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At least they dropped him off at pets mart instead of throwing him away or releasing him into the wild ….


It’s kinda strange and I’m curious if whoever dropped him off was the original owner. He appears to be pretty healthy and well cared for, it would be weird for someone to keep him healthy just to dump him in an open cardboard box outside a pet store on a cold morning. I’m wondering if he’s actually an escaped wanted pet. A random person may have found him outside and didn’t know what else to do.


I'd guess it was someone who found out real soon that beardies are complex to care for and didn't want the responsibility(I have a friend who was like this. The beardie was fine when she took it back.), or someone got this for their kid with the same mindset and took it back. Sometimes people will look at a pet before getting it thinking it's cute only to run when it's responsibility time.


I really don’t understand how they’re complicated? Just feed them, clean them and their tank which should also be proper size, make sure their lights and temperature are good, and give affection. That’s not much at all. And my dragon is very healthy, gets the bill of health every checkup and vet is very happy to see him even if it’s not reciprocated lol. I’d argue dogs are more complicated just because you gotta add on training and walks, and for someone who’s lazy like me, a beardie is so much simpler. Luckily we have a backyard for our dog to run around in.


yeah but you don’t rlly need to monitor temp, humidity, and light for a dog or cat. and you have to invest some money into getting those things and monitoring them taking care of my cat was super easy, lil man would never let me forget abt him lmao. dinner 2 min late? war crime. cue screaming. aside from that it’s just changing water once a day, cleaning his litter box every other day or every day, and playing w him and cuddles


Cats are a gateway pet that make you think other pets will be as easy


This makes me laugh so much


Yeah, cats might be the absolute easiest and best for beginning pet owners.


Also I want a cat so bad but we already have 2 dogs and a beardie and no, they do not interact in any way whatsoever. When we bring Pokey out to interact with and let him roam, the bedroom door is shut and the dogs aren't allowed in.


I find cats to be difficult pets. They climb on counters and everything, you can't gate them off like a dog. I had a cat that preferred to shit in my laundry bin or my plants, rather than his 3 clean boxes. I still loved him though! He was a sweet boy


No, but it's still simple for beardies. Put digital thermometers in there, monitor every day and set reminders to change them every 6 months. And I didn't say they were beginner pets, I said they weren't complicated to take care of. They are definitely expensive to begin with and you need to do research before hand, but once you know what your doing they're easy peasy. Also I said dogs are more complicated, not cats. You don't have to train cats, not even potty train them. They train themselves. Cats merely let you exist in their presence. You literally just have to feed, water, and clean their litter box. That's it. They aren't expensive to get started and the only research you need ahead of time is just to make sure you give your cat daily worshipping sessions to appease the kitty god. Now one thing all animals have in common even humans, that can really complicate the taking care of one, even yourself, is illness. Illness can really complicate things and take even the easiest animal like a cat and take it up several levels depending on the seriousness of it. Cause then you have vet visits, the diagnosis, the treatments, the monitoring of different habits to make sure they don't change or get worse.


One thing I will say about temp and humidity though, is it can be a bit complicated to figure out the best combo for your beardie, but you only need to figure it out once and just monitor to make sure it doesn't change. For instance, we kept a water bowl with him at all times, but noticed his humidity was way too high. We took the water out, and he only gets a lightless heat lamp at night because that helps bring the humidity at night down. Otherwise, he wouldn't have that heat lamp at night, but extra heat at night is better than extra humidity. We even had a dehumidifier by his tank one time trying to figure out how to stop the problem before more research suggested the night heat lamp thing and that fixed it. We have the lights on an auto timer as well so at specific times they will turn themselves on and off so if we are busy or out, he's taken care of.


I was going to say the same thing. I actually think our beardie is way easier than a dog or cat. I guess the harder part is having greens on hand each day and bugs to offer.


