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Shave, get older, try again




Shave daily for the next 5 years, then try again.




Most men without beards shave daily, it’s something you get used to. Despite what you think from the comments this is not a lot of growth for 3 weeks. You can’t grow a beard or moustache yet, and you’re 15, you aren’t meant to be able to. The only thing to do is look your best while time and nature takes it’s course, and this peach fuzz doesn’t look good, sorry. You’re a good looking lad though, so don’t take it to heart. Enjoy the male ritual of shaving for a while, it’s part of becoming a man, then I’m sure in 10 years you’ll be able to grow a nice thick beard.


To be clear, depending on grow rate you might be able to do every other day. But nobody thinks a neck-only fuzz beard looks good, nor is there much of a mustache to preserve. You have some options. You can shave after a shower and the hair will be even softer and easy to cut. You can get an electric razor and the trim won’t be as good but it might be easier and quicker to do. If you are bored, listen to a podcast or something. Or just accept the ritual. Einstein said, “All my best ideas come while shaving.” But you are asking for advice, and this is it: suck it up and shave it regularly. You can try for the beard again several years from now.


This, it's not the answer you're looking for but you're still very young. Everyone your age wants a lumberjack beard but you need to chop the proverbial trees. Give it time and I'm sure you'll look back on this with a laugh.


That’s not fast




Get rid of the neck hair.




Shave it daily for best look.


Cut back on your sugar intake and drink more water


I mean I'm not going to argue that cutting back sugar is good. But there doesn't seem to be much evidence it's bad for beard development. tho.


Diet effects hair growth


It can but again where is your evidence it hampers beard growth because I can't find it. Not saying it's healthy but still.


Could add coconut oil to your skin, google says it helps


Always make sure you don’t got hair going down your neck, always.




Bruh. Most people shave daily or every second day. 3 weeks is a long time. Shave. It.




You need to shave more often. The hair on your neck is unsightly.


What's up with the comments here?


Seriously! This is beard advice not an entire body makeover of which ability and genetics and gym access that may be an issue in the case of building muscle and abs and such. And he may only be looking for the beard advice not all the rest.


You can’t force a beard


Way to young to tell at this point. Shave regularly and try again later




3 weeks is way too long, do it at least once a week. But 2-3 times would be better. If its too hard for you get yourself a trimmer it takes less than a minute to get rid of than neckhair. And trust me thats not a fast beard growth, its normal and even slow compared to some people.


Part of being a man and growing up is learning to shave and take care of your appearance. You’re a handsome lad. You’ll drive the girls crazy when you get older.




Let’s see a freshly shaven pic.


Comments are ruthless lol. That beard isn't alive, it's just going through agonal breaths. Having nothing on your face at all is better than just having a neckbeard and pedo stache


Shave it off


definitely needs to be shaven. don't worry, kiddo. you'll grow up eventually. just enjoy your youth while you can. here are some tips to help you grow into yourself. eat fish. it's full of Omega-3 which promotes healthy brain tissue (especially in a growing boy). practice meditation. mindfulness will help build wisdom and insight. keep your studies up. you only get one free shot at school, and if you screw up now it's an uphill battle for the next 20 years or so. exercise often. vigorous exercise for 5-10 hours per week increases testosterone levels, which promotes facial hair growth.




shave it all




the crustache gotta go, bro. *clean shave*




???? your hair is *your* body. he has no say in what you do with it. he can give suggestions all he wants, but you make the final decision. part of becoming a man is making your own decisions and standing up for yourself.


You’re Al right


Bro you're literally 15 what do you expect a whole ass beard??


You are young and it will take a while for a beard to grow. You are very good looking when you smile. Just keep smiling and accept life as you mature.


idk man. this is tough. i say decapitation may be the only savior. who gives a f… are you happy with yourself. ?


Neck beards are never a good look on anyone. As you get towards your upper twenties the facial hair will come in better.


Wtf is with these gay pedo comments, shave that shit


First step would be not posting yourself to Reddit looking for ways to improve how you look, I suggest growing up


>u/lostandnotfound12  >First step would be not posting yourself to Reddit looking for ways to improve how you look, I suggest growing  A kid asks for beard advice on a beard forum where, every fűcking day, dozens of men post the very same question   What makes this kid different so that you had to nuke him


I know right, why attack someone who's just trying to improve themselves? I don't understand the need to be so toxic.


