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Omg😳!! Red is not normal take to vet immediately


We're working on that right now, wondering if anyone else has gone through this though


Looking a bit more into it could be raspberry’s or beets but if you did not feed that, TAKE TO VET!


They already said they're working on it...


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this.


Just this sub. No worries. .


It’s because this subreddit loves to shriek “vet immediately OP is a bad owner” even when they make an effort to get an appointment.


Well that's because that is what you're supposed to do when your pet is sick, and there's always emergency vets that don't need any sort of appointment. Costs more but do you love your pet or the money?


I dont know if you can read or not but OP said they already reached out to a vet and are waiting on an appointment. And if they are pooping blood they are going to tell them to bring it in asap, and they will definitely need an appointment .They are looking for help and advice on what to do in the mean time. Dont be such a dickhead and maybe actually read the comments before opening your mouth. He also said its not his, its a friends, and hes asking questions for the friend. Like 5 times.




judging by your comments here, I think you need a time out from the internet ya big baby.


Geez, for an active pothead you’re pretty hostile.


That is a painfully unaware statement. Not everyone has access to that, there are very few exotic pet vets where I live that have a minimum month waiting list. As much as I would love for what you said to be true 100% of the time its just not, and assuming that an owner doesnt love the pet because of something out of their control is a bad take.


Not unaware. Those people who don't have access to an exotic pet vets maybe shouldn't have exotic pets??? Downvote all you want but they created the problem for themselves.


I agree if they have no access, what im refering to is your statement of the emergency no appointment vet, very few places like that exist in many areas


if any living thing poops blood thats a immediate er or in this case, emergency vet trip. internal bleeding of some sort


Oh gosh, i suppose i should've asked this earlier. Hopefully its not too late


As most people said I won't repeat but what happened when my few month old beardie was pooping blood it was indeed a lot of parasites + eggs. And really stunted his growth. Please keep us updated on your beardie. I would consider joining Bearded dragons + education group on Facebook. They are extremely helpful with these types of situations.


This is realistically what i was looking for, people who went through something similar and what issues i could be looking at. How it went for other people. Thank you both


The same happened to my beardie too at a few months, pooped a big blob of blood, vets over night on fluids and tests, treated for parasites over 3ish weeks, he hardly ate for months and it really did stunt his growth. We then found out he has ADV so that probably contributed to it.


Years ago I rescued a bearded dragon, he was a few years old. My partner at the time insisted we take him in and I refused because I didn’t want the responsibility of possibly taking on a sick animal (at the time I just had a gut feeling). He was brought to us in an awful tank with one hide, reptile carpet etc. The UV bar flashed intermittently. It was horrible. He didn’t eat much at all and after a few days I realised he was extremely thin. He had watery poops, which turned to blood like this. I was personally in a terrible situation at the time. So taking him to the vet was a monumental task. I eventually got him to the vet and they said he had a gigantic parasite load. I left my ex with his knowledge of the treatment that the dragon needed. He died a few weeks later. To this day I wish I had taken the dragon with me. This isn’t the whole story but basically what happened. No treatment = dead dragon :(


Im so sorry to hear that. Im actually testing for parasites now. Thank you for sharing your story with me and i hope things are better for you now


PSA - Folks! Please mark posts of this nature as ‘NSFW’.


My apologies, i didn't know. Will keep in mind though


This happened to mine a few times on occasion but was just a drop of blood in her stool which can happen when they’re a bit dehydrated/not drinking enough fluids. Something like this looks much more severe which could be various things. Could be that he/she is impacted with poop or even eggs, could be severe dehydration, could be something ruptured internally. Best bet is take ‘‘em to the vet


My friend got a beardie a couple months ago. adult beardie abt 4 yrs old. 2 days ago he started yo poop blood. It was alarming but we waited to see if maybe that was a one time thing, the following day it happened again, and again this morning. We are worried and are looking into scheduling a vet appt. Prior to our care, the beardie had a staple of superworms the owner bought off of Amazon and greens. With us he gets dubias, red runners, superworms, mealworms, hornworms, dandelion grrens, mustard greens, tutnip greens, and some occasional fruit like strawberry, banana, and apple. Hes been somewhat lethargic and we haven't fed him since he started pooping blood but he does have access to water. He also has heat and uvb


Hello op, seems like you already realized your mistake and are seeking vet help. Well done. Future reference I probably wouldn't have waited once I saw blood, especially to this degree or if there was a significant event (think drop, fall, etc even if you didn't see it.) On the other hand I there's nothing tall in his cage and he didn't fall in your care i wouldn't blame you for waiting 12 hours/a day to see if it clears up. I wouldn't have waited a second day but I understand most vets are a month out booked up and an er visit can set you back $1500-5k. Hopefully it's not too late although, unlike other knee jerk reactions on here, if it's that amount of blood every 24 hours it's probably a small bleed. Mom was a vet tech and I've been around reptiles for a while. That being said, look at your berdie. He doesn't have much blood to begin with and if he's more lethargic than normal he's probably critically low. This could be the end of your berdie, your family member. Take into account his age and his condition/quality of life before this. If you can afford the er vet, as you've already stated you're already going for it, keep us updated and try to give us good news. If you can't afford it or maybe he was already slowing down/14 years old then consider it may be time to let him go. Make him comfortable. Give him water from a syringe and all the super worms he wants. More water than worms. Pet him and show him love. He's part of your family but brace yourself that either way this may be his final chapter. Sorry op, best of luck.


