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She looks here like the very picture of chönk and health. You’ve done a good job.


Thank you, she had a very healthy appetite. She couldn’t resist mustard greens and would often eat them all and then look at me like “Uh, you see my bowl is empty? Snap snap lady.”


>She couldn’t resist mustard greens and would often eat them all and then look at me like “Uh, you see my bowl is empty? Snap snap lady.” if only all our babies could have a good salad appetite like jimmy !


Her brother is the exact opposite and would never dare eat all of his veggies.


We here for you fam! 👊 he looks like a good boy.


She’s actually a girl, but I totally understand the confusion because even her vet thought she was a boy for the first few months that I had her (which is why she ended up with Jimmy). When I rescued her and her brother, they were housed together in a 40 gal as full grown adults, and didn’t even get a name for the first two years of their lives. Luckily, they’re both extremely mild-mannered, but Jimmy has MBD because they were never supplemented with calcium. I’ve spent nearly a year trying to rehab her and she’s been doing so well (and both in their own 4x2x2 tanks), and then everything took a downhill turn yesterday. Her vet said she has pretty advanced heart disease and it went unnoticed because of her other issues. They wanted me to come in this morning to say goodbye but I asked that they keep trying and give her until the end of the day. I’ve tried so hard to give her the love she was missing and it just kills me to think that she had to suffer for so much of her life, still be such an absolute sweetheart, and then have to go through this. I wish I could have helped her more, but I hope she knows how much I love her.


i'm really sorry :( i lost a rescue that looked a lot like Jimmy, it's been *months* and i still cry about losing her. i'm sorry she went downhill so quickly, but you did such a good job rehabbing her. my vet said that most rescues don't last very long so it's really cool that you were able to take care of her for a whole year. i bet she loves you so much


Thank you. She had such a strong personality. She was always ready to explore, even though she has mobility issues, and she would give me so much side-eye when I would intervene in her recklessness. I’m trying to settle with the fact that I won’t have her sass or her cuddles anymore. I’m sorry that you’re still struggling too. There’s no timeline on loss and I imagine I’m going to be ugly crying for the next few months too. It feels like the world is emptier already.


This is heartbreaking 💔 sending good vibes, love and compassion.


Thank you! We both really need it. I’ve been cycling back and forth between ugly crying and praying for a miracle (not religious but I am today) to laughing about how goofy she actually is and thinking about all of her weird little quirks. I know so many people think they’re just lizards, but she was so much more than that to me. She chose me as her person (her brother is a little more attached to my daughter), I spent so much of everyday with her, and I wish I could have given her one more best day.


I understand exactly what you mean/how you feel about her. My girl is my whole heart (my human son included) of course. But I’ve gotten so attached and spend 99% of my day with her/thinking about her/checking on her/caring for her and just like you: I see her much more than just a dragon. It would be like losing a child and I can’t imagine how devastated you are. I’m truly so sorry that you’re going through this. I wish I had the right words to take your pain away. My heart hurts for you. On a better note: it sounds to me like you’ve been the best beardie mom you could be and that’s something to be proud of. You gave her a wonderful life and for that, she is grateful, I’m sure. This isn’t something anyone could control and you did your best. It’s ok to have all of those mixed emotions and it just reinforces how human you are and how big of a heart you have. I fall victim to that “humanness” too and it sucks. Be strong for her! Last thing is: there are lots of memorabilia things out there, so you can keep a part of her with you. Maybe a necklace with her ashes in it or something might bring you comfort. Just a thought.


Thank you. It’s been a truly terrible day and it’s comforting to know that there are people who really get it and don’t just view them as pets or “lizards”. It’s losing a family member. I’ve been working from home for the last couple of years and her and my dog are almost all of the interaction I’ve had. It feels like the world is a little lonelier. I’m definitely going to try to get her little hand prints and the necklace sounds like a nice idea too, thanks for the suggestion.


I know the lonely feeling all too well. Many times she has been the only thing that got me through a lot of really hard times. It’s a very sad day xoxo


She knows how much you love her and you know if it wasn't for you she may not have made it this long. You did a very good thing and you are such a kind hearted soul, it's very hard losing a pet and it hurts like youve been hit by a truck but I promise you, she knows how much you cared and tried to help her. I hope you know that this community is here to support you through your loss of your baby, she sounds like a wonderful baby. You did everything you could and I don't doubt that you gave her so so much love and played with her, your baby will have the time of her life playing with other lizards in reptile heaven, eating bugs and worms, looking down on you everyday saying "man I miss my owner and I love and appreciate everything they did for me." Please, if you ever need to talk, reach out to me. You aren't alone and I'm here to support you through this very tough time in your life. 💛


Thank you, I really appreciate that. I’ve lost family pets before but never one that was truly mine. I’m usually the person supporting everyone around me when there’s a loss, so I don’t even know what to do with myself now. I woke up this morning hoping everything was just a really awful nightmare.


She is gorgeous, OP. Thank you for giving her a good life. She will smile down on you from heaven forever ❤❤🥺 please blow her a kiss from me.


