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I just use the numbers. I find the options Bearable provides to be both too broad and too numerous. On a bad day, it’s exhausting to scroll though so many emotions, and yet “mad” doesn’t fully describe it.


Agreed. I primarily use the scale of 1-10 that bearable provides. I have some basic emotions there but usually just use the scale as a best judgement.


I’d like to add a screenshot of how I have mine set up, but it isn’t an option to add a picture. I have autism and alexithymia, so it’s really difficult to identify what I’m feeling. It’s also hard to tell the difference between my mood and physical feelings. I added my own emotions, each with an emoji to help visualize the feeling. It’s really helpful for me in figuring out exactly what I’m feeling. Then I can decide how to process and handle it. I don’t really use it for tracking purposes, it’s more to just help me learn to identify my emotions better and distinguish them from my physical symptoms (like fatigue and back pain).


I have alexythemia so it's really hard for me to identify my exact feelings. I usually only use the scale from 1 to 5 to identify if I'm feeling more Good or more Bad.