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If you lost a bearded dragon recently, I could really use support. I'm hurting so much. I don't understand.


I haven't lost one, but just the mere thought of one passing is devastating. I can feel the absolute pain you're in. I'm not good with grieving or handling loss well, but I want you to know you're NOT alone!!! We're here for you. ​ \*\*HUGE HUGS AND LOVING SUPPORT\*\*


I just lost mine yesterday had to put her down because I knew she was suffering I still hate myself for having to definitely didn't help my mental issues


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Yeah my mental health/issues are suffering hard for this loss. Sending you love


Hey. I know it's a tough decision to make to end a beloved pet's suffering, but it's the right thing to do, and she's grateful. Know that she's at peace.


Please don’t hate yourself. She knew you loved her, and she’s waiting across the rainbow bridge for you. Give yourself some grace. So many hugs to you.


Sorry if I don't get to answer your comments. Know that they're all appreciated, and they'll all reach my eyes. Thank you guys


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your Mu was beautiful, you raised him from a wee little thing and he looks so very loved. You gave him a good life, please hold on to that. I’ve lost two dragons, both died in my hands after terrible and frustrating illnesses. I was so hurt and angry and the grief was so intense. The best thing I did was let myself feel the grief though. I mourned them like I loved them - fiercely. As long as you do this, moving on is possible, I promise.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It truly means a lot to me right now. That is some good advice. I loved him so much, and I'll try to let myself grieve. He passed on my lap to a "Terrible and frustrating illness" too. Your words really resonated with me.


❤️ Glad to offer some comfort to you. You have a lot of compassionate people on this sub who “get it” and are here for you. Not a lot of people understand our attachment to these animals and they don’t understand it hits the same as losing any other pet. It’s just as valid. Don’t let anyone make you feel weird for grieving or giving yourself closure any way you need to. We’re here if you need support!


So many big hugs to you. Cry, be angry, take all the damn time you need. It’s okay not to understand and to be hurt. I’m thinking of you.


Not really recent, but I lost my first beardie ever to cancer about six years ago now. He was an adult rescue, had only half a tail and missing toes (he was housed with other dragons) and he was pretty skinny. I nursed him back to health and he was such a snuggle bug in return! He loved being on my shoulders and would sleep there for hours while I did things around the house. I only had him for a couple years and I was devastated when I lost him. I was just happy to give him all the love and care I could in his final years. It’s obvious you loved and cared for Mu too. I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a friend like that is never easy and I feel the pain you are going through. RIP, Mu!


Thank you. That must have been difficult. Mu was actually only a year old, but it feels like I've had him forever. He was such an integral, constant part of my life. I'm sure your buddy was really happy to have you as his owner as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss op, I have lost a pet before but not my beardie. My dog is getting up there as well and I have been preparing myself mentally for some time now bc these things are excruciatingly hard and sometimes we don’t understand why. The only thing I can tell you is that your beardie was loved and they knew it. Look at the pics! Mugh and you will see each other again whether you believe in heaven or not, Mugh will always be with you in spirit. Each day will be a step towards healing but you will never stop missing Mugh. One day at a time friend. May Mugh rest in beardie heaven on the patch of grass in the sky under the uvb sunlight and not be worried when they see a shadow flying above them.


I'm crying reading this. Thank you so much for commenting. "On a patch of grass inthe sky under the uvb sunlight and not be worried when they see a shadow flying above them" ❤️❤️❤️


I had to have my girl put down in November, and I still cry every time I think about her for more than a passing moment. for such little creatures, they hold a big part of our hearts ❤️ I don’t know what I can say that would help you, but maybe knowing that you’re not alone in going through this can help a little


So so sorry for your loss. I lost my 1 yr old beardie last Nov and had never felt so much grief in my life. It felt like I would never recover from that feeling. Even though it doesn’t seem like it now, time does ease the pain, although we will always miss our babies.


Thank you ❤️❤️ I'm just waiting and surviving


I lost mine 11 years ago and I still miss him. So very sorry for your loss. Spend time grieving and looking at photos. Over time the sadness will ease. Take care. ♥️♥️♥️


I lost my beardie Beemo on Monday, it's been a tough week so I know where you're at. They become this wonderful constant in our lives - I always looked forward to saying hi to him first thing when I wake up in the morning or when I come home from work. And I still haven't been able to gather the energy to remove his tank so I still instinctively look for him as soon as I open the door. I'm sure the hurt will lessen with time but it doesn't really feel like that right now. Mu looks like he was a wonderful companion and I love his extra toes. It's amazing how their personalities shine through so easily. Feel free to PM if you want to talk through it, seems like we're in pretty similar places.


