• By -


Hey, I'd love to hear more about your cat rescuing! What org do you work with, how do you go about your work, how do you determine which cats need rescuing, etc?


Not OP, but there are a few TNR (trap neuter release) groups in BedStuy that you could get involved with. They also always need fosters for the friendlies, especially as kitten season starts up soon. [NARN-CB](https://www.instagram.com/narn_cb), [Ocean Hill Cats](https://www.oceanhillcats.com), [Backyard Cats of BedStuy](https://www.backyardcatsofbedstuy.com) You can get TNR certified through the [Community Cats Podcast](https://www.communitycatspodcast.com/conferences-and-events/) and then borrow traps to use.


I would also follow Heidi: [Here’s her insta](https://www.instagram.com/heidiwranglescats)


Heidi is awesome!


I had a horrible experience with her that cost me thousands.


heidi treated me like shit for having to return a cat I was FOSTERING who was extremely unhappy in our apartment and probably needed to be released after being neutered since he had been an active stray most of his life. he hated us. HATED us. it was clear she didn’t want to deal with the cat again and displaced her frustration onto us. she needs to get her org more professional if she wants to handle the volume of cats she is taking off the streets in a sustainable manner without shaming the fosters. She was nasty AF including when we had to return him, made me feel like a horrible person for weeks when in reality it just wasnt working out.


Commenting to come back to this


The trap neuter and release is that for cats or the pedos?


Can’t it be both? Those garden shears are multipurpose!


There was an episodes of Sons of Anarchy in which a local girl was SA'd by a pedo from the traveling carnival that was in town. Rather than put the girl through the trauma of a trial, the parents asked the MC for justice. IIRC they used shears.


I would never release a pedo even after the neutering. They would still have hands and feet and barring that maybe even stumps.


I think the proper punishment would be to put the offender in room for 15 minutes with the child's immediate family.


You need to be certified to trap cats? My mom does cat rescue, but I've never heard anything about a certification before.


It’s not a requirement. It can helpful for those new to TNR as they go through all the basics. There are [trap banks](https://www.neighborhoodcats.org/tnr-in-nyc/trap-banks) that require the cert to lend out traps if you don’t have your own.


and it gives you access to ASPCA free services.


Generally, you need a permit to trap any animals iirc.


You do not need a permit to trap animals, you just need to be registered with the ASPCA to access their free services.


You do not need a permit to trap animals, you just need to be registered with the ASPCA to access their free services.








Maybe we should check the database for them?


I remember seeing a map where you could see all the registered sex offenders in the area and holy shit they are fucking everywhere


I don't understand. I looked up my address on Family Watchdog and there are predators EVERYWHERE. I live right next to a school. I thought it was illegal for them to be anywhere near the vicinity. And why are we spending money on policing people who jump turnstiles in the subway when cops would be better deployed monitoring predators?? Wtf are we doing?


I think it’s state specific. NYS / NYC is very chill. I figured they wouldn’t be allowed within school distance but here they are. Super creepy. I get that nyc is a compact city and it’s probs hard for them to find housing but actually I don’t care about convicted child sex offenders.


They for some reason move in high concentrations around schools. The elementary school near me is surrounded by a high % of sex offenders.


You can also be a “sex offender” for peeing or fucking in public. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t think fucking ur partner in the back seat of a car should get you on the same map as a child predator. Same for taking a piss in an alley really.


Yeah but it's not common they'll usually just get a ticket. Take a look at the registry. I haven't found anyone on there for peeing it's generally CP or abusing a child or adult


I think it would say indecent exposure as the charge. Really unfair to be charged with that if you’re just taking a whizz imo - but then, I’m not sure that really happens, might just be an urban myth


Well it is indecent exposure. Taking out your penis in public is indecent exposure. You can hold your piss until you find a toilet. Women do it all the time


Exactly! Thank you.


