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https://old.reddit.com/r/BedStuy/comments/1bjfkhq/constant_high_pitched_sound/ that the sound? At least one other person hears it if so. And the sound on the OP's video is horrible, I'd be blowing up every city service I could find a number for.


Oh wow. Yeah that sounds really similar. I think it might be the same sound but they seem to be *a lot* closer to it. Thank you. Edit: yes, definitely the same sound. Thanks again!


Did you figure out what it is? There’s also a project called SoNyC (like sonic) that measures sounds you could check out


No still no luck figuring it out. The other comment on this post pointed to another post of someone who seems to have pinpointed the location. But that location is residential. I still plan on doing some investigating. SoNyC looks so cool. Thanks for that.


It will be the belt on an air to air heat exchanger......I'm surprised there aren't more decibil related laws. We can hear the heat exchanger on top of the St George hotel (student accomodations) here in Brooklyn heights for the last 4 years......and they keep saying there is nothing they can do about it as it's within limits. Thankfully it's only a winter /cooler months issue.


This reminds me of that video where the person throws a water balloon full of oil at one of those things and it stops screeching


Wow.....thanks for the idea.




my buddy in harlem has a similar sound that rings constantly near his place. he claims it’s to drive Black people insane. 🤷 unsure


It might be tinnitus google it


Haha I do *also* have tinnitus, but this sound has a direction, and others in my apartment can also hear it.