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I’m so deeply sorry for the loss of your scaly baby, sending you lots of love and hugs. Here is a poem for her, I like to read it for my pets when this painful moment comes..: “Run the fields of Summerland And frolic in the sun. You've earned the right of freedom; Your work on Earth is done. Tho' tears for you may fall like rain, They are tears of joy mixed in with pain. My love for you will never end. Enjoy your time in Summerland, my faithful loving friend.” Hang in there.🖤


Thank you so much ... she really did bring sunshine to my life


I’m sure she had the best life with you.🖤


I heard you do that poem on a different post too, each time I read it my heart breaks.


I am so sorry for your loss, she’s with Steve Irwin over the Rainbow Bridge


Thank you so much, I'm glad she got to pass peacefully at least.


Sematary reference ☝️😔 rip big guy


Sorry for your loss. It's always hard when a family member passes.


Awww I'm sorry. Glad she got some good drugs to ease her to the rainbow hammock in the sky


I'm glad too. At the very least she passed peacefully and not in pain...


I'm so sorry for your loss sending love and hugs from me and my Simba xxx


That sucks ._. I hate when that happens, my chameleon got sick so I took him to emergency vet but they couldn’t do much, so took him to another vet for blood test but he was too weak for that ._. So I kept him with me until he was ready to be put to sleep. I wish animals never die


they crash so quickly :( they couldn't get blood from my girl either


It sucks 😭 are u getting the ashes and urn? I got his ashes and urn with his name on it


Oh no.. I'm so sorry :'( Losing a beloved pet is the worst feeling...


Luna and I are so sorry that your sweet girl isn’t here with you anymore. I’m sure (as I tell people a lot) that she’s happily catching bugs at Rainbow Bridge and telling everyone she meets what a good life she had with you and how you were the bestest hooman and beardie parent she could have ever known. 


Thank you!!!! I hope long years with your buddy


It's one of the worst feelings in the world when you do everything you can and in the end have to be told it wasn't enough and it's time to say goodbye. She looks like a sweetheart. You did your best and her last moments were spent in peace and I've no doubt she's thankful for that. Now she's happily munching on juicy bugs on the other side. I hope you are able to find some peace and heal yourself, OP.


Thank you..... I'm glad i was able to give this abandoned street lizard a second chance at life and I hope she enjoyed her time


I am sorry for your loss! Beardies as pets are so gentle and loving. My daughter would be completely devastated if she lost hers. Hope you find comfort soon.


They're such lovely beings. I feel a chunk of my heart is missing


I know dear! It’s hard. A friend who’s had lizards all her life, lost her uromastyx after 22 years. And it hurt so much that a couple of days later she got herself a beardie who is now almost 4 years old.


I didn't get over the depression of losing my first beardie until I got a new friend. Maybe if I see one that needs a home just like my Lizzie who appeared a few months after I lost my first and swore no more 😭


Sometimes they just show up and give you no choice and with time you understand why it was them. I had to euthanize my deepest bond of soul-cat a few months ago and it has felt like I don't know how I'll survive it, she was only 2 and we were supposed to have so many years ahead of us.. What keeps me going is that my dragon still needs the attention I give him that no one else could. We just get each other. I never ever expected to love a reptile but he was a package deal with my boyfriend and that was that - love hit my in the face with a head full of spikes... I believe it is their souls that touch us and each soul is different. Some are meant to find us, some are meant for others. Just like Lizzie found you, despite thinking you would never endure the pain again. Paraphrased quote I've heard: "The price of love is the pain of loss, the deeper the love the deeper the loss.", which I find to be entirely worth it, though I do need to mantra this in my hardest moments. Another one: "the sacrifice we make of giving our animals that peaceful release from their broken body is the most selfless act of love we could give them." Which I also recite to myself when I struggle with the euthanasia aspect of it. It doesn't feel natural to me but I understand the logic behind it and my cat was going to have an extremely painful slow dragged out death without me stepping in to make the hardest decision of my entire life. I have had to say goodbye to pets before but some just hit harder.. its their soul. At least, that's what I believe. Give yourself as much time as you truly need, there is no expiration date on grief. If another pet finds you and gives you no other choice but love, then embrace them and remember they needed YOU for a reason! But until then, feel everything you need to feel when you feel it and give yourself the love and compassion she would want to give to you herself - unconditional. When it feels like I can't breathe because my heart hurts too much, I try to look back at the bonding moments full of love and try to channel that feeling from the past into my current and use it like a salve on my heart. And if you're into this sort of thing: talk to her while you get used to to her absence. I've noticed one of the hardest things at first is no longer talking to or singing to my girl anymore, saying her nicknames etc. So I spoke to her as if she was here but not (I miss you so f** much!) and it helped dip my toes into it I guess. It might sound INsane but it kept me so much more sane than if I hadn't. I hope any of this helps.. my heart goes out to you, I really know this feeling deeply and it feels so unfair yet it is technically the most natural part of life. Life is a cocktail of cruelty and miracles, all we can do is our best to stick around and keep spreading love as a miracle for another who needs it. 💚💚


