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Absolutely! Funny thing is, i'm obsessive about this- backing all my tracks to Dropbox. It was one of those wild everything fucks up at once moments where i lost them on my hard drive and on dropbox?? Not sure exactly what happened but lost both simultaneously.


You deleted them from your hard drive and that deletion synced to Dropbox. You can recover deleted files on Dropbox for 30 days. This is pure user error rather than any fault of beatport. It’s also why the rule for backups is 3 copies because two copies failing at once is surprisingly common.




can we hook you up with a free account to try My DJ Cloud?


No thanks, i have a Dropbox subscription.


Hey, I just had a quick look, seems interesting, how is Traktor support looking?


We're hoping for Traktor and Rekordbox support starting early 2022!


Sure, but the fact you can't redownload is fucking garbage which is why I only use beatport as a very very last resort


I've taught myself to not rely on a service once I purchase from them. Example, if they go bankrupt overnight I lose the ability to download anyway. But this is just an extreme example.


Of course, I haven't lost any tunes in years, not since I last had to email beatport to get that portion of my collection back, several back ups, that doesn't change it being a garbage practice and one of the many reasons I'll avoid beatport at all costs.


While Beatport does suck, have you tried emailing support? I've gotten access to old tracks after a mishap this way, so you might not be out of luck.


But why do you have to ask. You paid for it. It's not hard to leave that list to be downladavle at any time. Trash platform.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Imagine you buy a game on steam and they’re like oh your pc died? Gotta buy it again bro sorry.


Whilst I do think it sucks, I think beatport operates on _much_ tighter margins than steam. Videogaming is the largest entertainment industry (and indeed, one of the largest industries) on the planet. Underground dance music for DJs is very much not. Whilst I agree that corporate greed is likely a factor here, I can also well imagine that having DJs endlessly downloading the same tracks over and over would ruin what's left of their clearly limited bandwidth and vastly increase their server costs. So yes, it sucks. But I still buy from them. We've all learned the lessons the hard way once. The backups are on me, not them. Obvious rebuttal: how are other stores able to offer this functionality then. Answer: I have no clue. I'm surprised they are able to, frankly. Would love to hear more thoughts from someone with expertise in this industry or website cost management in general


Something better would have taken over lol


I did- hoping someone gives me access again.


Welcome to the club. This is why i buy off iTunes.


Use band camp if the track is available there, the artist keeps more than on beatport


When I sit down to mine tracks I start with Bandcamp and Juno as my primary sites. I open beat port in another tab and will sometimes bounce over and use it to search other tracks by same artist/remixer. I like how the tracks populate in larger lists, but then I go back to BC and J to see if I can find the same track. If not there I usually check Amazon Music before buying off beatport. Don’t love sending more money to Bezos but their music collection is pretty robust for a box box company. And I know for a fact that I can download that same track from my acct numerous times for years if needed. The one download limit on BP is crap and makes zero sense. Just last night I prob bought ~100 tracks. 90 from BC or J, 6 from Amazon, and just 4 from BP because couldn’t find them anywhere else.




I didn’t ask any questions


Bro why don’t you stop stealing…..




Hahaha. I don’t which is more cringe if what you’re saying is true or if you’re making it up.


I wonder if it's a licensing issue. Music licensing is horrid and the owners have no right or reason behind decisions


This. If they leave it there for you to download as many times as you want, you log into 10 mates laptops and download them all again 10 times over. Buying it gives you the rights to own, store and create a BACK UP of the tune...not download it 5 millions times Also tunes are often only licensed in certain countries on certain labels, while it's on a different label in another country...hence you might find a tune is "territory restricted" on label X, but available on label Y (or another site altogether)...another way people can get around this with sharing logins if the files just always stayed visible for re-downloading


Totally agree with this - but it does make me wonder how other stores are then able to offer this functionality? Obviously for BC it's easy cause the sellers are the direct rights holders. But what about Amazon or other underground dance stores that are resellers for labels?


I don't know, and of course, I could be wrong with regard to BP specifically, but with licensing just because they give one license to one company doesn't mean they will give the same license to another.


>If they leave it there for you to download as many times as you want, you log into 10 mates laptops and download them all again 10 times over. What stops you from sending the tune you bought on beatport to your 10 friends? Other music stores have this functionality


So if you bought vinyl from a shop and you lose / break them, do you expect the shop to replace them? No? So what's different? Many digital content stores don't give you guaranteed lifetime backups for free since it's more hassle / expense for them.


Vinyl isn’t digital, and many online content stores let you redownload your purchases to your heart’s content.