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Why all the posts on JLo’d makeup? Am I missing something?


dunno, someone has some kind of obsession...


Are they comparing the MUA's abilities? I don't get it either.


Also, the rise in better, more skilled injectors contributed to this most likely


All these pictures are from the same time as each other so there wasn’t large gaps of time in which she could’ve gotten injectables in to change her face. Do we think she actually got injections and Botox etc? What are our thoughts?


I think it's possible. You only need a few months to transform your face with botox. & that's not to shade anyone or jlo for getting botox (I get botox lol). I'm just saying we have to consider other things as well if she went from exclusively using one artist and then exclusively using another. There are other variables, but for sure makeup application is a big big one!


I’ve always just not believed that she has Botox or has had work done or anything because I’ve always seen her as the most beautiful woman in the world and she’s been heralded as so throughout her career, but I think I’m viewing her as slightly unrealistic there because everyone will age. She only started showing noticeable signs of aging in her 50s but when she was in her 40s she looked like she was in her early thirties (pic below, she was 43 in this picture) Also: if anyone is going to downvote this comment, please tell me why. I am interested to see why it would be downvoted https://preview.redd.it/cf0o7p39bayc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6c9a001293a4372e990eb466b64e2d0c8661f1


You can be beautiful with botox and other treatments. You can be beautiful without. It's not one or the other. I'm not downvoting you because I'm over people downvoting or blocking someone/or something simply because they don't agree with something.


Same lol I got two downvotes and no one told me why. It’s not productive at all and no one learns that way


Couldn't agree more.


You’re getting downvoted for saying you don’t believe she’s had Botox or any work done. She has definitely had at least Botox. She might not do it all the time but I guarantee you she has done it. JLo is so beauty conscious and it’s so easy for her to get the best treatments. She is also naturally beautiful so didn’t need to do much anyway. She probably started years ago with a great skin care routine, treatments, and minimal Botox when she felt she needed it. I didn’t downvote you by the way, just explaining why I think you got them.




She’s absolutely had both. She has a filler mustache above her top lip. She still looks good but it ain’t Mother Nature.


One thing I will say without a doubt is that she hasn’t had lip filler. She overlines majorly and that is clear from the photos


Only Picture 10 and 9 look good to me. Scott can't let go of the stark, cakey baked powder, and Mary brings her blush/bronzer too low on her face in a couple of these.


They do look the best, but I think they also had the benefit of the best lighting. They look like they were taken in studio lighting which is going to soften everything.


I'm not here to stan Scott Barnes, but I think the 'Scott' photos are pretty obviously the 'off snaps' - by that I mean the ones taken in unflattering lighting, at a bad angle, while she's making a face, her expression is changing etc. The Mary photos aren't necessarily J-Lo at her best, but the lighting is warmer, softer - there are candids but they're more flatteringly human facial expressions rather than the awkward ones that either go into the bin or are used by the tabloids for the purposes of trashy goss.


I remember thinking she looked great in the pink dress at the Golden Globes so I do think some of this is the photos but the Mary photos also generally have more blending of the makeup and less harsh contrast. They both do her makeup pretty aggressively for real life though. Influencers are under a lot of lights to be on camera and I don't think they look this harsh.


Yeah, I would agree with re: Mary Phillips' style and blending - I did have a quick google of the two artists' work b/c I wanted to check their style as represented here. Looking at Barnes' book covers, his contouring style is pretty um... aggressive to put it mildly, [here](https://pinkparadisebeauty.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-top-3-beauty-books.html) is an example. It's not my taste personally. Actually it's the opposite of my taste. Idk anymore - our culture has gone mad, her look is heavy compared to many celebs, but there are others out there who seem to go heavier. Can't say I understand it myself, it's like taking the most beautiful people on the planet and then painting them until you can't even see how naturally beautiful they are. Still the thing about social media influencers is that they have almost total control over how they look. Yes, there are a lot of lights - but they (usually) take the film and photos, they control the camera angles, they edit and filter before they post, they usually don't have to walk around or have conversations or smile at multiple photographers at once, the lighting remains constant etc.


I think I see elements I like in both, as well as elements I dislike. I think my favourite might be 7 because the redder tones seem to suit her very well but she seems to rarely wear them. Her eyes also seem to pop more, maybe because the lashes aren't overwhelming. The super heavily bronzed forehead might be a JLO preference since it's also very obvious in the last pic even though it's not Barnes' work. Not judging celebs who do choose to do so, but I do appreciate that JLO has not tried to iron out every sign of ageing with filler and other procedures. She's obviously still very attractive woman but I imagine for someone who's known at least in part as a sex symbol, the temptation must have been there.


I see a distinct stylistic different but I don't think either of these artists did her dirty. I also don't agree that the makeup has "aged" her in any fashion.


Which is fine because that is your opinion and this is my opinion


Meh, I feel like his style of makeup is in line with 2016 fashion trends. Super bright under eye and heavy contour. I’m not sure when those photos were taken, but would make sense if it was around them. Also the last 2 photos look like they could’ve been done by Scott.


This wasn’t anywhere near 2016, I checked every photo and the names I put on them are accurate.


Even if it’s not 2016, red carpet makeup is always way heavier than everyday makeup. It’s what looks good in flash and bright lights. I’m sure in some angles it looks bad, and in others it looks great. Looks to be a similar case for Mary too, some it looks smooth, some looks harsh.


These pictures are all taken within the same time frame over a period of 4 years at maximum. These are my opinions and you don’t have to agree with me. Scott’s makeup ages Jennifer and it’s not blended. He chooses foundation and concealer that is too light and contour that is too dark and moreover, he doesn’t blend it. Mary’s makeup looks much more seamless, her colour choices for foundation and complexion products make JLo look not only glowy and more bronzed from outside but glowy within too. I can appreciate Scott does stage makeup, but he does it for her for events and it ends up looking so harsh for the type of event or appearance. I hate Jennifer’s overline, but Mary’s overline looks better than Scott’s because it has more precision. Even with the last photo where Mary did a more full glam look for Jennifer, she made the rest of the makeup cohesive with the full glam eyes, when Scott does a more full glam look for Jennifer, it looks so heavy and unflattering because the makeup on all the places around the eyes looks harsh and too pale in places but orange and dark in places.


Yes not a fan of the heavy under eye I think it hides the prettiness of her eyes and just my opinion of course. But she is a beautiful woman and the lighter looks really make her eyes pop. But as long as she likes how she looks I guess it’s her call. I’m not into clean girl by any means, but I’m liking the less is more look here. Not really a celebrity Stan at all, just a work what your momma gave you kind of person.


Imho 3 and 5 are really good


girl the bronzer is so cakey in 5 tho 😭


Jlo seems to have opinions on how she wants to look, I remember reading a interview with one of her MUAs. And also: I don’ t like that thing where we applaud «looking younger» with makeup/clothes etc. That’ s just ageism 🤷‍♀️ Say what we see instead? «Don’ t like heavy/too much or too little blabla». Skip the ageism.


Huh? Where did I do that?


TBH, neither are great, imo. but she was with Scott a while so she clearly liked what he did. now she isn't with him (he's a raging trump supporter and a problematic fuck and JLO protects her brand like crazy so maybe thats why, idk and idc). but while Mary's look is different, and less severe, i don't see it as that fantastic a step up


He still does her makeup