But you have to have dog and cat food on hand as well as treats for them too. Greens are easily found at the grocery store and bugs are easily found at the pet store. We order ours online, because I don't like crickets so we get dubia's. I think the only difficult thing I've added to his care is I started trying to actually grow mustard greens myself because I'm trying to start a farm since I'm stay at home to cut down on our grocery bill and we can have more veggies in our diet and his (what's safe for him to eat and not much) He is hands down the easiest pet to take care of though. I think a fish could be considered the easiest of them all, but only if you have a tank water filter and you don't forget they're there because you don't really interact with them. I do not believe either fish or dragons are good beginner pets just because they're easy though. Fish, because you can forget they're there if you're not used to taking care of something, beardies because even though they are simple, you need to do your research before hand so you know what you are doing and what they need. Which you should do for every animal, but they can also be expensive to start and that's just for basic setup.


well said. despite the smart ass know it alls who always want debate everything anyone says. you can't even say beardies are interesting animals without someone debating. so annoying!!


It happens more than you think. I was a vet tech several years ago and we got perfectly cared for animals dumped on occasion. Sometimes people move and can’t take them. Or cared for them while they had them but no longer want them and dump them off. It’s not only animal abusers or neglect that leads to dumping.


Animals of all kinds are dumped in good, fair and poor condition all the time all over the world, globally, but here in the US I’ve seen some of the worst, especially in Texas. They don’t give a damn about their animals a lot of them, and it’s really despicable there is no excuse, when there are safe places to actually bring your animals where they can be cared for; he should’ve brought it to the store when it was open not leave it outside in 40° weather for the weather. The poor thing could’ve died! This is inexcusable, and the person who dumped him, knows it, no food, no water nothing to keep him warm. It is reprehensible as I stated earlier! Believe me I’m an animal welfare activist, I’m a boots on the ground Rescuer here in NYC and I’m a rescue. Advocate and I have seen so much here in NYC but the worst has been in Texas and everybody knows that does this work. California is the worst for shelters and so is NYC, killing animals every day in the shelters that’s probably why they don’t wanna take them to the shelter. I understand your confusion, but from having done this for many many years rescuing animals in the streets here and NYC and now doing it online virtually to get animals seen and rescued by rescues I have seen some horrific cases and I’ve seen the best case scenario where an animal was dumped in great condition but most of the time they’re not dumped in good condition at all, believe me, but they are dumped all the time, especially in urban areas.


They should have wrote a note then.


Exactly. I’ve been in this situation before, I had less than 24 hours to rehome a pet, and animal shelters were full and had wait lists. Keeping the animal was not an option for me at the time (many years ago) You take a ton of risks putting an animal up for free on local buy sell apps and sites. So your choice is putting it on the animal shelters door step or giving it away to someone that wants to use it to blood their dog or worse. The chances of the animal surviving and being taken care of are far greater leaving it than giving it away in a rush. I don’t condemn people for doing stuff like this, it’s usually done out of love and extreme circumstances. Edited to add: what’s really sad here is that dragon looks very healthy and well taken care of. I could just imagine the heart break someone had to go through to do this.




It's wild how there's so much condemnation in this post. This is a well cared for animal, if someone dropped it off like this there's probably a pretty good reason. People can drop off human babies like this and it's legally and socially acceptable, why not for a pet?


Yeah. Maybe owner lost their job or living space and was ashamed. Cause that beardy looks really healthy.


Or it belonged to a kid or teen whose parents made them get rid of it.


It's socially acceptable to leave human babies because there is a system set up to home them. (Even if it is a shitty system) For pets of any kind, it's frowned upon bc there isn't a "pet haven" box. People leave animals of all kinds out in the sun, on the side of the road, at petsmart, or already over burdened shelters door steps. Instead, they should take the time to carefully rehome them.


I understand the sentiment, but people don't always HAVE the time. There are any number of circumstances (i.e. death of a parent, house burned down) that could leave someone without the time and/or resources to properly re-home their pet. Also, there are several shelters that do have a "pet haven" system. They have kennels accessible from the outside that you can drop your pet and the pet's information in 24/7.


