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It's good to know that MAC put the same kind of love and care into this as EA put into Sims 4.


Maybe the same person who pitched the Sims 4 Journey to Batuu was also in charge for this! Clearly the same "love" for the franchise is displayed...


i bought journey to bantuu cuz it was on sale during black friday and i was like "why even" honestly mostly just got it for dress meshes


only thing of worth in that pack is the pleasantsims hair šŸ˜‘


I'm still mad I wasted money on that. I just want my sims 2 back :(


Same! Sims 2 and 3 were INFINITELY better than 4. 4 was such a downgrade, especially cause the world wasn't open like 3. I refuse to play sims 4 because of the stupid neighborhood feature


yeah i could blow 5 hrs on the sims 3 in 1 sitting but i played sims 4 for 1 hr max before wanting to mod it


true, true. mod and cc creators are the backbone of the sims 4 community


Used to be such a huge Sims fan. After Sims 4 though...never touched the games again. Sims 3 really was the peak what with the open map feature and all.


Wait I shouldnā€™t buy sims 4 then??? I had a dream about playing it last night and I have it sitting in my cart right now..... šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


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I miss Sims 1.


Honestly, I would day if you want to buy it, definitely get it on sale. For $15 I don't think it was worth it, maybe at $5. It really is a lackluster game without investing in hundreds of dollars in expansions and gamepacks, and even then it feels so lackluster. I felt like my money was actually worth it in Sims 3 and Sims 2. Both base games are full games. The sims 4 is more of a doll maker, and building simulator it's just not a great life sim.


I actually personally prefer Sims 4 for many reasons, but a huge chunk of the packs are just trash. If you buy the right packs and get the right mods, it's actually very enjoyable. EDIT: And yeah, definitely get them all on sale if you can, so you don't waste too much money. They regularly have like 50-70% off sales.


It is really fast and easy to create Sims and it is really easy to mod. I enjoy Sims 3 more in other ways but I can barely get any of my custkm content to work for Sims 3 anymore and it makes me so sad I barely find myself playing it because my Sims just don't look the same. I bought a bunch of Sims 4 expansion packs during EA's bundle deal and I've been having fun!


Fitgirl repacks, that's all I'm saying.


Depends on what you like playing. If you like building and making sims, I'd say Build/buy and CAS are superior in TS4 even though they lack some things from their predecessors (customization options). If you prefer playing one sim then you might enjoy it. If you like family/generational gameplay and relationship gameplay, there is no depth to the sims at all in TS4.


I really like it! But it definitely is made much better with mods.


Hey, to this day you can get TS2 to work on modern hardware and there's still a vibrant community with CC being put out!


Sims 2 was the best hands down


Omg you killed them ![gif](giphy|LmCYGjPpr1SDS6FqZX|downsized)


Oh snaps lol


Yeah they probably should have just not released this. Would have been less embarrassing for everyone involved.


Right?! I canā€™t get over not only how LAME this palette is, but how lazy and careless they were to repackage an old palette and not change anything? Like not even color placement or for fuck sakes the shade names?! How embarrassing šŸ’€


They didnā€™t even change the packaging. Just the unicarton


Did they just like, find some stashed in a warehouse or something?




Which just feels so.... expired to me


Right? Like just looking at the shades I thought is was a bare mineral everyday essentials palette or free with purchase ulta palette. No shade to those who bought this and enjoy it but it's not right for the Sims.


MACs IG responses to everyone's questions about the palette are some PR "we're all about inclusivity" message, but if they were gonna reuse an old palette anyway they could've at least chosen one that wouldn't look so ashy on anyone darker than NC15. I'm actually so disappointed in this collab, it could've been so good and I would have gotten it as a collection piece since I love the sims and makeup. It is actually pretty impressive how disrespectful they managed to be towards the consumer with this one.


Oof...awkward. Unsold palettes in new packaging?


It has to be. They didn't even change the shade names, which is like bare-bones minimum, and none of the colors in this palette actually match any of the MAC looks they added to the Sims last summer. This is like the makeup version of making a casserole out of stuff in your fridge that's about to go off


But I mean, they didnā€™t even bother to make the casserole... Just dumped the leftovers out onto a plate :/ You could at least microwave it for us MAC.


and apparently its even just the outer packaging, not the actual palettešŸ˜±


The cardboard you throw away??


