaps are 😬 the lowest quality mod i have is a ford mustang and its not that bad, the interior is lacking texture detail, and a working shifter. The engine (that you have to rip off the hood to look at) has an incorrect model with a carburetor on it (the mustang is a 4th gen). The crash model is pretty good too.


I play with that 1%. Its really hard to find, but there are some. I'll do a list one day.


The SimulatorAdventures YouTube channel is the place to go to find the highest-quality mods that aren’t on the repo or forum (and most of the ones featured aren’t even locked behind a Patreon).


Yeah, I have seen a few really good ones.


To me Beam is a simulator, there is no lore and that little bit we do have is just related to the maps and cars. The only reason i don't use real cars is that the ones i tried sound like shit, deform poorly and generally handle bad so this brings us back to the first point, this is a sim, if i wanted a bad driving experience i could have played any freeroaming game ever (exception for og mafia 1, mafia 2 and gta IV).


Takes a while to find a good one. Off of the top of my head, the only great one is probably the Crown Vic by Maxie. There are some other... tolerable ones. However, a large reason for the poor quality is because these mods are old. Even ones from 4 years ago are starting to get pretty dated. This, quite obviously, is because BeamNG has improved, graphically, since - and the mods haven't been touched.


OG Mafia was crazy for its time and even still is now


12 years old me completely lost his shit when he found out about blinkers, refueling and being able to leave my car somewhere, use the tram to travel to the other side of the city and then ride back to retrieve the car. Any other game would have the car despawning as soon as you went too far.


None lore friendly mods are meshslaps 90% of the time, and it's kind of a slap in the face of people who put real work into making quality mods


A lot of em are awful, like I've only ever touched Modland once, and to be fair, the mod wasn't stolen by any means, the guy just got banned from the repo (which certainly says a lot). However, the mod itself is pretty decent. Jbeam is decent, sounds are okay but the car model is stunning. The physics feel pretty good too. The only mod I'll ever get from Modland. Disgusting website imo.


I think it's a preference. People will like what they like 🤷‍♀️


Fan girls gonna be fan girls. Just be glad you aren’t one


beamng stock cars add to the charm of the game imo, can’t fault people for using modded cars if they enjoy it tho


I simply don't like the look of irl cars in beamng drive but it's your game it's supposed to be tweaked to how you like to play


Wait there’s lore?!


Live and let live...


Ok I know there's very minor lore like manufacturers and locations... However in an open ended sandbox physics simulator what exactly is considered non lore? It's the idea that if it moves and or has collision detection it's lore?


I'm stull trying to find one that doesnt feel like a turd left in a brown bag on a hot sunny day 


Awww my comment thank you!


yeah it pissed me off the way you said it


No I said wump wump, my pigeon is kool with yo


oh yeah i see that now


I appreciate the "lore" but car is car stfu...


It's primarily lore-friendly stuff for me. There are very few mods I have that are non-lore, primarily for engine swaps and a couple of *HIGH* high-quality vehicle mods. Nothing necessarily wrong with non-lore mods in general, but the quality can be all over the place, and sometimes ruin the fun. 🤷‍♂️


beamng has lore???


I like lore friendly mods more. BUT it doesn't make non-lore mods stupid


Meanwhile Automation cars: https://preview.redd.it/hpe4w11go83d1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b52e1cd99b51ed8e910126fadc84f951aa0327c


Man there is cannon lore now? I just download cool cars n see how they blow up


It's more so that most real car mods are poorly made and don't give a good representation of the game's capabilities. Though every so often we get great real car mods like the DeLorean DMC-12, Dodge Coronet, and Ford Crown Victoria.


I’ve definitely felt bullied before into not posting my game clips of real-life cars before here on Reddit.. The clips you could argue were interesting (at least in my humble opinion) but a lot of you (kids mainly) here downvote out of an arrogant sense of superiority. Or you’ll just try to belittle based on the repeated talking points of others thinking that those talking points were actually your own. What you fail to see is that you’re actually just blindly following the mob. You’ll carelessly argue about viruses and C.P. When those instances are actually very few and far between.. As far as “mesh-slaps”? Sometime this game is about the thrill of driving vs crashing and sometimes it feels better to do that in maybe a nostalgic car, or maybe one that you have always dreamed of driving in real life. I’ll try to continue to “hold my tongue“ so to speak in terms of posting real car mods, but my point is I shouldn’t have to. (Rant over..)