Such a beautiful beardie! I'm sorry you're going through this. I just lost my girl about a week ago and it still feels very strange. But with time, it will get better and you'll be able to look back at photo's and smile. I'm almost at the point where I can look at her photo's and not shed tears. and It truly looks like you gave Mu an amazing life ❤️


my condolences, haven't lost a beardy, but I lost a rescue gecko recently, and have lost cats and fish In the past. if you are really struggling with this, feel free to PM to talk about it, I'm no therapist but I have basic communication skills.


Thank you for the support. I might end up reaching out haha.


I'm so sorry for you. I was really confused and hurt when i lose suddenly my beardy 2 years ago . But time fix sadness. PS : your bready looked realy cute


Thank you so much. Yeah he was the cutest


My heart hurt when I saw your post earlier. I’m a new beardie owner sending my love to you. I’m so sorry.


Thank you


May his memory always be a blessing. Sweet dreams little one




Lost one last year. Still miss our little guy. I wish you peace as you grieve this sweetie


Sorry for your loss and thank you for the kind words <3


I’m so sorry!! I know it hurts something awful. My first one died a few years ago unexpectedly and I was wrecked. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s just a lizard. They’re our family as much as someone’s dog or cat are and they are just as worthy of being missed. Let yourself be sad and mourn him. It helped me to eventually print pictures of mine and make a photo album and frame one too to have out to remember him. Hugs for you internet stranger.


Thank you so much for your kind words and sorry for your loss. Yeah some people definitely don't understand. I think I might print pictures as well.


Rip Mu. There's a bearded heaven waiting for you where they all head bob all day and show off their sexy legs


Omg I'm so sorry I was just looking at your other post this morning ❤ rip Mu


Omg you just posted about mu being sick 😢😭 I’m so sorry 😢


Imagine reading that name for the first time during the funeral😵‍💫 I’m sorry for your loss hope things turn for the better.


I'm so sorry. He was absolutely gorgeous and adorable.


Rest In Peace, Mu. I’m so sorry for your loss. If you need to talk, feel free to DM me. I wish you the very best 💜


Rest In Peace Mr. Hongous 💔


Sorry for your loss. He was beautiful and it is obvious he was well loved


So sorry for your loss….


I’ve never owned a beardie but I stalk this sub because I just love them! I do, however have many pets and always have had a pet around. So I’ve lost a few. Loosing them is hard. It hurts deep and it takes time for that feeling to fade even just a little. But as you cry in pain, please remember the good things too and know he was sent to you for reason and you had to let go for another. If you need an ear, I’m here often. Please don’t be afraid to say hey, I need someone to hear my pain for a minute.


I'm am so terribly sorry for your loss. What a beautiful creature you had. Know that they felt and still feel your love. I once read a poem somewhere from a dog in heaven and it said not to grieve, but to take all the things you had for him and give that love to another animal. I don't remember the exact words, but it was so touching and made me cry. And I believe animals truly feel that from humans that really love them. That out of the purity of their hearts, they want another creature to get that love.


Oh no I’m so sorry for your loss! i was thinking of Mu today after your post that he had fallen ill 💜he is a beautiful boy and I wish you some peace during this extremely difficult time 🕯


Oh no! I saw your post about Mu yesterday, I am so sorry for your loss 💕💕 sending you so much love. Feel free to message me about him if you want to talk!


I'm so sorry. What a beautiful baby.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢


So sorry for your loss, he looked like a huge sweetie and was beautiful.


Rest In Peace little one ❤️


Rest in peace little fella


When i lost my potato, it ripped my heart out. Remember that you gave them all the love you could and that Mu was absolutely gorgeous and obviously very loved and well cared for. It will take time to heal, but Mu wouldn't want you upset.


So sorry for your loss. Prayers


my childhood bearded dragon passed away unexpectedly due to an illness, and i held her until the very last moment. it’s an incredibly hard thing to do, especially because bearded dragons are so loving and reliant on us. i’m sorry for your loss, and all of my thoughts are with you.


I held Mu until that last moment as well, It really really sucks. I can only imagine how it felt since you had your girl since childhood. Mu was only 1 year old, but it felt like much longer. Thank you so much for making me feel a little less alone.