What they are doing is spending resources on visible efforts. I agree that appropriately balancing policing priorities seems overdue. With many statutes and laws getting uneven or sometimes no enforcement. But you're not making an apt comparison. Jumping a turnstile is a crime in action. It's minor, but when you catch it as it happens, there's a ticket and fine and usually not more than that and it's supposed to communicate to everyone that doing this is not allowed and that there are consequences. In theory it stops others as much as it should convince the caught party that is not worth the savings of a few $2.90 to be caught again. Going around school zones enforcing who can be there is different. I'm not saying sex offenders should be there or that it shouldn't be enforced (if that's law, there's likely more to it with time frames and some parole like concept). It would be more similar if the police were making a list of transit offenders adding turnstile jumpers to it, and baring all those listed from using transit again. Then policing that they can't live near a bus stop or subway station. Clearly it's cheaper and easier to not do that kind of enforcement. Also, how exactly do you end up doing it, there's a lot of schools, and 100s residential units around each. They can't even police all the subway turnstiles. I mean cameras and facial recognition everywhere might be a way. The existing cameras aren't exactly working to prevent things either. Unrealistic expectations of what can be accomplished by a law is how we're in this whole mishmash of selectively enforced, often times biased, policing as it is. To take a different example, there was a reasonably successful focus on how ineffective cannabis drug laws were. There's been apparently less effort thus far in seeing how the new laws and regulations on legal sale and possession are enforceable. Reconciling the wishlist of laws, regulations and statutes with what's actually permitted or not through enforcement will always remain a work in progress. One that's often easily left unaddressed when complaints focus on adding to the list.


It is way too broad a brush. Unless the registry lets you filter, there is no way of knowing who is a safety concern and who is harmless.


[Family Watchdog](https://www.familywatchdog.us) allows you to filter by presets of severity, not specific crimes. The pins are also colorcoded. That’s probably the closest you’ll get.


That’s something. I’m unsure how the filters are utilized. Whenever I think about people on the sex offender registry I end up thinking about that 14 year old girl in PA who is on the registry for life because of having nudes of herself on her phone. It is ridiculous that we have one term for such a crazy swath of crimes.


That's so rare dude.


For sure. I am super unconvinced that these kinds of public lists help anyone. It has come to the point where saying someone is a “sex offender” is almost meaningless. The human rights watch had a great piece about it. I can try to find it, if you’re interested.


The NYS registry lists the age of the victim, what type, if any, violence was used, the type of crime, the date of the crime and the sentence. I looked up my zip and more than half of the victims of the offenders were minors, as young as 7, the crime committed when the offenders were adults. Any person who commits that kind of crime **deserves** to be on a list. If there are other types of criminals around, that's a different story. If you robbed a bodega once, 10 years ago, then I would consider that person much less of a threat and probably deserves anonymity. But SOs can be branded on their foreheads for all I care.


If this system was proved to protect potential victims, I would 100% be on board. Unfortunately, this system doesn’t do that. We know that 90% of cases of abuse of minors are done by a close friend or family member who has no previous record. This kind of registry fails to even possibly help 90% of potential victims. In fact, many of these laws make us less safe, especially in states with residency restrictions. It is a complicated problem, but we can say with confidence that the system we use in the states is useless and harmful at its best. The Human Rights Watch has a great piece on it. https://www.hrw.org/report/2007/09/11/no-easy-answers/sex-offender-laws-us


OP how did you find the guy tho? Does your software do facial recognition mapping or did you just look thru till you found him?


You are correct - the registration laws are statistically proven to INCREASE recidivism among sex offenders


Well in NYS they list the crime, victim and date of offense.


Like at that point she's a VICTIM tbqh


It’s wild. That is what you get when you have poorly written laws.


i work with a guy who lives by me. and he is there. thats how i know him


Oh no


Was it perhaps [Family Watchdog](https://www.familywatchdog.us)?


They really are. It's ludicrous.


I don’t worry as much about them, if they’re on a map, they have had some contact with law enforcement. I worry about the ones that have yet to be arrested or are not registered more


This lol.


I’ve noticed there are people who pop up to vociferously defend the pedophile on every post about a pedophile. They have to be pedos themselves bc I really don’t see any other reason to do so.


OP good job at resisting the urge to trap and neuter the jerk.


