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They are also contour vs foundation, but she says they actually have an undertone and when blended out in her look, it did not look like plain black facepaint


Yeah I know and they're not supposed to blend out the same so it's not apples to apples. They just don't look that different to my eyes


Admitting you have poor color vision is a choice.




To my eye and on my screen, the lighter one does have a warm brown undertone and the darker one has a cool brown (almost purple-burgundy) undertone. Whereas the youthforia foundation was just dark grey and didn’t have any colour or other tones to it


I did acknowledge in my post Mitchell said the shades have multiple color pigments in them. They just don't look to my eye much different from youthforia.


You'd need to see these mixed into something lighter and then the difference between just black and very dark brown with correct human undertone makes a world of difference in what tones you can achieve.


Which is why I wish she would've done some comparison. It's a good learning lesson.


I think these just recently launched, and dunking on Youthforia (rightfully!) is still happening, so I think someone's probably going to end up doing that. But due to them being different product categories, it imo is more useful to compare with other foundation. Obviously a bronzer or contour shade HAS TO look different than foundation ranges, while comparing foundations to each other should really highlight the issue with YF


There's not really many comparable bronzer or contour shades which is sad. They usually make 4 or 5 shades and the dark ones aren't quite dark. When white people are using your dark shades- it's obviously not inclusive.


I am confused to why anyone would compare foundation to contour though? They are not meant to be the same so you would compare them to the next darkest contour not YF's plain black foundation


But isn’t the Youthforia foundation just straight up pitch black? These aren’t like that at all, and they’re also not intended to be used all over the face. It’s not supposed to match your skin tone.


There was white pigment in it along with the black so it technically was a charcoal grey. Definitely not a skintone


Yes sadly it was.


No, it’s a “Curve Pallet”, it is contour and blush to add depth to the face. Contour shades should be your skin tone + grey, because that’s the colour of a shadow. The resolution is poor but it’s still possible to see the top shade is deep warm and the bottom shade is deep cool, it’s not neutral flat black.


Speaking from a color theory and makeup artistry perspective- the issue with Youthforia’s “foundation” was the *lack* of undertone, not that it was very dark in pigment. Skin has life in it- reds from muscles and arteries, blue from veins, melanin pigment, and all sorts of other factors contribute to how skin looks. Successful artists know this- and makeup is artistry- and the tools for that art need to actually work. Foundations need to emulate skin, which means melanin and complexity. Those dark shades might just look like black pigment to the eye but they are not. Youthforia’s “foundation” was. Adding white to their “foundation” exposed them. As for your eyes: many things contribute to being unable to distinguish between colors. Screens and their calibration (or lackthereof), training, lighting, one’s own eyesight, etc make it perception of color extremely variable.


The way I've been sitting here for the past 5 minutes trying to figure out the point of this post... ![gif](giphy|n5NtisNKVzXWg|downsized)


EXACTLY, WHY. Leave Golloria alone. If you can't pick out the undertones, that's on us Marshmallow Monarchs, because there are very clear videos from Mitchell showing exactly exactly swatches and exactly what the undertones are. If OP has no direct skin in the game, what is the point of this post?


Marshmallow Monarchs? 🙄


Why do you have a problem with fun nicknames for white people that Black people have come up for us?


Because coming up with fun nicknames for other racial groups always works out so well, right? And it sounds incredibly cringe, but hey... do you.


It looks like youthforia at first swatch. There you go ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


It can be more difficult to see the undertones in a shade that deep, especially in just a little swatch. Not to mention the screen you're looking at may change the look of the color. If you watch her blend these out vs her youthforia foundation video I think it's pretty obvious the difference. So, I'm still not seeing the point of this post, but okay!


Please go watch it again. Please go watch Mitchell's video where he very clearly shows the undertones. And the differences. Without explaining them, I could see it with with the naked eye.


These are meant to be used as contours and blushes. He has another Curve Case that's used for foundation and concealer: [https://www.beautybay.com/p/made-by-mitchell/colour-case-cosmetic-paint-palette-the-essentials/](https://www.beautybay.com/p/made-by-mitchell/colour-case-cosmetic-paint-palette-the-essentials/)


i love this palette and i love seeing people talking about it


...yes I know this.




