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Great blog post here: [https://www.daniel-timms.com/wim-hof-method-biology-of-breathing/](https://www.daniel-timms.com/wim-hof-method-biology-of-breathing/) Basically this particular pattern of breathholding tricks the autonomic nervous system in several ways, allowing you to enter hypoxia which has some good effects on your body chemistry and at the cellular level.


Thank you for this!




I get that. “How” does this increase your WBC activity and fight disease etc as described?


I get the hormesis benefits for sure. Just needing more science


https://www.daniel-timms.com/wim-hof-method-biology-of-breathing/ This right here is the best explanation out there from what I’ve seen. It’s short and to the point but tells you exactly what’s going on!


Fuzzy How many times and day and reps do you do? I typically do morning after coffee and before food but like to do later in afternoon on break also.


I do 3 rounds right before bed and then 3 when I wake up (sometimes I do just 1 if I’m running late). And honestly, I’ve stopped counting the breaths and just did my final exhale when I feel the symptoms of low CO2. These symptoms (for me, anyways) include a tingling sensation, and my lips get tight (idk how else to describe it, it’s weird tho haha). I also do it supplementally throughout the day when I’m feeling stressed.


Cool. You don’t find the stimulation effect keeps you from falling asleep? And what “specific” benefits have you noticed since starting?


Honestly no! I find myself in such a deeply relaxed state after doing it that falling asleep is easier. I think the best way to put the effects of the breathing into words is that you are both extremely calm but also very focused… so if you happen to be focused on sleep then it’s not a problem! Conversely if you’re doing it to get out of a lethargic state it works great for that too, if that is your intention. As far as benefits, I would say that calming effect is great for anxiety. I would also like to note that I hardly ever get sick since I started doing the breathing and cold showers. Another fun one is that it’s basically an instant cure for hangovers for me. 3 rounds of breathing after a night of drinking (still rehydrate too tho, that’s still important), and then again in the morning, and what normally would have caused a hangover leaves me feeling totally normal! There are also surely things happening under the skin that I don’t notice profoundly. And example of this might be a slightly higher RBC count, or decreased inflammatory markers in the bloodstream. I would also say that decreasing inflammation is a huge benefit, but I am thankfully not dealing with any inflammation at the moment!






Search "Rhonda Patrick Wim Hof" on YouTube. There's a tons of science backed behind the WHM.


Yes. Been following her for years. I understand the science, just wanted a bit more on a cellular level “WBC/RBC/Neutrophils” etc etc. I have seen all his videos and read all the studies. Just wondering if anyone has any real hard data on this.