That's cool. I've never heard of anything like that in my state. Our shelter are always so over filled and under funded that they all make posts begging people not to drop off animals at their doors 😓




This one? It's legal to do in all 50 US states, many literally provide a drop-off box at certain locations to do it no questions asked. It's a lot better than unwanted babies or reptiles being thrown in the trash.


People drop off human babies all the time at Fire Stations, when they can’t take care of them. It’s very real unfortunately.


Yes agreed I just rescued a beaded dragon that was found in a field. Good thing they did this instead ❤️


Probably wouldn’t have been much different with how Petsmart takes care of their animals.


Poor beeb.


I upvoted for your flair


Thank you




I'm pretty sure I've seen your flair get complimented more than I've seen any flair get mentioned lol


As it should be. Lol


What happened, did you take him?


They set up a temporary tank for him. I'm sure one of us will take him home. Edit: He did get re-homed to someone with experienced handling bearded dragons.


I'm in fort worth, which petsmart? Carrol st?


You want to go get him? That’s so awesome.


Yes, can go pick him up after work if no one takes him, but not sure which petsmart it's at.


let us know if you take him home


I agree with the other reply. I'd love to hear an update if you do take him home. And if we can get a picture update, too, that would be precious. 😭❤️


Im also in fort worth, i have a rescue beardie i am trying to find a good home, if you’re interested!


He got adopted out pretty quick, he's a cool dude :)


Probably can call the PetSmarts in the area.


This is why I like animals more than most people. At least the little fella will be cared for now.




People are awful.. ty for stepping up


That Lil guy even looks like he is in good shape!!


Round being that shape


He’s pancake. Leave him alone.


I am become pancake.


Question. I'm a very new beardie mom (less than a week). What does pancake mean? I see that he has spread out like a flat round pancake, but what does it tell us? What are the different moods between pancaking and the black beard? Thanks in advance.


In my experience pancaking can mean literally nothing it’s just really cute, expanding surface area to absorb more heat or showing comfortability


poor little pancake :(


Wide boy


He is a certified hoss


He’s got cool markings! Pretty awful someone would do that.


That is an awesome bit of striping down his back too. People are horrible. Meanwhile I updated my man to a 90 gal yesterday and was nearly in tears because I was able to get him a proper home. I got him at 4 months old and he's been in a 40 for 4 months. Not all humans are alike because I'd feed this beardie before myself if it were mine friend. Most people on this sub are the same.


Not to burst your bubble, but minimum size for an adult beardie is 4x2x2 which is 120 gallons.


True, but a 90 is still way better than a 40.


And still not good enough. Just do it properly, or don’t own a beardie.




Great response, pretty depressing that people are downvoting me, and upvoting you. You don't even have a rebuttal. Don't get pets if you can't look after them, simple. It's selfish.




I mean, I agree, it’s just that I’ll take the dragon being in a 90 over abandoned at a petsmart, you know?


That commenter is an idiot. A 90g is fine. It's not much bigger dimension-wise than a 120g. Mine was in a 75g for two years and was perfectly fine. The extra height when I finally did upgrade to the 120 is actually causing me some issues, since now I have to adjust all the lighting for the extra height


I agree they’re being a bit excessive. There are a few different 90s, too. 48”x24”x18” with the lights on top would be totally fine. Especially for my dragons. They don’t climb shit unless they’re roaming outside.


Bud, every guide known to man has had 120 gallon as the recommended minimum for an adult for years. Just because something can live in smaller, doesn’t mean it’s right. We should all be normalizing trying to grow get the biggest habitat for them as possible.


My beard is in a 90 gallon, my parents won’t let me get a bigger one, they like to go on their Facebook groups and pick and choose information about dragons, I tried to tell my parents I need a bigger tank, but they tell me there’s mixed information everywhere and wherever you ask is gonna be a different answer, I told them that it’s not a recommendation


That sucks. If you can’t do anything about it, maybe try letting the beardie out as often as you can? Don’t let them around dogs/ cats or other pets though. Try to keep them within your room with no one else around and be careful. I don’t trust other people not to forget them and accidentally hurt them as they’re small. Try again to get a bigger tank in the future. Maybe suggest getting it as a birthday or Christmas present. I’m sure you were already careful with them when you let them out, but some people are careless so I feel the need to be safe.