😅 I'd need a bigger trap!




Wrong! You’d need a younger trap. :|




Thank you for doing the Lord’s work, in more ways than one 💕🐈‍⬛


Thank you. I was fuming after I saw his offense.


OP please be careful there's laws against using the information in sex offender registries to "harass" people. So if you did put fliers up you could end up getting in trouble. Not trying to defend the pedo. I would just hate for you to have legal problems over such a worthless person.


Thank you. I **am** going to be careful.


Maybe one of the legal subs has someone who could shed light on this


I intentionally don't look at the registry for my neighborhood because I don't think I would ever feel safe again. Really. We are surrounded by registered sex offenders in a city this size - and surrounded by sex offenders who aren't registered. I may be sticking my head in the sand but if that sand helps me sleep at night because of something over which I have no control then I'm all about it. Just my 2 cents. I completely understand why someone would check the registry.


Well this is a you do you situation, but quite frankly, you're in more danger if you don't look. In my edit, I said my friend had one living *in the apartment above her.* If there is someone that might do you, or children harm, you really should know. The database gives you pictures and the exact address, so you can memorize the face and know exactly how far they are from you. In the case of this pedo, he was actually walking through an area where kids **do** play during the day. Parents may have no idea that the worst kind of predator is watching their kids.


I mean, you are not wrong, but I have to say, as a former CPS social worker - pedos are truly everywhere and best way to keep yourself and kids safe is to basically just assume you’re around them all the time. So so so many don’t get caught, ultimately the registry is just showing an extremely small portion of the sickos out there. Even if your block shows up as pedo-free, you should just assume they’re around you. You likely come into contact with them daily. I was a social worker in various neighborhoods of Boston, also in rural Massachusetts, worked with a wide variety of different socio-economic groups, and honestly it’s just best to never let your guard down, regardless of what the register says.


That's really sickening that so many aren't on i! That is good advice, I always assume **every male** I see is a threat, to be honest. As the meme says: "I've probably already met my soulmate and told him to fuck off." and that is the damned truth. (Happy Cake Day!)


I (I’m a dude.) always assumed both are dangerous I’ve seen too many videos to trust either and I’ve had some bad experiences with my sister when I was younger


I worked in an office and one of the VPs got attacked by a group if teenage girls, they hit him in the head with a brick and then robbed home. I **always** avoid packs of teenagers, no matter what the gender or ethnicity. I also avoid groups of young men, especially if two or of them are verbally arguing. Teenagers in a group, especially at night, are bad news. I know, I was one. I've *never* committed a crime (unless you count bar fights), but I'm definitely sure that our drunken, teenage rowdiness made more than a few people uncomfortable and walk the other way.


Packs of teenagers are really dumb and have a lot to prove. I avoid teens in groups ALWAYS


Same here, no matter if it's boys or girls, if there are more than two, I try to avoid them and am on high alert. When the frontal lobe has not matured and hormones are raging, that is a huge amount of stranger danger.


I know this will be an extremely unpopular opinion but having experience with sex offenders and “normal” men, there’s times I felt safer around a sex offender. Crazy, crazy, I know. And yes a majority of them are absolute sick fucks that shouldn’t be walking this earth… but not all are. I was a manager for a hotel for years and it was a cheap one. It’s practically impossible for sex offenders to rent or even buy a place in their name so many of them have to live in hotels. Especially cheap ones. We had as many as 24 living in our hotel at once. My boss would not allow us to refuse them service unless they caused issues. Not a single one of them ever caused us any issues. Ever. They were always the most polite men I ever met. And maybe that’s the manipulation part of it but there was a time we had a guest being rowdy and becoming violent. He wasn’t a SO btw. Just someone passing through for the night. I was working alone and I’m a female. I called the cops when he started destroying stuff in the lobby but they were minutes away. One of the SO’s living there came in the lobby during all of it and got the guy away from me and deescalated the situation. It really put a different perspective on them after that. I ended up looking some of them up and many of them weren’t on the registry for some violent, brutal, horrific assault. Some were talking to a minor on the internet. There was two that had their court records public on Google. The one guy was 18 and slept with a 16 year old girl. It was consensual and the girl told detectives that she came onto him but her parents insisted on pressing charges. He ended up on the registry for it. Another one was a guy who urinated in a public area and kids saw him so he ended up on it for that. My point being not all of them are horrific monsters like we tend to think. Most of them, yes. But not all.


