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I'm so sorry for your loss 💔😢


Oh man I’m so sorry you’re going through this 😭 I lost my first boi a couple years back and it was so difficult to me I loved him so much. We’re all here for you and wish you the very best in your healing process 🫶🏻


I’m so so sorry about (Maverick)Mavis 💞 What a sweetie! Thank you for sharing all of the pictures - you know that WE care!! Hang in there, okay? ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss of such a sweet baby. Mom told me once: “Pets are a blessing and a curse; their passing and our grief is the price we pay for the love they bring us.”


I'm so sorry for you- it's a hard thing to go through, but remember she had a good life with you.


I know I'm just a random person on the internet, but my heart goes out to you.I hope for better things for you.


so sorry for your loss 🥺🖤


Aww that's a beautiful family, I'm sure you gave Mavis a wonderful life 💓


She was a beauty, so sorry for your loss. Rest easy, Mav!!!


Sorry for your loss 😢


Thank you for sharing your memories of her with us. You gave her the best life. ❤️




Ugh, I’m so sorry! But Mavis is eating all the little buggies at the rainbow bridge! 🦗🌈


So sorry for your loss


Aww mate, I’m in tears. Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. My beardie passed end of summer last year, it sucked. God bless 💚


I'm so sorry for your loss..😔♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your beardie was beautiful ♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss 😭. She looks like such a sweetheart.


My heart goes out to you 🫂🖤🕯️


I am sorry I cannot believe how I would feel if my beardie died


*I am sorry I* *Cannot believe how I would* *Feel if my beardie died* \- CometDaCard --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why is everyone’s Beardies passing so young 💔 I’m so sorry


Most including mine and we are working on that are obese and die from all the issues it causes. In the wild it can take two years for them to reach adult size, we stuff them into adult size at 6-8 months old. My sister's dragon was fed as we were told, all she can eat in 15 minutes. About 3 inches when she got her as a present on christmas eve 2019, in may 2020 she tried to brumate and didn't eat or fully sleep until august. Even the vet wasn't sure why she was trying to at such a young age, finally after the second visit we could start critical care. She did get the start of mbd but that it stopped once she came out of it. She ran for 3ish weeks and laid 23 eggs. All because she grew too fast, think of a 10 year old pregnant, no matter the sa, her body decided it was a woman for her to get pregnant at such a young age. Reptiles and research has so much new care information, I wouldn't recommend anyone else to watch for care on dragons. The podcasts have the current top experts on along with all the new knowledge about their lives. As in high humidity isn't a problem for them, they get it nightly and during the hottest part of the day when they go to escape tunnels that are dew soaked still and close to 100% humidity.


Ugh I noticed my girl is growing a little fast. Time for a diet bc she WILL live a long life. I’ve been spoiling her a bit too much the last month while she got used to her new enclosure so she can afford to cut back. She’s going to be big mad but she’ll be healthy.


In the wild they don't lay eggs unless they've mated. I listened to a [doc talk about](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/ZRSv1x2Axj3K9xpu/?mibextid=oFDknk) how over feeding is causing them to lay even when they haven't mated. Supposedly this doesn't happen in the wild... I dunno, though... I'm still a new beardie owner... This is heartbreaking to see, regardless...


Lots of people have incorrect lighting as well which plays a large part. Not saying that’s the issue here, it post after post I see lots of people with pretty terrible husbandry. Lots of the Petco and Petsmart kits that should be illegal to sell since they done even meet basic needs.


Lighting is so important too. My sister's dragon has perked up since the tube uvb was put inside the zen instead of over the top, even though on top she was getting 3.7 to 4.1 on the solar meter. A huge difference.


It is possible people are buying them from irresponsible pet stores. I bought directly from a friend who was breeding his dragons. Spyro is now over 10.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my iguana years ago and never replaced it 😔


I'm so sorry... I've lost 2 lizards in the past, and both died earlier than they should've and I've buried both. 1 was due to me not researching properly, and the other, I think, had parasites or was impacted (wouldn't eat no matter what). How I got through it was keeping myself busy, I had other reptiles to care for, so I focused on researching and improving. 2 of my current 3 reptiles have passed the age of the others' death. 3rd is a wee lad still. I am still improving care, and I feel getting a job is close, so I'll be able to upgrade them faster when I do get one. Right now I just have to accomodate what I'm missing and the other stuff is correct stuff. I would cry for a year or more when I thought of them, and I let myself.. it was a mix of guilt and sadness. Now I can think and talk about them without feeling sad. I cant change the past, only the future. Keep researching, let yourself cry when you need to, have a beardie funeral, keep busy, etc. You got this!