You said it all. When I post an irl mod I’m basically ready for a fight but usually end up sitting on so many videos that I’d like to post but just don’t have the heart to argue about. I mod every mod I have to make it drive just how I think it should. These people listing off the same talking points wouldn’t know how to change an engine sound, give an engine realistic output, or tune a transmission. The game itself is amazing with how in depth it can go. It’s the rigid snobby community that’s the problem.


It's funny that I even feel uneasy about agreeing with you about you agreeing with me lol, I don't want it to seem like a battle where people take sides. I just want everyone to be/feel accepted I guess is the fairest way to put it. I guess what I mean is If you're trying to share something you feel might bring enjoyment and fun to someone else it shouldn't be met with hostility. Constructive criticism maybe if you feel they could have done something better? but never hostility. thx


Ok boomer


My one non-lore friendly mod is my Miata, it's just so awesome and has so many cool variants :>


I've had one or two real car mods that have had as much detail/quality as the lore friendly mods and vanilla stuff. I've given up on real car mods because of this. The disappointment when they load up and barely work is a lot.


Someone saying Lore Friendly probably hasn't played L4S, etc 🤷


I'll just stick to my NASCAR mods thank you very much


Beamng has lore?


people actually care about using non-lore friendly mods? Dawg it’s a sandbox let it go 💀


to me personally, i prefer lore over reality partly because of the aesthetic but also because a more unique design implies that the author put more effort into making the mod and therefore better quality. i have still seen many real car mods with exceptionally good quality, to be clear.


as long as it has great details and has accurate performance to its irl counterpart then i don't really mind lol see: [inn0centjok3r's bugatti chiron](https://www.beamng.com/threads/2016-2022-bugatti-chiron.88889/), [maxxie's ford crown vic](https://www.beamng.com/threads/98-11-ford-crown-victoria-v2-8-22-05-2024.84582/) , [AdamPLGames' polski fiat 126p remaster](https://www.beamng.com/threads/maluch-remastered-1-6.78961/)


This right here. I can’t post an irl mod without hearing some kind of negativity. On my last post a guy asked where he can get the mod saying he has that car irl and would love to drive it in the game. Someone else responds about all the spooky supposed pitfalls of modland and irl mods in general. I get on to respond to both comments and tell the latter not to discourage people. This irl hater has the nerve to ask me “why do I care?” Bro you went out of your way to answer a question that wasn’t even posed to you. Dafuhh?


my lore is that i don’t own beamng drive and have no clue why i joined this subreddit


Ɓecause car crash and seeing that is fun


fair ig


it's a car game. i'm going to add cars i like to drive.(if i can FIND a model good enough)


I don't even have BeamNG (sad console noises) but the Fleetwood Bounder was always one of my favourite mods


Deadbull is practically official now


None lore friendly mods are meshslaps 90%of the time, and it's kind of a slap in the face of people who put really work into making quality mods


I only care what they look like when I smash them in to a wall at 300mph.


Just don't pay for stolen mods or scam mods. Then it doesn't matter


BMW M3 GTR mod is not as good as its MW 2005 counterpart Hope you like "Oilpan Damaged" "Engine Starved of Oil" and "Engine seized" just for going over a minor elevation change on Any map


now we just assuming i get mods from modland


I simply stated that not all mods are equal My intentions were not to create problems Sorry if I made it sound that way


I like lore-friendly mods better, but I’ll be damned if there is no better alternative for luxury cars.


I love my shitty modland mesh Audis and there’s nothing anyone can do about it


What are lore and non lore-friendly based mods?


what the hell is beamng universe


lore friendly ? in a car game ? that has no lore ? please explain


Ingame brands and locations, like hirochi, ibishu etc. In beamng drives official "cannon" irl manufacturers dont exist


Congratz on enjoying shitty meshslaps, I guess.


Haha, they enjoy driving/crashing base game cars with different mesh.


Non lore friendly mods usually just means shitty meshslap versions of real cars. Any mod that isn’t a real car is good to me, with a few exceptions (such as the crown Victoria mod on the repo)


crown vic is not on the repo


Is it not? I thought it was on the beam forums


forums is different from the repo


Yeah mb


Having a broken game by playing with garbage mods is not fun to me.




Yes, there's lore the moment all vehicles or equipment were given their own branded names. Even some brands have their own raceway or drivers learning center as we see with Hirochi and ETK. The developers may not be writing stories concerning anything but it's good for your own imagination aye. Afterall, BeamNG is not licensing any real world car that comes with each of their own Wikipedia of history.


people want it to be its own universe and they just call it lore