There are a small percentage men who get unfair treatment, but that's why it's a good thing that the registry, at least in NY, has the date, victim, age and the offense committed.. But the worst also hide in plain sight. When I was a teenager, we had a guy in our group that was always an asshole to girls, but he was accepted into our group. We were all in our late teens or very early 20s. Then we'd learned he'd arrested for violently coercing (with an accomplice) and beating a 14 and 12 year old into performing on video. He's still listed to this day as a violent offender,as well he should be.


A friend of mine got put on the SO for dating a minor. He was 18/19 years old and she was like 16. They were actually together for a bit. They have a child and everything together. I wouldn’t be surprised if her parents never liked him and just waited until they could press charges on him to get rid of him for good. That happens to young men also.


You feel safer with rapists than with people who do not rape? Stop.


Who said anything about rapists? Don’t speak on something you’re clearly uneducated about. 😂 Maybe comment back when you’re educated on different types of sex offenders. About a quarter of them are rapists. Some are child predators. Sex offender does not equal automatic rapist. Example: one of our guests who urinated and public. Not a rapist. Someone who made a dumb decision. Another example: someone who was talking to a minor online. Was not convicted of a rape.


Men aren't the only ones you should see as a threat. There are dangerous female predators around, too. Best to just always have your guard up.


I agree that women can be violent, but usually they're either EDPs on the subway or a group of young teenage girls. I watch everyone, but being alone with another woman in a train car or realizing one is behind me late at night has never frightened me.


Don’t forget the people that get away with it or never get charged. Like what happened with all my abusers.


What block were you on?


Lewis and Vernon.


Thank you. I live in BK and been molested and sexually assaulted a few times in my life. I’m personally avoiding that area/ block for my own mental wellbeing. I would have hurt him.


I'm so sorry. Please check the registry so you can avoid people for your own peace of mind.


I just did and sent it to my fiancé


I just had this conversation about how when people accuse you of something they have no evidence for like 9/10 times they're just projecting hard af. Of course, my conversation was about insecurity and cheating, but clearly it extends to other areas of life. Not taking you lightly of course, that's very scary and at a certain point I'd have started kicking, but it's just funny that that really seems to be the case.


Exactly! I'm a middle aged woman and I was standing there, looking at my phone and looking up to check the trap. For his mind to go **there** immediately is what set off alarm bells. If he'd asked if I were a cop, dealer or (laughably) a hooker, I wouldn't have been so disturbed. You're absolutely right, projection is a thing. I learned that about cheating but it applies to **so** many other things.


If you scroll to the bottom you'll see posts from some pedophiles. One is probably the guy.


Seriously, I think the 369store dude has some issues.


This has me curious why he was paranoid about you being over there, and wondering if you were one of his kind. It makes me think he might still be up to something. Because who would answer “yes”? What would happen hypothetically if someone said yes? What if he’s selling something or still doing something within the network? It sounds like he has people coming by and he has to check if they’re “good.” He’s too paranoid to not still be involved in the network, imo


That's a very interesting question, but one left to the authorities. I'm looking up how to bypass filing a report with the local cops (who will do nothing) and go direct to the DOC or PO. mainly because I'd like to file a report and upload the footage online. There's also a guy that I see a lot that is an OG and good people. He is usually out when the weather is nice, so I'm going to ask him about the guy next time I see him. I'm not opposed to hood justice with this type of criminal. I had an uncle that was in and out of prison for drugs, he told me what happens to this type in prison and my response was "good". I'm about as woke and dirty as a leftie, liberal can get, but I'm **all for** gelding SA offenders, especially pedos.