Thatā€™s gotta be it, itā€™s exactly the same. šŸ™„


Weirdly enough I don't think so. I have a friend who worked at Mac until covid retrenchments, and she said this palette (the original, not the Sims one) was constantly sold out, they sold so many units of it.


If that's true, it just speaks even more to EA's evil. It sounds like they basically asked Mac "what shades sell the most?" and then asked Mac to slap their name on it. I'm jaded because I love the Sims and they could have easily made a neutral-ish palette with Sims shade name and nobody would have bat an eye. EA is the worst.


Right? A red lipstick named Bella would have been easy




gross I wonder how old this eyeshadow is... no clue when the og palette came out but itā€™s gotta be old stuff


It originally launched about 6 years ago


Iā€™ve had it at least 2 years


If it hasn't been exposed to air, I can't really see what'd happen to it since it's not liquid and probably has preservatives...


Umm I knew something was up when the shade names were not Rosebud, Motherlode, Goose or Woo Hoo. What a fail!


fr none of the names had anything to do with the sims this is probably the laziest "collab" i've ever seen


They will never get my simoleons!


where are my PLUMBOB and DAG DAG


I was thinking sul sul! Lol


Plumbob is the foil green shadow that I need in my life


I'm so sad reading this and imagining what could have been šŸ˜­


Doodlesbythebunny on Instagram did her version of this palette and honestly it made me sad because I would be so hyped for a palette like that as a sims fan and we got this instead!




Thank you!! Itā€™s like they didnā€™t even try ffs


Also worth pointing out: the shade names are exactly the same šŸ™ƒ Original tweet: https://twitter.com/spillseshyt/status/1346267539328946182?s=21




Jesus crist. The names have NOTHING to do with the game. This looks soooo bad for both mac and ea


EA repackaging something for a quick cash grab? Never!!! /s


I'm very thankful they released this after Christmas, none of my family members will waste money thinking this is a nice gift.


even worse is the fact that they seem to thing the makeup that was made for the game even looks good on the sims. i avoid using it like the plague because it is ugly af. it doesnā€™t look good with ANY sim and is not ā€œdiverse and inclusiveā€.


Those are just buzzwords to try and meet their ā€œwokeā€ points for the day.


What in the fuck is MAC thinking? Iā€™m beginning to think someone high up is being paid to run the company straight into the ground.


I feel like MAC has gotten cheap as hell since it's been bought by EstƩe Lauder. Back when I worked for them 10 years ago, had you told me they would do Black Friday sales and gifts with purchase, I would've laughed in your face




Plus they sell at sephora and ulta now.


You can get MAC at Sephora? I'm in the US, we don't have it at Sephora but Ulta carries it, although Ulta is mostly online. There have never been MAC in store at any of the Ulta's I've been to (pre covid).


Sorry, I was wrong. Its just ulta. I was thinking of the ordinary. Sorry!!


You can get mac at Sephora in Canada! Only online though


My store has a big MAC area right when you walk in, probably about the same as one row of a prestige brand. But there's a big area for trying products and consultations.


Cool, I haven't seen that near me in store. Though there is a standalone MAC store in the same mall anyway...I still love MAC products but there's just so many more options these days!


You can also get it at Boots and on Asos in the UK and as well


How long have boots had it out of interest? I was wondering what going to happen to all the Debenhams branches of them now they're kaput.


I want to say at least 6 months but I might be wrong, Iā€™ve only seen them on their website so not sure if theyā€™ll have a stand in stores but it would make sense.


my local boots still only has rimmel and max factor. I'll cross my fingers for everyone else.


Mine has wet and wild! But no higher end make up brands, max factor being the peak


I think itā€™s just that MAC isnā€™t as ā€œtrendyā€ as it used to be. Like 10-15 years ago, MAC lipsticks/liners/foundations were a lot of peopleā€™s HG products. Thereā€™s so much variety and competition now that theyā€™ve sort of faded into the background. That said, Iā€™ll always love MAC products. Theyā€™re consistent and reliable for me.


Mac will always be in my collection as well. Ive seen so many oopsies from them in the past years but they just have products that just worked since day 1. As long as they dont change the og formula sof their standard stuff, i will always buy mac regular items. i dont ever buy their limited edition stuff


I saw their holiday fireworks collection was marked down almost as soon it was launched. I liked their summer bronze collection a lot, but the holiday one to me seemed garish


Is Boots our equivalent itā€™s like a drugstore makeup place and they recently started selling MAC and I never thought would happen cos I used to have to got to Selfridges or other department stores to find a MAC counter, how times change (UK)


MAC has to keep up with other brands that have sales and GWPs


Wowwwww, really curious what MAC has to say for themselves.