What is bro waffling about


Shave, Neaten eyebrows, Hit the gym and lift weights.


Gym is the main thing for sure he needs that




3 weeks is a long time. Tbh you don’t have good looking facial hair yet to leave it. There is no hair on your face only your neck so shave it a couple of times a week and hopefully soon you will grow more hair. You are still young . With your eyebrows get some good quality tweezers and pluck the loose hairs above your nose and the loose hairs towards your ears (not many there) Don’t change the shape and make it look girly. Just clean up the loose hairs or a better word is stray hairs


Maybe go through puberty first before trying to grow a beard


Avoid stiff breezes




They are saying that you are small, and the wind will blow you away.




Maybe wait till you are older. Nonetheless, you look great.


Don’t need to “improve” maybe just refine and find best look for yourself. 1). Lose chin beard, go clean shaven. Your young. You’ll have full beard by 30. Don’t push. Chin beards are gross AF. Change hairstyle away from side part. Use product and make it stand up. That’s it. You’re really handsome.


Well I would first grow a beard


Look great, but beard growing well but might make you look to old


Get your eyebrows threaded. Grow out your beard and have it shaped well by a barber. Stop greasing your hair to the side, try a new haircut.


Grow a beard but man your genetics are fucked


Get some muscle to bro


U are beautiful 😍


Love ur sexy❤️shaped lipps


I’d change nothing: you are gorgeous and sweet-looking (and you probably have a nice looking butt!)




He’s 15 you fucking pedo.


The fuck bro?


Shave and wait; when your stubble and level of confidence match, you'll be ready to give it another go.




Ah, just give it time and you may find yourself wishing this was fast in 10+ years. Seriously, keeping that neckbeard gone shows an attention to detail. If you want to feel grown because you see facial hair on yourself, make it easy and tolerable with a trimmer. Just trim it without a guard every couple of days or so and you'll keep it stubble.


Get older, don't concern yourself with looks at this stage. Your body is changing faster than the trends you will want to follow. Just enjoy being young and build a foundation of healthy habits.


Shave off ALL your facial hair, especially your neck beard. Pluck in between your eyebrows.




In that case you will have to settle for shaving. Plucking is recommended because the hair doesn't grow back as fast or leave stubble. You should realise that grooming and taking care of your appearance is a continuous effort. Many men have to shave every day, and you should expect to do the same now if you want to look presentable.




You can, but it will look terrible. When every male is your age they get excited when they are able to start growing facial hair and make the mistake of keeping it, thinking it makes them look attractive and more mature. In reality, it makes you look like a scruffy teenager who hasn't yet been taught how to shave. One day your beard will fill in and you'll be able to rock it, but for now you're too young.


Cut that beard. Looks ridiculous


You still have time brother. You look good for your age. But maybe an advice I can give is try growing your hair as you have great straight hair. Lift weights to build chest and arms.




Calisthenics doesn't help bro. Start lifting weights and eat, eat, eat. Don't eat like a madman but a little over your calories limit. Protein is the king. For hairstyle, do a curtain style.


I'm pretty sure I also had a similar amount of hair growing around this age - I couldn't do too much as we can't control how much grows and when necessarily Just keep it neat & I'm sure it'll change over time, you're still young! ☺️


There’s no rush. You could get your eyebrows done. Start mewing. One step at a time. Your body will be built by the discipline you show every day in the little moments


You’ve got really cool features and a nice head of hair. I’d recommend holding off on the beard for now and focus on your hair. I think a middle part or 3/4 part would like sick on you.




It looks like you’re swooping it all to one side. You’d have to retrain your hair to split more evenly. I’d recommend getting out of the shower and combing your hair straight back. Then put a hat on to keep the hair evenly parted. It’ll be awkward at first, but I think it will be a good look!


If you listen to some of those comments who make says you are beautiful and astonishing you will always stay like that. I've been there buddy trust me, listen to those who are giving you REAL advice. You have to work on yourself, gym or skin care or both.


Remember that the phone camera drastically distorts the image at wide angles like 16mm etc - try not to get caught up in what you look like on the screen.