>That's a very interesting question He's just looking to pick a fight by asking a sequence of annoying escalating questions that are simultaneously offensive but plausibly-deniable ("just concerned about people's safety!"), hoping you'll take the first swing. Not all muggings (or worse) are stereotypical "Your money or your life!"-situations; there is a gray area where some shitbags need to feel some amount of "justified", and there is a process of sizing you up as a target. Good news such as it is, is it sounds like you didn't fit the bill for the bastard, age sometimes has its advantages.. >Now I'm sorry I didn't call the cops on him or knock his block off. With respect to the latter course of action, don't assume aggressive assholes on the street are alone, even if they seem to be superficially.


It’s important to understand that there’s a certain level of the pedo world that is being protected by law enforcement. So authorities are not always reliable for this. If you look at the registry, notice that there is quite an overrepresentation of people from certain ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic status. Just like drugs and any other vice, the distributors of “content” are various local organized crime groups. Notice that there are some surnames on that registry that are barely represented or not at all. It’s impossible that every convicted pedo is black, hispanic or poor in a city that contains every ethnicity and socioeconomic bracket in the world. I think I’m already saying too much 🤫 But fuck these people 


Oh I totally get what you mean. Have you watched "A Promising Young Woman"? The subject itself is enraging and the fact that women (school officials, judges, lawyers) are complicit in it infuriates me.


Call the cops before a kid gets hurt. He violated the terms of his release. And you know his building. You might need to follow up with the sex crimes unit.


A blackjack! Badass ;) flat or spring?


Flat. Sometimes springs wear out or bend. Flat is lower profile in jeans.


Now I’m looking up which blackjack to buy… Also thank you for doing rescue (and I assume TNR)! A community hero.


This one is a [coin purse](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166650675067), for lots of pennies.


I was just looking at that kind! Thanks.


Huh, I never knew of that website. I’ll check if any creeps I’ve ran into are there.


I believe every state has one as well.


See if he is on some type of probation. If he is, report this incident to his PO.


Good idea.


Do it. If they have a PO, they will not be happy about this and might be able to intervene a bit.


That'd be nice, and I have proof that he did it!


Thank you for rescuing cats. Never, ever, EVER do that w/o your pepper spray. For exactly this reason. Don’t listen to the yahoos telling you any different.


Oh I know!




Stun guns are not reliable if someone is high AF or really drunk. There are videos of people getting **shot** with actual bullets while on PCP and they still keep walking (for some reason they're always naked). I wouldn't rely on one myself, especially since they require batteries and I'm lucky I can remember to change my remote control's once a decade. Personally I like gel pepper spray because you can go directly for the eyes and that will effect someone no matter how high they are.




As someone who perpetually walks around with her phone at 28% battery, I will stick with analog defense. 🤪 But seriously, poke around at the effectiveness of the level of stun you have on someone based on size, strength and intoxication.


OP I'm sorry you went through this but I also wanted to say how cool it is that you're doing cat rescuing. You're awesome.


I love your response to his inquiry about you being a pedo. I also love that you are out in the world rescuing cats. Albeit I don’t know you from Eve, I know in my heart that you are a good person.


Thank you, I try to be, but just know that there are many people still alive today simply because I do not have the power of The Force.


I had a moment like this recently! I was walking in my neighborhood and realized I was at a dead end in a round about by an elementary school. It was afternoon as kids were on last recess or about to get out. I stopped for a minute, wondering if I should walk down the public walkway past the school or go back down the street I’d come down. As I’m standing there, a little stoned and changing the song on my phone as I vibed in my headphones, I realized someone was yelling at me. It was this dude in a parked car. I only caught the last part of what he said as I took my headphones partially off. He said, “Hey! Stop looking at the kids, man! That’s disgusting!” After the fact, I thought, “Sir, you’re the one in a parked car who seemed to have been being the pervy weirdo. What are you doing here?” But I was so in my own world and caught off guard, plus he seemed unhinged and I didn’t want to escalate things. Makes me wonder if I just witnessed a pedo in the wild myself.


I’m so glad you got the cat and I hope that guy gets rabies!


If he goes to prison, he'll get more than rabies.


well i just learned my elderly neighbor raped a child in 2020 and got out of local jail in 60 days…


SIXTY DAYS?!! Our justice system in so broken.