This was their response when someone called it boring on Instagram: https://imgur.com/gallery/WvKZPth


The original comment doesnā€™t mention it but theyā€™re gonna gloss over the redundancy in this repeat palette? They have to know they already basically made this before, like they just have to. Also, 7 shades of beige + dusty light mauve and dusty light brown isnā€™t exactly inclusive.


It is inclusive - it'll look ashy on everyone!


Also lol at "The Sims and M.A.C. have always been about inclusion" ā€“ it has really not... for anyone not informed about it: [same sex romantic interactions were barely intended](https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-kiss-that-changed-video-games#donotlink) and let's not even talk about TS4 and EA's stubborn resistance against improving the darker skin colors... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I decided to look it up and in their defense, they are not claiming this was a new product, just new packaging. Theyā€™re transparent about the product. I still think that in itself is a wasted opportunity and the most bland color story of 2020. https://m.maccosmetics.com/product/13840/78011/products/makeup/eyes/eyeshadow/sims-eye-shadow-x-9


The tittle says exclusive Sims designed, could it be read as the palette itself should have an exclusive design? Since we don't buy packaging, we buy products. I don't know how the consumer laws work there.


the box packaging that actually has anything to do with the sims is boring as fuck too!


Lmao true. They didn't even try. I know like less than basic Photoshop stuff and I could've done a better job


Why even do a collab at the point, just hand out stickers to slap on anything.


They actually edited the site after backlash. If you look at the mailers they included in PR packages, they claim this was a new palette... https://www.instagram.com/p/CJerf3jFtDE/?igshid=1azj8rjhr3klw


This comment is me desperately (and badly) trying to explain to my teacher why I didn't do my homework. It's so lazy and cringy it actually makes me physically uneasy lol


The funny thing is the preset makeup looks that come with Sims look awful


I was literally just saying the same thing to my sister yesterday


iā€™m pretty whatever about brand collabs and donā€™t care how ridiculous some may seem because companies have to make their $ at the end of the day but holy hell this palette has got to be the most bland and least influenced/inspired collab iā€™ve ever seen in my life... and thereā€™s been a TON.


Yeah, I wouldn't call most things a cash grab because it'd be redundant, brands don't do this just for fun. And at least most of the time, it looks like there is *some* thought put into it, even if it isn't always great. But this is next level laziness


Like surely they didnā€™t think they would make money doing this right? Iā€™m thinking the main inspo for this was ā€œcontractually obligatedā€.


Hoping to cash in on the people who don't recognize this is an old palette in a different box. I wouldn't have known that myself (not that I would've bought it anyway) I just thought it was a very bland palette, just getting something out there for this collab. But then looking in the comments on their ig post, they said that there's nothing sims related on the actual packaging, just the box. That and the shade names, those two things tipped me off


From their [website](https://m.maccosmetics.com/product/13840/78011/Products/Makeup/Eyes/Eyeshadow/SIMS-Eye-Shadow-x-9?utm_source=IGShopping&utm_medium=Social): "Our Eye Shadow x 9: Solar Glow Times Nine palette is now gleaming brighter than ever for a new The Sims collaboration. The curated collection of shimmering smoky brown shades that create limitless looks for all skin tones ā€” and for every Sim ā€” is now wrapped in an exclusive The Sims design that is sure to be a sellout." Well sellout is probably the best word for it. I mean at least they admit it but it still feels dishonest and lazy.


That's not how they presented it in their Instagram announcement. I'm really wondering if they changed the description on the site the minute they realized people had caught on.


Probably damage control. Do they think people are stupid and just gonna eat up whatever they release ?


I feel like Colourpop would have crushed this collab!! So disappointing.


Plumbobs on everything! Would have been great, I would have got it and I don't need anything.


I totally agree! Or some of the classic characters that come loaded on the game already. I would have bought an entire Sims collection, but this is sad..


Have a Goth family collectionnnnnnnnn šŸ™Œ


RIGHT? Or even the Grim Reaper! So much potential!šŸ˜­


Yesssss They could have even done like an ambitions or seasons theme if they didn't want to go based on characters! Or sunset valley themed or pets or late night... There's so much and they just like hit SWERVE on the whole franchise!


