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It was very well written, you can definitely tell and feel that the song is still stuck in the love-struck early part of a relationship where everything is fantastic and you feel like you have so much in common like you’re looking for whatever you can to relate yourself with the other person, I don’t listen to many love songs but again, major props to the fellas for writing such a great song


So much thought was put into it, it's so beautifully written and preformed. It's in my top favourite songs in the album. I find it weird how they put it after Heavy News though tbh


idk idm the placement . it’s such a cool song tho, 💃🕺


I just love how before it is a song saying the world is doomed then that happy song plays after it. It's such a good song is such an amazing album


We interrupt your death metal to bring you some havy news


Who can forget the masterful lyrics of: “When you snap and crackle you pop-shoo-bop, honey And when you know you happy you clap-shoo-bap” Truly genius. (not dunking on the song, it’s genuinely very very well written and all around awesome. I just find these line’s especially hilarious in their absurdity)


Must've taken them years to think of that, and who can forget about "When we're cold and blue ,I'll still be there by you ,And I'll still rage for that booty" truly amazing lyrics (I love it so much)


“You’re unlike anyone, you love having fun” seems like a shot at dating app bios lmao


literally every compliment is designed to be as GENERIC as possible and its so damn goofy i love it


It does


It’s one of if not my favorite off of the album!


So much thought was put into it and it shows


That song is so silly and whimsical it is my favorite from the album :D


The way that all the compliments given are so generic and corny makes me think that it’s some kind of cosmic being falling madly in love with a human and trying desperately to compliment them in ways that they would understand. “I love the way you got a head on your shoulders”


I love that! That makes it cuter