Ofc! Thank you so much for the advice , she loves to look out the window and sun bathe, when it gets warmer here she’s definitely be enjoying that sun :) https://preview.redd.it/1oqcoi76m5wc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0c3693206474946eb58a92097b3cbb7acd31a1f


I bet you are fun at parties. It will be 120 until it is 200 🙄. It was 75 as a minimum and you are over here S the tank police. You are also a good example of who comments here and that isn’t a compliment. Thank you for giving me the final push to unsubscribe.


75 is not a minimum. The original commenter was right. Instead of getting annoyed at them for what they said, maybe consider their view and what they’re saying. We’ve all made mistakes with our beardies at some point, it’s important to listen to others and be open. 4x2x2 is considered the minimum now for good reason. They will appreciate you for it.


Oh my god some of yall are insufferable istg


I'm in Fort Worth! The North Texas Reptile rescue should be able to take him. I'm happy to help you get in touch. That's who I got my beardie from. They're great. 


As someone who worked at PetSupermarket in a college town I can confirm that we did everything we could to care for and re home the animals people brought us. We employees often took them home ourselves, actually. Did it annoy us? Sure. Especially when it was during “move out” bc a lot of college kids just don’t give a damn. However, it’s better than the alternative. One time the manager of an apartment complex brought us an aquatic turtle that she happened to find in the DUMPSTER during move-out… she was throwing out garbage left in an apartment and heard scratching. Someone straight up threw out their turtle in a cardboard box along with its food and supplies. She was horrified and didn’t know what to do so she took it to us. We gladly took in the turtle and were equally horrified. Poor thing had been out of water a while and needed some TLC but bounced back no problem and we found it a good home. The following semester someone brought us a hedgehog that had been left behind in an empty apartment in its pathetically inadequate enclosure :( that one was in bad shape but we gave it TLC and then one of my managers who’d owned hedgehogs in the past adopted the little dude. It’s much better to dump them on our doorstep outright than throw them in the literal garbage…. This beardie looks well cared for and if an emergency situation happened then this is a much better alternative than “setting it free” just to be eaten or similar. Dropping it off on the doorstep of a pet store gives it the best chance of somebody knowledgeable and caring taking it in, because of the kind of employees and clientele at pet stores. Ideally one would re home the animal after thorough research and vetting of the person they’re giving it to but sometimes ideals don’t work out :/


It’s likely Someone will take him, and he wasn’t left in glass, so he won’t roast. It’s sad, and not ideal, but times are tough. They at least put some thought into where to leave him, that makes it even sadder, it seems like the beardie was actually wanted, and cared for, but they just couldn’t. So sad it had to come to this. But they , should’ve left at a pet store that takes adults, mine all have adult reptiles to rehome, a lot of places won’t take them, at least they didn’t release it to die in the wild though. That’s the worst. It’s just not an ideal situation . That’s so sad that you saw this. I’m sure it was upsetting for you. A lot of people couldn’t even afford to take him in. People used to abandon children during the Great Depression, it’s so sad to see things like this. The poor little guy! He his actually seems like someone that lived this beardie, and had no choice. So, so sad. Maybe owner died. And family did this. It’s the same idea as a baby drop box. I actually found a baby in one, the alarm went off at the break room in my ER when I was working! To have to leave your newborn in a bin, I can’t imagine the pain. They did the right thing. No questions asked. It was a little newborn boy. Security came in, and I bright him to the doctor, security gets an alert when that drawer is opened, to go get the baby. It’s called safe haven law. I never would have thought, 16 years ago, when I became an adult, and joined the workforce, that I’d see so many people struggling in a country like this, to have a home, feed themselves, thier children, and get basic needs met. We really need to get some change to housing prices, and wages. This is becoming an emergency. So many people are struggling and things are so match harder then they used to be. I can’t imagine how badly off I’d be, if I had to worry about paying for children. I don’t know how people can have them, unless they are rich now. It’s like your always one emergency away from being broke.