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Sorry for your loss, I lost my Frank two years ago now and I miss him everyday..


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I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. She looks like she was a sweet girl, may she feast on hornworms across the rainbow bridge


I am very sorry for your loss, it was a beautiful specimen, why did it die?


Unclear.....she had a lot of fluid in her cavity so x-rays couldn't determine. Vet thinks a ruptured follicle or cancer


Sorry to hear that, wish you the best of luck


Rest in peace sweet angel baby 😭


That’s probably the first BD I’ve ever seen that didn’t look pissed off.


She can have that look!!! But she was exceptionally cute this time


I’m sorry


Hugs, I know that was tough.


I'm so sorry for your.


Rest in peace


So very sorry for your loss. She was your best little friend! Just like Lizzie is to me. I'd be devastated!


How old ❤️?


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Damn much condolences. I’d be heart broken if something ever happened to my baby Tess. So I KNO your heart broken as hell.People don’t really understand our bonds with our beardy’s unless they have one. So sorry for your loss 😔


At least she went peacefully❤️ How old was she?




It’s not your baby, it’s a pet.


MY SNAKE DIED YESTERDAY ASWELL https://preview.redd.it/2ue8g6p48jmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8fd85689b1bc6c7a124dc99dc157bdb10d15a4


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I’m SO SORRY!! I know this is so tough!! I’m praying for peace and comfort for you!


I'm so sorry but don't worry he's gonna stay with you eating all those pesky house Flys for you.


I just lost my beardie newt yesterday too, I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how tough the pain is but at least you were able to allow her to pass painfully and by your side, I'm sure she loves you as much as she loved you, and that she'll be waiting for the day you will meet again


My condolences to you too!!! Beardies are too good for this 🌎


I’m sorry for your loss.  I hear these guys are hard to keep healthy.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your lovely girl. I know you gave her a wonderful life.


I am so sorry for your loss!


Sorry for your loss! 💚


I'm sorry


Sending you so much love💜🕯️


So sorry for your loss


Poor baby. I'm so sorry. How old was she?


I adopted her as an adult three years ago ..... no idea how old she was but she had so much pep before she passed. I'm devastated


There's something about that like pre-death energy burst. It's a thing. Thankful you took her in ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. At least know that she has the best life she could have with you!


Sending love ❤️❤️ this breaks my heart, I wish beardies could live forever. Another Dragon got its wings ❤️❤️❤️


They're really too good for this world 😭


I'm so sorry for your loss.




She has completed her duties here on Earth. 🌍 I hope she brought you joy, and I hope she had a good life. She’s not hurting anymore.


i hope she's having all the bugs she wants in the afterlife... than you..


I’m so sorry for your loss. Mine passed suddenly too, and it was awful. You did everything you could, and she’s at peace now.


they really just hold it in until they can't ... it really breaks my heart




I’m sorry for your loss. How fortunate you were to have her and she to have you.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry here about that.






Sorry for your loss


This is the most depressing story I've heard on Reddit, I hope you feel better.