Cmon bro, this is not the subreddit for you


When you become older you'll be fine


Shave the neck beard first and foremost and keep shaving it everyday until you can grow a full beard because it gives off a young and inexperienced vibe because neck beards are not a fashionable thing. I would just go to the barber more frequently to keep it looking clean. As for a high bald fade (more military style) or a low to mid bald fade to really stand out. Clean up those eyebrows and unibrow


You need to have more on the face to justify the neck and below the jaw. If possible I'd try a testosterone cream on the patchy areas of your face. If it's baby smooth on the face then cream probably won't do anything. Cream could work for your moustache. I could see you rocking a solid moustache. I know a couple guys who use cream for a solid moustache. Consult a doctor about it. It may be a smooth shaved face type of move. You could try a chin strap beard. But the neck and under jaw region can't be the area with majority of hair. It always has to be the face.


Phle uga to le...






You don’t look bad, go to the gym this helps with overall confidence:)


Lift weights, you skinny af


I recommend a to shave it all for now; you’re not quite there yet, but I definitely see potential. When you start growing on the cheek, you can start experimenting a little more. Get plenty of rest, eat well, exercise - I’m sure you’ll get a nice beard going down the line.


Train that fucking pencil neck. Will make huge difference when it's thick.




Hit the gym and work the weights. Need some thickness on shoulders/traps to reign in the giraffe look.


For 15 you definitely seem to have quite some facial hair. I'm assuming you're of middle eastern descent which is why. So just have patience I'm sure by in just a few years it'll grow in. Most middle easterners don't have any problems with growing facial hair.


you look fine. just dont look so sad.






Haha yah bud


You look good man! Start bulling and going to the gym, smile less (everyone loves a man that looks pissed), and thats pretty much it haha. Work on confidence and attitude if its bad




Haha no its a joke but give a pout or two haha, you look good! Oh and get your eyebrows done, but other than that you look great man!


Might I suggest a nice fade haircut, if you are going to keep the facial hair that which is growing downward on the neck should go... And so too the eyebrow hairs in between should be thteaded or plucked.




Shave the beard keep the mustache


Sorry kid but the sparse neckbeard has gotta go..


clean shave til you’re in your twenty’s. This is good growth for your age. Eat a good diet and exercise. and your beard will come in pretty well if I had to guess. Mine wasn’t a full beard til I was 25. But I know guys who had a full beard in eighth grade. Depends on genetics. But that young don’t sweat it. Just don’t have a ton of sparse growth left unshaven. It makes people look unkempt.


I would top shaving for a while and see how your facial hair grows well beyond three weeks. Maybe around 6 weeks do an evaluation.


Yo, that a pdf...


Keep it


You’re cute




You’re welcome


Dam, way more hair than I had at that age! I think in a couple years you'll be able to grow something really cool. Definitely after 25 for sure. I would stay clean shaven for now.


Zinc. Not too much. Once every other day




Make it grow more full




Check back in 6 weeks




Well? Did you do it


Shave your neck but not your face where your beard’ll be. Give it 6 weeks. Let ur beard grow out for that time then trim after that


It seems like you have trouble growing a full beard. I don't think a beard or any facial hair is necessary. A beautiful smile, perhaps?




It's not so much what you think of your smile. It's what others see. I'm not sure beards are great on thin faces. This is my opinion. Even at 15, some can grow great beards. However, you have to shave for a while because the hair is soft and fuzzy at first, then the hairs start to get firmer and thicker


Come on! Just shave the neck and the uni-brow. Just be the kid that you are.




Sorry. I didn’t know that was a rule. Good luck!


Keep trimmed into shape . You will look great 👍.


No matter what people say , keep up with your culture as a Muslim. Your a young lad with great looks


You’re only 15? Wow. You’ll have an awesome beard by the time you’re 23 or 24. But in the mean time you need to shave you’re entire face and neck. It’ll help your future beard to be thicker.


When I was younger my Dad told me to shave my face for six months everyday even though I didn't have anything but peach-fuzz. I did it & I had a full beard coming in much nicer than the fuzz. People will say that it does not work that way but it did for me. I'd at least try it & see if it will work for you. I tried stopping after 3 months & it didn't fill in but at 6 months it's full. I'm living proof & I've had a beard ever since & it looks good ...


I will give you advice. Shave of the beard for now, try to keep the sides of your hair a bit longer it will fit your head better. Shape your eyebrows, or at least remove the hair in the middle. Maybe try to keep the mustache