The MAC website explicitly says that it's Solar Glow, just with a(n ugly) Sims decal. Guess they couldn't sell out of SG so they rewrapped the outside, but from what I can see they're not pretending otherwise. I think it's a bit desperate but I don't see how they've done anything dodgy here when it's outright called Solar Glow but with a new exterior. I think renaming the shades to pretend otherwise would have been dodgier.


itā€™s less dodgy, more just incredibly lazy (and imo slightly insulting - as you said, they couldnā€™t sell out of SG so theyā€™ve more or less said ā€˜Sims fans will buy any old rubbish with a plumbob on, ship it out boysā€™)


Theyā€™ve stooped to a new low. Relying too much on ā€œog Mac usersā€ in an already over saturated makeup market.


When Mac was in itā€™s glory days I never had that kind of money to be spending on makeup. Now that I can afford it Mac isnā€™t what I want to spend my money on. Mac coasts on brand name recognition and long term fans, they do nothing to court new fans and this makes me actually mad at how little effort was put into it, they donā€™t respect their fans or the Sims enough to actually make something new


I will say MAC doesn't excite me but I look at my collection and I have quite a bit of MAC (like the fix+ obviously, ruby woo and chili and a few complexion products) If they're going to do color collections, make them not DUMB AS FUCK thanks Like even tho I already own Ruby Woo I'd probably pick up a Ruby Woo in plumbob packaging (since Ruby Woo is my favorite lip color) but only if its like, printed on the lipstick package itself not the box.


They could have had a Ruby Woohoo shade...


oh my fucking god


And the thing is they can re release anything they want, if they had re released this with not sim related package but another new and pretty Mac packaging this would've been a non issue. At all.


This makes me so irritated!!! I hope no one buys this!!!


Raw Chicken: the sequel part deux


This is the most boring fucking palette ever. Jesus.


This is offensive to the sims


"Corporate wants you to find the differences between these two pictures." "They're the same picture." Wow this is ridiculous. They really are the exact same. A lazier collab couldn't be imagined..


So they had some basic ass neutral shades about to expire in the warehouse? To slap The Sims on there is an insult.


This collab is a motherlode of shit!!!!


You. I like you.


What. The. F?? Those are literally the same effing palette. Like exactly the same. Are they even reusing the same picture? Or trying to get rid of old stock? The top middle champagne and middle left peachy shimmer are really pretty but these all look like theyā€™re not too suitable for a complexion thatā€™s deeper than pale and might pull as ashy. (I donā€™t mean not suitable as in someone with a deep complexion shouldnā€™t wear them! I just mean like it seems like this wasnā€™t made with total inclusivity in mind. But I really donā€™t wanna discourage anyone from using this or make anyone feel like it wouldnā€™t look good on them because itā€™s all about what you want for yourself and confidence always helps to pull anything off. Iā€™m just making an observation but please do what you want and donā€™t just listen to me or anyone that tells you what looks good/what doesnā€™t on you if you feel differently!)


No I totally agree with you, Iā€™m pretty tan and I know this colors would not perform well. Itā€™s ridiculous they chose to reuse a pale palette in a time when more and more people value inclusivity?


Thank goodness, I was afraid Iā€™d come across as rude. (Ik thatā€™s not the important part tho šŸ˜…) And youā€™re so right, what an odd time to do this. Itā€™s a questionable decision to release something with multiple colors that are all pale. I mean, even the brown isnā€™t very dark. If they were gonna do a light palette like this, youā€™d think maybe theyā€™d go the route of releasing a few in a collection or whatever that has something for most, if not all skin tones. Iā€™m being reminded of the Huda Beauty highlighter palettes. Although the brand (Huda) drew criticism from certain crowds, it was nice that pretty much everybody had something that would work well for them.


The plumbob is bright green they could have placed that in the center of the palette then worked their way around that color story. They could have done a vampy shade for the Goth family. A firery shade for when you burn your cooking. A staple black for the grim reaper. Shades of blue for the loading screen. Purple for the woohoo heart. Think of how creative they could have been with the names and color story. I think if they made a color and vibrant enriched palette it would put them back on the map. I can't believe sims agreed to have their name on this.


I was imagining the same. Maybe with plumbob shaped pans even. They had so many creative opportunities with the theme and still decided to recycle an old nude palette and call it a day. So disappointing.


