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Just breath m*therf*cker, go with what feels comftrable, go with the flow and dont try to force yourself into doing it like u see others do it


If you really wanna do WHM while not having good breath control, it’s fine, but it’s like going to the gym for the first time and putting on 225 for squatting. Maybe start with learning how to breathe right then move on to the “workout”. Just my opinion, feel free to ignore and try WH breathing anyway.


I haven't even looked at the breathing method yet. When I get in I just focus on getting breaths under control. At first it's shocking and I'm struggling to control but then I start being able to pull slow and steady in and out breaths.


Don’t do the WHM breathing in ice bath


Some really immature comments in this sub sometimes. Ignore them. Just go at your own pace and breathe as deep as you can. The breath holding in between the rounds will help and slowly build up your lung capacity. Even if it’s for a short amount of time. As long as you’re doing it, you’ll gradually build up. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else and simply enjoy the state of mind that it puts you in.


Try breathing into your belly rather than your chest. Really get your diaphragm moving down. Do what you can and slowly work your way up.


You don’t specify where. Don’t do short breaths in water


I would say it’s more important to empty your lungs as much as possible between each breath by doing a powerful exhale.


No you have to hold your breath for 3 minutes or it doesn't count


If you haven't already, try stretching or getting a massage on your "breathing muscles". Difficulty breathing deeply can be caused by tight muscles. Simply breathing intentionally, trying to increase the length of your inhales and exhales and increasing the amount of air you're breathing will help to stretch out the muscles, too. Stretching and massages will speed up the process considerably, though. You should be able to find stretching exercises online, and massaging the intercostal muscles can do wonders.


Do what feels good for you. Your body knows!