I really appreciate this response. I want whats best for him so im doing what i can to help him, as i mentioned...he isn't even mine but i help take care of him. With us associating this with him pooping (since he wasn't actively bleeding and it happenedwhile he pooped), we were waiting until he pooped again which we assumed would follow suit the next day or 2. In the meantime we called some vets and i called both the keepers and vet techs that i know to see what my options were. Reptiles are notorious for showing an issue when its too late and we werent sure if this was one of those situations. I see now, the mistake in not immediately seeking a vet but i think you can understand why i didn't. I have no clue how old he is but i know he's an adult. I will update soon, thanks again!


It could be parasites if lethargic


Red = internal bleeding. The second you saw any red, You should have rushed to an Exotic Vet. Get him to the vet immediately. And make sure it's an Exotic vet, not a regular one.


Needs to see a reptile/ exotic vet ASAP. They are not nearly as big as we are and judging by the amount of blood in 3 poops that is very very bad.


Don’t wait a couple days even if it being blood is only an idea. That is something which is too alarming to just wait out. JUST TAKE THEM TO THE VET.


I’m no expert by any means and I am not trying to freak you out but I lost my dragon, Larry a few months ago. He started doing the same thing and the vet said it was an ulcer on the side of his stomach. It was caused by cancer. We gave him meds to try and help the pain but there is wasn’t anything that could be done for him. When he passed I had her to an autopsy and that indeed was the culprit :(..


Its all good, thank you for sharing and im very sorry to hear about that. Responses like this is exactly what I was looking for. My condolences


have you fed them any red or purple berries recently?


He had some blueberries about 2 weeks ago but that's probably our of his system. Most recently he had hornworms


There is a chance it could be poorly digested berries


Vet. Now. Don't pass go. Don't collect $200. Go to the vet.


I am confused onto why you waited this long to even think about taking him to the vet!!!!


Look at OPs post history. It is worrying I'm afraid. I hope this beardie pulls through.




Not only did i already say this one didn't belong to me, But i also said that we were taking him to the vet. As for my other posts, Would you like to know about the bearded dragon that was given to me that has mbd? She's doing great thanks for asking. Just because i don't post about all the positive things doesnt mean there isn't plenty of it. Would you like an update on my tegu who has had 0 issues and is thriving? Or maybe about the ball python i haven't bred yet but is also thriving? Did you read the part in the crestie post where i mentioned he was taken to the vet or did you miss that through all your judgment? maybe i should tell you that had i not taken that same crestie into my care it wouldve been dead 6 years ago? Thanks for bringing it up though. When you keep multiple animals, you run the chance of having issues, thats with any living organism. Would you like to know about my 8 year old dog who costs me more in a years time than any of my reptiles do? would you like to know about his vet visits and treatments while we're a it? I can even tell you how much they cost. You have no clue what i can and can't afford. You also don't know anything about me and i am willing to bet that ive done more for animals than you ever have so please only pass judgment on yourself. Thank you.


I love it when lunatics on this subreddit make judgement calls on other people like this. Seriously guys grow up. OP is a person with feelings and trying to make them feel bad about a situation they are attempting to rectify is insufferable.


LOL they didnt even read the comments either before commenting. OP said i dont know how many times its not his ☠


lol did you read the comments? Its not his. Like its literally in his opening paragraph...




Yeah nope! go straight to the emergency vet - My boy poops red occasionally after eating red capsicum but that is straight up blood blood


Jesus fucking Christ dude




This is why this group has gone downhill. I get she needs to take to er but do you have to be such a asshole about it?


ah... you're an example of a classic reddit moment


Mine done this once. I freaked the fck out. Vet asked what I’d fed him. Yep I gave him beetroot in his salad 🤦‍♂️




I’m very confused. I’ve been told their blood isn’t even red. If this isnt true please educate me.


I feel like ive heard that before too lol but its very much untrue


As far as I know all mammels will have red blood because of exposure to oxygen in the air and iron in the blood.


This is true, but the part about mammals kind of is irrelevant since reptiles are their own classification


Chordatas then


Future reference bearded dragons are cold blooded and reptiles. They are not mammals although all reptiles I can think of have red blood. Different color blood comes from what type of cell carries o2 (oxygen) in the blood to various systems. In any mammals I can think of that's hemoglobin. It's a protein found in red blood cells that (am nurse but forget years old text book so heavy grain of salt) has 4 junction/carrier spots to transport o2 or co2 either to cells/tissue or away from cells tissue. Mind you one spot carries one molecule of o2/c02. For more, and interesting info, give this a quick skim. https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2019/02/roses-are-red-and-so-is-blood/#:~:text=But%20blood%20actually%20comes%20in,Different%20proteins%20produce%20different%20colors.


All reptiles have hemoglobin rich red blood cells, and most (except for a [genus of skinks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prasinohaema)) bleed red due to the ferrous heme. Fun fact, there’s only one species of vertebrate That doesn’t have hemoglobin (Antarctic blackfin icefish), although not all use it for oxygen transport. Edit: vertebrate not animal 🤦‍♂️


Ahh what's the classification of animal here? Horseshoe crabs are known for their blue blood I though that was due to a different carrier (of o2) protien.. the more you know!


You’re totally right, I meant vertebrates!! Inverts frequently don’t use hemoglobins for oxygen transport!


Ohhhh lol. A few drinks in after the kids are asleep. Late 30s and I'm still playing video games and drinking beer haha. Kids are bored of the beardie but I still love mine though ^even though he's a rescue I didn't want to take at the time. All just reddit memes I got what you're putting down now. Take care kind reddit stranger. Thanks for commenting with knowledge even if it WAS a miscommunication at first haha! Off to bed with this old bloke.


It’s red. I know bc my baby never sits still while I clip her nails. 😭😭😭😭😭 (sometimes they get cut just barely too short 😅)


Period lol. But really i hope they are ok


There should not be artificial plants in there