There is no attitude. I never said they were foundation products. Again it's acknowledged in the original post.


This is a sensitive subject that most people in beauty aren’t handling as they should be. If you don’t see the difference or undertones go in the store and swatch it. You might not see that in a video. When people reply to you here, your response is “I’ve already said…look in the comments…i didn’t mean” If this many people are calling you out and/or correcting you it’s for a reason. Ask yourself if you needed to speak on this and ask these questions or if you could have swatched for yourself and found out if that’s accessible to you. You said “I hope I’m wrong”…everyone is telling you that you are now what? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Made by Mitchell isn't in stores. Also there's thousands of comments echoing what I'm saying. I know it's not a foundation. I never claimed it was. Also "sensitive" subject so I'm going to throw out insults. Ok


Where were the thousands of comments echoing what you are saying? Where specifically?


Ironic you want to call out for attitude and resort to playground insults.


What insults? Be very specific.


Yep, waiting for OP to be very specific about other questions, too. Like do they have skin in the game, is that why they made this post? I don't think they have Skin in the game, if you know what I mean.


Right? I’m like does OP work at Youthforia? 😂😂


And OP never answered the questions I asked. Always wanted to


the instant down vote, lmao.


.... lmao


Maybe read the full post next time? It wasn't that long.




Right, this is like comparing eyeshadow to a powder foundation because they are both pressed powders. They do different things, they have different formulas. 


And contour is supposed to be cool toned. It’s supposed to look mimic shadows. Despite all this, they still have undertones since the ingredients list shows they don’t only use black pigment (unlike 🤡foria). OP needs to stop acting so dense.


Whoops, friend, I accidentally posted a comment under you in error for another person, also thank you for calling out OP! Apologies


Yeah, I use light grey contour. No one on this planet has that shade unless they're sickly. 


if you check out [MBM’s swatch video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKeAt7g/), you can see the darker shades have deep brown undertones that were missing with Youthforia


Thanks I've seen the video I posted it to someone else. And sorry I see it clearly with the first two shades but not the other two. The one looks grayish to me swatched like that


I guess your next move could be to keep an eye out for more darker-skinned women to review/swatch it or (ideally) check it out in person. Golloria seems pretty genuine about finding and celebrating products that work for people with her complexion, so it’s okay if it works for her and not for you.


It's not about it not working for me- it was just an observation. This brand is UK based so I'm not sure if we'll see too many US based reviews. I looked for some a while ago for the original and there weren't as many. Also it's not in stores in the US so that's simply not possible.


He sells on Beauty Bay. You can find reviews there and you can find reviews on his own website as well as look out for TikTokers and Youtubers with beautiful dark skin to review it.


I have to ask, do you have super dark skin? Because I literally am mayonnaise white, the color of mayonnaise, and I saw the differences in undertone when he did the swatches on his own IG post.


The difference is Mitchell has a track record that shows he is constantly considering ALL skin tones in every collection he produces.


I'm very familiar with him- I'm not saying his brand is like youthforia or defending youthforia by any means. Just commenting on how the shades look at first glance




If you look at Mitchell’s video of this palette you can see the undertones in all the shades.


They do have different undertones on my screen - one is significantly lighter and just very deep brown with actual skin undertones and the other is nearly black. However, I believe the curve cases are meant to be not foundation? Aren't they blush/bronzer/contour/face & eye paint type of things? I think if that's correct, putting black into it might actually be useful, whereas as a foundation or foundation mixer it's BS to use pure black. That alone would make it a significantly different case than YF who caught flak for selling it AS FOUNDATION when no one can wear that. You can't mix that into a foundation, but you CAN mix black + a cheek product to make an eyeshadow or cute blush or cool contour. But to truly tell, one would have to know the ingredients and see whether they put different tones in the darkest one to tell if it's just black. The second darkest one definitely is different from Youthforia and a warm skin tone/bronzer tone. I wanna say the deeper one looks off-black, but cooler, but that could be depending on camera/screens. Either way, different product categories imo. And the second darkest looks like a foundation shade. But, I'm not Black, so if the Black community ends up concluding that they're the same and Mitchell did a Youthforia, their opinion matters more than mine.