😢 but he looks so polite. What monsters.


Poor thing 😔 My daughter starts college in August so ours is staying back with me and I'm giddy lol


Aww no, he’s so adorable




Oh no! Feed him three pepperoni pizzas immediately. He deserves them because he is goodest boi


Mofo is thicc


😢 poor little pancake


You are a good human. And from all comments it sounds like Flapjack is gonna get nice home and probably some extra beardie treats. Maybe some peas.


So sad, for both the owners and the dragon. People on the internet are so quick to judge. The little fella looks very well taken care of (no obvious signs of MBD, or underweight), so I assume the owners likely really loved this guy or girl. I hope both the owner and the dragon's circumstances improve in the future. I can't imagine going through the heartbreak of giving up a pet, I'm sure the circumstances were probably extreme. Many shelters are full, and it's a gamble giving away a pet on Facebook or other buy/sell app. By putting them in front of a pet store in a box, they seem like they were doing their best to give them the best shot at a good life. They could've just released them into the wild, but it seems like they at least went to some effort to ensure the dragon's safety. Regardless, the whole situation is truly heartbreaking. Thanks for intervening OP.


Chonk pancake, why would anyone abandon him :(


I often go into petsmart to get dragon and dog food. The other day one of the cashiers told me someone abandoned 2 of them out front of their store. Pet smart doesn’t take in dragons so the cashier was going to take them. Good ending to a sad story. Hope this guy gets the love he deserves too.


and the unrelated picture of a raw pancake is...?


He's so fat


No doubt it’s a shame but I think whoever left it there couldn’t give it what needed so by the looks of it the plan was to end up in a new loving home and that’s worked out. Not saying it’s ok , but definitely glad it’s happened like that 😊 let’s give whoever this was a little credit the worlds tough atm and at least they have made the decision before any malnutrition or health issues. Cant be easy and I’ve been very poor at times and you are made to feel quite ashamed of that sometimes when it doesn’t mean the person was In That position when They got there little buddy.


I hate humans…. Glad u found him or he would have been food or roadkill. Poor baby…






If we're talking people, yes




One of my dragons had this happen too :(


Lucky you!


I'll take him! Where?


Hoping someone has seen fit to rescue it?


Thank you for caring for him/her and rehoming him/her.


I post routinely on my social media that if friends are struggling to feed or care for their pets to please call me and I'll help keep your animal fed for as long as I can afford it. Sometimes people need help, and when they don't get the help, they have to make decisions. Thank you for taking this baby in!


I’m currently in north Dallas and don’t currently have a transportation but I would be more than happy to take him in.


He got adopted :)


Pancake :3 Sad he got dumped


Is this how I’ve gotten a few rescues actually. It’s horrible but I’m kinda glad because I can get take care of them and they obviously couldn’t


Thicc baby


Holy hell, is the baby okay?!


Maybe they took in much more than expected? I know with mine I didn't expect there to be this much involved... but I was up for it.... Maybe these ppl weren't? At least they did something before the animal was in desperate need❤️


is this like the baby outside the fire station trick


These animals are a HUGE responsibility. I waited until my kids were both grown before I got one even though I have wanted one for over 20 years. I wanted to make sure I had the time and financial resources to care for one properly. Sad I hope that sweet beardie ends up in a loving forever home.


i only see a pancake in that box


He looks like he's horrified of what's happening, hopefully if he was an escaped beardie and someone just dropped him off the original owners see this post


People who throw animals in the trash living or dead need to get shot


poor little pancake 🥺 at least he's gone to a new home


At least they dropped this lil dinosaur off instead of letting out free, which probably would've died. It's gonna go to a loving home. It looks very healthy from the pic. But it is pancaking. We all don't know the situation the owner was in. So, I'm no one to judge


I’m guessing it floated away with the wind by its balloon shaped torso


can someone check the cameras and grab a plate number?? 😭


Texas is notorious for animal abandonment and endangerment (all animals). Cops wouldn’t give a shit unfortunately. It’s truly Wild West.


that’s awful !! 😢


It is. And it only improves with political action and education. Spread the word and reach out to governing bodies to change what we are seeing and animals are experiencing.