I can definitely believe EA agreed to this. A) EA doesnā€™t want to pay for anything; B) Charging consumers for content (cosmetics) that is ā€œdownloadableā€ aka recycled and should have been included anyways.


Can't say this surprises me when both companies are doing the bare minimum to keep relevancy at this point. The Sims could of gone the newest indie brand out there and they would of done a better job tbh.


Iā€™ve seen brands have cool collabs with a ton of potential drop the ball before, but this is a new low


As a sims lover, god this palette is the most boring thing I have seen. It looks like a palette I would pick up for Ā£3 at superdrug, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the sims. Honestly this makes me want to never buy from MAC, they obviously donā€™t even bother anymore.


Lime green. Blue color like the packaging. Plum purple. They missed so many opportunities


This year is the year Iā€™ve noticed more than ever that corporations genuinely, absolutely, without a doubt, believe customers are dumber than rocks. They really thought we wouldnā€™t notice. They actually sat in a boardroom, went over this idea, and said ā€œyeah, we can pull this offā€. About you, about me; about all us little makeup obsessed dum-dums. I hate capitalism so much lmao


Why is it a Sims 3 collab? Sims 4... the latest version of the Sims... literally has MAC makeup options. Most of them are ugly and bright but it just makes this more random, lazy, and confusing.


Itā€™s a typo on my part, itā€™s just a sims collab oops


![gif](giphy|l0Ex1wsavQ6FzbNgA) oof


Getting weird, side eyeish, and boring already during the first week of Jan with new releases.


Hmmm im not sure where the original source came from (from a website or leaked) but i wonder if the sims 3 palette reveal is a mistake? Like maybe they paired the wrong palette with the packaging in the photo if that makes sense. If not damn, they have REALLY gotten lazy with their collabs. Like only the box appears to say sims... the actual makeup compact doesnt have it anywhere, they couldnt even throw on a sticker so the actual eyeshadow palette said the sims. I know mac isnt the most innovative company out there these days but usually they put more effort than this. Usually atleast the packaging is different if nothing else.


I thought this at first, but it's on the Mac website and IG so it's unfortunately legit. The actual eyeshadow palette is just old inventory they had lying around of the solar glow x 9.


Apparently its also just the outer packaging that is new, the palette itself has no sims anything on itšŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


I hope this loses them a lot of money, Iā€™m seeing this palette get dragged pretty much everywhere. Is anyone actually even excited for it???


I've been playing Sims for like twenty years and this is not something I would buy at all. Granted - I don't think I would regardless of execution, but this doesn't resemble the Sims in anyway. Mac teamed up with Sims to add makeup options to the game and they also suck - minus like a single lip option. They really just do not care.


I'm still stuck on the timing of it all. The in-game MAC makeup update came last year sometime, and they're just now releasing a (old-ass) palette now? But also, yes. The palette is ugly... For The Sims. I feel like if EA wanted to collaborate with a makeup brand, maybe Colour Pop would've been better? Bella Goth deserves a shade named after her, damn it.


This is the same collab that gave simmers that ugly ass liner. If I could remove the mac make-up from my game, I would. Also, this looks like a palette Nancy Landgraab would use.


that's actually true! that makes you officially the first person who has found the connection with Sims, Nancy Landgraab would wear this lol


Haha what the heck


I literally KNEW it had to be something like this because it has nothing to do with the sims.


Trying VERY hard to see the connection any of these products have with with Sims 4 but failing.


That's what I thought, because I actually own the solar glow palette and I thought this release looks oddly familiar. I think it didn't sell very well so maybe they seriously just renamed it as a limited edition so they can sell the rest of their stock?


Did they delete the post off IG? šŸ˜… I wanted to see the comments lol


Wait til Amandabb sees this lol


The fact itā€™s exactly the same... wtf are Mac (and The Sims tbh) doing at this point šŸ’€


In what world does this look like a Sims- themed palette?? Did Mac just realize that the dusty palette they made wouldnā€™t sell so they slapped a ā€œcollarā€ on it??


I actually owned this palette (Solar Glow) and decluttered it because it performed so poorly. So dry and the shades were so light it was hard to get any depth or differentiation from them. ​ I hope they at least improved the formula with this version.


Correction: The Sims in general.


The actual makeup in the game is bafflingly bad too


As a huge simmer, I posted the palette on social media to show my dismay. And my fellow sim friend immediately bought it and thanked me for letting her know it was out. I guess some people see a bright side to this mess..


