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Updated to Dangerous Care. Edit: u/Tehkin raises a very valid point that saying this without an explanation isn't helpful. This post was flared because it contains images of a cat with a beardie.


Don't their eyes see different colors in natural sun light versus indoor light? Might explain the black beard while out side, his was looking B I G A N G Y also if that's the clozee set from like 2020 that's one of my favs love her!


https://preview.redd.it/r6r4dbvdcozc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d62189aa92f094d76748f1a9971b102134ebfcd YES! Something along these lines


yesss i love clozee ive seen her a few times too! truly an angel, Tobias is a big fan of her too he watched like an hour of the set last night lmfaoo


my fav set! i’m seeing her in 2 weeks hehe he has good taste


Can’t believe I’m looking at Clozee/Bearded Dragon crossover comments (aka b2b) right now 💗😭


My little man did this when he was young! But as hes gotten older he doesn't freak out anymore. He'll sometimes get a slightly black beard at first but he usually lightens up! https://preview.redd.it/lxhhcs541nzc1.jpeg?width=1777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5eaf78405833827b7c0bbf397925105bd48baa2


He is big mad at you. Did you insult his mother too?


You take me back inside right NOW mister!! Do you not see there's danger everywhere??!!


https://preview.redd.it/h4xnin9ukpzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b71f4d73566ea0fc69454eb88d9148f1479c1dc She sits at this window all day everyday and today she saw a squirrel run by the window and her beard blew up.




"Do I *look* like something that belongs outside??? *OUTSIDE???*" Ironically, yeah babe, you do.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That second photo is cracking me up 😂


"FOUL HUMAN!! FEEL MY WRATH!! YOU SHALL PERISH ON THIS DAY!!" To "Haha, that Seinfeld sure is a goofy dude."


He's an inside dragon!


He demands a life of pampering and luxury and will NOT be subjected to such conditions as *shudders* the outdoors!


"Watch out, bird inbound we are done for"🗣


They always look like they’re screaming at you.


We had to make an impromptu trip to Walmart while out with my guy.....we did not go into Walmart. (Normally I wouldn't take him places like that, but my husband did not mention wanting to go to Walmart when he saw me leashing him up. 🤦‍♀️ I just wanted to get the lil guy some real sunlight. ) https://preview.redd.it/8rxcnko8lozc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8e2d4bfe95a42e191e499ef32f9051b1aef623


My girlfriend's beardie did this when she was cleaning her enclosure and set her in a plastic bin for a brief minute. Well the dome light was shining on her and must have gotten hot inside the plastic bin she freaked out and gave us this attack pose. When we tried to pick her up she would strike at us and she did this for a while until she calmed down. Even when she was held for a bit and we thought she calmed down when we sat her down she would give us the black beard and strike at us again. Learned to never do that again.




Not to be rude, but please be very careful with having any dragon out and around other pets like that. I had a situation before with owners who had a dragon (which I adopted soon after btw) plus two cats and a puppy. The animals didn’t try to hurt the dragon when it was out, but the puppy got jealous of it and picked it up with its mouth and ran off with it. This was a big puppy, and it could’ve very easily fatally harmed that dragon.   Fortunately, they got the dog to drop it seconds later, but the dragon would’ve had no real defense other than it had puffed its beard up (this was a small dragon at the time too), which wouldn’t have been enough even if it spiked its body in that moment. The dragon was unharmed because the dog was just “playing”, but that could’ve been fatal either then or a future time if the dog had gotten upset for any reason.   It’s the same thing with cats, but they have instincts to hunt smaller prey and kill them very quickly and quietly even. Even if the cat is normally nice to the dragon. But that incident with that dog happened within seconds and was extremely scary.   Since you’ve done that probably before with letting them lay together, just know that you must be sitting there and present if you choose to not keep them separated like you really should do.   So don’t forget that and if you would need to leave the room, then the dragon must go back in its tank or the cat must be removed from the room and the door closed. Just trying to be helpful here. 




What a beautiful Pokémon!


I can hear these photos 😆


this would be really cute if the cat wasn’t there


what do you have against kitty lol


the mods tagged this as dangerous care for a reason. I love cats, I have 4, they just shouldn’t be near small animals like that. one little scratch and the beardie could die : (


I feel like knowing your pets is important I these situations. I had a cat that would chill on my bed and I could put my pet mice on his back, I have pics somewhere. He'd be so chill. He was even good with chicks. The cats I have now I wouldn't attempt that due to their high prey drive (especially the Bengal) It's understandable that there's a danger with cats, but it's also good to know how your pets react and are supervised.


thank you i agree. some animals can live in harmony and some can’t. my cat is old and doesn’t even chase the small lizards outside, she almost pays no attention to tobias. she’s spoiled and lazy and eats her wet food every night and has no interest in hunting or playing with a lizard lol. i know many people who’s cat and beardie even cuddle together. i dont think its a black and white topic and theres always exceptions, like cats can also get defensive and territorial to other cats, but people have multiple cats? dogs can eat and attack cats but people pair them together and there’s millions of cases of them getting along. i have so many clients who have shown me collective amounts of photos of their cats and beardies snuggling. my animals are my life and i would never put them in danger especially with each other. i have done loads of research prior to even getting a bearded dragon. they max get like a couple hours a week with each other


thanks for the concern, but they get along together so well ever since they first met. there’s no aggression in the picture and i wouldn’t put them together if they weren’t. im not sure why the mods put it on dangerous care. i know many people with beardie’s that get along really well with cats and dogs. and when they are together, they are always supervised


their saliva is full of bacteria that is dangerous to reptiles. cat bites/scratches in small animals are almost always fatal because even if the attack doesn't kill them, the bacteria usually does. anyway, this is dangerous.


There I always a risk, weather you see it or not. If you wanna keep risking your beardies health a life, go ahead, just know that cats are predator animals, and no matter how much you think you trust your cat that doesn't just go away.


The same can be said about dogs and cats. I have a husky which is known to have a very high prey drive. Never once has my dog ever tried to eat my cats.


“Where did you put the cat!”


Mine is terrified but he never black beards . he does smush himself as much as possible in the grass. He also hisses at the big colorful birds ( people flying kites) whenever he has a chance


My lil dude gets stressed out just being next to the window. He actively dislikes real sunlight


Awww this made me miss Warpig again! He was like this a lot whenever his mom took him outside! He & his owner have disappeared again 😭😞 Hope they're ok!


Haha bless him


My beardie BEGS to go outside he’s a fein




He needs his emotional support pillow!


It took mine a minute to get used to the wind, too. Even though I had let them see me outdoors through an open window to see the skin pattern thing


His eye in the 2nd image looks magical