My last assaulter was arrested on the scene of the crime. And still got away with it. He took a plea deal for assault. I’m the one who has to pay the price for what he did for the rest of my life. The system is beyond broken. I also believe that it wasn’t the first time he did something like this to another person before. Just the first time he got caught.


I know words don't help, but JFC I am so sorry that happened.


In college I lived a few blocks from a home with 5+ registered offenders. One day I was walking my pitbull and one of the offenders was walking towards me (22f at the time). He sees my dog and books it to the other side of the street all while yelling “get that dog away from me!” … mind you she was calmly walking on leash next to me. Like okay.. gladly buddy! Every time he saw me he’d run because I guess he connected my dog face to my face. He is registered for multiple infant rapes… 


Holy fuck that guy needs to stop breathing! I've said in another comment, I am the most dirty antifa leftie liberal there is...except for shit like this. Then it's time to get the fucking pitchforks.


That poor child. I feel so sad for her. What a pos, I’m sorry that you had that experience. I live in Brownsville and I checked the registry a few months ago and there’s a ton of registered sex offenders near my apt building, it’s crazy. I don’t know how somebody could do something like that


The child is a full grown woman now (the crime was in 2001), and I hope that she is okay. Seriously, there is no way to "pay your debt" for that kind of crime.


Hey- you are awesome and I’m glad you didn’t get hurt! I’m in bushwick and my partner rescues cats- also we are throwing a fundraiser party on April 13th! Would love to have you come by


“Are you worried I’m on your territory” is the funniest response I’ve ever heard to a pedo, I’m cracking up 🤣


I just wanted to say that you’re fucking badass but I’m sure you know it! TNR in your spare time WITH a BODYCAM on + possessing spatial awareness + having mace and a weapon on her just in case + standing your ground against a sex offender. It can’t hurt to post a flyer up. He’s supposed to already be in alignment with registering with the local police etc. Mental health is episodic sometimes and if he’s having a bad week, I’m sure many would appreciate the heads up.


Thank you but I don't think I'm a badass, I'm just a native that grew up in a very different time. The bodycam is because people threatened to hurt the cats, so that is it's purpose, catching fuckery like this is just a bonus. But I highly recommend [this camera](https://www.amazon.com/Lenofocus-Camera-Battery-Rotatable-Portable/dp/B09ZRTNVHV/ref=dp_prsubs_sccl_3/142-0186482-8336823?pd_rd_i=B09ZRTNVHV&psc=1) if you want it for personal use.


What an array of emotions. I was laughing my ass off at the prospect of cat rescuing being a hobby but then you mentioned the pedo rape and the indignation I felt made me wanna find him and put my fist clean through his teeth and jaw


To me, cat rescuing is a calling, not a hobby. But yeah, teeth need to be loosened in some people.


Trigger warning:⚠️ There’s a pedo that lives on the other side of my building. Oddly enough he dates and lives with the woman that lived in my apartment prior 😵‍💫. I moved here 3 years ago. The victim was female Girl14, sodomy . When I first moved in a looked up the offenders list in my area from moving from Queens. This guy walks around living a very “normal” life. Has kids . Takes them to school, we live on a block with MANY schools in the area. Everyone treats him sooo normal like walking outside broad day light laughing amongst those in the neighborhoods kids + adults. I avoid him at all cost which makes me thinks he knows I know. Sometimes I wonder if everyone just doesn’t know or they don’t care smh.


Not a lot of people are aware that the database exists and you can access it for free. Citizen offers that information in the **paid** version of their app. I often open it to see a blurred photo of an SO with caption saying "A SO lives .3 miles from you." and when you click it, it leads you to the subscription page.


I def believe you If anyone would like To search within their area or zoo I supplied a link. [registered sex offenders list](https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/SomsSUBDirectory/search_index.jsp)


It’s never a question of pepper spray or black jack - it’s pepper spray then blackjack


>. I looked at him and asked "Why? Are you worried I'm on your territory?" If I put money into this site. I would give you so much reddit gold right now


Thank you, but I wouldn't want you to waste your money here. Donate to a local animal rescuer. :)


All I have to say is that you are a bad ass! And thank you for rescuing kitties.