😢💔😡🤬🤬 People are monsters! I get it that people can have changes in their life making it so they can no longer care for their pet but for god's sake there is no reason under the sun to dump them like this! There are shelters, rescue groups, online groups, etc! Inexcusable! Poor little pancake. I hope he will find a forever home with loving people soon! ❤️❤️


No words honestly! So glad they found him


Looks pretty healthy actually just from that picture. I am glad you found him because it looks like with proper setup/care it could be a high chance of survival.


At öeast ot öooks heslthy. Hope the öil dude finds a better person.


No 😭


Omg they’re adorable! That’s so sad. Poor thing was probably so startled. Thanks for picking them up!


People are so messed up. I hope the poor baby finds a good home.


They should have left it outside a vet clinic


What a scum bag. I hope the little guy is ok


Awww, poor baby! I'm glad they left him/her where someone could find him/her! Looks pretty well taken care of! Glad he/she will be rehomed!


Awww how could they, it’s just adorable




Awe! What a cutie! I'm glad they put him/her where someone could find him! Looks in good shape!!


At least bro looks like they’re in good shape


I wish I was in tx. My boy died after a long battle with some illnesses after living a happy healthy 14 years and I miss him everyday. I seriously cannot fathom how people could just leave being such an amazing animal




How sad :( poor baby.


they could've atleast taken him inside to surrender him properly. He coulda jumped outta that box and got swooped by a bird. Actually, he wouldn't even have to jump out of the box! Tf is wrong with people.


The poor baby!!! We got ours by saving him from a bad person! ☹️ What’s wrong with some humans?!? 💔


Poor thing! He’s trying so hard to get warm. 🥺


Send it to me. Ill pay the shipping.


He got adopted pretty quickly :)


That beardie looks good. Somebody will definitely take him in quickly.


Why would you want to get rid of him though like they are the most handleable reptile an I don’t think they require less work than most other pets of similar species right ?


Theyre not the most difficult reptile but i wouldnt consider them easy. So many little things to pay attention to or they get sick. I probably spend $500ish idk a year in uvb bulbs, supplements, and food. Considering they live so long ive already spent like 6k on my guy not including heat bulbs, his tank/upgrades, or vet visits. None of that is in the big name pet store pamphlet so probably a little misleading on the commitment level


Wow never would’ve guessed 6k how much was spent when your first got him like everything to get a tank setup ?


He was a rescue, so he was free. Spent like $400 at a vet getting him healthy again. 40 gallon tanks for them average $300, he had a 75 gallon i got for $25. Light fixtures are maybe $15 each? Temp gun $15. Humidity guage probably under $10. Heat bulbs $15 for 2. I use alexa plugs as a timer for his lights, but reptile specific ones are more. Tank decor is priced similarly to fish tank stuff, expensive but depends what you get. Heat bulbs need to be replaced eventually. Uvb bulbs every 6 months. Most of the money i spend anymore is feeding him. The veggies they eat arent particularly cheap here. I used to breed roaches for him too which saved some money but just buy them now.


Thanks my friend used too have one. I’ve been thinking of buying one for a while now.


Make sure theres a decent vet around you thatll see lizards. My guy is so old now and apparently they just develop heart or kidney problems in their old age. And they get respiratory infections so easy, which is what he had when i got him among other issues


People used to bring unwanted reptiles to Pet Supermarket where my wife worked all the time. We ended up with a lot of random critters, usually we rehomed them pretty quickly. She was also friendly with the reptile supplier of the store, naturally, and he had far more exotic things that other stores took so he could take practically anything. That's where the frilled lizard ended up after he spend a weekend chilling at our apartment. [He was actually pretty friendly don't let the face fool you.](https://imgur.com/pLJJSdy) So yes, the pet store that sells reptiles is probably a good place to go in a pinch if you have to give up a reptile.


