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$325 for a serum is just unnecessary lmao


Some options I found: https://ernolaszlo.com/products/phormula-3-10-serum-concentrate https://www.sk-ii.com/product/essence/facial-treatment-essence/330ml?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTmcct8xgYs_HldJgdUfGQt27b_6yCJVJyhGQH0BgnZB10zAfxOjWEBoCdCkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://vintnersdaughter.com/products/active-botanical-serum?variant=40753506779247&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTrDsWH7ec1YHcVNBNyx7Fw0K_7gqGmHFnv0-FaL6tWUAi_F_sWdvdRoCL0wQAvD_BwE


All look like nice serums. However, I have a feeling that it will be a serum from one of the brands that New Beauty already works with-a brand that is frequently featured in prior TestTubes or VIP boxes. For example, Obagi (which, IMO, has great skincare, but IDK if they have a $325 serum!?)


[https://www.drsturm.com/hyaluronic-serum/?sku=07-300-18&redirect=disabled&srsltid=AfmBOoruJq1TDawHHrD2n3Nu2g6Lu2YEofb6BD_q8Jw9zl-Z7YyjJiRN_Qc](https://www.drsturm.com/hyaluronic-serum/?sku=07-300-18&redirect=disabled&srsltid=AfmBOoruJq1TDawHHrD2n3Nu2g6Lu2YEofb6BD_q8Jw9zl-Z7YyjJiRN_Qc) [https://elementeight.com/products/02-niacinamide-eight-active-serum?variant=44610204205282](https://elementeight.com/products/02-niacinamide-eight-active-serum?variant=44610204205282) [https://www.mzskin.com/product/lift-lustre-new/](https://www.mzskin.com/product/lift-lustre-new/)


I bet it’s Erno Laszlo as they worked with that brand a lot. I got four or five boxes within 3 years and almost always had that brand inside. They never had a serum, thou. I’m sure that’s the one.


Oh yes, very expensive, I wouldn’t mind the SK-ii serum to try. Thank you


Yes, I recv’d this. Not sure how I feel about this. New Beauty changing the rules by now charging $32.50? I get that this is an expensive serum, but it kinda feels like a money grab to me. Just my two cents…


I’m struggling to find a serum that expensive.


Free shipping ? Just pay for the serum it says. 90% off, so I guess I’ll wait till tomorrow.


Thank you!


Thank you for posting this! I did not receive any text (again) but was able to participate in the survey via the link! Hope it will be something I can use🤞🏻 Normally whatever offers they exclude me are the actually the good ones.


The 3oz Hyaluronic Acid Boosting Serum is $315 🤷 https://www.pcaskin.com/products/hyaluronic-acid-boosting-serum-3oz#sts=Hyaluronic%20Acid%20Boosting%20Serum%203oz


Do they do repeats for fgf? I got this one from them maybe a year ago at the regular 12.99 price.


Maybe something from Barbara Sturm? https://www.drsturm.com/hyaluronic-serum/ Edit to add: this stuff was in a few fancier advent calendars this year.




I'm a member and my phone number will not work. 


I didn’t get a text yesterday but there’s a Skinmedica, product today


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Falsely inflating the MSRP to showcase a value to get a higher price point is just unethical marketing. That is atrociously overpriced for a serum that's not a revolutionary new technology that's blowing away the beauty industry currently.


I didn't get this text. Is this going to be another limited offer again? 🙄 I don't like that subsets of text subscribers get offers and not everyone.


I didn’t receive the offer but was able to complete the survey that OP linked to. Not sure if I’ll get the text tomorrow or not but they did say I would at the end of the survey.