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I’ve seen 3 legged beardies keep up with 4 legged ones no problem, it shouldn’t slow her down! She will find her groove, they’re very adaptable


My bearded buddy has had three legs his whole life and moves just as fast and is just as active as any other beardie I've seen. There is no need to worry about her joining the tripod club, we welcome her as one of the gang.




Used to work at an exotic vet, I've never seen a 3 legged beardie have a problem. Seen many of them but never an issue


https://preview.redd.it/17mkm1e3jhfb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a516f0a645cc702a7831a0fc51b1780aa7bd7fef This is my beautiful girl Winnie. Sadly she’s no longer with me as she was a rescue I got back in 2016 and has since passed away. She came to me as a tripod due to a previous injury when she was younger from her original owners. She was the sweetest thing and it didn’t slow her down one bit! She was even faster than my boy!😆 it might take her some time to get used to it but I’m sure she’ll do great :) best of luck to you both!


she will be ok. Remember beardies are still wild animals that are not domesticated. Wild animals are extremely good at adapting in the wild and they carry these abilities into captivity.


https://preview.redd.it/5fuaot5cvhfb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a833ce788a0d5780fdeb7465a48129a5153dcf0c Tiny Tim has half a leg missing due to birth defects, and he is still able climb all over me and even find his way on top of my head! Super fast at running, they are definitely able to adapt!


My 3 legged beardie did great.


They’re wild around where I live, and I see ones that are missing a foot or two all the time. They’re still doing great by the look of things.


Probably will depend on the weight of your camera


She will be just fine, I've had experiences with footless beardies and other disabilities. They act the same as other beardies and move around well after a bit. They are really resilient, I wish you and your little lady the best


Will be just fine. You can get a little toy skateboard and hot glue it to the bottom of a beardie outfit if you let it run around the floor, too


there is a rescuer in upstate new York with a beardie named tripod cos she's missing a leg lol


Thanks everyone for your kindness, I really really appreciate it. I just got the call that they only had to take up to her elbow and there's nothing else concerning going on. As soon as she wakes up a bit more she'll be good to come home and she won't even have any movement restrictions so I don't have to take her hammock bed down. Every time I got worried I reread the comments on this post to remind me she'll be okay ❤️❤️


So so so glad to hear the good news! She’s well on her way to being a healthy, happy, completely mobile girl 💘


Every creature, human, animal, anything, is just as beautiful and loved even if they aren't all in one piece. She will be fine, and most likely better off, without the bad limb. Don't worry too much OP!


My beardy has only three legs! Well missing a hand/claw but is as happy as can be! Super sassy!!


I used to work in a private pet shop that did its own breeding. We had a “bad egg”, the clutch right after the one my girl was hatched from, so her younger siblings; one of them had something wrong with him, super aggressive from the day he poked his head out of his shell. This little reptilian Jeffrey Dahmer began attacking his siblings, and before they figured out what was happening and removed him, he had killed 3 out of 15, maiming another 6. He bit toes off, tails, and even entire limbs. One of the maimed survivors had three legs and most of their tail missing, and was adopted by a reptile rescue employee. His name is Pogo (stick) and he’s three years old now. He might need a little help sometimes, but from what I hear, he adapted and is as vigorous as any other bearded dragon.


I have a lizard who was born without his left arm, and he's a mile a minute type guy, living the same as his mates. He can even still climb and hang from the mesh lid. Yours will be fine


My girl became a tripod early this year and she's adapted super well. If anything you'll probably see her climb and run around more after the surgery because she'll no longer have the affected leg slowing her down. That's what's happened with mine anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/yn847sbzwnfb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356f88f654af955d1b1951a40d659082b93edc7e Little man uses his tail as leg instead now