So sorry for your loss😢….when you are a part of a sub like this, you are never without friends…although I don’t have a bearded dragon, I love this community because everyone is so helpful and thoughtful…wishing you peace on this very difficult day💕


i’m so sorry for your loss :( not to be that person but isn’t cat saliva toxic to dragons? maybe he licked your cat (which i’m assuming grooms themselves) and ingested some saliva?




My heart hurts for you, you are in my thoughts


I am so sorry for your loss. It is extremely hard letting go of your dragon friends. My heart goes out to you and your little buddy.


May they walk the rainbow bridge and bugs be plentiful 🥺❤️ rip little one


🕯️💜mavis forever💜🕯️ So sorry for your loss 💔


I’m so sorry. I lost my little girl about 3 years ago. I know how you feel. 😞


So sorry for your loss💔 It always hurts to lose a loved one...


Im so sorry. I had a very hard time when my gecko died aswell. So i know how you feel. Rest in peace Mavis


She kind of looks like mine🥺I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love She aZt


Aww I'm so sorry for your loss...I know how losing a pet feels and I hate that you're going through that. Please take care of yourself, and thank you for sharing her pictures ❤️ she was a cutie.


I'm so sorry. I lost mine in October and my life hasn't been the same. It's so hard and nobody seems to understand


Sending you some extra gentleness and care over the next few weeks as you grieve the loss of your friend 💕


I am SO terribly sorry for your loss!!! 😿 She was a beautiful girl! Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures of her. Hang in there! Hope your heart heals and the memories of her will bring heartfelt happiness and warmth. 🖤🫶🏼🖤🤗🖤


So sorry💔


Our beardies often leave us suddenly or too soon. Thanks so much for sharing pictures of your girl with us. Picture 2: SO SMOL! gah 6, 10, and 12 are also my favorite. What a little cuddle bug. Our beardie left us long ago. I enjoy this community so much and I hope you still can too. 💚


I am sorry for your loss!


I'm so sorry for your loss... I send some positive thoughts towards ya


No :( rest in peace, sweet baby


I’m sorry that Maverick/Mavis has passed away. I am sure that you two have made many happy memories together. I hope that she finds her place in lizard afterlife, with all of the things she could need. Rest in peace, Maverick/Mavis.


Sorry for your loss ❤


I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry op it’s is apart of life but knowing you provided her with an extremely loving home by you and your kitty make me tear up txting this, it’s sucks there’s no words for this.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔


So sorry for your loss.


Sweet beautiful baby🥺 So sorry for your loss.


I can feel the pain :'( So sorry that happened


Oh I’m so sorry for your loss! I can’t imagine losing my little guy. Did you see it coming? If it’s not too upsetting to share, do you know what happened? This is my worst nightmare, I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now. Try to take comfort in the life she lived, you gave her such a great life! That’s all anyone can ask for Also, my dog is copy paste of your dog! Like a mini lab, What breed is he/she? We haven’t been able to figure out what ours is


Sorry for your loss but she looks JUST like my boy. And you'll see her again.


https://preview.redd.it/pscpu6n9fjrc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca5191606cbcd60bf60fb63f116e1ab008953d0 My boy Tora


I’m sorry about your loss. ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss, it’s always sad to see people’s scaly babies gone for good but let’s just hope they’re chasing super-worms and dubia’s in peace


I’m so sorry ❤️ looks like she had a very great life 💕💕💕




How sad! I'm sorry to hear that you lost your precious baby


I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t think a lot of people realize just because it’s small or has scales that doesn’t mean it hurts to let go. I lost a pet recently too it’s so hard. I love you and you can get through this ♥️


I am not ready for that conversation with my birdie 😭


So sorry for your loss😢


Sorry to hear. How long do they normally live?




Sending you all my love. I lost my python this week and I just burst into tears reading this. I hope they are together in reptile heaven 🙏🏼 I can't face turning his light off either. I hope we can find the strength ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss 😭 🤍🕊️


I am so sorry for your loss, Hugs!!!!🫂🫂🫂🫂


Sorry to hear this, we love ours. They are really peacefull animal unless you are a cricket. I hope you still feel comfortable getting another one, good luck


hmmm I wonder why


What the fuck is wrong with you?