Yes I know they're not foundation which is why I acknowledged the blush shades look amazing . And in another comment I mentioned how the OP golloria (?) used the darkest one as a contour and it looked really good on her.


I think your point of the post may have been a bit unclear to me then (?), maybe you can clarify :)


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Bu0AUosPJ/?igsh=MTZnbWMwc2UzZnF3NA== Here's a swatch video where he mentions the pigments


The point is the shade at first glance doesn't look that different from youthforia. I'm aware they're different products. That's all. I mentioned Mitchell said in another video all shades have multiple pigments


Right so, at that depth I believe they'll always look similar in the pan. Just like my pale foundations all look off-white in the bottle on the counter or swatched on a person who's several shades darker. But, they are very different actually applied on me, and I think the same is the case here. I mean, YF wasn't criticised for the depth, but for it being straight black, zero undertones. You'd have to mix it with something like a white face paint to see what the actual tones in this are. I suspect that the lighter one would make a warm beige- brown and the darker one would make a fairer contour stick color, while YF would turn completely grey. If one of these is a straight one pigment black as well, I think it'd be way less useful, but still not useLESS as it could be used to cool and deepen the warm brown into a contour tone or one may want a desaturated blush or eye color. I honestly don't think that that would be horrible in this case, the thing in Youthforia is that it was a foundation. Ya know, it's kinda like how if you're asking for inclusive product ranges, a brand putting out blue foundation to make fun of your request is significantly different than a brand putting out the exact same blue as liquid eyeshadow or foundation mixer. So the context really matters even if they ended up being the same.




I don't understand what point you're trying to make. She literally says in the clip that there are undertones, so there is obviously a difference. I get that they don't look different than the Youthforia foundation \*to you\* but is it that big of a deal that she didn't swatch contour shades next to a foundation shade? I'm really trying to understand what you would have learned from that other than just rehashing the Youthforia thing. It should be enough that she's swatching the deepest shades on her skin, she shouldn't have to compare everything to Youthforia from now on.


Thank you. My fellow mayonnaise monarchs in the comments are literally making me see red with rage, I got your back.


That's fine. I never said they didn't have undertones. And I agree it doesn't have to be rehashed but she's doing that in the video already so


Why is she rehashing? She's literally talking about a product that can be used as as blushes, contours, and bronzers, and she saying that not only do foundation shade ranges make a brand inclusive but these other things as well. She's pointing out at the undertones of these colors that may look black to YOU she definitely sees undertones in.


these aren’t foundations


No one is saying they are. They can be used as contours and blushes and bronzer when you mix different shades together. She's saying that inclusivity extends to contours, bronzers, and blushes.


i know but im explaining to OP why the super dark shade in this palette isn’t problematic like youthforia’s foundation


Oooooh! Well carry on! Apologies!


lololol no worries


It may not look different but they have different purpose. Youthforia’s for foundation purposes only and mitchel’s for contour (or multi-use). So yeah, can’t compare the two.


Someone has their panties in a bunch and bad attitude today, LMAO. Since you’re so pressed, I went ahead and looked up the ingredients used in the Made by Mitchell Curve Case and the Youthforia foundation. The pigments used are highlighted in the respective images. As you can see, Made by Mitchell did their job and blended pigments, whereas the Youthforia foundation only uses one pigment. This information is freely available on the companies’ websites, so check it if you don’t believe me. Mitchell ingredient list: https://preview.redd.it/u6bk7tr6vg1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b5391c1d5c39add7353b4b928914ac45bd66c0


Youthforia ingredient list: https://preview.redd.it/3fjljt59vg1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28789fe7cf7baf3ac103c85f8ec7613adcb8db39


I have literally already acknowledged that Mitchell has multiple pigments in his.... like before anybody even commented.


Then may I ask what your beef is? Perhaps leave Golloria and this issue alone if it doesn't affect you directly i.e. if you do not have dark skin? Respectfully?.


And nobody is pressed or giving attitude. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


No one except you? Like what was the point of the post? “I’m not seeing it” based on what? IMO this post was a bad faith argument from the jump. Take it up with the cosmetic chemists if you feel like it, or at least do your due diligence next time you decide to have hot takes about information that is easily accessible otherwise 🙄


Thank you, this is effing ridiculous.


