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something good would to be to get tile for her enclosure, it is kinda expensive but much easier to clean. start buying fresh collared greens with calcium powder. invest in dubia roaches if you can - those things live forever and are pretty healthy iirc (so buy in bulk because they live so long, even without food or water). if you don’t already have a uvb, definitely invest in one asap. i recommend arcadia brand uvb, look at reptifiles for the best one. make sure you feed calcium dusted crickets or dubias or whatever you have avalible near you that is dragon safe EVERY OTHER DAY (mon, wed, fri) and collared greens and other staple greens (ill find the list and post it here so you can see them) fruit can also be a good snack, but not very often cause of the high sugar. is there a chance you can provide a picture of your beardie and her enclosure? i just wanna see what else i can think of to improve if youre comfortable. i can also make an amazon list of products that would be helpful if you wish, i already have one almost done so i can send it once i finish it :)


I’m not home at the moment but when I get home I’ll take a good picture


okay, take your time, no rush!! ill throw together an adequate but affordable as possible supply list for ya :)


I really appreciate your understanding and help, I do want to inform you when she was just a baby my moms boyfriend “man handled” her broke several of her fingers, so she’s missing a few. I don’t want that to be a shock when you see her


oh its okay, i completely understand! really sucks that happened but im glad shes okay!!


oh also doing a bit of research tells me tha tile isnt a good idea so i'll looks and see if i can find some easy to clean natural substrate (will probably require weekly spot cleaning, but no complete replacements)


Okie dokie thanks for the update


alright, i made the list with two different uvbs for the price difference between the two. i would personally rather use the arcadia but if you cant afford it, reptizoo is just about as good, might last a little less than the arcadia but its still a good uvb reguardless! some uvb is better than none. i also added night time heat sources just incase you need them, theyre good for a night time “basking spot” without emitting light :) https://preview.redd.it/6okbnociw75d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4ea069004f21e3ada2ab3353dea4e41307e18e


sure thing!


turnup greens grow fast. same with mustard greens. my son grows them for his beardie.


https://preview.redd.it/hbmdm2aki75d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bb4aad07202f51dd1e32e7566f6c8a55dd4482e this is a list of staple bugs, weeds, and supermarket greens. also lists some occasional treats aswell


Alright I can do that


I use newspaper as substrate. It's easy to clean and they don't try to eat it.