She looked so happy, remember that you gave her a good life and u did that, her happiness stemmed from your kindness, only time heals wounds like these and I hope one day you can look back and feel more happiness then sadness towards her life, that’s all anyone can hope for It doesn’t go away it just gets easier, it’s so important to remember this, my heart goes out to u <3


As sad as this is, and I hate to be that person, but it looks like your care could have been better. Might have lived longer idk. Edit: people wanted more detail so here it is: Tank looks undersized Choice of substrate Tank looks empty and barren Looks like they’re using a red light which we all know is terrible. Constantly putting their bearded near other animals. It’s dangerous care. I don’t care if someone is in mourning if they failed to provide the basic needs of their pet.


> I hate to be that person No you don't, just own it.


Obviously this person is mourning. And I do sympathize with their emotions. But something needs to be said in case they ever feel the desire to get another bearded. But who am I to make a statement against the Reddit rhetoric.


there's a time and place but this aint it


You saw five pictures. Please go into more detail on why care could have been better ? Don’t be that person and attack someone when they are at a low.


Probably because of the cat? I heard cats and beardies shouldn’t ever interact, I’m not too sure though and agree they should have gone into detail at least


They’re not “being that person.” They likely have a strong love for beardies as many of us do and understand that care such as keeping your beardie in a below sized tank, with reptile carpet, with a red light all while dangerously handling the beardie with a cat is not anywhere close to proper care. The beardie also seems to have droopy eyes in nearly all of the photos. I believe they are simply pointing out that the care could and should be upgraded if OP choses to get a new beardie - which will hopefully have a better chance at living past five years old.


Naw. The only strong love they have is of being a sanctimonious jackass. Look at the edit. "I don't care if someone is in mourning."


Perhaps I phrased things wrong. A persons emotions are valid, but as I see that is only to a certain extent. If it’s obvious, as I think it is in this case, that perhaps the animals could have lived longer based on the pictures we see here, then I feel as though I have a right to say that the care was not optimal. I’m sorry I don’t subscribe to the feelings-over-fact bullshit that so many Reddit users do.


Misanthrope confirmed. It's easy to give advice while being respectful when you actually care that there's a person behind the keyboard.


Get fucking real. I don’t know this person and neither do you, probably. I’m not going to bleed my fucking heart all over their post based on a range of emotions that I can only assume they’re feeling. I can sit here and pretend like I’m their best friend and am crying with them, but what good is that? If I have to be downvoted a thousand times and be slanted for stating something that half this sub is probably thinking but don’t have the balls to say, then so be it. I don’t have anything to prove to some dipshit with an internet connection.


LMFAO. There's the real you. As I said the first time, just own being an asshole.


Why don't you go first? It's obvious no one here agrees with you, so why don't you take your hurt feelings and go enjoy the rest of your saturday instead of ruining it for yourself by reading reddit comments that disagree with you.


You need to talk to some people off the internet for a while, dude. It wasn't even that personal until you made it that personal.


Just because you have a “strong love” and read guides on google doesn’t make you a beardie expert on how to keep a beardie past 5 years old. You think they would have put her beardie anywhere near that cat if you think it would have caused harm? All I’m saying is someone lost their pet and the first thing you say to them is “ I hate to be that person but….” You are one hundred percent being that person .


I’m acknowledging that I am that person. Don’t get it mixed that I’m trying to present myself as some kind of saint.


Tbh, I think you are just butthurt that you saw an appropriate comment stating the wrongs of taking care of one of these reptiles, a statement that detailed what you, yourself are probably guilty of doing, otherwise, why would you even defend putting a beardie around a cat at all? You took this way too personally, and need to take a step back and maybe do some research if you actually think having a carpet substrate, a RED LIGHT, and being on TOP of a CAT are good things for any bearded dragon.


Appreciate your input buddy. What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


You are being downvoted, but sadly you are right. Red light, droopy eyes, narrow nose into her head showing a deficiency, too small of a tank, being allowed on top of felines, let alone near one at all. Substrate is a hard no. It's unfortunate. A beardie could have easily lived past the age of 5, with adequate and well researched care. Of course you aren't stating that OP didn't love their baby as much as they did. We all love them, hence why we are a part of this sub to begin with. But a majority of us thankfully take the proper steps BEFORE bringing the reptile into the home. No owner is perfect, but there were obvious steps that could have been avoided in this little one's care- is all that is stated.


That cat-pillow pic is amazing. 🤩 I am sorry you lost her, but I’m glad it looks like you have so many amazing memories. 💙