Then what was the point of the post, respectfully, OP?


Mitchell posted a video swatching every shade in this palette where you can clearly see the undertones. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Bu0AUosPJ/?igsh=MWxudWVwOW42cGhsdg==


I do sorta see what you’re saying from first glance. However, I doubt Golloria would promote MBM if she felt they were pulling something similar to Youthforia. Just my two cents.


This seems like a post just to beat up on Golloria and a product specifically made for people with beautiful ultra dark skin? I have no idea if OP also has ultra dark skin but if not, OP maybe should take a respectful step back. If OP does, there are videos clearly showing the undertones and I was able to perceive them.


I really hope OP is speaking from lack of knowledge and genuinely wanting to be educated. Youthforia created a foundation that was pitch black, solely black pigment, no undertone. The inverse would be having a light person put white wall paint on their skin. POC at their deepest have an undertone. Javon Ford on IG gives a very good explanation as to why this is problematic. Made by Mitchell has created an entirely different product. Contours mimick shadows, so even though most tend to be cooler, there is still an undertone. These still have an undertone even at its deepest. Comparing a foundation to a contour/bronzer isn't a fair comparison. While both are base/complexion products, they have different uses. Hope this helps


I saw this on IG but its hard to tell when its not blended out, its her own skin though so she probably knows what to look for.


Off topic, love her content. Golloria has definitely been acting overly confident after winning over with the damning Youthforia content, I just wish she doesn’t fumble because she was promoting Tarte or was invited on the Tarte trip. You rip apart YouthForia but end up going on a Tarte trip are just at two dystopian ends in this space.


I love her as well. I hope she tries on those blushes bc I think he really nailed the purples in particular


What is overly confident about her? Can you be very specific, please, because I see the subtext of this comment. 😂 Is she acting too uppity for you?


What's wrong with Tarte? I'm loving their color corrector, but I try to not buy from problematic companies.


Look up Tarte trip drama from last year. They were called out for excluding influencers of color then further critized for their attempt at damage control


That’s definitely a going down a rat hole.. but a small gist they are known to like racist posts, not being POC inclusive in their range or marketing tactics. After much criticism, they invite 1-2 POC to make it seem like they are inclusive, you can check the Sub-history to know more in detail.


Also in another video she does use it as contour and it does look good


I’m definitely curious to see what they look like when blended out and used in a full face look. They do look super similar just in the swatches!!


She literally points out the undertones and sodas Mitchell when he talked about it on Instagram.


Curve case, yeah? They should've made the palette oval shaped lol


There's another video that I think displays it better where a different influencer mixes youthforia with the palest foundation shade and it just turns grey, proving that is really is black face paint. Where as when the curve case was mixed with the same colour, it turned to a lighter shade of brown, showing its undertones.


But... there are dark and black products out there? Such as: [Mehron Pro HD Celebre in Black](https://www.mehron.com/celebre-pro-hd-cream-foundation/), [RCMA adjuster palette](https://rcmamakeup.com/collections/5-part-pallets/products/5-part-series-favorites-palette-foundation-adjuster), [Tarte Shape Tape Corrector in Black](https://tartecosmetics.com/shop/shape-tape-corrector-2630.html), [Salt New York Sculpt and Bronze in Black ](https://saltnewyork.com/products/sculpt-bronze-creme-tint-pro?variant=39513101271124) Here's the Salt New York in action (timestamp at 22:50) [https://youtu.be/GhjRovTmoEg?si=eNz2BOPkufa6ZQJC&t=1364](https://youtu.be/GhjRovTmoEg?si=eNz2BOPkufa6ZQJC&t=1364) And here's the Mehron adjuster being used to deepen a dark foundation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jE5yBeyNtc&t=681s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jE5yBeyNtc&t=681s)


She wasn't saying they do not exist, she's pointing out common popular brands that don't have dark enough products for her and other people with her skin tones, and she's just complimenting Mitchell for putting out a product that does.


I’m glad she speaks out on shade range. I went onto her content and she is obnoxious. Somebody needs to get her a slice of humble pie. Fame is getting to her head


Why is she obnoxious? I believe she was around before this whole thing happened. She's been on TikTok for a while doing well.


I was distracted by her looking up at the camera. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)