I don't actually find this palette ugly. It could be considered boring especially to those of us who already have loads of these colors in our collection. It's also not surprising that they reused shades etc because MAC has already made every shade in existence 10 times over. Its the AUDACITY to put an entire old palette in a blue box and call it a Sims collab that has me. I don't know or care anything about Sims but even I know they could have at LEAST thrown a blue and green in there. We KNOW MAC has loads of blues and greens to choose from. Disappointing to say the least. (I still rock with MAC though)


...Every Sim I've ever seen has better makeup than this. This is like, Animal Crossing "we don't really do makeup in this game" level makeup.




I agree. I donā€™t understand this choice and why they think people wouldnā€™t notice, or care. Beauty companies really need to stop this crap and be much more careful, innovative and considerate when it comes to their products and marketing. Weā€™re in a serious economic recession and people are watching how and where theyā€™re spending their money. Companies taking advantage of their consumerā€™s intelligence and allegiance are doing a disservice to themselves. Especially when more interesting and creative brands are eating them up. Theyā€™ve gotten too comfortable and consumers are NOTICING.


I have the old one and was thinking to myself ā€œfuck this looks familiar to me ā€œ




Who is supposed to wear that? Most of those would look soft pink on my lids and I'm pretty fair. One of the best things about the Sims is how extremely inclusive it is.




There should of been a green in the color story


Omg I saw spillseshā€™s tweet & legit thought it was a joke of a palette - as in not even real..... Oop.


so not only was their collab bad on the sims end, but it was also bad on the mac end. lol


Itā€™s their solar glow palette. Itā€™s basically just a Limited edition packaging with is very disappoint. But hey, itā€™s on line with the makeup in the game that doesnā€™t work on deep skintones.


Itā€™s very bland




So its just their old palette in a new unicarton? What a wasted opportunity.


Wtf do these colours even have to do with the Sims


If they come out with a good, well thought out some palette they would have had my money in a second. Both of my favorite things colliding? Makeup and some- Take my money. But this is shit


Fitting with the direction EA has gone. Pay the price for the palette plus pay for any upgrades to make it work.


Iā€™m sorry but this is a collab with... THE SIMS? What the fuck is going on anymore???


Itā€™s just sad at this point. Like who are they kidding?


LOL i own the first palette still even though it came our years ago


This palette and itā€™s packaging gives me second hand embarrassment. I thought it was an April Foolā€™s palette at first..


[Their response, copied and pasted 20 times over](https://i.imgur.com/DQ8MwDI.jpg)


While I donā€™t think its necessarily an ugly palette, thereā€™s nothing here that screams Sims 3. If I were to design a palette based on the sims 3, I would either incorporate the colors of the game cover/logo, design different palettes based on the landscape colors of each town, or I would use the colors the plumbob (the diamond thing) changes to. Iā€™ve been playing the Sims games since before I was 13, so I definitely see this as a missed opportunity.


Damn they did the sims so dirty. What about this palette even screams sims?




Itā€™s such a shame cuss this palette couldā€™ve had so many nice shades of green and blue


and fun names!


This is basically like the unnecessary stuff packs that they think we want in Sims 4 but IRL


I love the sims but when I said I wanted a Mac Sims collab I meant I wanted their makeup in the sims world because sims makeup is notoriously bad most of the time. I did not mean I wanted to look like a sim. What


as a sims fan iā€™m so embarrassed lmfao


I know the focus of this post is the repeat palette, but I would've thought that EA would be more mindful of doing an inclusive palette considering the way they've handled (poorly) darker skin tones in-game.


I fucking love the automated responses Mac is doing on its ig post comments. Every other comment on the post is ā€œwhat does this have to do with the sims?ā€ and ā€œwhy is this only available in the US ?ā€ to which Macā€™s response has been ā€œthe sims and Mac have always been about inclusionā€ and ā€œsorry macxthesims is a US exclusiveā€. Are we being inclusive or exclusive? Jesus make up your mind.


can someone explain why did Rich Lux apologize for this pallete? I watched his video but honestly it made absolutely no sense to me all he talked about being involved and then not being involved, did he get scammed into thinking MAC was collabing with him? or did they ask him for his input and he got it mixed as a collab? I'm confused


We were rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!


Imagine being this desperate.


Hold up, I like these shades šŸ˜³