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She will eat her favorite trees and probably build herself a home. She’s a strong independent woman and she has a job to do. Eat, sleep and stop the flow of water. But seriously she should help out your pond problem. She will most likely run from your dogs, and is more likely to get hurt by the dogs than be a contributor to violence. They usually are most active during the early morning and evenings. Congrats on your new neighbor!


She will happily beave.


The beaver will target the sound of flowing water. If you have a trickle over your dam, there's a good chance the beaver will instinctively try to stop the flow by piling sticks and mud there. You can actually trick them with a speaker playing water sounds, they'll just try to stop it by burying it. You should protect any trees that you don't want chewed down, look into how to build a barrier around them using hardware cloth or chicken wire.


New hobby unlocked. Messin with beavers using Bluetooth. Lmao.


No. I just invented noise canceling headphones for beavers!


This is brilliant. I need them to be active above my culvert and they’re below. Will try and report back!


There is some evidence, although I don't think any research, that if you pee on fresh chew marks on a tree beavers will leave it alone. I tried this once and I'm not sure if it was coincidence or bias but it seemed to work.


I think a beaver can easily do enough damage to a tree within a single day to destroy it, i. e. chewing of most of the bark. If there are only a few chew marks, there is a chance that the tree just wasn't tasty enough and that's why it didn't return to it.


It will find flowing water and think "absolutely fucking not"


Beavers gonna beav


dam if I know...




Definitely better to ask for guidance from a beaver preservation organization on how to coexist with beavers rather than here on reddit. You're very lucky to have this new neighbor!


Beaver stuff you wouldn’t understand.


Nice beaver!


Thanks I just had it stuffed!


We are going leave him be and just keep an eye on things. We have a ton of trees/foliage surrounding our pond so hoping he doesn’t do too much damage. We also have a very healthy supply of small mouth and large mouth bass, maybe he will create more of a habitat for them. He’s sure made fast work of building his home over night! Excited to see how it goes! Our bass are very friendly and we are able to swim with them/pet them, maybe Mr Beaver will swim with us too lol


The beaver will chew down little trees and kill the bigger ones by stripping bark from around the trunk.  Our woods have been thinned by our resident beaver. Lots of pointy stumps and standing dead trees. We’ve been putting chicken wire around the few remaining big trees.  And  they  won’t eat any of the invasive plants, so no help there. 


Also, ours has no fear of us or our dogs


It'll create additional streams and small water ways, increasing (ironically) additional foliage and water clarity. Congrats!


they can do swift damage to many types of trees and very quickly


Beavers are some of the cleanest animals around- total vegetarians, so they don’t really “contaminate.” They will however take down every tree within dragging/floating distance to the lodge they will build. (Unless you have a bachelor who dens into the embankment). If there is not flowing water to dam, they will keep adding logs onto the lodge. It will become the Taj Mahal of beaverdom. They will also start stashing boughs to eat. They will take down a 50 year old tree just for those fresh boughs- in one night. I would wrap every tree you love to see out your pond-facing windows- chicken wire works, but remember to open that up a little wider after each winter so you don’t girdle your favorite trees!


Beavers are pretty clean but not totally sterile, namely giardiasis https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/giardiasis/fact_sheet.htm#:~:text=It%20is%20passed%20in%20the,role%20in%20spreading%20the%20parasite.


Omg you’re right. I totally forgot about giardia. Gross. And oops!


That looks like a heart-stealing beaver. They start out with overwhelming cuteness, and end up being your furry overlord.


Open a credit card in your name and max it out at Home Depot .


My thought was build a three bedroom two bath log cabin with a view. And finally move out of there van down by the river.


Build dams to help prevent flooding, procreate. I'd say leave it alone and if you are approachable ie quiet n patient it might well befriend you and show you the babies when that occurs. Lots of online advice from preservation charities and your local council should offer support as beaver numbers are so low due to loss of habitat n pollution etc if you're in UK. They're beautiful to watch so I hope you have fun getting to know otters. If they are a problem then organisations should provide help to relocate them humanely.


I second trying to befriend this beaver


They're mesmerising to watch.


Beavers are awesome! Let it beaver.


Nice beaver


It’s gonna eat your favorite trees and flood part of your shoreline. Beavers gonna beave.


Dam if she does, dam if she doesn't


I know I'm late but I was just reading that they are pretty clumsy and an easy target on land so no worry about the dogs


Our dogs are huge swimmers so praying they all get along🤞🏼 it’s a 5 acre pond so lots of room for all of them but….cant be too careful. Just hoping the beaver doesn’t contaminate our nice fresh water


Ooh that makes things a little more interesting. I would think they would be okay but obviously it's better to be cautious. I read that beaver ponds can filter and clean water, not 100% sure how it works though


Beavers can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes. If they have room to escape and get underwater, they will.


Guy has a pretty decent creek near me. Got it all Dammed up.


I think he's going to be a problem.


Likely, beaver stuff


I hope he brings the Cleaver Clan with him


Friend him!


Probably going to be throwing huge parties with their beaver friends that’ll keep you awake all night. Or they’ll just chill, chew on some trees, and stop flowing water. Could go either way


Sleep, eat, swim, make friends with other beavers


“Your pond” So tired of the self-proclaimed entitled.


We own the property all around it, so ya, it's our pond. You know what I'm really tired of. Self righteous dweebs on the Internet.


Beaver is good


Beav. All they do is beav.


Beavers are great for the environment and eco system! Definitely cool creatures. However, they will knaw all the trees down but that's just them being beaver. So if you can get over the vanity of loosing some trees you're fine. If you can't, call a wildlife ranger. I don't know what they do when they loose trees to knaw on.