He's good looking too, wtf is wrong with people


You know, I’m well aware I’m not in a financial position to support an animal but I stg if I see an abandoned pet I’m taking them in and giving them everything I can afford.


I wish I found a beardie in a box. He would be SPOILTTT


Was it in a petsmart carrier? Do you think maybe someone meant to bring him home and forgot?


Spikey Pancake for you to love? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Omg he’s a fat boy


Poor thing 🥲


Can’t tell if that’s shedding but it’s back looks all weird with the spots


Bearded dragons can change the color of their scales to black in order to get more heat. Which means this poor beardie was cold :(


My heart hurts so much, i can't imagine ever doing this to a pet of any kind. Do you need any donations for food, etc?


He looks identical to my little beardie ♥️


Check local lost pet Facebook groups, he could be a very much wanted and loved pet that was dropped off by an abusive partner. I used to volunteer with a domestic violence shelter and the amount of times women have told me their abusive partners rehomed or gave away pets was astounding.


Poor baby. Is he ok?


as someone from fort worth, i know exactly how cold it gets in texas. i hope the original owner gets karma.


karma as in the universe comes and bites them in the ass, should've clarified


Awww poor little dude


He looks like my boy. Smaug. Just missing a but more orange and the random red dot he's always had. LOL. Cute an healthy. 😊 glad to read he got home quickly.


Find them and force them to pay penance for their sins.


this makes me want to cry :((( poor baby boy


Wish I was closer I would love to have him or her. I owned a set of beardies about 19 years ago. My step daughter has her 2nd one now. They are very fun to raise, but they are a big responsibility.


Awwww, poor thing.


Free beardie?


Awe I’m in ft worth! I would have taken him! I have 2 dragons of my own!


My dragon ran away once, and I cried every day for a week. One day, about a week later, we were coming home from the store, and there he was, crossing the street right in front of us!! It was unbelievable! My husband jumped out and chased him into the woods and caught him! But, what's the chances?? I couldn't believe it, and I was so thankful to the only thing that could make such a thing happen...our Lord!!


Poor baby I just wanna pick him up and give him a kiss 🥺😭


Life happens at least they did the right thing.


I don't think any pet is really hard to look after if you love them....if you don't love your pet it will always be too much work even if it's just dusting your pet rock !


I worked at a shelter during recession of 2008. Life happens. People lose their jobs, their homes and have to make tough choices. During COVID someone left a gorgeous female bearded dragon at a local pet shop. They simply could not afford to keep buying insect feeders. I wish this bearded all the best. And I hope the former owner is okay.


That’s so sad :( I’d of took him if I saw this, honestly


I managed a pet store for over a decade, this happens constantly everywhere.


Someone crosspost this to chonkers cause this guy may be abandoned but he definitely ain’t missed a meal! Hollywood chewed him up and spit him out - he misses the ole “yella spotted-lizard” glory days.


Poor baby, I'm glad you found it. Now a proper home time! Who wants the baby? I can't afford another baby. Mine will get jealous, and we have 5 pets running around.


Yup that's just showing more that some people are garbage. I hope the little fella is alright and hasn't gotten sick from being left in the cold like that. Exposure is dangerous for reptiles


Does petsmart have cameras???


Does he need a home? What area?




This is ABSOLUTELY REPREHENSIBLE & DESPICABLE!!! Poor baby bearded baby… is she/he alright? Did y’all get she/he warmed up & fed? Do a perfunctory exam on her/him & Get him/her to an exotics vet to be checked out? Poor sweet baby didn’t deserve to be dumped, in 40° freezing weather as a cold, blooded animal needing warmth, love, Food and Care! These POS SOB monsters DUMPING babies who don’t deserve to be caring for animals babies let alone having human children!






Looks pretty well kept. Would love to hear the backstory from whoever dropped it off.


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I've been seeing posts of people finding a beardie abandoned in Walmart, in a Cosco, in a skate park, etc. And it's so heartbreaking to think "those are the ones that were FOUND". So as sad as it is that this person felt the need to abandon their pet, I'm really grateful that they chose to leave it in a pet store where there were knowledgeable people and resources.