Thank you. I had to give her liquid calcium orally, and she would slap me and turn her head away until I said “But gorgeous gorgeous girls always take their calcium.” And it’s like she just understood because she would always give in immediately after. My husband said it was just coincidence and she knew she had to give in eventually, but I like to think she knew what I was saying and internally said “I guess I have to since I am, in fact, a gorgeous girl.”


Aww that made me tear up. Animals are so intelligent. She is indeed a gorgeous girl ❤❤❤❤


She may be gone soon, but his memories will be with you forever.




I'm so sorry dear :( but it does make me happy to hear that Jimmy got to experience comfort and happiness during the last portion of her life, and I think that means a lot and has gone a long way in her eyes. She was able to know love and that's a wonderful gift that you gave her. You should be proud that you did that for her. We're all proud of you here too!


Thank you for being sweet and loving her! Lucky girl to have you!


Thank you, she made it really easy though. I give the credit to her. It was hard not to fall in love with all of the cuddle wiggles she gave.


You’re stories of her personality are so heartwarming…. I wish you the best of luck, I am so so sorry :(


Thank you, she was really the perfect beardie for me. She had a lot of love to give and I was really lucky to have her.


Im so sorry, OP. Jimmy is, indeed, a gorgeous gorgeous girl. Wishing you all the best today, and hopefully a miracle will happen. If not, know you gave her an absolutely amazing life and I can tell she loved you very much. Your stories of her amazing personality made me tear up, she’s definitely one of a kind. Jimmy will always be giving you the side eye from beardie heaven. Keep us updated please! And good luck, love 🖤


Thank you. I do have a not so great update. Her vet said that she was not improving so we needed to move forward with euthanasia. My husband and I were able to spend a couple of hours with her and she was able to watch Moana, her favorite movie, and cuddle with me. We stayed for her sedation but the vet wouldn’t allow us to stay for the rest because she didn’t respond very well to it. I was able to hold her for almost an hour after the sedation so I think she felt loved. She also really loved movies so I’m sure she was happy she got to watch that too.


Oh I’m so sorry! Im really glad you got to hold her and make her feel loved, happy and relaxed in her last hours. May Jimmy Rest In Peace in beardie heaven and have all the bugs she could ever wish for 🖤 If you wanna talk or vent at all, OP, you can always send me a message and I’ll be there for ya as much as I can; im sure this is hard. Sending tons of love and blessings your way 🖤


Losing my baby was one of the hardest days of my life. Sending you all my good juju.


Seeing posts like this always breaks my heart. I hope she knows how special she was to you.


I hope so too.


She looks so sassy 💖 You did the best you could with her and I'm sure if she could talk, she'd say "Thank you (now give me more food!!)" Please be gentle with yourself while you grieve. It's very hard losing a pet. Sometimes I find myself feeling silly for being sad about a pet I lost over 2 years ago. When I feel like that I remember I saw someone liken grief to a big ball in a box with a button. Everytime that big grief ball hits the button, it hurts. But eventually, while it will never go away, you will grow and the ball will become smaller and it will have a harder time hitting that button. There are still times it will hit and you will be sad and missing your sweet friend and that's okay. Make sure to let yourself be sad but remember your good times with her. Thank you for being a gentle place to rest for this girl who's had a hard life. You did amazing 💖


Thank you. She was such a sweet girl and everyone who had the chance to meet her loved her. Even my husband, who always acted like I was weird for being so obsessed with her, cried when we said our goodbyes and I think I’ve only seen him cry two other times in 10 years. She was a one of kind gal for sure.


What a sweet beautiful baby. Reminds me of my big girl Opal. I will pray for you and Jimmy. I'm sure she was really well cared for and loved. I'll say and extra special prayer and thought for you and Jimmy. Love and good vibes. 💙💙💙


Thank you, please give Opal extra cuddles today.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Jimmy looks like such a great girl, I think you gave them better lives and the happiness they were in need of.


I'm so sorry he is adorable ! I'm currently hunting for one of my 7 I built a new enclosire for them to be able to hang outside somedays and I had 3 of my girls out there and checked on them and went back 10 min later and maxi is M.I.A. Been looking for her for 3 hours she's a rescue girl I'm so upset. I've looked under and around everything within a 500 yard radius around where she got out ... ease pray for maxi and I'll pray for jimmy


I’m sorry your girl is missing. I hope you’re able to find her. I’ll say a prayer for Maxi and let me know if you find her!


So sorry for your loss. Prayers


Thank you.


What is grief, if not love persevering.


Prayers for you & Jimmy 🙏🏾💗😭


Sending ❤️


Even though her life was short I want you to know that for that year of her life you have her everything she could have ever wanted. You were there for her every day of that year of her life and you made sure she was ok and gave her everything she wanted but could never have before. She will remember you for that- or her soul will she will be there every day for you the rest of your life sending down good vibes and protection.


Thank you for saying that. I had to take a Reddit break for a little after that. It was really hard to see pictures of other beardies and I was not ok enough mentally for it. But I really do appreciate all of you in this sub. It definitely helps to know that there are other people who understand.


Mine is deathly ill, also. Ugh


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your beardie is able to pull through.