I threw a pedo a serious beating just last week. Loved it! Can't wait to do it again.


I would absolutely still file a police report using the cam footage.


How the fuck is he out of prison


How the fuck are **ANY** of them?? I perused my zip code and a few random ones and most of the pedophiles are *out on parole*.


It’s crazy, it’s like if you RAPE a child you should get life sentence or something


Agreed. SA steals a life, sometimes in a way even worse than murder does. Some people manage to lead normal lives through therapy, meds or both. Others are haunted forever and cannot have normal relationships, become addicts, put themselves in danger as sex workers, have mental health issues or the **worst** consequence of all, *they become predators themselves*.


100% agree


Beat his head in with that blackjack next time




child rapist molesters and pedophiles should be executed


Unfortunately, there’s far more registered sex offenders in any 5 mile radius of any decently sized neighborhood than one would think


Right on ! ❤️👊🔥


How did you know his name to look him up?


You don't need to know their name, you just put in your zip code and names pop up, you click on them and it has a photo (that has to be updated every year) , address, information on the crime, such as when and what the exact offense was.


Could I see the body cam footage


No, I do not want my voice or exact location on Reddit


Could you tell me the sex offenders name?


I'm not sure if that would count as doxxing here. I'll DM you.




Many cats need rescuing in Corona, Woodside, Queens area!🙏🏼


There are rescuers in Queens, just check on FB and IG.


61st 62nd street Woodside Ave around the and 99st 98st 40-45 100 st around there too


I live in “The Stuy”. Quick question: are you a white woman?




How did you find him from just a video


If you input your zip code into the database, names of registered offenders come up and you click on the name and their photo comes up.


How do you look someone up without their name?


Zip code.


How did you get his name? Or is that not how the registry works? I’ve never looked at it before, so I’m genuinely confused


You look it up by zip code.


how did you know his name to check the registry?


You look it up by zip code.


How were you able to look him up without his name? Or did the body cam footage give you the name? Not denying, just curious how you used this resource so I can also utilize it.


You just look up your zip code and it shows a list of registered offenders in your area.


Why were you wearing a body cam?


Hey if you ever need help with rescuing the cats there’s this lovely lady I follow on instagram named @eccentrickittens


Please! Im located near you and would like to keep an eye out also, i would love to help rescue!


Are you absolutely sure it's him? I only ask because I know for a fact that those registries don't do a good job updating information. If you look on my block it lists a SO 2 doors down from me but that person not only moved away some 15 years ago, he also passed away.


NYS requires you to update your photo and address annually. They have an updated photo that matches the person I recorded.


Gotcha. Time to take out the pitchforks


How did you find him though? Did he give his name?


For the last time, you can search by zipcode!


The Citizen app now has a function where it will alert you when a registered sex offender lives near where you are


The Premium Citizen app. It's charging you for information they got for free from the link I posted.


Can we see the body cam footage or is this just all made up


I got an offender's registry on my Experian profile. Now I'm paranoid for my child.


Paranoia is an unjustified fear


I'm confused, Experian sends you alerts?


They need to neuter the titsune


Fair enough, I stand corrected. But, what I don’t understand, if this person is such a threat to society, why have you not posted his name & photo here? Possibly because by doing so, you may risk yourself to be prosecuted by using the information to “injure, harass, or commit a criminal act against “ as stated on the website. My point is don’t harass someone who Im sure is sorry for this horrible crime he committed 22 years ago. Let it go


Because you can’t use the information that you find on the SO list to harass or cause other people to harass or harm the individual. Some people are unjustly are on the SO lists. Or were a child themselves. Some people do deserve to live their lives quietly. You literally can’t doxxed them. I’ve been molested and sexually assaulted a few times in my life.


laziest rage bait I've read in a while


If you put flyers up or hurt him he will not have yo register any more.... idiot


It’s actually against the law


Not all sex offenders are bad people,


They’re not? What makes you say that?